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Plantilla de alertas de lanzamiento lunar [Indicador]

El autor:¿ Qué pasa?, Fecha: 2022-05-12 17:55:46
Las etiquetas:El MACDEl RMAEl EMALa SMA

Creé este indicador/escritorio de estudio porque me encontré con el problema de que las mismas Alertas dispararían varias veces. Por ejemplo, desencadenaría una señal larga cuando ya estaba en una larga. Supongo que no habría ningún problema con una estrategia muy básica, pero con un script más grande y muchas variables, parecía crear complicaciones.

Esto se resuelve mediante un oscilador TradingLine y solo cuando cambia a una posición nueva y diferente a la anterior, activará una Alerta.

Si usted está en una posición larga y se señala largo de nuevo, entonces esto se ve como un Continuation Long en la configuración de Alertas.

Notará que hay una opción para desmarcar las señales Trade Shorts y Trade Exits. Digamos que usted elige no comerciar corto y salidas, entonces su largo sólo saldría una vez que se detecta una señal corta. Esto podría resultar útil para los propósitos de back-testing.

Este ejemplo rápido de script utiliza el EMA 10, EMA 200, emaPlus1Atr y emaMinus1Atr.

Para usarlo en su script, deberá modificar y agregar sus propias señales de compra / venta / salida en la casilla donde dice:

Ingrese sus señales de compra/venta/salida aquí:


Espero que alguien encuentre esto útil, o incluso sólo como una confirmación visual adicional para su propia estrategia de negociación y guión.

Prueba posterior

Moon Launch Alerts Template [Indicator]

start: 2022-05-04 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-10 23:59:00
period: 5m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © zombie76

indicator("ML Alerts Template [indicator]", shorttitle = "ML Alerts Template [indicator]", overlay=false)

tradeshorts = input(title='- *Trade Shorts* - ', defval=true)
tradeexitsignals = input(title='- *Trade Exits* -', defval=true)

src = (close)
source = (close)

///////////////////// EMA's ////////////////////////
p10=input(title="EMA 1",defval=10)
p200=input(title="EMA 2",defval=200)


//************* ATR ***************//
lengthatr = input(12, title="ATR Length") 

atr = ta.rma(ta.tr(true), lengthatr)
ema = ta.ema(close, lengthatr)

emaPlus1Atr = ema + atr
emaMinus1Atr = ema - atr

//************ END ATR ***********//

////////////////////////////// HIST ///////////////////////////////////

fastLengthHist = input(title='Hist Fast Length',defval=12)
slowLengthHist=input(title='Hist Slow Length',defval=26)
signalLength=input(title='Hist Signal Length',defval=9)

fastMA = ta.ema(source, fastLengthHist)
slowMA = ta.ema(source, slowLengthHist)

macd = fastMA - slowMA
signal = ta.sma(macd, signalLength)
hist = macd - signal



tradeups = ema10 > ema10[1] and low > emaMinus1Atr and hist > hist[1] // LONG
tradeexits = tradeexitsignals and (ema10 < ema10[1]) and not tradeups // Exit Long
tradedowns = ((ema10 < ema10[1] and hist < hist[1]) or (high > emaPlus1Atr and close < emaPlus1Atr and close < open and hist < hist[1])) and not tradeups // SHORT
exitshort = low < emaMinus1Atr and close > open and ema10 > ema10[1] and hist > hist[1] // Exit Short


///////////////////////////////// Buy Sell Line ///////////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////// DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW /////////////////////////////////////

// Filters out signals if opposite signal is also on:
heikDownColor() => tradedowns
heikUpColor() => tradeups
heikExitColor() => tradeexitsignals and tradeexits

previnashort = 0
previnalong = 0
previnaexit = 0

// Heiki Down Filter //    
inashort_filt = heikDownColor() and tradeshorts and not heikUpColor()
previnashort := inashort_filt ? 1 : heikUpColor() ? -1 : previnashort[1]
inashort2 = previnashort[1] == 1

// Heiki Up Filter //
inalong_filt = heikUpColor() and not (heikDownColor() or tradeexits)
previnalong := inalong_filt ? 1 : heikDownColor() ? -1 : previnalong[1]
inalong2 = previnalong[1] == 1

