La estrategia se llama
La estrategia utiliza el indicador estocástico de 5 días %K y los cruces de la línea %D para generar señales de negociación. Cuando el %K cruza el %D desde abajo, se genera una señal de compra. Cuando el %K cruza por debajo del %D desde arriba, se genera una señal de venta. Para filtrar las señales falsas, se utilizan líneas SMA de 50 días - solo cuando el precio de cierre está por debajo del punto más bajo del SMA, una señal de compra es válida; solo cuando el precio de cierre está por encima del punto más alto del SMA, una señal de venta es válida.
Al recibir una señal de compra, la estrategia abrirá una posición larga con una cantidad fija. Al recibir una señal de venta, si está en modo de negociación unidireccional, cerrará la posición larga anterior y abrirá una posición corta. Si está en modo de cobertura, simplemente abrirá una posición corta adicional para cubrir. Para cada unidad de negociación, se establecen puntos de stop loss y take profit aleatorios basados en un cierto porcentaje del precio actual. Esto permite bloquear las ganancias y controlar los riesgos.
La mayor ventaja de esta estrategia es que utiliza señales estocásticas con filtro SMA para lograr una tasa de señales falsas relativamente baja en el comercio bidireccional. Esto proporciona más oportunidades de ganancia. Además, el mecanismo de stop loss / take profit aleatorio permite obtener ganancias a tiempo después de obtener ganancias, evitando devolver todas las ganancias; y cortar pérdidas en caso de pérdidas enormes, para reducir las pérdidas. En resumen, la estrategia tiene un mayor margen de ganancia y un mejor control de riesgos.
Los principales riesgos de esta estrategia incluyen señales falsas del indicador estocástico que pueden conducir a pérdidas innecesarias; puntos de stop loss / take profit aleatorios inadecuados pueden ser demasiado agresivos, causando una salida prematura o tardía, lo que afecta a la rentabilidad; la incapacidad de reducir las pérdidas a tiempo en las operaciones de cobertura puede conducir a la amplificación de las pérdidas.
Para reducir los riesgos, los parámetros del filtro SMA se pueden optimizar para filtrar más señales falsas. También considere combinar otros indicadores para determinar las tendencias del mercado para evitar el comercio contra tendencias. Finalmente, se debe establecer un rango de stop loss razonable y se deben utilizar puntos de stop loss independientes para las unidades de cobertura para controlar el riesgo.
Las estrategias pueden optimizarse en los siguientes aspectos:
Optimizar los parámetros del Estocástico para encontrar la mejor combinación de parámetros para reducir las señales falsas.
Optimizar o añadir otros indicadores técnicos para ayudar a Stochastic a determinar las tendencias, por ejemplo, MACD, KD, etc.
Utilice modelos de aprendizaje automático para estudiar métricas como precisión, tasa de ganancia, etc. de señales estocásticas bajo diferentes parámetros, para encontrar el espacio óptimo de parámetros.
Optimizar los algoritmos aleatorios de stop loss/take profit para hacerlos más inteligentes y dinámicos, por ejemplo, incorporar conceptos como mover los stop loss, dimensionar las posiciones, etc.
Añadir un módulo de dimensionamiento de la posición, permitiendo ajustes dinámicos de la posición basados en el rendimiento, los regímenes de mercado, etc.
