আরএসআই-ভিডাব্লুএপি মূল্য-ভলিউম কৌশল একটি প্রবণতা অনুসরণকারী কৌশল। এটি প্রবণতাগুলিতে পিরামিডিং এবং স্টপ লস বাস্তবায়নের জন্য আপেক্ষিক শক্তি সূচক (আরএসআই) এবং ভলিউম ওয়েটেড গড় মূল্য (ভিডাব্লুএপি) একত্রিত করে। এই কৌশলটি মাঝারি থেকে দীর্ঘমেয়াদী প্রবণতা ট্রেডিংয়ের জন্য উপযুক্ত।
যখন আরএসআই লাইনটি ওভারকোপড জোন থেকে ওভারসোল্ড জোনের মধ্যে পড়ে, তখন এটি লম্বা হওয়ার প্রবণতা বিপরীত সংকেত হিসাবে বিবেচিত হয়। যখন আরএসআই লাইনটি ওভারসোল্ড জোন থেকে ওভারসোল্ড জোনের মধ্যে উঠে যায়, তখন এটি শর্ট হওয়ার প্রবণতা বিপরীত সংকেত হিসাবে বিবেচিত হয়।
লং পজিশনের জন্য স্টপ লস সেট করা হয় সর্বশেষ এন্ট্রি প্রাইসের (1-স্টপ লস শতাংশ) । টেক লাভ সেট করা হয় গড় হোল্ডিং প্রাইসের (1+টেক লাভ শতাংশ) । শর্ট পজিশনের সেটিং একই রকম।
প্রতিটি নতুন এন্ট্রি পরে, কৌশলটি 5 টি অতিরিক্ত পিরামিডিং এন্ট্রি পর্যন্ত অনুমতি দেয় যদি সংকেতটি আবার ট্রিগার হয়। প্রবণতা অনুসরণ করার জন্য প্রতিটি নতুন এন্ট্রি দিয়ে অবস্থানের আকার বৃদ্ধি পায়।
আরএসআই এবং ভিডব্লিউএপি সূচককে একত্রিত করা প্রবণতা বিপরীত পয়েন্টগুলি আরও ভালভাবে সনাক্ত করতে সহায়তা করে।
পিরামিডিং এন্ট্রিগুলি ট্রেন্ডিং মুভমেন্টের পূর্ণ সুবিধা নিতে দেয়। এন্ট্রিগুলির সংখ্যা বাড়ার সাথে সাথে ট্রেন্ড অনুসরণ করতে ধীরে ধীরে অবস্থানের আকার প্রসারিত হয়।
স্টপ লস কার্যকরভাবে ঝুঁকি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে। আরও ক্ষতি এড়ানোর জন্য যখন কোনও ক্ষতি হয় তখন প্রস্থানগুলি ট্রিগার হয়।
লাভের পেছনে থাকা লোকগুলো লাভের মধ্যে আটকে থাকে এবং লাভ ফেরত দেওয়া থেকে বিরত থাকে।
আরএসআই সূচকটি পুনরায় আঁকা হয়েছে। প্রকৃত সংকেত টাইমিং বিচ্যুত হতে পারে।
ভিডাব্লুএপি পুনরায় রঙ করতে পারে। প্রকৃত অনুকূল এন্ট্রিটি কেবল পশ্চাদপসরণে নির্ধারণ করা যায়।
ভুল স্টপ লস প্লেসমেন্ট অপ্রয়োজনীয় ক্ষতির কারণ হতে পারে।
অযৌক্তিকভাবে লাভের স্থানান্তর লাভের বাস্তবায়নকে বাধা দিতে পারে।
ভুল প্রবণতা মূল্যায়ন দীর্ঘ বা সংক্ষিপ্ত অবস্থান ধারাবাহিকভাবে ধরে রাখার কারণে ক্ষতি বাড়িয়ে তুলতে পারে।
সর্বোত্তম পুনর্বিবেচনার সময় খুঁজে পেতে RSI পরামিতিগুলি অপ্টিমাইজ করুন।
প্রবণতা বিপরীত হওয়ার আরও ভাল সংকেতের জন্য অতিরিক্ত ক্রয় / অতিরিক্ত বিক্রয় অঞ্চলগুলি অনুকূল করুন।
সর্বোত্তম পদ্ধতির সন্ধান করার জন্য বিভিন্ন পিরামিডিং কৌশল পরীক্ষা করুন।
সেরা প্যারামিটার খুঁজতে স্টপ এবং লাগে অপ্টিমাইজ করুন।
প্রবণতা বিপরীতকরণের সঠিক সনাক্তকরণের সম্ভাবনা বাড়ানোর জন্য অন্যান্য সূচকগুলিকে একত্রিত করার চেষ্টা করুন।
আরএসআই-ভিডাব্লুএপি কৌশলটি আরএসআই এবং ভিডাব্লুএপি ব্যবহার করে প্রবণতা বিপরীত পয়েন্টগুলি সনাক্ত করে, প্রবণতা অনুসরণ করার জন্য পিরামিড, পূর্বনির্ধারিত লক্ষ্য পূরণ হলে মুনাফা নেয় এবং ক্ষতির সাথে বন্ধ হয়। এটি ঝুঁকি ব্যবস্থাপনা এবং মুনাফা সুরক্ষা ভারসাম্য বজায় রাখে। আরও অপ্টিমাইজেশন কৌশল কর্মক্ষমতা উন্নত করতে পারে। এই কৌশলটি মাঝারি থেকে দীর্ঘমেয়াদী প্রবণতা ট্রেডিংয়ের জন্য অভিজ্ঞ ব্যবসায়ীদের জন্য উপযুক্ত।
/*backtest start: 2023-09-07 00:00:00 end: 2023-10-07 00:00:00 period: 2h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © Xaviz //#####©ÉÉÉɶN############################################### //####*..´´´´´´,,,»ëN######################################## //###ë..´´´´´´,,,,,,''%©##################################### //###'´´´´´´,,,,,,,'''''?¶################################### //##o´´´´´´,,,,,,,''''''''*©################################# //##'´´´´´,,,,,,,'''''''^^^~±################################ //#±´´´´´,,,,,,,''''''''^í/;~*©####æ%;í»~~~~;==I±N########### //#»´´´´,,,,,,'''''''''^;////;»¶X/í~~/~~~;=~~~~~~~~*¶######## //#'´´´,,,,,,''''''''^^;////;%I^~/~~/~~~=~~~;=?;~~~~;?