The amount/ ((CtVal/multiple) So what's the reason that the results aren't really there?
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe algorithm is different depending on whether it is a U-bit contract or a coin-bit contract.
Inventors quantify - small dreamsI'm not being polite.
I'm not going to lie.Thank you for the confusion.
Inventors quantify - small dreams/upload/asset/16bd2605340f4cadf4db.png This is a list of all the different ways Upload/asset/16bd2605340f4cadf4db.png is credited in the database. You know what? function main (() { Exchange.GetMarkets ((() ["BTC_USDT.swap"] This is the first exchange to offer a bitcoin exchange. /* {pos (192,210) } "Symbol:"BTC-USDT-SWAP","BaseAsset:"BTC","QuoteAsset:"USDT","TickSize": 0.1,"AmountSize":1,"PricePrecision":1,"TickSize" is used to describe the price of a coin. This is the first time I've seen this in a video. */ // CtVal: 0.01 I'm not sure. What's up? The contract face value.
I'm not going to lie.The U-bit contract