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FMZ Quant Uniswap V3 एक्सचेंज पूल तरलता से संबंधित संचालन गाइड (भाग 1)

लेखक:FMZ~Lydia, बनाया गयाः 2023-07-21 09:22:33, अद्यतनः 2024-11-11 22:37:08


// अनस्वैप अनुबंध पता const UniswapV3RouterAddress = 0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45 const अनुबंधV3फैक्टरी = 0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984

// सामान्य स्थिर const ZERO = BigInt(0) const TWO = BigInt(2) const Q96 = (TWO ** BigInt(96)) const Q128 = (TWO ** BigInt ((128)) const Q192 = (TWO ** BigInt(96)) ** TWO const Q256 = (TWO ** BigInt ((256))

// पठनीय राशि में परिवर्तित करें फ़ंक्शन toAmount ((s, दशमलव) { रिटर्न नंबर (BigDecimal) (BigInt) (s) / (BigDecimal) (Math.pow) (१० दशमलव) (toString)) }

// रीवर्स रूपांतरण से पठनीय राशि के लिए मात्रा में इस्तेमाल किया पारित मापदंडों और गणना के लिए फ़ंक्शन toInnerAmount ((n, दशमलव) { रिटर्न (बिगडेसिमल ((n) *बिगडेसिमल ((Math.pow ((10, दशमलव))).toFixed(0) }

फलन subIn256 ((x, y) { var अंतर = x - y यदि (अंतर < शून्य) { रिटर्न Q256 + अंतर } अन्य { रिटर्न अंतर } }

// टोकन के बारे में जानकारी रिकॉर्ड के माध्यम से पूछताछ कीcoingecko.comvar टोकन = [] फ़ंक्शन init() { var res = JSON.parse(HttpQuery(https://tokens.coingecko.com/uniswap/all.json)) लॉग ((फ़ेच, res.tokens.length, tokens from,res.name) _.each ((res.tokens, function ((token) { टोकन.पुश. नामःtoken.name, चिह्नः टोकन.चिह्न, दशमलव संख्याएँः टोकन. दशमलव संख्याएँ, पताः token.address }) }) लॉग (( टोकन:, टोकन) }

मुख्य कार्य // खोजे जाने वाले वॉलेट का पता // const walletAddress =exchange.IO("पता") const walletAddress = 0x28df8b987BE232bA33FdFB8Fc5058C1592A3db26

// Get the address of Uniswap V3's positionManager contract
exchange.IO("abi", UniswapV3RouterAddress, ABI_UniswapV3Router)
const NonfungiblePositionManagerAddress = exchange.IO("api", UniswapV3RouterAddress, "positionManager")
Log("NonfungiblePositionManagerAddress:", NonfungiblePositionManagerAddress)

// Register ABI for positionManager contracts
exchange.IO("abi", NonfungiblePositionManagerAddress, ABI_NonfungiblePositionManager)

// Query the number of Uniswap V3 positions NFT owned by the current account
var nftBalance = exchange.IO("api", NonfungiblePositionManagerAddress, "balanceOf", walletAddress)
Log("nftBalance:", nftBalance)

// Query the TokenId of these NFTs
var nftTokenIds = []
for (var i = 0 ; i < nftBalance; i++) {
    var nftTokenId = exchange.IO("api", NonfungiblePositionManagerAddress, "tokenOfOwnerByIndex", walletAddress, i)
    Log("nftTokenId:", nftTokenId)

// Query liquidity position details based on the tokenId of the positions NFT
var positions = []
for (var i = 0; i < nftTokenIds.length; i++) {
    var pos = exchange.IO("api", NonfungiblePositionManagerAddress, "positions", nftTokenIds[i])        
    Log("pos:", pos)

    // Parsing position data

var tbl = {
    type : "table",
    title : "LP-Fees",
    cols : ["token0", "token1", "fee", "token0Fee", "token1Fee"],
    rows : positions
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")


फ़ंक्शन getFees ((posData) { var token0Symbol = शून्य var token1Symbol = शून्य के लिए (टोकन में भिन्नता) { यदि (टोकन[i].एड्रेस.लोअरकेस() == पोस्टडाटा.टोकन0.लोअरकेस()) { token0Symbol = टोकन[i] } अन्यथा यदि (टोकन[i].एड्रेस.लोअरकेस() == पोस्टडाटा.टोकन1.लोअरकेस()) { token1Symbol = टोकन[i] } }

if (!token0Symbol || !token1Symbol) {
	Log("token0Symbol:", token0Symbol, ", token1Symbol:", token1Symbol)
    throw "token not found"

// get Pool
var token0Address = token0Symbol.address
var token1Address = token1Symbol.address
if (BigInt(token0Address) > BigInt(token1Address)) {
    var tmp = token0Address
    token0Address = token1Address
    token1Address = tmp

// Registered factory contract ABI
exchange.IO("abi", ContractV3Factory, ABI_Factory)
// Call the getPool method of the factory contract to get the pool address
var poolAddress = exchange.IO("api", ContractV3Factory, "getPool", token0Address, token1Address, posData.fee)
if (!poolAddress) {
    throw "getPool failed"
Log("poolAddress:", poolAddress)

// ABI for registered pool contracts
exchange.IO("abi", poolAddress, ABI_Pool)

// Get the slot0 data in the exchange pool
var slot0 = exchange.IO("api", poolAddress, "slot0")
if (!slot0) {
	throw "get slot0 failed"

// feeGrowthGlobal0X128 , feeGrowthGlobal1X128
var feeGrowthGlobal0 = exchange.IO("api", poolAddress, "feeGrowthGlobal0X128")
var feeGrowthGlobal1 = exchange.IO("api", poolAddress, "feeGrowthGlobal1X128")
if (!feeGrowthGlobal0 || !feeGrowthGlobal1) {
    throw "get feeGrowthGlobal failed"

// Call the ticks method of the pool contract by taking tickLower , tickUpper from posData as parameters
var tickLow = exchange.IO("api", poolAddress, "ticks", posData.tickLower)
var tickHigh = exchange.IO("api", poolAddress, "ticks", posData.tickUpper)
if (!tickLow || !tickHigh) {
    throw "get tick failed"

// Obtain feeGrowthOutside0X128 and feeGrowthOutside1X128 data for tickeLow and tickeHigh
var feeGrowth0Low = tickLow.feeGrowthOutside0X128
var feeGrowth0Hi = tickHigh.feeGrowthOutside0X128
var feeGrowth1Low = tickLow.feeGrowthOutside1X128
var feeGrowth1Hi = tickHigh.feeGrowthOutside1X128

// feeGrowthInside0 feeGrowthInside1
var feeGrowthInside0 = posData.feeGrowthInside0LastX128
var feeGrowthInside1 = posData.feeGrowthInside1LastX128

var liquidity = BigInt(posData.liquidity)
var tickLow = parseInt(posData.tickLower)
var tickHigh = parseInt(posData.tickUpper)
var tickCurrent = parseInt(slot0.tick)
var decimal0 = token0Symbol.decimals
var decimal1 = token1Symbol.decimals

// Converted to a BigInt type for calculating the
var feeGrowthGlobal_0 = BigInt(feeGrowthGlobal0)
var feeGrowthGlobal_1 = BigInt(feeGrowthGlobal1)

var tickLowerFeeGrowthOutside_0 = BigInt(feeGrowth0Low)
var tickLowerFeeGrowthOutside_1 = BigInt(feeGrowth1Low)

var tickUpperFeeGrowthOutside_0 = BigInt(feeGrowth0Hi)
var tickUpperFeeGrowthOutside_1 = BigInt(feeGrowth1Hi)

var tickLowerFeeGrowthBelow_0 = ZERO
var tickLowerFeeGrowthBelow_1 = ZERO
var tickUpperFeeGrowthAbove_0 = ZERO
var tickUpperFeeGrowthAbove_1 = ZERO

if (tickCurrent >= tickHigh) {
    tickUpperFeeGrowthAbove_0 = subIn256(feeGrowthGlobal_0, tickUpperFeeGrowthOutside_0)
    tickUpperFeeGrowthAbove_1 = subIn256(feeGrowthGlobal_1, tickUpperFeeGrowthOutside_1)
} else {
    tickUpperFeeGrowthAbove_0 = tickUpperFeeGrowthOutside_0
    tickUpperFeeGrowthAbove_1 = tickUpperFeeGrowthOutside_1

if (tickCurrent >= tickLow) {
    tickLowerFeeGrowthBelow_0 = tickLowerFeeGrowthOutside_0
    tickLowerFeeGrowthBelow_1 = tickLowerFeeGrowthOutside_1
} else {
    tickLowerFeeGrowthBelow_0 = subIn256(feeGrowthGlobal_0, tickLowerFeeGrowthOutside_0)
    tickLowerFeeGrowthBelow_1 = subIn256(feeGrowthGlobal_1, tickLowerFeeGrowthOutside_1)

var fr_t1_0 = subIn256(subIn256(feeGrowthGlobal_0, tickLowerFeeGrowthBelow_0), tickUpperFeeGrowthAbove_0)
var fr_t1_1 = subIn256(subIn256(feeGrowthGlobal_1, tickLowerFeeGrowthBelow_1), tickUpperFeeGrowthAbove_1)

var feeGrowthInsideLast_0 = BigInt(feeGrowthInside0)
var feeGrowthInsideLast_1 = BigInt(feeGrowthInside1)

var uncollectedFees_0 = (liquidity * subIn256(fr_t1_0, feeGrowthInsideLast_0)) / Q128
var uncollectedFees_1 = (liquidity * subIn256(fr_t1_1, feeGrowthInsideLast_1)) / Q128

// Calculate the Fee to get token0 and token1
var token0Fee = toAmount(uncollectedFees_0, decimal0)
var token1Fee = toAmount(uncollectedFees_1, decimal1)

return [token0Symbol.symbol, token1Symbol.symbol, posData.fee / 10000 + "%", token0Fee, token1Fee]




In the next post, we will conduct an exploration of increasing mobility and decreasing mobility on Uniswap V3 DEX.