ë###### //©´´,,,,,,,''''''''^^~/////X~/~~/~~/~~»í~~=~~~~~~~~~~^;É#### //¶´,,,,,,,''''''''^^^;///;%;~/~~;í~~»~í?~?~~~?I/~~~~?*=íÑ### //N,,,,,,,'''''''^^^^^///;;o/~~;;~~;£=»í»;IX/=~~~~~~^^^^'*æ## //#í,,,,,''''''''^^^^^;;;;;o~»~~~~íX//~/»~;í?IíI»~~^/*?'''=N# //#%,,,'''''''''^^^^^^í;;;;£;~~~//»I»/£X/X/»í*&~~~^^^^'^*~'É# //#©,,''''''''^^^^^^^^~;;;;&/~/////*X;í;o*í»~=*?*===^'''''*£# //##&''''''''^^^^^^^^^^~;;;;X=í~~~»;;;/~;í»~»±;^^^^^';=''''É# //##N^''''''^^^^^^^^^^~~~;;;;/£;~~/»~~»~~///o~~^^^^''''?^',æ# //###Ñ''''^^^^^^^^^^^~~~~~;;;;;í*X*í»;~~IX?~~^^^^/?'''''=,=## //####X'''^^^^^^^^^^~~~~~~~~;;íííííí~~í*=~~~~Ií^'''=''''^»©## //#####£^^^^^^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~íííííí~~~~~*~^^^;/''''='',,N### //######æ~^^^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~íííí~~~~~^*^^^'=''''?',,§#### //########&^^^^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^=^^''=''''?,íN##### //#########N?^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^=^''^?''';í@####### //###########N*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^*'''^='''/É######### //##############@;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^~='''~?'';É########### //#################É=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^*~'''*~?§############## //#####################N§£I/~~~~~~»*?~»o§æN################## //@version=4 // strategy("RSI-VWAP", overlay=true, initial_capital = 1000, currency = "USD", pyramiding = 5, default_qty_type = strategy.cash, default_qty_value = 1000, commission_value = 0.04) //Uncomment for alerts //study("RSI-VWAP INDICATOR", overlay=true) // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // VARIABLES // ================================================================================================================================================================================ var bool longCondition = na, var bool shortCondition = na, var bool Xlong = na, var int CondIni_Xlong = 0, var bool XlongCondition = na var float last_open_longCondition = na, var float last_open_shortCondition = na var int last_longCondition = 0, var int last_shortCondition = 0 var int last_long_sl = na, var int last_short_sl = na var bool CondIni_long_sl = 0, var bool CondIni_short_sl = 0 var int nLongs = na, var int nShorts = na, var int pyr = na var float sum_long = 0.0, var float sum_short = 0.0 var float Position_Price = 0.0, Position_Price := nz(Position_Price[1]) var bool Final_Long_sl = na, var bool Final_Short_sl = na, var bool Act_sl = na, var float sl = na var int last_long_tp = na, var int last_short_tp = na var bool CondIni_long_tp = 0, var bool CondIni_short_tp = 0 var float Quantity = na, var float Increase = na var float sum_qty_l = na, var float sum_qty_s = na // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // RSI VWAP INDICATOR // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // Initial inputs Positions = input("LONG ONLY", "LONG / SHORT", options = ["LONG & SHORT","LONG