Bug feedback

Author: ethands, Created: 2018-07-08 13:36:54, Updated: 2018-07-08 17:37:50

The bot can't stop after the host goes offline, indicating that the node specified by this bot has gone offline. If you need to restart, please re-specify and update the parameters You can't update the parameters at this time, prompt Failed to update parameters, please confirm the bot is in standby mode! It's impossible to delete the bot while the billing and script are still running and can't be stopped.

This happens after the public server is not available.bug反馈 bug反馈 bug反馈 bug反馈


ZeroStop trying again, and we'll follow up on Monday.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe bot should have been deployed on the public server, then the public server may have restarted or stopped, causing the problem. Thanks for the suggestions and questions, we'll take care of it, if there are still problems, trouble contact the QQ group.

Lightning quantifiedOn top of that, I've also encountered this situation, deleting the host, which causes the bot to stop. Trying to find customer service. https://dn-filebox.qbox.me/5664563e13fd5c04a60bffb9ab0996a6e951bbd3.png

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe QQ group is full, for now, and you can telegram: https://t.me/fmzquant_cn

ethandsIt is now possible to stop it. Let it be temporary. Monday is said.

Lightning quantifiedYes, there is a bug in the process here, and when the host is removed, the associated bot should be stopped and removed.

Lightning quantifiedI am a bot that runs on a public server in the United States, using my own computer as a host. Later, I deployed my own server overseas and removed the host, while the bot that was originally associated with it could not be removed. How many QQ groups?

ethandsThere is also the friend below who is acting as if he is his own host. This is already a bug in the process, the host should regularly confirm the state of the robot when executing the script, the robot should be able to stop or delete it directly if the host is not available, and the host should stop executing the script if it detects that the robot has been stopped or deleted. Please restore the host first, I'll switch to my own host and then try to fix this problem. The costs and losses incurred in this regard should be considered to be compensated in an appropriate manner, at least in one way. The costs are not stopped during this period, and the unanticipated quantified results result from the inability to stop the strategy.