The chart below is a list of market prices for the token at approximately 08:08 (possibly 07:00 00).Below is a list of market prices for the transaction that took place on the Token network at approximately 07:07 am (possibly 07:07 pm).You will find FMZ returning the order message at about 09:00 AM: the average price of the order is 0, the number of orders is 0. So I decided that the listing had not been executed. So there was an error. I wanted to ask: why did the exchange have a listing, and why did the exchange have a listing? But GetOrder.Dealmount is still 0??? (I'm sure many of my friends have).
Inventors quantify - small dreamsExchange Interface Delayed, Inquire immediately after placing an order, may inquire about the order, but the order may still be in the unfinished state.