Please note: Debugging tools only support js, not python. Also, deployed bots often go offline automatically.

Author: Old cat likes fish, Created: 2018-05-13 11:49:38, Updated: 2019-07-31 17:34:49

The first inventor to quantify, faced with two problems. Please note: Debugging tools only support jss, not python? Is it possible to think that using jss is best when the inventors quantify the recommendations? Secondly, the hosts deployed in Ali Cloud are often offline, and the p cannot see the process, and there is no information to view the log. I'm not sure if you're familiar with this, but I'm sure you're familiar with it.


Old cat likes fishReceived, thank you. robot I can't use & put in the background, it's better to switch to screen. If you have a discussion group, please contact us.

Inventors quantify - small dreams1: Debugging tool. Currently only supports JavaScript, currently no support for Python. 2: On the Ali Cloud, running a host requires the use of nohup or a screen to run the host program, or robot, in the background, so that the host program will still run in the background after you disconnect the ssh login. Otherwise, when you disconnect the ssh, the host program stops.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThere are 123 groups full, 4 groups: 456221748