var Symbols; //---------------------------------------- //按钮监控要频率高 function ButtonFun() { //-----------------手动平多----------------------- var cmd = GetCommand() //获取按钮变化量 if (cmd) { //按钮切换产品 var arr = cmd.split(":") //exchange.SetContractType("swap") //设置是那么产品季度 //exchange.SetCurrency(Symbols) //切换产品(默认产品) if(arr[0] == "Symbols"){ exchange.SetCurrency(arr[1]) //切换产品(默认产品) Symbols=arr[1] Log("交易产品已经切换为:",arr[1]) } if (arr[0] == "CloseAll") { //全部平仓 let position = exchange.GetPosition() //持仓单 (只获取当前产品的持仓单) if (position.length > 0) { if (position[0].Type == 0) { //平多 exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") ticker = exchange.GetTicker() //获取当前行情价格ticker.Buy,为了保证成交可能要追20挡位 let depth = exchange.GetDepth() //获取行情数据,大 depth.Asks[20].Price ,小 depth.Bids[20].Price exchange.Sell(depth.Bids[20].Price, position[0].Amount) Log(Symbols + "多单手动全部平单" + position[0].Amount ) } else { //平空 exchange.SetDirection("closesell") ticker = exchange.GetTicker() //获取当前行情价格ticker.Sell, let depth = exchange.GetDepth() //获取行情数据,大 depth.Asks[20].Price ,小 depth.Bids[20].Price exchange.Buy(depth.Asks[20].Price, position[0].Amount) Log(Symbols + "空单手动全部平单" + position[0].Amount ) } } } if (arr[0] == "CloseBuy") { //多单部分平仓 //Log("arr=", arr, "arr[0]", arr[0], "arr[1]", arr[1]) exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") ticker = exchange.GetTicker() //获取当前行情价格ticker.Buy,为了保证成交可能要追20挡位 let depth = exchange.GetDepth() //获取行情数据,大 depth.Asks[20].Price ,小 depth.Bids[20].Price exchange.Sell(depth.Bids[20].Price, Number(arr[1])) Log(Symbols, "多单手动部分平单" + arr[1]) } if (arr[0] == "OpenBuy") { //部分开多 //Log("arr=",arr,"arr[0]",arr[0],"arr[1]",arr[1]) exchange.SetDirection("buy") ticker = exchange.GetTicker() //获取当前行情价格ticker.Buy,为了保证成交可能要追20挡位 let depth = exchange.GetDepth() //获取行情数据,大 depth.Asks[20].Price ,小 depth.Bids[20].Price exchange.Buy(depth.Asks[20].Price, Number(arr[1])) Log(Symbols + "多单手动开单" + arr[1]) } if (arr[0] == "CloseSell") { //空单部分平仓 exchange.SetDirection("closesell") ticker = exchange.GetTicker() //获取当前行情价格ticker.Sell,为了保证成交可能要追20挡位 let depth = exchange.GetDepth() //获取行情数据,大 depth.Asks[20].Price ,小 depth.Bids[20].Price exchange.Buy(depth.Asks[20].Price, Number(arr[1])) Log(Symbols + "空单手动部分平单" + arr[1]) } if (arr[0] == "OpenSell") { //手动开空 exchange.SetDirection("sell") ticker = exchange.GetTicker() //获取当前行情价格ticker.Buy,为了保证成交可能要追20挡位 let depth = exchange.GetDepth() //获取行情数据,大 depth.Asks[20].Price ,小 depth.Bids[20].Price exchange.Sell(depth.Bids[20].Price, Number(arr[1])) Log(Symbols + "空单手动开单" + arr[1]) } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- //主函数 //--------------------------------------------------------------- function main() { exchange.SetContractType("swap") //设置是那么产品季度 //exchange.SetCurrency(Symbols) //切换产品(默认产品) while (true) { ButtonFun() let position = exchange.GetPosition() //持仓单 (只获取当前产品的持仓单) if (position.length > 0) { LogStatus(_D(), "当前产品方向:", position[0].Type==0?"BUY":"SELL", "持有量:", position[0].Amount, "未平仓盈利:", position[0].Profit) } else { LogStatus(_D(), "当前产品持有量:", 0, "未平仓盈利:", 0) } Sleep(1000 *1); // 休眠3秒 } }
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