Calling for help

Author: Capital of the Exchange Chain, Created: 2017-06-07 09:42:08, Updated: 2017-06-07 09:42:37

Beginners test code in the API documentation in Python, make mistakes, and ask for help.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import json def main (: plt.plot (([3, 6, 2, 4, 7, 1]) LogStatus ((plt)) table = {type: table, title: holding information, cols: [column1, column2], rows: [abc, def], [ABC, support color #ff0000]]} LogStatus ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))' + JSON.stringify(table)+'# JSON is added to both sides after being serialized字符, 视为一个复杂消息格式(当前支持表格) LogStatus('第一行消息\n’ + JSON.stringify(table)+’\n第三行消息') # 表格信息也可以在多行中出现 LogStatus('+ JSON.stringify (([table, table]) + `) # Supports multiple tables to be displayed at the same time and displayed in a group with Tab


Inventors quantify - small dreamsThis is a list of all the different ways is credited in the database. At first glance, you see the code, you discover that the problem should be when you write the single-syllable 'Use Chinese input. Oh, the two characters are different, so beginners need to pay attention to the fact that when programming it must be an English state input. In addition, in the code edit box, you can see in advance the appearance of red characters such as color suggestions, which are usually obvious errors. There are a few more errors in the code. The correct code is: What's up? import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import json def main (: plt.plot (([3, 6, 2, 4, 7,1]) LogStatus ((plt)) table = {"type" : 'table', 'title': 'holding information', 'cols': ['column1', 'column2'], 'rows': ['abc', 'def'], ['ABC','support color #ff0000']]} LogStatus (('`' + json.dumps(table) + '`') # JSON is serialized with characters added on both sides and is considered a complex message format (currently supported tables) LogStatus (('first line message\n + JSON.stringify(table) +\nth line message') # Table information can also appear in multiple lines LogStatus ((' + JSON.stringify([table, table]) +`) # Supports multiple tables to be displayed simultaneously and will be displayed in a set with TAB What's up? I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I'm not sure what you mean. Run the retest: This is a list of all the different ways is credited in the database. This is the first time that the previous folding graph has been shown as a table.