ONLY"]) Long_only = Positions == "LONG ONLY" ? true : na Act_RSI_VWAP = input(true, "RSI VOLUME WEIGHTED AVERAGE PRICE") RSI_VWAP_length = input(17, "RSI-VWAP LENGTH") RSI_VWAP_overSold = input(19, "RSI-VWAP OVERSOLD", type=input.float) RSI_VWAP_overBought = input(80, "RSI-VWAP OVERBOUGHT", type=input.float) // RSI with VWAP as source RSI_VWAP = rsi(vwap(close), RSI_VWAP_length) // Plotting, overlay=false //r=plot(RSI_VWAP, color = RSI_VWAP > RSI_VWAP_overBought ? color.red : RSI_VWAP < RSI_VWAP_overSold ? color.lime : color.teal, title="rsi", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line) //h1=plot(RSI_VWAP_overBought, color = color.gray, style=plot.style_stepline) //h2=plot(RSI_VWAP_overSold, color = color.gray, style=plot.style_stepline) //fill(r,h1, color = RSI_VWAP > RSI_VWAP_overBought ? color.red : na, transp = 75) //fill(r,h2, color = RSI_VWAP < RSI_VWAP_overSold ? color.lime : na, transp = 75) // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // STRATEGY // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // Long/Short/Xlong Conditions longCondition := (crossover(RSI_VWAP, RSI_VWAP_overSold)) and (nz(nLongs[1]) < pyr) shortCondition := (crossunder(RSI_VWAP, RSI_VWAP_overBought)) and (nz(nShorts[1]) < pyr) and not Long_only Xlong := (crossunder(RSI_VWAP, RSI_VWAP_overBought)) and Long_only CondIni_Xlong := longCondition ? 1 : Xlong ? -1 : nz(CondIni_Xlong[1]) XlongCondition := Xlong and nz(CondIni_Xlong[1]) == 1 // Get the price of the last opened long or short last_open_longCondition := longCondition ? close : nz(last_open_longCondition[1]) last_open_shortCondition := shortCondition ? close : nz(last_open_shortCondition[1]) // Get the bar time of the last opened long or short last_longCondition := longCondition ? time : nz(last_longCondition[1]) last_shortCondition := shortCondition ? time : nz(last_shortCondition[1]) // In long/short conditions in_longCondition = last_longCondition > last_shortCondition in_shortCondition = last_shortCondition > last_longCondition // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // PRICE AVERAGE / PYRAMIDING // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // Pyramiding pyr := input(5, "PYRAMIDING 🎢") // Counting long & short iterations nLongs := nz(nLongs[1]) nShorts := nz(nShorts[1]) // Longs Counter if longCondition or (Final_Long_sl and not Act_sl) nLongs := nLongs + 1 nShorts := na // Shorts Counter if shortCondition or (Final_Short_sl and not Act_sl) nLongs := na nShorts := nShorts + 1 // Quantity Factor QF_l = Quantity+(Increase*(nLongs-1)) QF_s = Quantity+(Increase*(nShorts-1)) // Price average of your position according to the quantities if longCondition sum_long := nz(last_open_longCondition)*QF_l + nz(sum_long[1]) sum_short := 0.0 sum_qty_l := QF_l + nz(sum_qty_l[1]) sum_qty_s := na if Final_Long_sl and not Act_sl sum_long := ((1-(sl/100))*last_open_longCondition)*QF_l + nz(sum_long[1]) sum_short := 0.0 sum_qty_l := QF_l + nz(sum_qty_l[1]) sum_qty_s := na if shortCondition sum_short := nz(last_open_shortCondition)*QF_s + nz(sum_short[1]) sum_long := 0.0 sum_qty_s := QF_s + nz(sum_qty_s[1]) sum_qty_l := na if Final_Short_sl and not Act_sl sum_long := 0.0 sum_short := ((1+(sl/100))*last_open_shortCondition)*QF_s + nz(sum_short[1]) sum_qty_s := QF_s + nz(sum_qty_s[1]) sum_qty_l := na // Calculating and Plotting the price average Position_Price := nz(Position_Price[1]) Position_Price := longCondition or (Final_Long_sl and not Act_sl) ? sum_long/(sum_qty_l) : shortCondition or (Final_Short_sl and not Act_sl) ? sum_short/(sum_qty_s) : na plot(Position_Price[1], title = "Average Price", color = in_longCondition ? color.blue : color.red, linewidth = 2, style = plot.style_cross, transp = 0) // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // STOP LOSS / RE-ENTRY // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // SL initial inputs Act_sl := input(true, "ACTIVATE SL / DEACTIVATE RE-ENTRY") sl := input(7.5, "STOP LOSS / RE-ENTRY %", type = input.float, minval = 0, step = 0.5) // Initial SL conditions long_sl = crossunder(low, (1-(sl/100))*last_open_longCondition) and in_longCondition and not longCondition short_sl = crossover(high, (1+(sl/100))*last_open_shortCondition) and in_shortCondition and not shortCondition // Get the time of the last sl last_long_sl := long_sl ? time : nz(last_long_sl[1]) last_short_sl := short_sl ? time : nz(last_short_sl[1]) // Sl counter CondIni_long_sl := long_sl ? 1 : longCondition ? -1 : nz(CondIni_long_sl[1]) CondIni_short_sl := short_sl ? 1 : shortCondition ? -1 : nz(CondIni_short_sl[1]) // Final SL conditions Final_Long_sl := long_sl and nz(CondIni_long_sl[1]) == -1 and in_longCondition and not longCondition Final_Short_sl := short_sl and nz(CondIni_short_sl[1]) == -1 and in_shortCondition and not shortCondition // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // TAKE PROFIT // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // Take Profit input Act_tp = input(false, "ACTIVATE TAKE PROFIT") tp = input(10.0, "TAKE PROFIT %", type = input.float, minval = 0, step = 0.5) // Initial TP conditions long_tp = crossover(high, (1+(tp/100))*fixnan(Position_Price)) and in_longCondition and not longCondition and not Final_Long_sl and Act_tp short_tp = crossunder(low, (1-(tp/100))*fixnan(Position_Price)) and in_shortCondition and not shortCondition and not Final_Short_sl and Act_tp // Get the time of the last tp last_long_tp := long_tp ? time : nz(last_long_tp[1]) last_short_tp := short_tp ? time : nz(last_short_tp[1]) // Tp signal ordering CondIni_long_tp := (Final_Long_sl and Act_sl) or XlongCondition ? 1 : longCondition ? -1 : nz(CondIni_long_tp[1]) CondIni_short_tp := Final_Short_sl and Act_sl ? 1 : shortCondition ? -1 : nz(CondIni_short_tp[1]) // Final tp condition Final_Long_tp = long_tp and last_longCondition > nz(last_long_tp[1]) and nz(CondIni_long_tp[1]) == -1 Final_Short_tp = short_tp and last_shortCondition > nz(last_short_tp[1]) and nz(CondIni_short_tp[1]) == -1 if Final_Long_tp or (Final_Long_sl and Act_sl) or XlongCondition sum_long := 0.0 nLongs := na CondIni_long_sl := 1 sum_qty_l := na if Final_Short_tp or (Final_Short_sl and Act_sl) sum_short := 0.0 nShorts := na CondIni_short_sl := 1 sum_qty_s := na // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // SIGNALS // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // Longs // label.new( // x = longCondition[1] ? time : na, // y = na, // text = 'LONG '+tostring(nLongs), // color = color.blue, // textcolor = color.black, // style = label.style_labelup, // xloc = xloc.bar_time, // yloc = yloc.belowbar, // size = size.tiny // ) // // Shorts // label.new( // x = shortCondition[1] ? time : na, // y = na, // text = 'SHORT '+tostring(nShorts), // color = color.red, // textcolor = color.black, // style = label.style_labeldown, // xloc = xloc.bar_time, // yloc = yloc.abovebar, // size = size.tiny // ) // // XLongs // label.new( // x = XlongCondition[1] ? time : na, // y = na, // text = 'XLONG', // color = color.yellow, // textcolor = color.black, // style = label.style_labeldown, // xloc = xloc.bar_time, // yloc = yloc.abovebar, // size = size.tiny // ) // // Tp on longs // label.new( // x = Final_Long_tp ? time : na, // y = na, // text = 'TP '+tostring(tp)+'%', // color = color.orange, // textcolor = color.black, // style = label.style_labeldown, // xloc = xloc.bar_time, // yloc = yloc.abovebar, // size = size.tiny // ) ltp = iff(Final_Long_tp, (fixnan(Position_Price)*(1+(tp/100))), na), plot(ltp, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color = color.white, editable = false) // Tp on shorts // label.new( // x = Final_Short_tp ? time : na, // y = na, // text = 'TP '+tostring(tp)+'%', // color = color.orange, // textcolor = color.black, // style = label.style_labelup, // xloc = xloc.bar_time, // yloc = yloc.belowbar, // size = size.tiny // ) stp = iff(Final_Short_tp, (fixnan(Position_Price)*(1-(tp/100))), na), plot(stp, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color = color.white, editable = false) // Sl on Longs // label.new( // x = Final_Long_sl ? time : na, // y = na, // text = Act_sl ? ('SL '+tostring(sl)+'%') : ('RE '+tostring(sl)+'%'), // color = color.green, // textcolor = color.black, // style = label.style_labelup, // xloc = xloc.bar_time, // yloc = yloc.belowbar, // size = size.tiny // ) // Sl on Longs dot lsl = iff(Final_Long_sl, (last_open_longCondition*(1-(sl/100))), na), plot(lsl, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color = color.white, editable = false) // Sl on Shorts // label.new( // x = Final_Short_sl ? time : na, // y = na, // text = Act_sl ? ('SL '+tostring(sl)+'%') : ('RE '+tostring(sl)+'%'), // color = color.maroon, // textcolor = color.black, // style = label.style_labeldown, // xloc = xloc.bar_time, // yloc = yloc.abovebar, // size = size.tiny // ) // Sl on Shorts dot ssl = iff(Final_Short_sl, (last_open_shortCondition*(1+(sl/100))), na), plot(ssl, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color = color.white, editable = false) // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // BACKTEST // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // Backtest inputs Act_BT = input(true, "BACKTEST 💹") Quantity := input(1000, "$ QUANTITY 1ST ENTRY")/close Increase := input(500, "$ INCREASE NEXT ENTRY")/close // Backtest Period inputs testStartYear = input(2019, "BACKTEST START