Now GetRecords can't use cycles?

Author: The Ninja, Created: 2017-06-01 08:15:39, Updated: 2017-06-01 12:06:14

This is a picture. function main (()) { Log ((exchange.GetRecords ((PERIOD_D1))); I'm not sure. Direct error reporting, always available before, no longer available after the update现在GetRecords 不能用周期了吗?【已解决】 现在GetRecords 不能用周期了吗?【已解决】


Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe parameters of the GetRecords function are a set of defined macros, such as: PERIOD_M1 is 1 minute, PERIOD_M5 is 5 minutes, PERIOD_M15 is 15 minutes, PERIOD_M30 is 30 minutes, PERIOD_H1 is 1 hour, PERIOD_D1 is a day. You can input directly, the parameters are not strings. `` exchange.GetRecords ((PERIOD_D1) `` This way, you don't have to add single quotes.