Monitoring and displaying the total assets of multiple platforms, only when account funds change from the new one, all platforms' money and coins are converted into net assets shown in the earnings curve
var LastState = null; function adjustFloat(v) { return Math.floor(v*1000)/1000; } function getExchangesState() { var isUpdate = false; var allBalance = 0; var allNetStocks = 0; var Cache = []; var CurrencyCache = []; for (var i = 0; i < exchanges.length; i++) { var account = null; var ticker = null; while (!(account = exchanges[i].GetAccount())) { Sleep(Interval); } while (!(ticker = exchanges[i].GetTicker())) { Sleep(Interval); } var name = typeof(exchanges[i].GetLabel) == 'undefined' ? exchanges[i].GetName() : exchanges[i].GetLabel(); var currency = exchanges[i].GetCurrency(); if (typeof(CurrencyCache[currency]) == 'undefined') { CurrencyCache[currency] = 0; } CurrencyCache[currency] = adjustFloat(CurrencyCache[currency] + account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks); if (typeof(Cache[name]) == 'undefined') { Cache[name] = true; allBalance += account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance; } allNetStocks += (account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks) * ticker.Last; } var update = false; var str = ""; for (var currency in CurrencyCache) { str += ' '+currency + ': ' + CurrencyCache[currency]; if (LastState != null) { if (LastState.CurrencyCache[currency] != CurrencyCache[currency]) { update = true; } } } allBalance = adjustFloat(allBalance); if (LastState != null) { if (LastState.allBalance != allBalance) { update = true; } } return {allStocks: str, Net: adjustFloat(allNetStocks + allBalance), CurrencyCache: CurrencyCache, allBalance: allBalance, update: (LastState == null) || update}; } function main() { Log("所有平台的钱和币将换算成净资产显示到收益曲线里"); while (true) { var state = getExchangesState(); if (state.update) { LastState = state; Log('总钱: ', state.allBalance, '总币: ', state.allStocks); LogProfit(state.Net); } Sleep(Math.max(TickInterval, 100)); } }
NameCan't this policy dynamically track asset changes? Does it seem like it only updates once at startup and then doesn't?