Please teach dream total, using okx's simulated exchange, error message below, please help to see where the problem is

Author: Neo1898, Created: 2023-12-19 09:05:46, Updated:

GetAccount: {“msg”:“APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”}


Neo1898Please help me to answer the question, I am so busy with my dreams!

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThis error was reported by OKX, and there are two scenarios: 1, configured the real disk API KEY, but switched to the analog disk environment. 2, Analog Disk API KEY is configured, but not switched to the Analog Disk environment. IOS is used to switch analog disks: ``exchange.IO (("simulate", true) ``, written at the end of the API documentation.

Neo1898I've reset the api twice, and it still doesn't work.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe Mac language cannot set up the analogue disc.

Neo1898Who can answer? Thank you!

Neo1898Is it possible to test the OK simulation in Mandarin?

Neo1898Added in Malay %% // You can call any API quantified by the inventor. exchange.IO (("simulate", true); %% Or not.

Neo1898I am using Ma, how should I write?