var _StopLoss = 0 var _StopWin = 0 var _Grid = [] function UpdateGrid(nowBidsPrice, nowAsksPrice, direction){ // up 1, down -1 if(_Grid.length == 0 || (direction == 1 && nowBidsPrice - _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].price > _GridPointDis) || (direction == -1 && _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].price - nowAsksPrice > _GridPointDis)){ var nowPrice = direction == 1 ? nowBidsPrice : nowAsksPrice _Grid.push({ price: _Grid.length == 0 ? nowPrice : _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].price + _GridPointDis * direction, hold : {price: 0, amount: 0}, coverPrice : _Grid.length == 0 ? nowPrice - direction * _GridCovDis : _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].price + _GridPointDis * direction - direction * _GridCovDis }) var tradeInfo = direction == 1 ? $.Sell(_GridPointAmount) : $.Buy(_GridPointAmount) _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].hold.price = tradeInfo.price _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].hold.amount = tradeInfo.amount $.PlotFlag(new Date().getTime(), JSON.stringify(tradeInfo), "O") } if(_Grid.length > 0 && ((direction == 1 && nowAsksPrice < _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].coverPrice) || (direction == -1 && nowBidsPrice > _Grid[_Grid.length - 1].coverPrice))){ var coverInfo = direction == 1 ? $.Buy(_Grid[_Grid.length - 1].hold.amount) : $.Sell(_Grid[_Grid.length - 1].hold.amount) _Grid.pop() $.PlotFlag(new Date().getTime(), JSON.stringify(coverInfo), "C") _StopWin++ } else if(_Grid.length > _GridNum){ var coverfirstInfo = direction == 1 ? $.Buy(_Grid[0].hold.amount) : $.Sell(_Grid[0].hold.amount) _Grid.shift() $.PlotFlag(new Date().getTime(), JSON.stringify(coverfirstInfo), "C") _StopLoss++ } } function main(){ while(1){ var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker) var records = _C(exchange.GetRecords) $.PlotRecords(records, "kline") UpdateGrid(ticker.Buy, ticker.Sell, direction) var msg = "" for(var i = 0; i < _Grid.length; i++){ msg += JSON.stringify(_Grid[i]) + "\n" } LogStatus(_D(), "_StopWin:", _StopWin, "_StopLoss:", _StopLoss, _C(exchange.GetAccount), "\n", "_Grid.length:", _Grid.length, "_GridNum:", _GridNum, "\n", msg) Sleep(500) } }
326538268Bitmex retest shows no contract set up
wufuhao100wDo you have a free Python version?
afanxingzhouQuestion: When the futures software is in equilibrium, you have to choose an open position and flatten the position. I see in the code that the operation is the same as the opening position, only a new position is opened in contrast to the previous one.
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe strategy is a spot one, and BITMEX is a futures exchange.
Inventors quantify - small dreamsGood for you.
afanxingzhouWell, I'll look into the futures again:)
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThis strategy is only a standalone version, and interested parties can convert it to a futures version. The current is only a buy and sell. Buy is too much, sell is too little (if there is a corresponding purchase operation before) or open.