La estrategia
/*backtest start: 2023-12-31 00:00:00 end: 2024-01-07 00:00:00 period: 15m basePeriod: 5m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 var int slippage = 0 strategy("X48 - DayLight Hunter | Strategy | V.01.01", overlay=true, calc_on_order_fills = true, initial_capital = 50,default_qty_type = strategy.fixed, default_qty_value = 1, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, commission_value = 0, currency = currency.USD, slippage = 0) var bool hedge_mode = false var int sto_buy = 0 var int sto_sell = 0 Trade_Mode = input.string(defval = "Hedge", title = "⚖️ Mode For Trade [Oneway / Hedge]", options = ["Oneway", "Hedge"], group = "Mode Trade", tooltip = "Oneway = Switching Position Type With Signal\nHedge Mode = Not Switching Position Type Unitl TP or SL") Risk_Mode = input.string(defval = "Low Risk", title = "⚖️ Risk Signal Mode [Low / Medium / High]", options = ["Low Risk", "Medium Risk", "High Risk"], group = "Mode Trade", tooltip = "[[Signal Form Stochastic]]\nLow Risk is >= 80 and <= 20\nMedium Risk is >= 70 and <= 30\nHigh Risk is >= 50 and <=50") if Trade_Mode == "Oneway" hedge_mode := false else hedge_mode := true if Risk_Mode == "Low Risk" sto_buy := 20 sto_sell := 80 else if Risk_Mode == "Medium Risk" sto_buy := 30 sto_sell := 70 else if Risk_Mode == "High Risk" sto_buy := 50 sto_sell := 50 periodK =, title="%K Length", minval=1, group = "Stochastic Setting", inline = "Sto0") smoothK =, title="%K Smoothing", minval=1, group = "Stochastic Setting", inline = "Sto0") periodD =, title="%D Smoothing", minval=1, group = "Stochastic Setting", inline = "Sto0") SMA_Mode = input.bool(defval = true, title = "SMA High and Low Filter Mode", group = "SMA Filter Mode", tooltip = "Sell Signal With Open >= SMA High\nBuy Signal With Close <= SMA Low") SMA_High = = 50, title = "SMA High", group = "SMA Filter Mode", inline = "SMA1") SMA_Low = = 50, title = "SMA Low", group = "SMA Filter Mode", inline = "SMA1") k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(close, high, low, periodK), smoothK) d = ta.sma(k, periodD) high_line = ta.sma(high, SMA_High) low_line = ta.sma(low, SMA_Low) plot(SMA_Mode ? high_line : na, "H-Line", color = color.yellow, linewidth = 2) plot(SMA_Mode ? low_line : na, "L-Line", color =, linewidth = 2) entrybuyprice = strategy.position_avg_price var bool longcondition = na var bool shortcondition = na if SMA_Mode == true longcondition := ta.crossover(k,d) and d <= sto_buy and close < low_line and open < low_line// or ta.crossover(k, 20)// and close <= low_line shortcondition := ta.crossunder(k,d) and d >= sto_sell and close > high_line and open > high_line// or ta.crossunder(k, 80)// and close >= high_line else longcondition := ta.crossover(k,d) and d <= sto_buy shortcondition := ta.crossunder(k,d) and d >= sto_sell //longcondition_double = ta.crossover(d,20) and close < low_line// and strategy.position_size > 0 //shortcondition_double = ta.crossunder(d,80) and close > high_line// and strategy.position_size < 0 //=============== TAKE PROFIT and STOP LOSS by % ================= tpsl(percent) => strategy.position_avg_price * percent / 100 / syminfo.mintick GR4 = "=====🆘🆘🆘 TAKE PROFIT & STOP LOSS BY [%] 🆘🆘🆘=====" mode= input.bool(title="🆘 Take Profit & Stop Loss By Percent (%)", defval=true, group=GR4, tooltip = "Take Profit & Stop Loss by % Change\n0 = Disable") tp_l = tpsl(input.float(0, title='🆘 TP [LONG] % >> [Oneway Only]', group=GR4, tooltip = "0 = Disable")) tp_s = tpsl(input.float(0, title='🆘 TP [SHORT] % >> [Oneway Only]', group=GR4, tooltip = "0 = Disable")) sl = tpsl(input.float(0, title='🆘 Stop Loss %', group=GR4, tooltip = "0 = Disable")) tp_pnl = input.float(defval = 1, title = "🆘 TP by PNL $ eg. (0.1 = 0.1$)", group = GR4) spread_size = input.float(defval = 0.350, title = "🆘 Spread Point Size(Eg. 35 Point or 350 Point From Your Broker Digits)", tooltip = "Spread Point Form Your Broker \nEg. 1920.124 - 1920.135 or 1920.12 - 1920.13\nPlease Check From Your Broker", group = GR4) GR5 = "===💮💮💮 Hedge Mode 💮💮💮===" //hedge_mode = input.bool(defval = true, title = "⚖️ Hedge Mode", group = GR5) hedge_point = = 500, title = "💯 Hedge Point Range", group = GR5, tooltip = "After Entry Last Position And Current Price More Than Point Range Are Open New Hedge Position") hedge_gale = input.float(defval = 2.0, title = "✳️ Martingale For Hedge Multiply [default = 2]", tooltip = "Martingale For Multiply Hedge Order", group = GR5) hedge_point_size = hedge_point/100 calcStopLossPrice(OffsetPts) => if strategy.position_size > 0 strategy.position_avg_price - OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick else if strategy.position_size < 0 strategy.position_avg_price + OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick else na calcStopLossL_AlertPrice(OffsetPts) => strategy.position_avg_price - OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick calcStopLossS_AlertPrice(OffsetPts) => strategy.position_avg_price + OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick calcTakeProfitPrice(OffsetPts) => if strategy.position_size > 0 strategy.position_avg_price + OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick else if strategy.position_size < 0 strategy.position_avg_price - OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick else na calcTakeProfitL_AlertPrice(OffsetPts) => strategy.position_avg_price + OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick calcTakeProfitS_AlertPrice(OffsetPts) => strategy.position_avg_price - OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick var stoploss = 0. var stoploss_l = 0. var stoploss_s = 0. var takeprofit = 0. var takeprofit_l = 0. var takeprofit_s = 0. var takeprofit_ll = 0. var takeprofit_ss = 0. if mode == true if (strategy.position_size > 0) if sl > 0 stoploss := calcStopLossPrice(sl) stoploss_l := stoploss else if sl <= 0 stoploss := na if tp_l > 0 takeprofit := tp_l takeprofit_ll := close + ((close/100)*tp_l) //takeprofit_s := na else if tp_l <= 0 takeprofit := na if (strategy.position_size < 0) if sl > 0 stoploss := calcStopLossPrice(sl) stoploss_s := stoploss else if sl <= 0 stoploss := na if tp_s > 0 takeprofit := tp_s takeprofit_ss := close - ((close/100)*tp_s) //takeprofit_l := na else if tp_s <= 0 takeprofit := na else if strategy.position_size == 0 stoploss := na takeprofit := na //takeprofit_l := calcTakeProfitL_AlertPrice(tp_l) //takeprofit_s := calcTakeProfitS_AlertPrice(tp_s) //stoploss_l := calcStopLossL_AlertPrice(sl) //stoploss_s := calcStopLossS_AlertPrice(sl) //////////// INPUT BACKTEST RANGE //////////////////////////////////////////////////// var string BTR1 = '════════⌚⌚ INPUT BACKTEST TIME RANGE ⌚⌚════════' i_startTime = input(defval = timestamp("01 Jan 1945 00:00 +0000"), title = "Start", inline="timestart", group=BTR1, tooltip = 'Start Backtest YYYY/MM/DD') i_endTime = input(defval = timestamp("01 Jan 2074 23:59 +0000"), title = "End", inline="timeend", group=BTR1, tooltip = 'End Backtest YYYY/MM/DD') //////////////// Strategy Alert For X4815162342 BOT ////////////////////// Text_Alert_Future = '{{strategy.order.alert_message}}' copy_Fu = input( defval= Text_Alert_Future , title="Alert Message for BOT", inline = '00' ,group = '═ Bot Setting ═ \n >> If You Dont Use Bot Just Pass It' ,tooltip = 'Alert For X48-BOT > Copy and Paste To Alert Function') TimeFrame_input = input(defval= 'Input Your TimeFrame [1m, 15m, 1h, 4h, 1d ,1w]' , title="TimeFrame Text Alert", inline = '00' ,group = '═ Bot Setting ═ \n >> If You Dont Use Bot Just Pass It') string Alert_EntryL = '🪙 Asset : {{ticker}} \n💱 Status : {{strategy.market_position}}\n🕛 TimeFrame : '+str.tostring(TimeFrame_input)+'\n💸 Price : {{strategy.order.price}} $\n✅ TP : '+str.tostring(takeprofit_ll)+' $\n❌ SL : '+str.tostring(stoploss_l)+' $\n⏰ Time : {{timenow}}' string Alert_EntryS = '🪙 Asset : {{ticker}} \n💱 Status : {{strategy.market_position}}\n🕛 TimeFrame : '+str.tostring(TimeFrame_input)+'\n💸 Price : {{strategy.order.price}} $\n✅ TP : '+str.tostring(takeprofit_ss)+' $\n❌ SL : '+str.tostring(stoploss_s)+' $\n⏰ Time : {{timenow}}' string Alert_TPSL = '🪙 Asset : {{ticker}}\n🕛 TimeFrame : '+str.tostring(TimeFrame_input)+'\n💹 {{strategy.order.comment}}\n💸 Price : {{strategy.order.price}} $\n⏰ Time : {{timenow}}' if true if longcondition strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, comment = "🌙", alert_message = Alert_EntryL) //if longcondition_double // //strategy.cancel_all() // strategy.entry("Long2", strategy.long, comment = "🌙🌙") // //strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100 , profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚L", comment_loss = "SL💚L") if shortcondition strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, comment = "👻", alert_message = Alert_EntryS) //strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️S", comment_loss = "SL❤️️S") //if shortcondition_double // //strategy.cancel_all() // strategy.entry("Short2", strategy.short, comment = "👻👻") if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.opentrades >= 1 and hedge_mode == true entrypricel = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1) callpointsize = entrypricel - close lastsize = strategy.position_size if callpointsize >= hedge_point_size and longcondition strategy.order("Long2", strategy.long, qty = lastsize * hedge_gale, comment = "🌙⌛", alert_message = Alert_EntryL) else if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.opentrades >= 1 and hedge_mode == true entryprices = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1) callpointsize = (entryprices - close)* -1 lastsize = (strategy.position_size) * -1 if callpointsize >= hedge_point_size and shortcondition strategy.order("Short2", strategy.short, qty = lastsize * hedge_gale, comment = "👻⌛", alert_message = Alert_EntryS) last_price_l = (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1) + (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1)/100) * takeprofit) + spread_size last_price_s = (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1) - (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1)/100) * takeprofit) - spread_size current_price =, "1", close) current_pricel =, "1", close) + spread_size current_prices =, "1", close) - spread_size //if mode == true if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.openprofit >= tp_pnl and mode == true and hedge_mode == true lastsize = strategy.position_size lastprofitorder = strategy.openprofit //if lastprofitorder >= 0.07 //strategy.close('Long', qty = lastsize, comment = "TP💚L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true) strategy.cancel_all() strategy.close_all(comment = "TP💚PNL", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true) //strategy.close_all(comment = "TP💚LH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) //strategy.exit("Exit",'Long2', qty_percent = 100, profit = last_price_l, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚LH", comment_loss = "SL💚LH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) //strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100, profit = last_price_l, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚L", comment_loss = "SL💚L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) else if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.openprofit < tp_pnl and mode == true and hedge_mode == true strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100, stop = stoploss, comment_loss = "SL💚%L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) if strategy.position_size > 0 and mode == true and hedge_mode == false //strategy.close_all(comment = "TP💚LH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true) strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚%L", comment_loss = "SL💚%L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) //strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚LL", comment_loss = "SL💚L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) //else if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.opentrades > 1 // lastsize = strategy.position_size // lastprofitorder = strategy.openprofit // if lastprofitorder >= 0.07 // strategy.close_all(comment = "TP💚LL", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.openprofit >= tp_pnl and mode == true and hedge_mode == true lastsize = (strategy.position_size) * -1 lastprofitorder = strategy.openprofit //if lastprofitorder >= 0.07 //strategy.close('Short', qty = lastsize, comment = "TP❤️️S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true) strategy.cancel_all() strategy.close_all(comment = "TP❤️️PNL", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true) //strategy.close_all(comment = "TP❤️️SH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) //strategy.exit("Exit",'Short2', qty_percent = 100, profit = last_price_s, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️SH", comment_loss = "SL❤️️SH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) //strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, profit = last_price_s, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️S", comment_loss = "SL❤️️S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) else if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.openprofit < tp_pnl and mode == true and hedge_mode == true strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, stop = stoploss, comment_loss = "SL❤️️%S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) if strategy.position_size < 0 and mode == true and hedge_mode == false //strategy.close_all(comment = "TP❤️️SH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true) strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️%S", comment_loss = "SL❤️️%S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) //strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️S", comment_loss = "SL❤️️S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) //else if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.opentrades > 1 // lastsize = (strategy.position_size) * -1 // lastprofitorder = strategy.openprofit // if lastprofitorder >= 0.07 // strategy.close_all(comment = "TP❤️️SS", alert_message = Alert_TPSL) //===================== เรียกใช้ library ========================= import X4815162342/X48_LibaryStrategyStatus/2 as fuLi //แสดงผล Backtest show_Net = input.bool(true,'Monitor Profit&Loss', inline = 'Lnet', group = '= PNL MONITOR SETTING =') position_ = input.string('bottom_center','Position', options = ['top_right','middle_right','bottom_right','top_center','middle_center','bottom_center','middle_left','bottom_left'] , inline = 'Lnet') size_i = input.string('auto','size', options = ['auto','tiny','small','normal'] , inline = 'Lnet') color_Net = input.color(,"" , inline = 'Lnet') // fuLi.NetProfit_Show(show_Net , position_ , size_i, color_Net )