An example of displaying multiple charts, where multiple charts can be shared in one row, and the width of the display can be set. The basic charts that support HighCharts and HighStocks, such as folded line charts, straight lines, column charts, pie charts, K charts, etc., can be used by consulting the Highchart website to imitate this example with slight changes.
var tradeHistory = {buyData:{amount:0, money:0}, sellData:{amount:0, money:0}, a:0, b:0, c:0, d:0, total:0} var updateB = 0 var lastNet = 0 var updateD = 0 if(_G('tradeHistory')){ tradeHistory = _G('tradeHistory') } function getDepth(){ var asks = [] var bids = [] var temp = 0 var depth = JSON.parse(HttpQuery('')) if(!depth){ return false } depth.bids.reverse() for(i=0;i<depth.bids.length;i++){ temp += parseFloat(depth.bids[i][1]) } for(i=0;i<depth.bids.length;i++){ temp -= parseFloat(depth.bids[i][1]) bids.push([parseFloat(depth.bids[i][0]), temp]) } temp = 0 for(i=0;i<depth.asks.length;i++){ temp += parseFloat(depth.asks[i][1]) asks.push([parseFloat(depth.asks[i][0]), temp]) } return {asks:asks,bids:bids} } var chartA = { __isStock: false, extension: { layout: 'single', col: 6, // 指定宽度占的单元值, 总值 为12 height: 500, }, title: { text: '成交量分布图' }, xAxis: [{ title: { text: 'Data' }, alignTicks: false }, { title: { text: 'Histogram' }, alignTicks: false, opposite: true }], yAxis: [{ title: { text: 'Data' } }, { title: { text: 'Histogram' }, opposite: true }], series: [{ name: 'Histogram', type: 'histogram', xAxis: 1, yAxis: 1, baseSeries: 's1', zIndex: -1 },{ name: 'Data', type: 'scatter', data: [], id: 's1', marker: { radius: 1.5 } }] }; var chartB = { extension: { layout: 'single', // 不参于分组,单独显示, 默认为分组 'group' col: 6, height: 300, // 指定高度 }, credits: { enabled: false }, title: { text: '净买入资金' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime' }, series: [{ name: '净买入', type: 'column', data: [] }], } var chartC = { extension: { layout: 'single', // 不参于分组,单独显示, 默认为分组 'group' col: 6, height: 300, // 指定高度 // 指定宽度占的单元值, 总值 为12 }, title: { text: '成交价' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime' }, series: [{ name: 'last', data: [], }] } var chartD = { __isStock: false, extension: { layout: 'single', // 不参于分组,单独显示, 默认为分组 'group' col: 6, height: 500, // 指定高度 // 指定宽度占的单元值, 总值 为12 }, chart: { type: 'area', zoomType: 'xy' }, title: { text: 'BTC-USDT深度' }, xAxis: { minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, plotLines: [{ color: '#888', value: 0.1523, width: 1, label: { text: 'Actual price', rotation: 90 } }], title: { text: 'Price' } }, yAxis: [{ min:0, lineWidth: 1, gridLineWidth: 1, title: null, tickWidth: 1, tickLength: 5, tickPosition: 'inside', labels: { align: 'left', x: 8 } }, { opposite: true, linkedTo: 0, lineWidth: 1, gridLineWidth: 0, title: null, tickWidth: 1, tickLength: 5, tickPosition: 'inside', labels: { align: 'right', x: -8 } }], plotOptions: { area: { fillOpacity: 0.2, lineWidth: 1, step: 'center' } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '<span style="font-size=10px;">Price: {point.key}</span><br/>', valueDecimals: 2 }, series: [{ name: 'Bids', data: [], color: '#03a7a8' }, { name: 'Asks', data: [], color: '#fc5857' }] }; var chartE = { __isStock: false, extension: { layout: 'single', // 不参于分组,单独显示, 默认为分组 'group' col: 6, height: 500, // 指定高度 // 指定宽度占的单元值, 总值 为12 }, chart: { plotBackgroundColor: null, plotBorderWidth: 0, plotShadow: false }, title: { text: '成交数量<br>分布<br>', align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle', y: 40 }, tooltip: { pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>' }, plotOptions: { pie: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, distance: -50, style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: 'white' } }, startAngle: -90, endAngle: 90, center: ['50%', '75%'], size: '110%' } }, series: [{ type: 'pie', name: '占比', innerSize: '50%', data: [] }] } var chartF = { extension: { layout: 'single', // 不参于分组,单独显示, 默认为分组 'group' col: 6, height: 300, // 指定高度 // 指定宽度占的单元值, 总值 为12 }, title: { text: '总净买入' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime' }, series: [{ name: 'last', data: [], }] } var chart = Chart([chartB,chartC,chartD,chartA,chartF,chartE]); //chart.reset() function main() { var client = Dial("wss://" + 'btcusdt' + "@trade", 60) var updateTime = new Date().getTime() while(true){ var trade = JSON.parse( if(trade.m){ tradeHistory.sellData.amount += parseFloat(trade.q) += parseFloat(trade.q) * parseFloat(trade.p) }else{ tradeHistory.buyData.amount += parseFloat(trade.q) += parseFloat(trade.q) * parseFloat(trade.p) } var buyNet = _N( -, 3) var tradeAmount = _N(parseFloat(trade.q),2)>1 ? 1 : _N(parseFloat(trade.q),2) if(parseFloat(trade.q)<0.01){ tradeHistory.a += 1 }else if(parseFloat(trade.q)<0.1){ tradeHistory.b += 1 }else if(parseFloat(trade.q)<1){ tradeHistory.c += 1 }else{ tradeHistory.d += 1 } +=1 chartE.series[0].data = [ ['小于0.01', _N(tradeHistory.a/,4)], ['小于0.1', _N(tradeHistory.b/,4)], ['小于1', _N(tradeHistory.c/,4)], ['大于1', _N(tradeHistory.d/,4)], ] if(tradeAmount>0.01){ while(chartA.series[1].data.length>2000){ chartA.series[1].data.shift() } chartA.series[1].data.push(tradeAmount) } if( - updateB > 60*1000){ chart.add(0,[, _N(buyNet-lastNet,2)]) lastNet = buyNet updateB = chart.add(1, [, _N(parseFloat(trade.p),2)]) chart.add(6, [, _N(buyNet,2)]) }else{ chart.add(0, [, _N(buyNet-lastNet,2)], -1) chart.add(1, [, _N(parseFloat(trade.p),2)], -1) chart.add(6, [, _N(buyNet,2)],-1) } if( - updateD > 6*1000){ var depth = getDepth() if(!depth){ continue } chartD.series[0].data = depth.bids chartD.series[1].data = depth.asks updateD = } chart.update([chartB,chartC,chartD,chartA,chartF,chartE]) } }