Hi, I'm using the feedback system to tweak the parameters. 1. Since I have a lot of experience, to evaluate the execution time, I would like to ask if our feedback system supports parallel computation, as well as distributed computation. 2. I want to add two new symbols to the market data, how do I customize the data source? Thank you.
Inventors quantify - small dreams1, retesting is not available at this time. 2, The API documentation contains the contents of custom data sources. The custom data source provides the service of data, providing two types of data, according to different symbols answering to different varieties of data.
Inventors quantify - small dreams1, you can change the data source address in the fmz.py file, even if it is compatible. 2, If the local retrieval engine is to be tweaked, it needs to write its own traversal program, which can be executed through traversal. It is an open-source native retesting engine that can be modified flexibly as needed.
churchillxyI've got two questions for you: 1. How to customize data sources using a local retrieval engine 2. How do I use the native retrieval engine to tweak parameters?
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThis is an open-source, native retrieval engine that you can write to your specific needs.
churchillxyDo you have any suggestions on whether or not a native search engine based on FMZ open source can be modified to 1.