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Les plateformes de couverture de la stabilité

Auteur:Je suis John., Date: 2020-03-31 12h25 et 31h
Les étiquettes:

Le programme change automatiquement le taux de change, les frais de transaction, la commande en référence au prix d'achat et de vente, notez que ce n'est pas un déménagement, c'est une couverture! Ce modèle de couverture est basé sur la différence de prix, que le prix de la monnaie soit en hausse ou en baisse. Il faut un dépôt, un dépôt, comme le BTC qui est maintenant à 6000, un échange qui est maintenant à 3000, un dépôt à 0,45 et c'est bon, ou le double de tout. MaxDiff est le prix le plus bas de la plateforme. SlidePrice, c'est le prix à l'heure de la commande, le paiement plus le prix, la vente moins le prix. TickIntervalS indique le cycle de détection Les pièces de monnaie qui tombent à ce prix ne fonctionnent pas, et les pièces de monnaie qui tombent au-dessus de ce prix ne fonctionnent pas, ce qui empêche la plate-forme de malveiller les robots.

var initState;
var isBalance = true;
var feeCache = new Array();
var feeTimeout = optFeeTimeout * 60000;
var lastProfit = 0;
var lastAvgPrice = 0;
var lastSpread = 0;
var lastOpAmount = 0;

function adjustFloat(v) {
    return Math.floor(v * 1000) / 1000;

function isPriceNormal(v) {
    return (v >= StopPriceL) && (v <= StopPriceH);

function stripTicker(t) {
    return 'Buy: ' + adjustFloat(t.Buy) + ' Sell: ' + adjustFloat(t.Sell);

function updateStatePrice(state) {
    var now = (new Date()).getTime();
    for (var i = 0; i < state.details.length; i++) {
        var ticker = null;
        var key = state.details[i].exchange.GetName() + state.details[i].exchange.GetCurrency();
        var fee = null;
        while (!(ticker = state.details[i].exchange.GetTicker())) {

        if (key in feeCache) {
            var v = feeCache[key];
            if ((now - v.time) > feeTimeout) {
                delete feeCache[key];
            } else {
                fee = v.fee;
        if (!fee) {
            while (!(fee = state.details[i].exchange.GetFee())) {
            feeCache[key] = {
                fee: fee,
                time: now
        // Buy-=fee Sell+=fee
        state.details[i].ticker = {
            Buy: ticker.Buy * (1 - (fee.Sell / 100)),
            Sell: ticker.Sell * (1 + (fee.Buy / 100))
        state.details[i].realTicker = ticker;
        state.details[i].fee = fee;

function getProfit(stateInit, stateNow, coinPrice) {
    var netNow = stateNow.allBalance + (stateNow.allStocks * coinPrice);
    var netInit = stateInit.allBalance + (stateInit.allStocks * coinPrice);
    return adjustFloat(netNow - netInit);

function getExchangesState() {
    var allStocks = 0;
    var allBalance = 0;
    var minStock = 0;
    var details = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < exchanges.length; i++) {
        var account = null;
        while (!(account = exchanges[i].GetAccount())) {
        allStocks += account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks;
        allBalance += account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance;
        minStock = Math.max(minStock, exchanges[i].GetMinStock());
            exchange: exchanges[i],
            account: account
    return {
        allStocks: adjustFloat(allStocks),
        allBalance: adjustFloat(allBalance),
        minStock: minStock,
        details: details

function cancelAllOrders() {
    for (var i = 0; i < exchanges.length; i++) {
        while (true) {
            var orders = null;
            while (!(orders = exchanges[i].GetOrders())) {

            if (orders.length == 0) {

            for (var j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
                exchanges[i].CancelOrder(orders[j].Id, orders[j]);

function balanceAccounts() {
    // already balance
    if (isBalance) {


    var state = getExchangesState();
    var diff = state.allStocks - initState.allStocks;
    var adjustDiff = adjustFloat(Math.abs(diff));
    if (adjustDiff < state.minStock) {
        isBalance = true;
    } else {
        Log('初始币总数量:', initState.allStocks, '现在币总数量: ', state.allStocks, '差额:', adjustDiff);
        // other ways, diff is 0.012, bug A only has 0.006 B only has 0.006, all less then minstock
        // we try to statistical orders count to recognition this situation
        var details = state.details;
        var ordersCount = 0;
        if (diff > 0) {
            var attr = 'Sell';
            if (UseMarketOrder) {
                attr = 'Buy';
            // Sell adjustDiff, sort by price high to low
            details.sort(function(a, b) {
                return b.ticker[attr] - a.ticker[attr];
            for (var i = 0; i < details.length && adjustDiff >= state.minStock; i++) {
                if (isPriceNormal(details[i].ticker[attr]) && (details[i].account.Stocks >= state.minStock)) {
                    var orderAmount = adjustFloat(Math.min(AmountOnce, adjustDiff, details[i].account.Stocks));
                    var orderPrice = details[i].realTicker[attr] - SlidePrice;
                    if ((orderPrice * orderAmount) < details[i].exchange.GetMinPrice()) {
                    if (details[i].exchange.Sell(orderPrice, orderAmount, stripTicker(details[i].ticker))) {
                        adjustDiff = adjustFloat(adjustDiff - orderAmount);
                    // only operate one platform
        } else {
            var attr = 'Buy';
            if (UseMarketOrder) {
                attr = 'Sell';
            // Buy adjustDiff, sort by sell-price low to high
            details.sort(function(a, b) {
                return a.ticker[attr] - b.ticker[attr];
            for (var i = 0; i < details.length && adjustDiff >= state.minStock; i++) {
                if (isPriceNormal(details[i].ticker[attr])) {
                    var canRealBuy = adjustFloat(details[i].account.Balance / (details[i].ticker[attr] + SlidePrice));
                    var needRealBuy = Math.min(AmountOnce, adjustDiff, canRealBuy);
                    var orderAmount = adjustFloat(needRealBuy * (1 + (details[i].fee.Buy / 100)));
                    var orderPrice = details[i].realTicker[attr] + SlidePrice;
                    if ((orderAmount < details[i].exchange.GetMinStock()) ||
                        ((orderPrice * orderAmount) < details[i].exchange.GetMinPrice())) {
                    if (details[i].exchange.Buy(orderPrice, orderAmount, stripTicker(details[i].ticker))) {
                        adjustDiff = adjustFloat(adjustDiff - needRealBuy);
                    // only operate one platform
        isBalance = (ordersCount == 0);

