// true
function main() {
var sum = _.reduce([1, 2, 3], function(memo, num){return memo + num}, 0)
void main() {
json table = R"({"type": "table", "title": "Position Information", "cols": ["Column1", "Column2"], "rows": [["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]})"_json;
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
LogStatus("Fist line message\n`" + table.dump() + "`\nThird line message");
json arr = R"([])"_json;
LogStatus("`" + arr.dump() + "`");
table = R"({
"type" : "table",
"title" : "Position Operation",
"cols" : ["Column1", "Column2", "Action"],
"rows" : [
["abc", "def", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close position"}]
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`", "\n`" + R"({"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close position"})"_json.dump() + "`");
Di antara parameter fungsi berikut,Records[Close]
mewakili harga penutupan dalam data k-line yang masuk,Array()
mewakili array, danArray(outInteger)
mewakili mengembalikan array data bilangan bulat.
Contoh kode untuk panggilanCCI
function main() {
var records = exchange.GetRecords()
var cci = talib.CCI(records, 14)
import talib
def main():
records = exchange.GetRecords()
# the parameter "14" can be default
cci = talib.CCI(records.High, records.Low, records.Close, 14)
void main() {
auto records = exchange.GetRecords();
auto cci = talib.CCI(records, 14);
Pattern Recognition
Indikator | Deskripsi |
CDL2CROWS | Dua Burung gagak |
CDL2CROWS ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDL3BLACKCROWS | Tiga gagak hitam |
CDL3BLACKCROWS ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDL3 DI BAHAN | Tiga di dalam atas/bawah |
CDL3INSIDE ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDL3LINESTRIKE | Serangan Tiga Baris |
CDL3LINESTRIKE ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDL3 diluar | Tiga di luar atas/bawah |
CDL3OUTSIDE ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDL3 Bintang Selatan | Tiga Bintang di Selatan |
CDL3STARSINSOUTH ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDL3Tentara Putih | Tiga Prajurit Putih yang Melangkah |
CDL3WHITESOLDIERS ((Rekaman [Buka, Tinggi, Rendah, Tutup]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLABANDONEDBABY | Bayi yang Ditinggalkan |
CDLABANDONEDBABY ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close],Penetration = 0.3) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLADVANCEBLOCK ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLBELTHOLD | Tahan sabuk |
CDLBELTHOLD ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLBREAKAWAY | Perpisahan |
CDLBREAKAWAY ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLClosingMarubozu | Menutup Marubozu |
CDLCLOSINGMARUBOZU ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLCONCEALBABYSWALL | Menyembunyikan Bayi Swallow |
CDLCONCEALBABYSWALL ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLkontra serangan | Kontra serangan |
CDLCOUNTERATTACK ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLDARKCLOUDCOVER | Tutupan Awan Gelap |
CDLDARKCLOUDCOVER ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close],Penetrasi = 0.5) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLDOJI | Doji |
CDLDOJI ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLDOJISTAR | Bintang Doji |
CDLDOJISTAR ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLDRAGONFLYDOJI ((Rekaman [Buka, Tinggi, Rendah, Tutup]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLENGULFING | Pola Menelan |
CDLENGULFING ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLEVENINGDOJISTAR ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close],Penetration = 0.3) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLEVENINGSTAR | Bintang Malam |
CDLEVENINGSTAR ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close],Penetration = 0.3) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLGAPSIDESIDEBLANK | Garis-garis putih berdekatan atas/bawah |
CDLGAPSIDESIDESWHITE ((Rekaman [Buka, Tinggi, Rendah, Tutup]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLGRAVESTONEDOJI | Doji batu nisan |
CDLGRAVESTONEDOJI ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLHAMMER ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLHANGINGMAN | Orang yang digantung |
CDLHANGINGMAN ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLHARAMI | Pola Harami |
CDLHARAMI ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLHARAMICROSS | Pola Palang Harami |
CDLHARAMICROSS ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLHIGHWAVE | Lilin Gelombang Tinggi |
CDLHIGHWAVE ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLHIKKAKE | Pola Hikkake |
CDLHIKKAKE ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLHIKKAKEMOD | Pola Hikkake yang Dimodifikasi |
CDLHIKKAKEMOD ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLHOMINGPIGEON | Burung Merpati |
CDLHOMINGPIGEON ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLIDENTICAL3CROWS | Tiga Burung gagak yang sama |
CDLIDENTICAL3CROWS ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLINNECK | Pola di leher |
CDLINNECK ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLINVERTEDHAMMER (dalam bahasa Inggris). | Palu terbalik |
CDLINVERTEDHAMMER ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLKICK | Menendang |
