Editors problem: Some objects built in with strictly declared variables, the editor will return errors.

Author: Number of investments 01, Created: 2017-08-04 21:29:50, Updated:

I'm used to using JavaScript to declare variables strictly. It's in the first place.

‘use strict’

Then some built-in objects, like exchange, in the editor, will return errors.编辑器问题:用严格声明变量,内置的一些对象,编辑器就会报错。In fact, it doesn't affect the operation.

Is there a way to modify the editor so that the editor does not report these errors?


ZeroFixed, free up cache to refresh

Inventors quantify - small dreamsWell, this is a problem I recorded in my report, this is an edit framework error reporting problem.

Number of investments 01 yeah!