    if (isBalance) {
        var currentProfit = getProfit(initState, state, lastAvgPrice);
        LogProfit(currentProfit, "Spread: ", adjustFloat((currentProfit - lastProfit) / lastOpAmount), "Balance: ", adjustFloat(state.allBalance), "Stocks: ", adjustFloat(state.allStocks));

        if (StopWhenLoss && currentProfit < 0 && Math.abs(currentProfit) > MaxLoss) {
            Log('交易亏损超过最大限度, 程序取消所有订单后退出.');
            if (SMSAPI.length > 10 && SMSAPI.indexOf('http') == 0) {
            throw '已停止';
        lastProfit = currentProfit;

function onTick() {
    if (!isBalance) {

    var state = getExchangesState();
    // We also need details of price

    var details = state.details;
    var maxPair = null;
    var minPair = null;
    for (var i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
        var sellOrderPrice = details[i].account.Stocks * (details[i].realTicker.Buy - SlidePrice);
        if (((!maxPair) || (details[i].ticker.Buy > maxPair.ticker.Buy)) && (details[i].account.Stocks >= state.minStock) &&
            (sellOrderPrice > details[i].exchange.GetMinPrice())) {
            details[i].canSell = details[i].account.Stocks;
            maxPair = details[i];

        var canBuy = adjustFloat(details[i].account.Balance / (details[i].realTicker.Sell + SlidePrice));
        var buyOrderPrice = canBuy * (details[i].realTicker.Sell + SlidePrice);
        if (((!minPair) || (details[i].ticker.Sell < minPair.ticker.Sell)) && (canBuy >= state.minStock) &&
            (buyOrderPrice > details[i].exchange.GetMinPrice())) {
            details[i].canBuy = canBuy;
            // how much coins we real got with fee
            details[i].realBuy = adjustFloat(details[i].account.Balance / (details[i].ticker.Sell + SlidePrice));
            minPair = details[i];

    if ((!maxPair) || (!minPair) || ((maxPair.ticker.Buy - minPair.ticker.Sell) < MaxDiff) ||
        !isPriceNormal(maxPair.ticker.Buy) || !isPriceNormal(minPair.ticker.Sell)) {

    // filter invalid price
    if (minPair.realTicker.Sell <= minPair.realTicker.Buy || maxPair.realTicker.Sell <= maxPair.realTicker.Buy) {

    // what a fuck...
    if (maxPair.exchange.GetName() == minPair.exchange.GetName()) {

    lastAvgPrice = adjustFloat((minPair.realTicker.Buy + maxPair.realTicker.Buy) / 2);
    lastSpread = adjustFloat((maxPair.realTicker.Sell - minPair.realTicker.Buy) / 2);

    // compute amount
    var amount = Math.min(AmountOnce, maxPair.canSell, minPair.realBuy);
    lastOpAmount = amount;
    var hedgePrice = adjustFloat((maxPair.realTicker.Buy - minPair.realTicker.Sell) / Math.max(SlideRatio, 2))
    if (minPair.exchange.Buy(minPair.realTicker.Sell + hedgePrice, amount * (1 + (minPair.fee.Buy / 100)), stripTicker(minPair.realTicker))) {
        maxPair.exchange.Sell(maxPair.realTicker.Buy - hedgePrice, amount, stripTicker(maxPair.realTicker));

    isBalance = false;

function main() {
    if (exchanges.length < 2) {
        throw "交易所数量最少得两个才能完成对冲";

    TickInterval = Math.max(TickInterval, 50);
    Interval = Math.max(Interval, 50);


    initState = getExchangesState();
    if (initState.allStocks == 0) {
        throw "所有交易所货币数量总和为空, 必须先在任一交易所建仓才可以完成对冲";
    if (initState.allBalance == 0) {
        throw "所有交易所CNY数量总和为空, 无法继续对冲";

    for (var i = 0; i < initState.details.length; i++) {
        var e = initState.details[i];
        Log(e.exchange.GetName(), e.exchange.GetCurrency(), e.account);

    Log("ALL: Balance: ", initState.allBalance, "Stocks: ", initState.allStocks, "Ver:", Version());

    while (true) {

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