YEAR ⏲️", minval = 1980, maxval = 2222) testStartMonth = input(01, "BACKTEST START MONTH", minval = 1, maxval = 12) testStartDay = input(01, "BACKTEST START DAY", minval = 1, maxval = 31) testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0) testStopYear = input(2222, "BACKTEST STOP YEAR", minval=1980, maxval = 2222) testStopMonth = input(12, "BACKTEST STOP MONTH", minval=1, maxval=12) testStopDay = input(31, "BACKTEST STOP DAY", minval=1, maxval=31) testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear, testStopMonth, testStopDay, 0, 0) // Backtest Condition testPeriod = true // Backtest entries if (Act_BT and not na(RSI_VWAP) and testPeriod) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty = QF_l, when = longCondition or (Final_Long_sl and not Act_sl)) strategy.close("Long", when = XlongCondition) strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, qty = QF_s, when = (shortCondition or (Final_Short_sl and not Act_sl))) strategy.exit("XL", "Long", limit = Act_tp ? (fixnan(Position_Price)*(1+(tp/100))) : na, stop = (Act_sl ? (1-(sl/100))*last_open_longCondition : na)) strategy.exit("XS", "Short", limit = Act_tp ? (fixnan(Position_Price)*(1-(tp/100))) : na, stop = (Act_sl ? (1+(sl/100))*last_open_shortCondition : na)) // ================================================================================================================================================================================ // ALERTS // ================================================================================================================================================================================ alertcondition((longCondition[1] or (Final_Long_sl and not Act_sl)) and nLongs == 1, title="Long 1 Alert", message = "LONG1") alertcondition((longCondition[1] or (Final_Long_sl and not Act_sl)) and nLongs == 2, title="Long 2 Alert", message = "LONG2") alertcondition((longCondition[1] or (Final_Long_sl and not Act_sl)) and nLongs == 3, title="Long 3 Alert", message = "LONG3") alertcondition((longCondition[1] or (Final_Long_sl and not Act_sl)) and nLongs == 4, title="Long 4 Alert", message = "LONG4") alertcondition((longCondition[1] or (Final_Long_sl and not Act_sl)) and nLongs == 5, title="Long 5 Alert", message = "LONG5") alertcondition(Final_Long_tp or (Final_Long_sl and Act_sl), title="TPL/SLL Alert", message = "TPL/SLL") alertcondition((shortCondition[1] or (Final_Short_sl and not Act_sl)) and nShorts == 1, title="Short 1 Alert", message = "SHORT1") alertcondition((shortCondition[1] or (Final_Short_sl and not Act_sl)) and nShorts == 2, title="Short 2 Alert", message = "SHORT2") alertcondition((shortCondition[1] or (Final_Short_sl and not Act_sl)) and nShorts == 3, title="Short 3 Alert", message = "SHORT3") alertcondition((shortCondition[1] or (Final_Short_sl and not Act_sl)) and nShorts == 4, title="Short 4 Alert", message = "SHORT4") alertcondition((shortCondition[1] or (Final_Short_sl and not Act_sl)) and nShorts == 5, title="Short 5 Alert", message = "SHORT5") alertcondition(Final_Short_tp or (Final_Short_sl and Act_sl), title="TPS/SLS Alert", message = "TPS/SLS") // by Xaviz