CDLKICKING ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLKICKINGBYLENGTH | Menendang - banteng/beruang ditentukan oleh marubozu yang lebih panjang |
CDLKICKINGBYLENGTH ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLLADDERBOTTOM | Bagian bawah tangga |
CDLLADDERBOTTOM ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLLONGLEGGEDDOJI (dalam bahasa Inggris). | Dojz Berkaki Panjang |
CDLLONGLEGGEDDOJI ((Rekaman [Buka, Tinggi, Rendah, Tutup]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLLONGLINE | Lilin Lintang |
CDLLONGLINE ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLMARUBOZU | Marubozu |
CDLMARUBOZU ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLMATCHINGLOW | Mencocokkan Rendah |
CDLMATCHINGLOW ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLMATHOLD | Pegang Mat |
CDLMATHOLD ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close],Penetration = 0.5) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLMORNINGDOJISTAR ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close],Penetration = 0.3) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLMORNINGSTAR ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close],Penetration = 0.3) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLONNECK | Pola di leher |
CDLONNECK ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
PEMBANGUNAN | Pola Penembusan |
CDLPIERCING ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLRICKSHAWMAN | Pria rickshaw |
CDLRICKSHAWMAN ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLRISEFALL3METHODS | Tiga Metode Naik/Jatuh |
CDLRISEFALL3METHODS ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDL Pembagian garis | Garis Pembagian |
CDLSEPARATINGLINES ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLShootingSTAR | Bintang Menembak |
CDLSHOOTINGSTAR ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLSORTLINE | Lilin Singkat Lilin |
CDLSHORTLINE ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDL SPINNINGTOP | Spinning Top |
CDLSPINNINGTOP ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLSTALLEDPATTERN | Pola yang terhambat |
CDLSTALLEDPATTERN ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLSTICKSANDWICH ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLTAKURI | Takuri (Dragonfly Doji dengan bayangan bawah yang sangat panjang) |
CDLTAKURI ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLTASUKIGAP ((Rekaman [Buka, Tinggi, Rendah, Tutup]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLTHRUSTING | Pola Mendorong |
CDLTHRUSTING ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLTRISTAR | Pola Tristar |
CDLTRISTAR ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLUNIQUE3RIVER | Sungai Unik 3 |
CDLUNIQUE3RIVER ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLUPSIDEGAP2CROWS | Jurang atas Dua gagak |
CDLUPSIDEGAP2CROWS ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) | |
CDLXSIDEGAP3METHODS | Kesenjangan Ke atas/Kebawah Tiga Metode |
CDLXSIDEGAP3METHODS ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outInteger) |
Volume Indicators
Indikator | Deskripsi |
AD | Chaikin A/D Line |
AD ((Records[High,Low,Close,Volume]) = Array ((outReal) | |
ADOSC | Chaikin A/D Oscillator |
ADOSC ((Records[High,Low,Close,Volume],Fast Period = 3,Slow Period = 10) = Array ((outReal) | |
OBV | Pada Volume Saldo |
OBV ((Records[Close],Records[Volume]) = Array ((outReal) |
Math Transform
Indikator | Deskripsi |
ACOS | ACos Trigonometri Vektor |
ACOS ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
ASIN | Vektor Trigonometri ASin |
ASIN ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
ATAN | Vektor Trigonometri ATan |
ATAN ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
CEIL | Lantai atas vektor |
CEIL ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
COS | Kos Trigonometri Vektor |
COS ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
COSH | Vektor Trigonometri Cosh |
COSH ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
Ekspirasi | Vektor Aritmatika Exp |
EXP ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
Lantai | Lantai Vektor |
FLOOR ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
LN | Vektor Log Natural |
LN ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
LOG10 | Vektor Log10 |
LOG10 ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
SIN | Vektor Trigonometri Sin |
SIN ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
SINH | Vektor Trigonometri Sinh |
SINH ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
SQRT | Akar Kuadrat Vektor |
SQRT ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
TAN | Vektor Trigonometri Tan |
TAN ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
Tan | Vektor Trigonometri Tanh |
TANH ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) |
Math Operators
Indikator | Deskripsi |
Maksimal | Nilai tertinggi selama periode tertentu |
MAX ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) | |
MAXINDEX | Indeks dengan nilai tertinggi selama periode tertentu |
MAXINDEX ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outInteger) | |
MIN | Nilai terendah selama periode tertentu |
MIN ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) | |
MININDEX | Indeks nilai terendah selama periode tertentu |
MININDEX ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outInteger) | |
MINMAX | Nilai terendah dan tertinggi selama periode tertentu |
MINMAX ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = [Array ((outMin),Array ((outMax) ] | |
MINMAXINDEX | Indeks nilai terendah dan tertinggi selama periode tertentu |
MINMAXINDEX ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = [Array ((outMinIdx),Array ((outMaxIdx) ] | |
SUM | Ringkasan |
SUM ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) |
Cycle Indicators
Indikator | Deskripsi |
HT_DCPERIOD | Transformasi Hilbert - Periode Siklus Dominan |
HT_DCPERIOD ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
HT_DCPHASE | Transformasi Hilbert - Fase Siklus Dominan |
HT_DCPHASE ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
HT_PHASOR | Transformasi Hilbert - Komponen Phasor |
HT_PHASOR ((Records[Close]) = [Array ((outInPhase),Array ((outQuadrature) ] | |
HT_SINE | Transformasi Hilbert - SineWave |
HT_SINE ((Records[Close]) = [Array ((outSine),Array ((outLeadSine) ] | |
HT_TRENDMODE | Transformasi Hilbert - Trend vs Mode Siklus |
HT_TRENDMODE ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outInteger) |
Volatility Indicators
Indikator | Deskripsi |
ATR | Rentang Rata-rata Benar |
ATR ((Records[High,Low,Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
NATR | Jangkauan Benar Rata-rata yang Normal |
NATR ((Records[High,Low,Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
TRANGE | Jangkauan Nyata |
TRANGE ((Records[High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outReal) |
Overlap Studies
Indikator | Deskripsi |
BBANDS | Bollinger Bands |
BBANDS ((Records[Close],Time Period = 5, Deviations up = 2, Deviations down = 2, MA Type = 0) = [Array ((outRealUpperBand),Array ((outRealMiddleBand),Array ((outRealLowerBand) ] | |
DEMA | Rata-rata Bergerak Eksponensial Ganda |
DEMA ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) | |
EMA | Rata-rata Bergerak Eksponensial |
EMA ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) | |
HT_TRENDLINE | Transformasi Hilbert - Instan Trendline |
HT_TRENDLINE ((Records[Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
KAMA | Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average |
KAMA ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) | |
MA | Rata-rata bergerak |
MA ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30, MA Type = 0) = Array ((outReal) | |
Ibu | MESA Adaptive Moving Average |
MAMA ((Records[Close],Fast Limit = 0.5,Slow Limit = 0.05) = [Array ((outMAMA),Array ((outFAMA) ] | |
Titik tengah | Titik tengah dari periode |
MIDPOINT ((Records[Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
Harga rata-rata | Harga titik tengah selama periode |
MIDPRICE ((Records[High,Low],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
SAR | SAR parabola |
SAR ((Records[High,Low],Acceleration Factor = 0.02,AF Maximum = 0.2) = Array ((outReal) | |
SAREXT | SAR Parabolik - diperpanjang |
SAREXT ((Records[High,Low],Start Value = 0,Offset on Reverse = 0,AF Init Long = 0.02,AF Long = 0.02,AF Max Long = 0.2,AF Init Short = 0.02,AF Short = 0.02,AF Max Short = 0.2) = Array ((outReal) | |
SMA | Rata-rata Bergerak Sederhana |
SMA ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) | |
T3 | Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) |
T3 ((Records[Close],Time Period = 5,Volume Factor = 0.7) = Array ((outReal) | |
TEMA | Triple Exponential Moving Average |
TEMA ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) | |
TRIMA | Rata-rata Gerak Segitiga |
TRIMA ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) | |
WMA | Rata-rata Bergerak Bertimbang |
WMA ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) |
Statistic Functions
Indikator | Deskripsi |
LINEARREG | Regresi linier |
LINEARREG ((Records[Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
LINEARREG_ANGLE | Sudut Regresi Linear |
LINEARREG_ANGLE ((Records[Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT | Linear Regression Intercept |
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT ((Records[Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
LINEARREG_SLOPE | Kemiringan Regresi Linear |
LINEARREG_SLOPE ((Records[Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
STDDEV | Penyimpangan Standar |
STDDEV ((Records[Close],Time Period = 5, Deviations = 1) = Array ((outReal) | |
TSF | Ramalan Seri Waktu |
TSF ((Records[Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
VAR | Variansi |
VAR ((Records[Close],Time Period = 5, Deviations = 1) = Array ((outReal) |
Momentum Indicators
Indikator | Deskripsi |
ADX | Indeks Gerakan Arah Rata-rata |
ADX ((Records[High,Low,Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
ADXR | Rata-rata Indeks Gerakan Arah Peringkat |
ADXR ((Records[High,Low,Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
APO | Osilator Harga Absolute |
APO ((Records[Close],Periode cepat = 12,Periode lambat = 26,MA Tipe = 0) = Array ((outReal) | |
AROON | Aroon |
AROON ((Records[High,Low],Time Period = 14) = [Array ((outAroonDown),Array ((outAroonUp) ] | |
AROONOSC | Aroon Oscillator |
AROONOSC ((Records[High,Low],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
BOP | Keseimbangan Kekuatan |
BOP ((Records[Open, High, Low, Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
CCI | Indeks Saluran Komoditas |
CCI ((Records[High,Low,Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
CMO | Chande Momentum Oscillator |
CMO ((Records[Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
DX | Indeks Gerakan Arah |
DX ((Records[High,Low,Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
MACD | Rata-rata bergerak konvergensi/divergensi |
MACD ((Records[Close],Fast Period = 12,Slow Period = 26,Signal Period = 9) = [Array ((outMACD),Array ((outMACDSignal),Array ((outMACDHist) ] | |
MACDEXT | MACD dengan jenis MA yang dapat dikontrol |
MACDEXT ((Records[Close],Fast Period = 12,Fast MA = 0,Slow Period = 26,Slow MA = 0,Signal Period = 9,Signal MA = 0) = [Array ((outMACD),Array ((outMACDSignal),Array ((outMACDHist) ] | |
MACDFIX | Konvergensi/Divergensi Rata-rata yang Bergerak 12/26 |
MACDFIX ((Records[Close],Signal Period = 9) = [Array ((outMACD),Array ((outMACDSignal),Array ((outMACDHist) ] | |
MFI | Indeks Aliran Uang |
MFI ((Records[High,Low,Close,Volume],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
MINUS_DI | Indikator arah minus |
MINUS_DI ((Records[High,Low,Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
MINUS_DM | Minus Gerakan arah |
MINUS_DM ((Records[High,Low],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
Ibu | Momentum |
MOM ((Records[Close],Time Period = 10) = Array ((outReal) | |
PLUS_DI | Plus Indikator Arah |
PLUS_DI ((Records[High,Low,Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
PLUS_DM | Plus Gerakan arah |
PLUS_DM(Records[High,Low],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
PPO | Osilator Harga Persentase |
PPO ((Records[Close],Fast Period = 12,Slow Period = 26,MA Type = 0) = Array ((outReal) | |
ROC | Tingkat perubahan: ((harga/prevPrice) -1) * 100 |
ROC ((Records[Close],Time Period = 10) = Array ((outReal) | |
ROCP | Tingkat perubahan Persentase: (harga-prevPrice)/prevPrice |
ROCP ((Records[Close],Time Period = 10) = Array ((outReal) | |
ROCR | Rasio tingkat perubahan: (harga/prevPrice) |
ROCR ((Records[Close],Time Period = 10) = Array ((outReal) | |
ROCR100 | Rasio tingkat perubahan skala 100: (harga/prevPrice) *100 |
ROCR100 ((Records[Close],Time Period = 10) = Array ((outReal) | |
RSI | Indeks Kekuatan Relatif |
RSI ((Records[Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) | |
STOCH | Stochastic |
STOCH ((Records[High,Low,Close],Fast-K Period = 5,Slow-K Period = 3,Slow-K MA = 0,Slow-D Period = 3,Slow-D MA = 0) = [Array(outSlowK),Array(outSlowD] | |
STOCHF | Stochastic Fast |
STOCHF ((Records[High,Low,Close],Fast-K Period = 5,Fast-D Period = 3,Fast-D MA = 0) = [Array(outFastK),Array(outFastD] | |
STOCHRSI | Indeks Kekuatan Relatif Stochastic |
STOCHRSI ((Records[Close],Time Period = 14,Fast-K Period = 5,Fast-D Period = 3,Fast-D MA = 0) = [Array(outFastK),Array(outFastD] | |
TRIX | Rate-of-Change (ROC) 1 hari dari EMA Triple Smooth |
TRIX ((Records[Close],Time Period = 30) = Array ((outReal) | |
ULTOSC | Ultimate Oscillator |
ULTOSC ((Records[High,Low,Close],Periode Pertama = 7,Periode Kedua = 14,Periode Ketiga = 28) = Array ((outReal) | |
WILLR | Williams |
WILLR ((Records[High,Low,Close],Time Period = 14) = Array ((outReal) |
Price Transform
Indikator | Deskripsi |
AVGPRICE | Harga Rata-rata |
AVGPRICE ((Records[Open,High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
Harga | Harga rata-rata |
MEDPRICE ((Records[High,Low]) = Array ((outReal) | |
TYPE PRICE | Harga Tipikal |
TYPPRICE ((Records[High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outReal) | |
WCLPRICE | Harga Penutupan Tertimbang |
WCLPRICE ((Records[High,Low,Close]) = Array ((outReal) |
Platform FMZ Quant Trading mendukung backtesting dan querying berbagai data fundamental di bot. Data fundamental disediakan secara real time oleh pusat data platform FMZ Quant Trading, dan pusat data akan terus mengumpulkan dan meringkas berbagai data fundamental.
fungsi untuk mendapatkan data dasar.
Data dasar cryptocurrency belum dikumpulkan sementara.
Data dasar cryptocurrency belum dikumpulkan sementara.
Platform FMZ Quant Trading mendukung program invocation dari berbagai fungsi Platform, dan telah membuka API yang diperluas.
Ini mendukung ekstensi manajemen otoritas API, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar:
Hal ini memungkinkan yang baru ditambahkanAPI KEY
Anda bisa masuk*
dalam kotak input izin API untuk membuka semua izin antarmuka. Tentukan izin antarmuka tertentu, dan masukkan nama fungsi API yang ditingkatkan yang sesuai, dipisahkan dengan koma, sepertiGetRobotDetail, DeleteRobot
, yaitu, berikan iniAPI KEY
izin untukmendapatkan antarmuka bot informasi rincidanhapus antarmuka bot.
Deskripsi | Kode |
Eksekusi yang sukses | 0 |
Kunci API yang salah | 1 |
Tanda tangan yang salah | 2 |
Kesalahan nonce | 3 |
Metode yang salah | 4 |
Parameter yang salah | 5 |
Kesalahan internal yang tidak diketahui | 6 |
(Mulai normal)
Status | Kode |
Tidak aktif | 0 |
Dalam operasi | 1 |
Berhenti | 2 |
Ditandatangani keluar | 3 |
Berhenti | 4 |
Strategi ini memiliki kesalahan. | 5 |
(tidak normal)
Status | Kode |
Strategi telah berakhir, dan silakan hubungi penulis untuk membelinya lagi | -1 |
Tidak ada docker yang ditemukan | -2 |
Kesalahan kompilasi strategi | -3 |
Robot sudah berjalan. | -4 |
Saldo yang tidak cukup | -5 |
Jumlah strategi bersamaan melebihi batas | -6 |
metode enkripsi untuk diverifikasi.
Python, contoh panggilan bahasa Golang:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import json
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
import md5
import urllib2
from urllib import urlencode
import hashlib as md5
import urllib.request as urllib2
from urllib.parse import urlencode
accessKey = 'f27bfcXXXXXXXX013c62e98XXXXX817a'
secretKey = 'ffeXXXXXXXX085ff7269XXXXXXXX6f82'
def api(method, *args):
d = {
'version': '1.0',
'access_key': accessKey,
'method': method,
'args': json.dumps(list(args)),
'nonce': int(time.time() * 1000),
d['sign'] = md5.md5(('%s|%s|%s|%d|%s' % (d['version'], d['method'], d['args'], d['nonce'], secretKey)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# Note: for the timeout problem of "urllib2.urlopen" function, you can set the timeout time; for example, urllib2.urlopen ('https://www.fmz.com/api/v1', urlencode(d).encode('utf-8'), timeout = 10), that is, set timeout for 10 seconds
return json.loads(urllib2.urlopen('https://www.fmz.com/api/v1', urlencode(d).encode('utf-8')).read().decode('utf-8'))
# Return the docker list
# Return the exchange list
# GetRobotList (offset, length, robotStatus, label); passing "-1" means obtaining all
print(api('GetRobotList', 0, 5, -1, 'member2'))
# CommandRobot(robotId, cmd) sends commands to the bot
print(api('CommandRobot', 123, 'ok'))
# StopRobot(robotId) returns the bot status code
print(api('StopRobot', 123))
# RestartRobot(robotId) returns the bot status code
print(api('RestartRobot', 123))
# GetRobotDetail(robotId) returns detailed bot information
print(api('GetRobotDetail', 123))
package main
import (
// Fill in your own FMZ platform api key
var apiKey string = ""
// Fill in your own FMZ platform secret key
var secretKey string = ""
var baseApi string = "https://www.fmz.com/api/v1"
func api(method string, args ... interface{}) (ret interface{}) {
// Process args
jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(args)
if err != nil {
params := map[string]string{
"version" : "1.0",
"access_key" : apiKey,
"method" : method,
"args" : string(jsonStr),
"nonce" : strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano() / 1e6, 10),
data := fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%v|%s", params["version"], params["method"], params["args"], params["nonce"], secretKey)
h := md5.New()
sign := h.Sum(nil)
params["sign"] = hex.EncodeToString(sign)
// http request
client := &http.Client{}
// request
urlValue := url.Values{}
for k, v := range params {
urlValue.Add(k, v)
urlStr := urlValue.Encode()
request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", baseApi + "?" + urlStr, nil)
if err != nil {
resp, err := client.Do(request)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
ret = string(b)
func main() {
settings := map[string]interface{}{
"name": "hedge test",
"strategy": 104150,
// K-line period parameter "60" means 60 seconds
"period": 60,
"node" : 73938,
"appid": "member2",
"exchanges": []interface{}{
"eid": "Exchange",
"label" : "test_bjex",
"pair": "BTC_USDT",
"meta" : map[string]interface{}{
// Fill in the access key
"AccessKey": "",
// Fill in the secret key
"SecretKey": "",
"Front" : "",
method := "RestartRobot"
fmt.Println("Call interface:", method)
ret := api(method, 124577, settings)
fmt.Println("main ret:", ret)
Ini mendukung verifikasi tanpatoken
Misalnya URL yang langsung memberikan instruksi interaktif ke bot, yang dapat digunakan untukTradingView
Callback dalam kasus lain.
UntukCommandRobot(RobotId, Cmd)
fungsi, parameternonce
tidak memerlukan verifikasi, dan frekuensi akses dan waktu kunjungan antarmuka tidak terbatas.
Dalam keadaan bahwa verifikasi langsung didukung, hanyaCommandRobot
antarmuka didukung untuk mendapatkanBody
data dalam permintaan.WebHook URL
Perhatikan pengaturan sesuai dengan format berikut:args=[130350,+""]
, di mana130350
Apakah botID
dari FMZ Quant Trading platform.
Pengaturan di kotak pesan (data
Format JSON
{"close": {{close}}, "name": "aaa"}
Robot denganID
dapat menerima instruksi interaktif:{"close": 39773.75, "name": "aaa"}
Format teks:
BTCUSDTPERP Crossing 39700.00 close: {{close}}
Robot denganID
dapat menerima instruksi interaktif:BTCUSDTPERP Crossing 39700.00 close: 39739.4
Contoh dariPython
& Golang
panggilan bahasa:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
import urllib2
import urllib.request as urllib2
accessKey = 'your accessKey'
secretKey = 'your secretKey'
def api(method, *args):
return json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(('https://www.fmz.com/api/v1?access_key=%s&secret_key=%s&method=%s&args=%s' % (accessKey, secretKey, method, json.dumps(list(args)))).replace(' ', '')).read().decode('utf-8'))
# If APIKEY does not have the interface permission, the call to print(api('RestartRobot', 130350)) will fail, and the returned data is: {'code': 4, 'data': None}
# print(api('RestartRobot', 130350))
# Print bot details with ID 130350
print(api('GetRobotDetail', 130350))
package main
import (
// Fill in your own FMZ platform api key
var apiKey string = "your access_key"
// Fill in your own FMZ platform secret key
var secretKey string = "your secret_key"
var baseApi string = "https://www.fmz.com/api/v1"
func api(method string, args ... interface{}) (ret interface{}) {
jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(args)
if err != nil {
params := map[string]string{
"access_key" : apiKey,
"secret_key" : secretKey,
"method" : method,
"args" : string(jsonStr),
// http request
client := &http.Client{}
// request
urlValue := url.Values{}
for k, v := range params {
urlValue.Add(k, v)
urlStr := urlValue.Encode()
request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", baseApi + "?" + urlStr, nil)
if err != nil {
resp, err := client.Do(request)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
ret = string(b)
func main() {
method := "GetRobotDetail"
fmt.Println("Call interface:", method)
ret := api(method, 130350)
fmt.Println("main ret:", ret)
Gunakan API diperluas pada FMZ Quant untuk mewujudkan
API diperluas dari platform FMZ Quant Trading
Simbol di atas?
diikuti oleh parameter permintaan.
Parameter permintaan yang dijelaskan dalamPython
'version' : '1.0',
# Access key, applied on the account management page
'access_key': '8a1f6c3785fd78a1848320e0b19js99f',
# The specific method called
'method' : 'GetNodeList',
# The parameter list of specific method algorithm
'args' : [],
# Timestamp, in the unit of millisecond, is allowed to have 1 hour of time error both before and after the standard timestamp;the nonce must be greater than the nonce value of the last access
'nonce' : 1516292399361,
# Signature
'sign' : '085b63456c93hfb243a757366600f9c2'
Setiap nama parameter dipisahkan oleh karakter&
, dan nama parameter dan nilai yang terkait dengan simbol=
. URL permintaan lengkap (mengambilmethod=GetNodeList
sebagai contoh):
Perhatikan bahwa tidak adasecret_key
di antara parameter permintaan.
Metode tanda tangan
Dalam parameter permintaan, parametersign
adalah string terenkripsi, dan metode enkripsi adalah sebagai berikut.
Menurut format:
version + "|" + method + "|" + args + "|" + nonce + "|" + secretKey
Setelah mengikat string, gunakanMD5algoritma enkripsi untuk mengenkripsi string dan mengubahnya menjadi nilai string data heksadesimal, disebut nilai parametersign
kode bagian tanda tangan:
# parameter
d = {
'version': '1.0',
'access_key': accessKey,
'method': method,
'args': json.dumps(list(args)),
'nonce': int(time.time() * 1000),
# Calculate "sign" signature (encrypted)
d['sign'] = md5.md5(('%s|%s|%s|%d|%s' % (d['version'], d['method'], d['args'], d['nonce'], secretKey)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
mengembalikan daftar docker dari akun platform Trading FMZ Quant yang sesuai denganAPI KEY
dalam permintaan.
Parameter Tidak ada
Nilai kembali
"code": 0,
"data": {
"result": {
"nodes": [{
// Version number
"build": "3.3",
"date": "2018-01-19 10:35:24",
"id": 34500,
"ip": "",
// Number of the bots running on this docker
"loaded": 1,
"name": "iZ9116xhkgtZ",
// Whether online
"online": true,
// Operation system
"os": "linux",
// Whether to enable offline alert
"wd": 0
"error": null
mengembalikan daftar pengelompokan bot dari akun platform Trading FMZ Quant yang sesuai denganAPI KEY
dalam permintaan.
Parameter Tidak ada
Nilai kembali
// All bot grouping information: group ID, group name
mengembalikan daftar bursa yang telah ditambahkan oleh akun platform Trading FMZ Quant yang sesuai denganAPI KEY
dalam permintaan.
Parameter Tidak ada
Nilai kembali
"code": 0,
"data": {
"result": {
"platforms": [{
"eid": "Huobi",
"id": 12483,
// The label when adding a platform
"label": "huobi - test ETH/ETC",
"logo": "huobi.png",
"name": "huobi",
"stocks": ["LTC_BTC", "ETH_BTC", "ETC_BTC", "BCH_BTC"],
"website": "https://www.huobi.pro/"
}, {
"eid": "AEX",
"id": 16345,
"label": "AEX",
"logo": "",
"name": "AEX",
"stocks": ["LTC_BTC", "ETH_BTC", "ETC_BTC", "BCC_BTC"],
"website": "https://www.aex.com/"
"error": null
GetRobotList(offset, length, robotStatus, label)
mengembalikan daftar robot dari akun platform Trading FMZ Quant yang sesuai denganAPI KEY
dalam permintaan.
, length
memiliki jenis bilangan bulat, danlabel
adalah jenis string.
(Melalui label
(label kustom; semua bot dengan label dapat digoda)UntukPython
contoh kode, lihat di atasMetode verifikasi - Verifikasi Token, dan berikut adalahPython
contoh panggilan:print api('GetRobotList', 'member2')
cetak informasi dari semua robot dengan label khususmember2
print api('GetRobotList', 0, 5, -1, 'member2')
halaman dari 0 sampai 5 dan daftar hingga 5 robot berlabel denganmember2
Nilai kembali
"code": 0,
"data": {
"result": {
"all": 53,
"bots": [{
"date": "2017-12-25 09:29:27",
"end_time": "2017-12-28 17:44:21",
"id": 66054,
// If the value is 1, the bot is a virtual platform bot
"is_sandbox": 1,
"name": "C++ test strategy",
"node_guid": "705d9aaaaaaaa93b49baaaaa787581cb087",
"profit": 0,
"public": 0,
"refresh": 151345645647000,
"start_time": "2017-12-28 17:44:15",
"status": 3,
"strategy_id": 65365,
"strategy_isowner": true,
"strategy_name": "C++ Version Docker API Test Strategy(cryptocurrency futures and spot markets)",
"wd": 0
}, ...
"error": null
CommandRobot(RobotId, Cmd)
antarmuka mengirim perintah interaktif ke robot yang sesuai (robotID
: RobotId
) dariAPI KEY
dalam permintaan akun FMZ Quant (perintah interaktif ditangkap olehGetCommand()
API disebut dalam strategi dan kembali).
adalah dari jenis bilangan bulat, yaitu botID
; Cmd
adalah jenis string, yang mengirim perintah interaktif ke bot.
, botID
, dapat diperoleh olehGetRobotList(...)
adalah perintah interaktif yang dikirim ke bot; perintah akan ditangkap oleh fungsiGetCommand()
, yang memicu logika interaktif dalam strategi (untuk mewujudkan logika interaktif dalam strategi, silakan lihatGetCommand()
fungsi dalam file).Nilai kembali
// The API request was successfully executed
"code": 0,
"data": {
// However, sending a command to a bot that is not running returns failure
"result": false,
"error": null
berhenti menjalankan bot dengan ID yang ditentukan (robotID
: RobotId
), yang sesuai denganAPI KEY
dalam permintaan akun FMZ Quant.
adalah dari jenis bilangan bulat, yaitu botID
, yang dapat diperoleh denganGetRobotList(...)
antarmuka mengembalikan kode status robot yang dihentikan.
Nilai kembali
"code": 0,
"data": {
// 2 means stopping
"result": 2,
"error": null
RestartRobot(RobotId, Settings)
memulai kembali robot dengan ID yang ditentukan (robotID
: RobotId
), yang sesuai denganAPI KEY
dalam permintaan akun FMZ Quant.
Jika robot dibuat oleh API diperpanjang, API diperpanjangRestartRobot (RobotId, Settings)
harus digunakan untuk memulai kembali, danSettings
Parameter harus dilewati.
Robot yang dibuat di halaman platform dapat dihidupkan kembali melalui API yang diperluas atau dengan mengklik tombol di halaman.Settings
Parameter, atau hanya lulusRobotId
Jika Anda hanya melewatiRobotId
Parameter, mulai bot sesuai dengan pengaturan bot saat ini.
Tanpa mengkonfigurasi bot, parameter strategiSettings
adalah jenis bilangan bulat; robotID
dapat diperoleh denganGetRobotList(...)
Dengan mengkonfigurasi bot, parameter strategiSettings
adalah jenis bilangan bulat; botID
dapat diperoleh denganGetRobotList(...)
adalah dariJSON
tipe objek.
format parameter sebagai berikut:
Settings = {
"name": "hedge test",
// Strategy parameter
"args": [["Interval", 500]],
// Strategy ID, which can be obtained with "GetStrategyList" method
"strategy": 25189,
// K-line period parameter "60" means 60 seconds
"period": 60,
// Specify on which docker to run; if the attribute is not written, it will be automatically assigned to run
"node" : 51924,
// Custom field
"appid": "member2",
"exchanges": [
// ZB; "pid" can be obtained by "GetPlatformList" method
{"pid": 15445, "pair": "ETH_BTC"},
// OKEX; 2 exchange objects are configured
{"pid": 13802, "pair": "BCH_BTC"},
// In addition to the platforms ("pid" identification) configured by the FMZ dashboard, you can also set exchange configuration information that has not been configured to operate the bot
{"eid": "OKEX", "pair": "ETH_BTC", "meta" :{"AccessKey": "xxx", "SecretKey": "yyy"}},
{"eid": "Huobi", "pair": "BCH_BTC", "meta" :{"AccessKey": "xxx", "SecretKey": "yyy"}}
Ketika Anda menggunakan informasi sensitif, seperti platformAPI KEY
, termasuk"meta":{"AccessKey":"xxx","SecretKey":"yyy"}
dalam konfigurasieid
, Anda harus tahu bahwa FMZ tidak menyimpan data. Data akan dikirim langsung ke program docker, sehingga informasi ini harus dikonfigurasi setiap kali bot dibuat atau di-restart.
Untuk memulai kembali bot yang menggunakan plugin untuk mendukung pertukaran, ketika mengkonfigurasiSettings
parameter, Anda harus membuat pengaturan berikut untukexchanges
{"eid": "Exchange", "label" : "testXXX", "pair": "ETH_BTC", "meta" :{"AccessKey": "123", "SecretKey": "1234", "Front" : ""}}
Atribut ini adalah untuk mengatur label untuk objek pertukaran diakses olehprotokol umum, yang dapat diperoleh denganexchange.GetLabel()
fungsi dalam strategi.
Nilai kembali
"code": 0,
"data": {
// 1 means running
"result": 1,
"error": null
mendapatkan informasi rinci tentang robot dengan ID yang ditentukan (robotID
: RobotId
), yang sesuai denganAPI KEY
dalam permintaan akun platform perdagangan FMZ Quant.
adalah jenis bilangan bulat; robotID
dapat diperoleh denganGetRobotList(...)
Nilai kembali
"code": 0,
"data": {
"result": {
"robot": {
// Next payment time, namely the effective cut-off time after the current payment
"charge_time": 1561992608,
// Elapsed Time
"charged": 3600,
// Amount consumed (0.125 CNY = 12500000 / 1e8)
"consumed": 12500000,
"date": "2019-07-01 21:50:08",
"debug": "{\"Nano\":1561989722431145193,\"Stderr\":\"\",\"Stdout\":\"\"}",
// Stop time
"end_time": "2019-07-01 22:02:02",
// The docker ID assigned when the robot is running; if it is automatic, the value is -1
"fixed_id": 85960,
"id": 150288,
"is_deleted": 0,
// Whether it has the permission to manage the bot
"is_manager": true,
// Whether it is virtual exchange
"is_sandbox": 0,
// Robot name
"name": "Spread monitoring2",
// Docker ID
"node_id": 85960,
// The exchange objects configured by the robot
"pexchanges": {
// 14703 is eid, and "GateIO" is exchange name
"14703": "GateIO",
"15445": "ZB",
"42960": "OKEX",
"44314": "Huobi"
// label information of the exchange object configured by the robot
"plabels": {
"14703": "Gate.IO (old name: BTER)",
"15445": "ZB",
"42960": "OKEX spot V3 test",
"44314": "Huobi - newest test"
"profit": 0,
// Whether to show public
"public": 0,
// Recent active time
"refresh": 1561989724000,
"robot_args": "[[\"TickInterval\",500],[\"StrOnePair\",\"spot:Huobi:spot;spot:OKEX:spot;false;60;5;0;0\"],[\"StrTwoPair\",\"spot:ZB:spot;spot:GateIO:spot;false;60;5;0;0\"],[\"StrThreePair\",\"null\"],[\"StrFourPair\",\"null\"],[\"StrSixPair\",\"null\"],[\"StrFivePair\",\"null\"],[\"ResetChart\",false]]",
"start_time": "2019-07-01 22:00:54",
// Robot status
"status": 4,
"strategy_args": "[[\"TickInterval\",\"Detection frequency (ms)\",\"This is millisecond. Don't set it too small.\",500],[\"StrOnePair\",\"Combination1\",\"Spread Combination\",\"spot:Huobi:spot;spot:OKCoin:spot;false;60;5;0;0\"],[\"StrTwoPair\",\"Combination2\",\"Spread Combination\",\"future:Futures_OKCoin:this_week;spot:OKCoin:spot;false;60;5;0;0\"],[\"StrThreePair\",\"Combination3\",\"Spread Combination\",\"future:Futures_OKCoin:this_week;future:Futures_OKCoin:quarter;true;60;5;0;0\"],[\"StrFourPair\",\"Combination4\",\"Spread Combination\",\"null\"],[\"StrSixPair\",\"Combination6\",\"Combination\",\"null\"],[\"StrFivePair\",\"Combination5\",\"Combination\",\"null\"],[\"ResetChart\",\"whether to clear the previous chart\",\"clear the previous chart\",false]]",
// Configured exchange objects, set trading pair information
"strategy_exchange_pairs": "[60,[44314,42960,15445,14703],[\"BTC_USDT\",\"BTC_USDT\",\"ETH_USDT\",\"ETH_USDT\"]]",
// Strategy ID
"strategy_id": 21337,
// Strategy's last modification time
"strategy_last_modified": "2018-11-29 12:07:58",
// Strategy name
"strategy_name": "Digital currency spread monitoring and analysis",
"summary": "Polling time consuming: 500ms\n`[{\"type\":\"table\",\"title\":\"pair basic data\",\"cols\":[\"ID\",\"NameA - NameB\",\"SymbolA - SymbolB\",\"UpdCycle\",\"isUSD\",\"Collect\"],\"rows\":[[\"0 \",\"Huobi/OKEX\",\"spot/spot\",60,false,\"612ms\"],[\"1 \",\"ZB/GateIO\",\"spot/spot\",60,false,\"501ms\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"title\":\"pair market data\",\"cols\":[\"ID\",\"NameA - NameB\",\"SymbolA - SymbolB\",\"A_Bids1\",\"B_Asks1\",\"Plus\",\"A_Asks1\",\"B_Bids1\",\"Minus\"],\"rows\":[[\"0 \",\"Huobi/OKEX\",\"spot/spot\",10518.02,10525.1,-7.08,10520,10523,-3],[\"1 \",\"ZB/GateIO\",\"spot/spot\",285.68,286,-0.32,285.8,285.85,-0.05]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"title\":\"pair statistical data\",\"cols\":[\"ID\",\"NameA - NameB\",\"SymbolA - SymbolB\",\"Maximum spread\",\"Minimum spread\",\"Mean positive premium\",\"Mean negative premium\"],\"rows\":[[\"0 \",\"Huobi/OKEX\",\"spot/spot\",0,-3,0,-1.47],[\"1 \",\"ZB/GateIO\",\"spot/spot\",0.03,-0.05,0.03,-0.05]]}]`\n",
// Whether to enable offline alert
"wd": 0
"error": null
Atribut dalam data yang dikembalikan (informasi pada bilah status bot; di-cache selama 10 detik; bukan data terbaru) saat ini memiliki batas jumlah data (data yang di-cache); batas jumlah data adalah 200KB, dan data berlebih akan dipotong.GetRobotLogs
antarmuka untuk mendapatkan (ketikaGetRobotLogs
mendapatkan informasi dari status bar, bidangsummary
adalah data terbaru).
Deskripsi atribut daristrategy_exchange_pairs
, contoh data berikut:
Data pertama60
mewakili periode K-line default yang ditetapkan oleh bot adalah 1 menit, yaitu 60 detik.
adalah objek pertukaraneid
dikonfigurasi untuk bot (menurut urutan penjumlahan).[\"BTC_USDT\",\"BTC_USDT\",\"ETH_USDT\",\"ETH_USDT\"]
adalah pasangan perdagangan yang ditetapkan untuk objek pertukaran yang dikonfigurasi oleh bot (dalam urutan penjumlahan dan dalam korespondensi satu-ke-satu denganeid
mengembalikan informasi akun yang sesuai denganAPI KEY
dalam permintaan akun platform perdagangan FMZ Quant.
Parameter Tidak ada
Nilai kembali
"code": 0,
"data": {
"result": {
"username": "littlelittledream",
"level": 0,
"consumed": 3235500000,
"invitation_code": "1545967",
"points": 25,
// The value here, due to precision control, is expressed in integer. To convert it to actual value, you need to divide it by 1e8 (i.e. 10 to the 8th power), and the actual result here is: 65.421
"balance": 6542100000
"error": None