// Heiki Exit Filter //
inaexit_filt = heikExitColor() and not heikDownColor() and not (heikUpColor() or tradeups)
previnaexit := inaexit_filt ? 1 : heikDownColor() or heikUpColor() ? -1 : previnaexit[1]
inaexit2 = previnaexit[1] == 1

// Heiki Exit Filter 2 //
//exit short//
previnasexits = 0
inasexits_filt = exitshort and (inashort2 or tradedowns) and not tradeups //and not tradedowns[1]
previnasexits := inasexits_filt ? 1 : heikDownColor() or heikUpColor() ? -1 : previnasexits[1]
inasexit2 = previnasexits[1] == 1 //and not exitshort[1]


heikDownColor_filt = (heikDownColor() and not heikUpColor()) or (heikDownColor() and not heikExitColor())
heikUpColor_filt = tradeups or ((heikUpColor() or inalong2) and not (tradeexits or tradedowns or (inaexit2 and not tradeups)))
heikExitColor_filt = heikExitColor() and not (heikDownColor_filt or tradeups)
heikNeuColor_filt = (heikUpColor() or heikDownColor() or tradeups)

prev5 = 0
prev5 := (heikUpColor_filt and (not (tradedowns or tradeexits))) or tradeups ? 1000 : (tradeshorts and tradedowns) or not (inashort2 and (exitshort or inasexit2)) and (tradeshorts and (inashort2 or heikDownColor_filt)) ? -1000 : not (tradeups or heikUpColor_filt) and (((not tradeshorts and (heikExitColor_filt)) or (inashort2 and exitshort) or (tradeshorts and tradeexits and heikUpColor_filt and not (heikDownColor_filt)) or (tradeshorts and tradeexits and not heikDownColor_filt and not heikUpColor_filt))) ? 0 : prev5[0]

plot(prev5, color=color.new(color.aqua, 10), style=plot.style_stepline, title='Trade Line')

shortdata2 = prev5[0] == -1000 and (heikDownColor_filt or inashort2) //and heikNeuColor_filt
longdata2 = prev5[0] == 1000 and (heikUpColor_filt or not (heikExitColor_filt or heikDownColor_filt))
exitdata2 = prev5[0] == 0 and not (heikNeuColor_filt or heikDownColor_filt)
////////////////////// END Buy Sell Line ///////////////////////////////////

/////////////////////////////////// Plot Dots //////////////////////////////
plotshape(longdata2 and not tradeexits, style=shape.diamond, location=location.bottom, color=color.new(color.lime, 50)) //LONG
plotshape(shortdata2 and tradeshorts, style=shape.diamond, location=location.bottom, color=color.new(color.red, 50)) // SHORT
plotshape(exitdata2 and not (tradeups or heikUpColor_filt), style=shape.diamond, location=location.bottom, color=color.new(color.purple, 50)) // EXIT

plotshape(tradeups and not tradeups[1], style=shape.diamond, location=location.bottom, color=color.new(color.lime, 0)) //LONG
plotshape(tradedowns and tradeshorts and not tradedowns[1], style=shape.diamond, location=location.bottom, color=color.new(color.red, 0)) // SHORT
plotshape(prev5[0] == 0 and (prev5[1] > 0 or prev5[1] < 0) and not (tradeups or heikUpColor_filt), style=shape.diamond, location=location.bottom, color=color.new(color.white, 70))


GoLong = prev5[0] > 0 and prev5[1] < 900
GoShort = prev5[0] < 0 and prev5[1] > -900
GoExit = prev5[0] == 0 and (prev5[1] > 0 or prev5[1] < 0)

if GoLong
    strategy.entry("Enter Long", strategy.long)
else if GoShort
    strategy.entry("Enter Short", strategy.short)
///////////// Alerts ////////////////

     title="1_Warp LONG",
     message="LONG *")
alertcondition(condition=GoShort and tradeshorts,
     title="2_Warp SHORT",
     message="SHORT *")

     title="3_EXIT Warp",
     message="EXIT *")   

////// Alerts Add to Position ////// 
alertcondition(condition=tradeups and not exitdata2[1] and not tradeups[1],
     title="4_Warp Add to LONG",
     message="LONG *increase")
alertcondition(condition=tradedowns and tradeshorts and not exitdata2[1] and not tradedowns[1],
     title="5_Warp Add to SHORT",
     message="SHORT *increase")
//////////////// END ALL /////////////////////

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