can position be used with order, just touch, point

Author: q631207207, Created: 2021-04-03 02:50:20, Updated:

position能否和order一起用,刚接触,求指点 position能否和order一起用,刚接触,求指点In the beginning only with order, the information output is no problem, after the addition of position, all the order output of the transaction is 0, after removing position also 0, help analyze.


The grassThis unfinished limit, unfinished deal, shows dealAmount is 0.

The grass ret["data"][0]["volume"]

q631207207I've already solved the problem, please help me. function main (() { var ret = exchange.IO (("api","POST","/linear-swap-api/v1/swap_cross_position_info","") Log (([0].volume) is the name of the file. I'm not sure. Debugging is available, how to translate python, thank you