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What technical framework is used for high-frequency strategies?

Author: churchillxy, Created: 2022-03-22 21:32:49, Updated:

How are you? I made a model to predict price trends in the next 1-2 seconds, can you ask if I'm using rest or websocket?


Inventors quantify - small dreamsIn general, rest is used, ws is also used, this is designed specifically.

churchillxyGood. Thank you.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsWhen.wait returns the result, it returns null, which means that the call failed and you can try again.

churchillxyIs there a compromise?

Inventors quantify - small dreams 不要对exchange.Go使用。

churchillxyHi, can you please use the Go function, can you use the _C error? Because I use the go function, sometimes I get an error like /upload/asset/246242c0deb75e739448c.png

churchillxyReceived, thank you.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsIt is used to access, ```exchange.Go `` functionality.

churchillxyIf I use rest, can I read both the getdepth and getticker functions at the same time? I understand it is because of the two functions, so in the program, when running the two functions, the timing is different. Thank you.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsI'm not being polite.

churchillxyGood, thank you.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsYes, the Close property of the unfinished BAR is the same as the Last property value that GetTicker returns for the data (not counting the delay).

churchillxyPlease ask getrecords is the latest transaction price when the cycle is less than 1 minute?