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/*backtest start: 2020-03-11 00:00:00 end: 2020-04-09 23:59:00 period: 1d exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC_USD"}] */ var chartCfg = { subtitle: { text: "subtitle", }, yAxis: [{ height: "40%", lineWidth: 2, title: { text: 'PnL', }, tickPixelInterval: 20, minorGridLineWidth: 1, minorTickWidth: 0, opposite: true, labels: { align: "right", x: -3, } }, { title: { text: 'Profit', }, top: "42%", height: "18%", offset: 0, lineWidth: 2 }, { title: { text: 'Vol', }, top: '62%', height: '18%', offset: 0, lineWidth: 2 }, { title: { text: 'Asset', }, top: '82%', height: '18%', offset: 0, lineWidth: 2 }], series: [{ name: 'PnL', data: [], id: 'primary', tooltip: { xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' }, yAxis: 0 }, { type: 'column', lineWidth: 2, name: 'Profit', data: [], yAxis: 1, }, { type: 'column', name: 'Trade', data: [], yAxis: 2 }, { type: 'area', step: true, lineWidth: 0, name: 'Long', data: [], yAxis: 2 }, { type: 'area', step: true, lineWidth: 0, name: 'Short', data: [], yAxis: 2 }, { type: 'line', step: true, color: '#5b4b00', name: 'Asset', data: [], yAxis: 3 }, { type: 'pie', innerSize: '70%', name: 'Random', data: [], center: ['3%', '6%'], size: '15%', dataLabels: { enabled: false }, startAngle: -90, endAngle: 90, }], }; function main() { let c = Chart(chartCfg); let preTicker = null; while (true) { let t = exchange.GetTicker(); c.add(0, [t.Time, t.Last]); // PnL c.add(1, [t.Time, preTicker ? t.Last - preTicker.Last : 0]); // profit let r = Math.random(); var pos = parseInt(t.Time/86400); c.add(2, [t.Time, pos/2]); // Vol c.add(3, [t.Time, r > 0.8 ? pos : null]); // Long c.add(4, [t.Time, r < 0.8 ? -pos : null]); // Short c.add(5, [t.Time, Math.random() * 100]); // Asset // update pie chartCfg.series[chartCfg.series.length-1].data = [ ["A", Math.random()*100], ["B", Math.random()*100], ]; c.update(chartCfg) preTicker = t; } }
ZeroI'm not sure what's going on here.
JohnnyIs there a limit to the maximum value you can insert?
fmzeroWhether the graph has an API for controlling curve/graph display and hide