The strategy is to spread the equivalent value as a basket of selected tokens, while the equivalent position as a bitcoin hedge, reducing risk and volatility. As the price fluctuates, constantly adjust the position to keep the value of the empty position constant and the multi-head position equivalent.Bitcoin price index is basically a time-lapse.The last two months' performance (leverage around 3x, data updated to 4.8) shows that the crypto has been up against bitcoin in the last week, so the loss, if you look at the multi-coin, can be set in the parameters to do nothing with bitcoin:
The default strategy is to do more bitcoins and do a dummy coin, you can also do the opposite (if you think the dummy is at the bottom) and decide for yourself.
1. Updated market and account holdings
2. Update the value of each coin's short position to determine if the short position needs to be adjusted
3. update the position of the total empty position, determine the multi-head holding and decide whether to adjust the multi-head position
4. The order and quantity of the order will be determined by the Ice Mountain commission, according to the transaction price of the counterparty (buy and sell at the same price).The following order is immediately canceled (so you'll see a lot of unsuccessful canceled cells 400: {
Short_symbols, Long_symbols, and Long_symbols are used to determine the trade value of each currency in which more or less of the transaction pairs are traded, and the contract value of each currency in which less of the transaction pairs is the average of the hedge value.
If only empty BTC, plus TRX, DASH, ONT, QTUM, and Trade_value is 50, then TRX, DASH, ONT, and QTUM all have multiple positions of 50, and BTC holds 50*4 positions.
If there is only one BTC, empty TRX, DASH, ONT, QTUM, and trade_value is 50, then TRX, DASH, ONT, QTUM all have 50 empty positions, and BTC holds more than 50*4 positions.
Leverage in the status bar represents the collateral has been used proportionally, and should not be too high.
When the price of the empty coin rises, the value of the contract increases, at which point it is undervalued, and the profit is raised. This keeps the total contract value constant. It is very likely that the coin will come out of the independent market, and currently from a one-year cycle, the coin may be at the bottom, and it is likely to rise a lot from the bottom.
if(IsVirtual()){ throw '不能回测,回测参考 https://www.fmz.com/digest-topic/5294 ' } if(exchange.GetName() != 'Futures_Binance'){ throw '只支持币安期货交易所,和现货交易所不同,需要单独添加,名称为Futures_Binance' } var short_symbols = Short_symbols.split(',') var long_symbols = Long_symbols.split(',') if(short_symbols.length == 1 && short_symbols[0] == ''){ short_symbols = [] } if(long_symbols.length == 1 && long_symbols[0] == ''){ long_symbols = [] } var symbols = [] for(var i=0; i<short_symbols.length; i++){ if(short_symbols[i]){ symbols.push(short_symbols[i]) } } for(var i=0; i<long_symbols.length; i++){ if(long_symbols[i]){ symbols.push(long_symbols[i]) } } var update_profit_time = 0 var assets = {} var trade_info = {} var exchange_info = HttpQuery('https://fapi.binance.com/fapi/v1/exchangeInfo') if(!exchange_info){ throw '无法连接币安网络,需要海外托管者' } exchange_info = JSON.parse(exchange_info) for (var i=0; i<exchange_info.symbols.length; i++){ if(symbols.indexOf(exchange_info.symbols[i].baseAsset) > -1){ assets[exchange_info.symbols[i].baseAsset] = {amount:0, hold_price:0, value:0, bid_price:0, ask_price:0, realised_profit:0, margin:0, unrealised_profit:0} trade_info[exchange_info.symbols[i].baseAsset] = {minQty:parseFloat(exchange_info.symbols[i].filters[1].minQty), priceSize:parseInt((Math.log10(1.1/parseFloat(exchange_info.symbols[i].filters[0].tickSize)))), amountSize:parseInt((Math.log10(1.1/parseFloat(exchange_info.symbols[i].filters[1].stepSize)))) } } } assets.USDT = {unrealised_profit:0, margin:0, margin_balance:0, total_balance:0, leverage:0} function updateAccount(){ var account = exchange.GetAccount() var pos = exchange.GetPosition() if (account == null || pos == null ){ Log('update account time out') return } assets.USDT.update_time = Date.now() for(var i=0; i<symbols.length; i++){ assets[symbols[i]].margin = 0 assets[symbols[i]].unrealised_profit = 0 assets[symbols[i]].hold_price = 0 assets[symbols[i]].amount = 0 assets[symbols[i]].unrealised_profit = 0 } for(var j=0; j<account.Info.positions.length; j++){ if(account.Info.positions[j].positionSide == 'BOTH'){ var pair = account.Info.positions[j].symbol var coin = pair.slice(0,pair.length-4) if(symbols.indexOf(coin) < 0){continue} assets[coin].margin = parseFloat(account.Info.positions[j].initialMargin) + parseFloat(account.Info.positions[j].maintMargin) assets[coin].unrealised_profit = parseFloat(account.Info.positions[j].unrealizedProfit) } } assets.USDT.margin = _N(parseFloat(account.Info.totalInitialMargin) + parseFloat(account.Info.totalMaintMargin),2) assets.USDT.margin_balance = _N(parseFloat(account.Info.totalMarginBalance),2) assets.USDT.total_balance = _N(parseFloat(account.Info.totalWalletBalance),2) assets.USDT.unrealised_profit = _N(parseFloat(account.Info.totalUnrealizedProfit),2) assets.USDT.leverage = _N(assets.USDT.margin/assets.USDT.total_balance,2) pos = JSON.parse(exchange.GetRawJSON()) if(pos.length > 0){ for(var k=0; k<pos.length; k++){ var pair = pos[k].symbol var coin = pair.slice(0,pair.length-4) if(symbols.indexOf(coin) < 0){continue} assets[coin].hold_price = parseFloat(pos[k].entryPrice) assets[coin].amount = parseFloat(pos[k].positionAmt) assets[coin].unrealised_profit = parseFloat(pos[k].unRealizedProfit) } } } function updateTick(){ var ticker = HttpQuery('https://fapi.binance.com/fapi/v1/ticker/bookTicker') if(ticker == null){ Log('get ticker time out') return } ticker = JSON.parse(ticker) for(var i=0; i<ticker.length; i++){ var pair = ticker[i].symbol var coin = pair.slice(0,pair.length-4) if(symbols.indexOf(coin) < 0){continue} assets[coin].ask_price = parseFloat(ticker[i].askPrice) assets[coin].bid_price = parseFloat(ticker[i].bidPrice) assets[coin].ask_value = _N(assets[coin].amount*assets[coin].ask_price, 2) assets[coin].bid_value = _N(assets[coin].amount*assets[coin].bid_price, 2) } } function trade(symbol, dirction, value){ if(Date.now()-assets.USDT.update_time > 10*1000){ Log('更新账户延时,不交易') return } var price = dirction == 'sell' ? assets[symbol].bid_price : assets[symbol].ask_price var amount = _N(Math.min(value,Ice_value)/price, trade_info[symbol].amountSize) if(amount < trade_info[symbol].minQty){ Log(symbol, '合约调整偏离价值或冰山委托订单设置过小,达不到最小成交, 至少需要: ', _N(trade_info[symbol].minQty*price,0)) return } exchange.IO("currency", symbol+'_'+'USDT') exchange.SetContractType('swap') exchange.SetDirection(dirction) var f = dirction == 'buy' ? 'Buy' : 'Sell' var id = exchange[f](price, amount, symbol) if(id){ exchange.CancelOrder(id) //订单会立即撤销 } } function updateStatus(){ var table = {type: 'table', title: '交易对信息', cols: ['币种', '数量', '持仓价格', '当前价格', '持仓价值', '保证金', '未实现盈亏'], rows: []} for (var i=0; i<symbols.length; i++){ var price = _N((assets[symbols[i]].ask_price + assets[symbols[i]].bid_price)/2, trade_info[symbols[i]].priceSize) var value = _N((assets[symbols[i]].ask_value + assets[symbols[i]].bid_value)/2, 2) var infoList = [symbols[i], assets[symbols[i]].amount, assets[symbols[i]].hold_price, price, value,_N(assets[symbols[i]].margin,3), _N(assets[symbols[i]].unrealised_profit,3)] table.rows.push(infoList) } var logString = _D() + ' ' + JSON.stringify(assets.USDT) + '\n' LogStatus(logString + '`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`') if(Date.now()-update_profit_time > Log_profit_interval*1000){ LogProfit(_N(assets.USDT.margin_balance,3)) update_profit_time = Date.now() } } function onTick(){ var short_value = Trade_value if(short_symbols.length<long_symbols.length){ short_value = _N(long_symbols.length*Trade_value/short_symbols.length,0) } var long_value = Trade_value if(short_symbols.length>long_symbols.length){ long_value = _N(short_symbols.length*Trade_value/long_symbols.length,0) } var symbol = '' for(var i=0; i<short_symbols.length; i++){ symbol = short_symbols[i] if(assets[symbol].ask_price == 0){ continue } if(assets[symbol].bid_value + short_value > Adjust_value){ trade(symbol, 'sell', assets[symbol].bid_value + short_value) } if(assets[symbol].ask_value + short_value < -Adjust_value){ trade(symbol, 'buy', -(assets[symbol].ask_value + short_value)) } } for(var i=0; i<long_symbols.length; i++){ symbol = long_symbols[i] if(assets[symbol].ask_price == 0){ continue } if(assets[symbol].bid_value - long_value > Adjust_value){ trade(symbol, 'sell', assets[symbol].bid_value-long_value) } if(assets[symbol].ask_value - long_value < -Adjust_value){ trade(symbol, 'buy', long_value-assets[symbol].ask_value) } } } function main() { while(true){ updateAccount() updateTick() onTick() updateStatus() Sleep(Interval*1000) } }
Oh, my God.Is it a flat rate or a market price?
wfwfaf1updateAccount (()) is required if ((pair.slice ((pair.length-4, pair.length) == "USDT")) Since there is a busd contract, it is necessary to decide whether the position is a target contract when updating the holding information. Otherwise, multiple positions will be confused, leading to unlimited orders.