Estrategia de línea de promedio móvil de futuros simples de materias primas de múltiples variedades El nombre de la empresa es:
La biblioteca de futuros de materias primas implementa el marco estratégico de la función $.CTA. Con este marco estratégico, se puede lograr una estrategia multi-variedad de estrategia de mercado estable y real simultánea en solo unas pocas docenas de líneas.
function main() {
// using commodity futures library of the CTA strategy framework
$.CTA(Symbols, function(st) {
var r = st.records
var mp = st.position.amount
var symbol = st.symbol
r is the K line, mp is the current variety position, positive number refers to long positions, negative number refers to short position, 0 means no position,
symbol refers to variety name
The return value is n:
n = 0 : Refers to close all position (regardless of the current holdings position)
n > 0 : If there are currently holding long positions, adding n long positions, if the current position is short position, then close n short positions,
if n is greater than the current holding position, then open long positions
n < 0 : If the current position is short position, adding n short positions. If the current position is long positions, then close n long positions.
If -n is greater than the current holding position, then open short position.
No return value means doing nothing
if (r.length < SlowPeriod) {
var cross = _Cross(TA.EMA(r, FastPeriod), TA.EMA(r, SlowPeriod));
if (mp <= 0 && cross > ConfirmPeriod) {
Log(symbol, "up cross cycle", cross, "Current holding position", mp);
return Lots * (mp < 0 ? 2 : 1)
} else if (mp >= 0 && cross < -ConfirmPeriod) {
Log(symbol, "down cross cycle", cross, "Current holding position", mp);
return -Lots * (mp > 0 ? 2 : 1)
- ¿ Por qué?muy bueno
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