19 professionals share their tips for trading digital currencies

Author: Goodness, Created: 2019-06-29 10:10:52, Updated: 2024-12-24 20:17:29


I have never been as worried about the digital currency market as I am today. The market is very bad. Frankly, it is weakening my sleep patterns, it is destroying my productivity. I am torn.

You can't get away from the graph. Every five minutes a little sound comes to mind.

The voice said, "Go and look at the chart, maybe the market has changed".

You know that nothing will change. You also know that looking at these price charts won't make you feel better. But you have to do it anyway.

Today is not the first time you've done this. Maybe it's the second time... No, no, it's at least the third time. I know it's painful.

I'm going to tell you what I'm going to tell you that will change your trading skills forever. These things apply to trading in any market, especially bear markets - as we're facing - and are very necessary. I'm going to tell you how to stay calm and flash when the fire alarm goes off.

I'll tell you what trading skills I've learned after interviewing 19 digital currency trading professionals for a week.

The first rule of the traders' club is...

Let's get started.

One moment has a deal plan.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm sure I can.

But I've changed this plan too many times. It's too easy to say you have a trading plan, because most of us have a loose definition of entry before we make a trade.

I know you may have made the same mistake before. You often change your plans at the last minute, so you buy too early or sell too late.

You need to set standards. When the market comes up in one way or another, you have to follow clearly defined rules. Every professional has a trading plan - they follow it faithfully.

So it's time for us to think like professionals. It's time to develop a trading plan. A trading plan can help you focus on the key points in all trades.

Once you've made the plan, I want you to print it out and paste it where you do most of the trading. It needs to be in plain view when the market meets the threshold for any of these plans.All you have to do is execute.

Writing a plan down and putting it in front of you makes it harder to ignore.

  • Note: Sometimes it is also helpful to train with something like a fire drill. For example, often ask yourself: What if the market crashes now? What will I do? If the answer is: What if it doesn't crash, then keep doing what you're doing.

2 Integrate your portfolio

If you're looking at your portfolio, you'll be able to separate currencies that have long-term potential from those that don't.

It's a bear market. The ship may not have officially started sinking yet, but it will certainly go through a difficult process.

Any excess weight will make you sink faster.

Henry, a trader with seven years of experience in stock and digital currency trading, told me about his trading plan in the face of a sharp drop in the market.

You lose weight. In a bull market, hold on tight. In a bull market, it doesn't matter which investment you choose - the market goes up, everyone is a winner, just some people win more than others.

Because in a market like this, everything changes. You're risking real gold and silver. If you don't act fast, you'll lose them.

Henry stresses the importance of taking decisive action when the market is down.

Even if you look at a currency that you think has potential in the long run.

Ask yourself, is it worth the risk? because if you quit, you put your money into a better investment brand or a risk that you really believe can withstand a price collapse.

Henry is very good at his job!

ACTION: Add this to your list of trading plans, list all your currencies and list their priorities.

3 Reduce noise

You need to stay away from the nonsense of the lake magicians and the bull snake gods.

All 19 of the 19 professional traders I spoke to emphasized this.

Long-term profitability means positioning yourself in front of or behind the crowd.Never be in a crowd.Stay away from chat rooms and trading forums. Everyone in these groups is useful.

A lot of people spend their time in a lot of discussions like Slack, Reddit, Telegram, Facebook, Discord... the list goes on. You need to keep your distance from these groups, where too much misinformation is spread, which will lead you to make rash decisions and buy and sell prematurely.

Your only job as a trader is to look at the charts and make judgments. To make accurate judgments is not to collect as much data as possible.

Some traders recommend joining VIP groups. These are tightly knit communities that want to share insights with each other and make better trades collectively.

** ACTION: Question your sources of information. Ask yourself - is this information necessary? Am I focusing on sources of information that really help my trading actions? If not, delete them. **

4 Build your team of superstars

The suggestion came from Sparky, a trader from Sweden. Sparky is 43 years old and has a wife and two children. He has limited trading time due to family reasons.

Sparky has a small team of 5 traders. They each subscribe to 2-3 main sources of information. Every day, they study these resources and pass on the best data back to Sparky.

The best information is the best information.

Sparky made five times better trading decisions as a result.

It's not hard to start!

** ACTION: Go out socially, find a few people to do a transaction with, and someone you trust. Start a group chat on Facebook Messenger or any platform you like. Each of you should research 2-3 reliable sources. Team members should research their own sources every day and only forward to one member of the team, not share them with everyone else. Focus only on the sources that are critical to the transaction decision. **

5 Tools of the Titan

“授人以鱼不如授人以渔” - 但是当你连鱼竿都没有的时候,是无法有效“授”的。

I'll show you some good shark fillets and help you install them. Here are some useful trading tools I've found when talking to professional traders.

  • Trading View (Pro)

TradingView is a fantastic platform that can be used for virtually any digital currency transaction.

This tool takes you to a new level of experience. One of the best features is the split screen feature.

The software supports up to four independent and fully interactive price charts in any one window. You can control each screen, each indicator, each chart separately.

TradingView is like a task control center, where you can control every currency you own at will.

  • signalgroups.com

We've all been there, at 4am, the price warning goes off. You look at the market, but the price drops all night, and you're about to hit a stop loss. Your price warning goes off, but... you don't wake up.


If you're serious about your trading, this feature is something you have to be prepared for.

  • FMZ.com

The world's best cryptocurrency quantification platform, since you've seen this article, I don't need to say more.

I'm not sure what you mean.

Trading is a stressful job - I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this at all. But when you arm yourself with the best trading skills, you will dominate.

I hope these tips help you - here are some of the highlights I've extracted from the 19 traders' shares:






