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Error: Futures_OP 3: 400: {"code":"50004","data":[],"msg":"Endpoint request timeout. "} This is the first time that the user has been able to access the system.

Author: churchillxy, Created: 2022-03-21 09:53:35, Updated: 2022-03-21 10:04:45

Hello, this is the error I received, Futures_OP 3: 400: {code tag: 50004 tag, data tag: [], msg tag: Endpoint request timeout. } But after logging an error, it keeps running, what's the reason for that? This is my 400th line of code.报错:Futures_OP 3: 400: {“code”:“50004”,“data”:[],“msg”:“Endpoint request timeout. “}Thank you.


churchillxyI'm using C. Can I try it more than once?

Inventors quantify - small dreamsHello, this error message means that the access to the interface is out of time. Check if the network is accessible to the exchange.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe _C function is unlimitedly retrying until the call returns the data. This latency issue looks like a network problem on your host system, and _C cannot solve such a problem.

churchillxyI'm using C. Can I try it more than once?