In a previous post, I discussed the principles and feedback of pairing transactions. FMZ platform has recently upgraded some of its APIs to be more friendly to multi-transaction. This article details the JavaScript source code for the policy. Although the policy is only a hundred lines long, it contains all the aspects needed for a complete policy. is the first time I have ever seen this.
If you are not familiar with the FMZ platform, I strongly recommend you read this tutorial: basic functionality of the platform and how to deploy a robot from scratch are described in detail.
The following is the simplest policy framework, the main function is the input. The dead cycle guarantee policy is constantly executed, adding a small sleep period to avoid access frequency too quickly beyond the exchange limit.
function main(){
Sleep(Interval * 1000) //Sleep
The robot will restart repeatedly for various reasons, such as errors, updating parameters, updating policies, etc. and needs to save some data for the next time it is started. Here is a demonstration of how to save the initial rights to use to calculate the gain. The function can store a variety of data.
let init_eq = 0 //定义初始权益
if(!_G('init_eq')){ //如果没有储存_G('init_eq')返回null
init_eq = total_eq
_G('init_eq', total_eq) //由于没有储存,初始权益为当前权益,并在这里储存
init_eq = _G('init_eq') //如果储存,读取初始权益的值
When data such as positions, trades, etc. are retrieved through the API, for various reasons, it may return an error. This causes the policy to stop when the data is called directly, which requires an error tolerance mechanism.
let pos = _C(exchange.GetPosition, pair)
let ticker_A = exchange.GetTicker(pair_a)
let ticker_B = exchange.GetTicker(pair_b)
if(!ticker_A || !ticker_B){
continue //如果数据不可用,就跳出这次循环
Functions such as GetPosition, GetTicker, GetRecords can add parameters to a transaction pair to access the corresponding data without the need to set up exchange-bound pairs, which greatly facilitates multi-transaction versus strategy compatibility.◦ Of course, you need the latest host to support, but if your host is too old, you need to upgrade.
If you don't understand, you can use FMZ's API documentation, debugging tools, and commonly used AI dialog tools to solve your questions.
function GetPosition(pair){
let pos = _C(exchange.GetPosition, pair)
if(pos.length == 0){ //返回为空代表没有持仓
return {amount:0, price:0, profit:0}
}else if(pos.length > 1){ //策略要设置为单向持仓模式
throw '不支持双向持仓'
}else{ //为了方便,多仓持仓量为正,空仓持仓量为负
return {amount:pos[0].Type == 0 ? pos[0].Amount : -pos[0].Amount, price:pos[0].Price, profit:pos[0].Profit}
function GetRatio(){
let kline_A = exchange.GetRecords(Pair_A+"_"+Quote+".swap", 60*60, N) //小时K线
let kline_B = exchange.GetRecords(Pair_B+"_"+Quote+".swap", 60*60, N)
let total = 0
for(let i= Math.min(kline_A.length,kline_B.length)-1; i >= 0; i--){ //反过来计算,避免K线长度不够
total += kline_A[i].Close / kline_B[i].Close
return total / Math.min(kline_A.length,kline_B.length)
function GetAccount(){
let account = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
let total_eq = 0
if(exchange.GetName == 'Futures_OKCoin'){ //由于这里的API并不兼容,目前仅OKX期货交易所获取到总权益
total_eq =[0].totalEq //其他交易所的宗权益Info中也包含,可以自己对着交易所API文档找找
total_eq = account.Balance //其它交易所暂时使用可用余额,会造成计算收益错误,但不影响策略使用
let init_eq = 0
init_eq = total_eq
_G('init_eq', total_eq)
init_eq = _G('init_eq')
LogProfit(total_eq - init_eq)
return total_eq
function main(){
var precision = exchange.GetMarkets() //这里获取精度
var last_get_ratio_time =
var ratio = GetRatio()
var total_eq = GetAccount()
let start_loop_time =
if( - last_get_ratio_time > 10*60*1000){ //每10分钟更新下均价和账户信息
ratio = GetRatio()
total_eq = GetAccount()
last_get_ratio_time =
let pair_a = Pair_A+"_"+Quote+".swap" //交易对的设置形如BTC_USDT.swap
let pair_b = Pair_B+"_"+Quote+".swap"
let CtVal_a = "CtVal" in precision[pair_a] ? precision[pair_a].CtVal : 1 //有的交易所用张来代表数量,如一张代表0.01个币,因此需要换算下
let CtVal_b = "CtVal" in precision[pair_b] ? precision[pair_b].CtVal : 1 //不含这个字段的不用张
let position_A = GetPosition(pair_a)
let position_B = GetPosition(pair_b)
let ticker_A = exchange.GetTicker(pair_a)
let ticker_B = exchange.GetTicker(pair_b)
if(!ticker_A || !ticker_B){ //如果返回数据异常,跳出这次循环
let diff = (ticker_A.Last / ticker_B.Last - ratio) / ratio //计算偏离的比例
let aim_value = - Trade_Value * diff / Pct //目标持有的仓位
let id_A = null
let id_B = null
if( -aim_value + position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last > Trade_Value && position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last > -Max_Value){
id_A = exchange.CreateOrder(pair_a, "sell", ticker_A.Buy, _N(Ice_Value / (ticker_A.Buy * CtVal_a), precision[pair_a].AmountPrecision))
if( -aim_value - position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last > Trade_Value && position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last < Max_Value){
id_B = exchange.CreateOrder(pair_b, "buy", ticker_B.Sell, _N(Ice_Value / (ticker_B.Sell * CtVal_b), precision[pair_b].AmountPrecision))
if( aim_value - position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last > Trade_Value && position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last < Max_Value){
id_A = exchange.CreateOrder(pair_a, "buy", ticker_A.Sell, _N(Ice_Value / (ticker_A.Sell * CtVal_a), precision[pair_a].AmountPrecision))
if( aim_value + position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last > Trade_Value && position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last > -Max_Value){
id_B = exchange.CreateOrder(pair_b, "sell", ticker_B.Buy, _N(Ice_Value / (ticker_B.Buy * CtVal_b), precision[pair_b].AmountPrecision))
exchange.CancelOrder(id_A) //这里直接撤销
let table = {
type: "table",
title: "交易信息",
cols: ["初始权益", "当前权益", Pair_A+"仓位", Pair_B+"仓位", Pair_A+"持仓价", Pair_B+"持仓价", Pair_A+"收益", Pair_B+"收益", Pair_A+"价格", Pair_B+"价格", "当前比价", "平均比价", "偏离均价", "循环延时"],
rows: [[_N(_G('init_eq'),2), _N(total_eq,2), _N(position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last, 1), _N(position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last,1),
_N(position_A.price, precision[pair_a].PircePrecision), _N(position_B.price, precision[pair_b].PircePrecision),
_N(position_A.profit, 1), _N(position_B.profit, 1), ticker_A.Last, ticker_B.Last,
_N(ticker_A.Last / ticker_B.Last,6), _N(ratio, 6), _N(diff, 4), ( - start_loop_time)+"ms"
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(table) + "`") //这个函数会在机器人页面显示包含以上信息的表格
Sleep(Interval * 1000) //休眠时间为ms
sidianshuiaHello, I'm trying to get exchange.GetMarkets ((() only get to one trading pair of data, how can I set up to get to multiple, such as two trading pairs of data.
77924998Is there a python version?
Beans 888/upload/asset/21c799a2c667c13fcb0bd.png This is a list of all the characters that appear in the game. A bit of a bump.
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe GetMarkets function is not currently supported by the retest, but can be waited a bit longer.
ChaoZhangUpgrade to the latest host