FMex sorted mining empty-headed version code instructions for use. (Expected daily slowdown of more than 1%, nickel platinum mine, on the contrary, losses are obvious) The risk in the securities market is huge, and you can face 100% loss at any time.
Principle: Order at random from the account. I'm going to have to go with SHORT1-1000u. - check if the existing order exceeds the limit and cancel the order immediately if it is exceeded/ - check if the transaction has formed a position, if it is larger than the position x, reduce the position to below the established position/
There are several situations: Global listing: For the purpose of distinguishing market strategy, specifically defined remote sorting is listed. Parameters are adjustable. The market: Maximum multi-headed holdings, if larger than the position, decrease the position approximately every 6s. Maximum empty hold, if larger than the position, decrease the position approximately every 6s. Larger than 1u, start a lowering strategy, hanging list is shore-based Larger than the empty position, initiate the empty position strategy, hanging the order as long Holding normally
// Note description in the parameter, for reference only, can be added by default Weighted risk/parameters can be adjusted, WeChat:ying5737
//保证金市场风险巨大,你可能随时面临100%损失。或有不明bug100%损失,概不负责。本策略使用的杠杆相对不大,可放心体验 //注意:默认近端排序不启动(给手动平仓预留空间),多头版先持仓long1u-1000u,空头版先持仓short1u-1000u.用来激活近端排序 var eName = exchange.GetName(); if (eName == "Futures_FMex") { exchange.IO("extend", '{"POST/v3/contracts/orders$":{"affiliate_code":"9y40d8"}}'); } if (eName == "FCoin") { exchange.IO("extend", '{"POST/v2/orders$":{"affiliate_code":"9y40d8"}}'); } exchange.IO("base", Url)//(联系微信:ying5737)策略仅限个人使用,若用于商业传播,请提前联系 var ordersInfo = { buyId: 0, buyPrice: 0, sellId: 0, sellPrice: 0, minPrice: 0, maxPrice: 0 } var depthInfo = { asks: [], bids: [] } var symbol = "BTCUSD_P" function getTicker(symbol) { url = "/v2/market/ticker/" + symbol; data = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", url); return; } function getAccounts() { data = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v3/contracts/accounts") return; } function createOrderPrice(body) { parameter = "symbol=" + body.symbol + "&type=" + body.type + "&direction=" + body.direction + "&post_only=" + body.post_only + "&price=" + body.price + "&quantity=" + body.quantity + "&affiliate_code=9y40d8"; resultData = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/v3/contracts/orders", parameter) return resultData; } function createOrder(body) { parameter = "symbol=" + body.symbol + "&type=" + body.type + "&direction=" + body.direction + "&quantity=" + body.quantity + "&affiliate_code=9y40d8"; resultData = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/v3/contracts/orders", parameter) return resultData; } function getOrders() { resultData = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v3/contracts/orders/open"); return } function cancelOrder(id) { if (typeof(id) == 'undefined') { return } resultData = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/v3/contracts/orders/" + id + "/cancel");//+ id return resultData; } function cancelAllOrder() { resultData = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/v3/contracts/orders/cancel"); return resultData; } function getPosition() { resultData = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v3/broker/auth/contracts/positions"); return; } function getMatches(id) { resultData = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v3/contracts/orders/" + id + "/matches"); return; } function getCandles(resolution, symbol) { resultData = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v2/market/candles/" + resolution + "/" + symbol); return; } function cleanPosition() { res = getPosition(); res.results.forEach(function(it) { if (it.symbol == symbol) { if (it.quantity) { if (it.quantity > g_maxHoldingLong && it.direction.toUpperCase() == 'LONG') { data = createOrder({symbol: symbol,type: "MARKET",direction: "SHORT",quantity:sp_perAmount * 2 }) Log("LONG超最大仓位,减仓"); } if (it.quantity > g_maxHoldingShort && it.direction.toUpperCase() == 'SHORT') { data = createOrder({symbol: symbol,type: "MARKET",direction: 'LONG',quantity: sp_perAmount * 2 }) Log("SHORT超最大仓位,减仓"); } } } }); } // add new var hasElephantOrder = false // var elephantOrder = [] var elephantOrderTime = 0 function underElephant (ticker) { var buyPrice = ticker[2] var sellPrice = ticker[4] var bestAskAmount = ticker[5]; var bestBidAmount = ticker[3]; var now = new Date().getTime() if (hasElephantOrder) { if (now - elephantOrderTime < 3000) { return } // for (var index = 0; index < elephantOrder.length; index++) { // cancelOrder(elephantOrder[index].id) // Sleep(1000) // } hasElephantOrder = false } if (bestBidAmount > 40000 && bestBidAmount > bestAskAmount * 2) { //如果,买一档的单量>X万,且买一的单量大于卖一的单量的Y倍,挂单. //等待,撤单。重新检测,重新挂。 // elephantOrder.push( // order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 2,quantity: sp_perAmount * 2 }) // Log("大象挂单买4 LONG" ); order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 3,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单买6 LONG" ); // elephantOrder.push( order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 4,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单买8 LONG" ); // elephantOrder.push( order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 4.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单买9 LONG" ); order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单买10 LONG" ); // elephantOrder.push( order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 6.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单买13 LONG" ); order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 7,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单买14 LONG" ); // elephantOrder.push( // elephantOrder.push( hasElephantOrder = true elephantOrderTime = now } if (bestAskAmount > 40000 && bestAskAmount > bestBidAmount * 2) { //如果,卖一档的单量>X万,且卖一的单量大于买一的单量的Y倍,挂单. //等待,撤单。重新检测,重新挂。 // order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 1,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) // Log("大象挂单卖2 LONG" ); // elephantOrder.push( order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 2,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单卖4 LONG" ); order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 3,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单卖6 LONG" ); // elephantOrder.push( order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 4,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单卖8 LONG" ); order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单卖10 LONG" ); order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 6,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单卖12 LONG" ); // elephantOrder.push( order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 7,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3}) Log("大象挂单卖14 LONG" ); // elephantOrder.push( hasElephantOrder = true elephantOrderTime = now } } function marketMaker(ticker) { Log("市商/排序挖矿**********************************"); lastPrice = ticker[0] buyPrice = ticker[2] sellPrice = ticker[4] Log("lastPrice:"+lastPrice+":buyPrice:"+buyPrice+":sellPrice:" + sellPrice); if (lastPrice == buyPrice) { sellPrice = (buyPrice + 0.5).toFixed(1) } if (lastPrice == sellPrice) { buyPrice = (sellPrice - 0.5).toFixed(1) } Log("buyPrice:"+buyPrice+":sellPrice:" + sellPrice); res = getPosition(); Log("市商/排序挖矿Position:" + JSON.stringify(res)); res.results.forEach(function(it) { if (it.quantity) { var index = 0 if (it.quantity > sp_baseAmountLong && it.direction.toUpperCase() == 'LONG') {//多仓过多,改变挂单档位,short3-9,long9-10 for (index = 0; index < 9; index++) { order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol, type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT", post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 1 + 0.5 * index, quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序SHORT卖" + (2 + index) ); } for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) { order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: symbol, type: "LIMIT", direction: "LONG", post_only: true, price: lastPrice - 4 - (0.5 * index), quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序LONG买" + (8 + index)); } } else if (it.quantity > sp_baseAmountShort && it.direction.toUpperCase() == 'SHORT' ) { for (index = 0; index < 9; index++) { order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol, type: "LIMIT", direction: "LONG", post_only: true, price: lastPrice - 1 - 0.5 * index, quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序LONG买" + (2 + index) ); } } else {//正常持仓状态,long (非全档) short order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT", post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 1.5, quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序SHORT3" ); order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT", post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 2, quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序SHORT4" ); order = createOrderPrice({symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT", post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 2.5, quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序SHORT5" ); order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT", post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 3, quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序SHORT6" ); // order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT", post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 3.5, quantity: sp_perAmount }) // Log("市商/排序SHORT7" ); order = createOrderPrice({symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT", post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 4, quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序SHORT8" ); order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT", post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 6.5, quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序SHORT7" ); order = createOrderPrice({symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT", post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 7, quantity: sp_perAmount }) Log("市商/排序SHORT8" ); order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "LONG", post_only: true, price: lastPrice - 3.5, quantity: sp_perAmount * 0.6 }) Log("市商/排序LONG买7" ); order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "LONG", post_only: true, price: lastPrice - 4, quantity: sp_perAmount * 0.6 }) Log("市商/排序LONG买8" ); order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "LONG", post_only: true, price: lastPrice - 4.5, quantity: sp_perAmount * 0.6 }) Log("市商/排序LONG买9" ); } } }) } var lastPrintfTime = null function printfBanner() { var now = new Date().getTime() if (lastPrintfTime == null || now - lastPrintfTime > 60 * 5 * 1000) { Log("FMex排序挖矿多头版本代码使用说明见描述。(注意api地址)微信:ying5737)#ff0000") lastPrintfTime = now } } /********************END 市商/排序挖矿***************************************************************************************************/ // 模板初始化时调用 function init() { // 过滤常见错误 if (EnableErrorFilter) { SetErrorFilter("502:|503:|tcp|character|connection|unexpected|network|timeout|WSARecv|Connect|GetAddr|no such|reset|http|received|EOF|reused"); } _CDelay(RetryInterval) // 重定义需要容错的函数 var names = ApiList.split(','); _.each(exchanges, function(e) { _.each(names, function(name) { if (typeof(e[name]) !== 'function') { throw "尝试容错 " + name + " 失败, 请确认存在此API并且输入正确."; } var old = e[name]; e[name] = function() { var r; while (!(r = old.apply(this, { if (Debug) { Log(e.GetLabel(), name, "调用失败", RetryInterval, "毫秒后重试..."); } Sleep(RetryInterval); } return r; }; }); }); Log("容错机制开启", names); } function checkRisk(ticker) { lastPrice = ticker[0] if (lastPrice< minPrice || lastPrice > maxPrice) { Log( '===== 价格已超出箱体震荡区间 [', minPrice, ',', maxPrice, '],挂单暂停 1 分钟,1分钟后重新检测 =====' ); Sleep(1000 * 60); return true; } return false } function main() { while(true){ cancelAllOrder() tickerInfo = getTicker(symbol); ticker = tickerInfo.ticker; if (!checkRisk(ticker)) { marketMaker(ticker); underElephant(ticker) } cleanPosition(); printfBanner() Sleep(Interval * 1000) } }//FMex排序挖矿多头版本代码使用说明见描述。(注意api地址)微信:ying5737) function onexit() { Log("退出,撤所有订单") cancelAllOrder() }