Dipindahkan dari versi JavaScript dariKomoditas Futures Intertemporal Hedging-Ratus Baris Pelaksanaan Kode, strategi ini adalah strategi pengajaran sederhana, dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan desain strategi komoditas berjangka dalam bahasa Python.
class Hedge:
'Hedging control class'
def __init__(self, q, e, initAccount, symbolA, symbolB, hedgeSpread, coverSpread):
self.q = q
self.initAccount = initAccount
self.status = 0
self.symbolA = symbolA
self.symbolB = symbolB
self.e = e
self.isBusy = False
self.hedgeSpread = hedgeSpread
self.coverSpread = coverSpread
self.opAmount = OpAmount
def poll(self):
if (self.isBusy or not exchange.IO("status")) or not ext.IsTrading(self.symbolA):
insDetailA = exchange.SetContractType(self.symbolA)
if not insDetailA:
tickerA = exchange.GetTicker()
if not tickerA:
insDetailB = exchange.SetContractType(self.symbolB)
if not insDetailB:
tickerB = exchange.GetTicker()
if not tickerB:
LogStatus(_D(), "A sell B buy", _N(tickerA["Buy"] - tickerB["Sell"]), "A buy B sell", _N(tickerA["Sell"] - tickerB["Buy"]))
action = 0
if self.status == 0:
if (tickerA["Buy"] - tickerB["Sell"]) > self.hedgeSpread:
Log("open position A sell B buy", tickerA["Buy"], tickerB["Sell"], "#FF0000")
action = 1
elif (tickerB["Buy"] - tickerA["Sell"]) > self.hedgeSpread:
Log("open position B sell A buy", tickerB["Buy"], tickerA["Sell"], "#FF0000")
action = 2
elif self.status == 1 and (tickerA["Sell"] - tickerB["Buy"]) <= self.coverSpread:
Log("close position A buy B sell", tickerA["Sell"], tickerB["Buy"], "#FF0000")
action = 2
elif self.status == 2 and (tickerB["Sell"] - tickerA["Buy"]) <= self.coverSpread:
Log("close position B buy A sell", tickerB["Sell"] - tickerA["Buy"], "#FF0000")
action = 1
if action == 0:
self.isBusy = True
tasks = []
if action == 1:
tasks.append([self.symbolA, "sell" if self.status == 0 else "closebuy"])
tasks.append([self.symbolB, "buy" if self.status == 0 else "closesell"])
elif action == 2:
tasks.append([self.symbolA, "buy" if self.status == 0 else "closesell"])
tasks.append([self.symbolB, "sell" if self.status == 0 else "closebuy"])
def callBack(task, ret):
def callBack(task, ret):
self.isBusy = False
if task["action"] == "sell":
self.status = 2
elif task["action"] == "buy":
self.status = 1
self.status = 0
account = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
LogProfit(account["Balance"] - self.initAccount["Balance"], account)
self.q.pushTask(self.e, tasks[1][0], tasks[1][1], self.opAmount, callBack)
self.q.pushTask(self.e, tasks[0][0], tasks[0][1], self.opAmount, callBack)
def main():
Log("Connecting to the trading server...")
while not exchange.IO("status"):
Log("Successfully connected to the trading server")
initAccount = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
n = 0
def callBack(task, ret):
Log(task["desc"], "success" if ret else "fail")
q = ext.NewTaskQueue(callBack)
if CoverAll:
Log("Start closing all remaining positions...")
Log("Operation complete")
t = Hedge(q, exchange, initAccount, SA, SB, HedgeSpread, CoverSpread)
while True:
Hanya mentransplantasikan kode, terasa sedikit terlalu sederhana, kita terus melakukan beberapa transformasi, menambahkan grafik untuk strategi perdagangan ini.
Tambahkan kode berikut sebelum posisi di manaLogStatus
fungsi dipanggil untuk membuat perbedaan harga real-time ke dalam statistik K-line.self.preBarTime
adalah anggota yang ditambahkan olehHedge
Untuk menggambar, kita menggunakan
# Calculate the spread K line
r = exchange.GetRecords()
if not r:
diff = tickerB["Last"] - tickerA["Last"]
if r[-1]["Time"] != self.preBarTime:
# Update
self.records.append({"Time": r[-1]["Time"], "High": diff, "Low": diff, "Open": diff, "Close": diff, "Volume": 0})
self.preBarTime = r[-1]["Time"]
if diff > self.records[-1]["High"]:
self.records[-1]["High"] = diff
if diff < self.records[-1]["Low"]:
self.records[-1]["Low"] = diff
self.records[-1]["Close"] = diff
ext.PlotRecords(self.records, "diff:B-A")
ext.PlotHLine(self.hedgeSpread if diff > 0 else -self.hedgeSpread, "hedgeSpread")
ext.PlotHLine(self.coverSpread if diff > 0 else -self.coverSpread, "coverSpread")
Efek pengujian balik:
Selanjutnya, kita akan menambahkan fungsi interaktif, sehingga strategi dapat memodifikasiHedgeSpread
Anda juga membutuhkan tombol untuk menutup posisi dengan satu klik. kami menambahkan kontrol ini di halaman pengeditan strategi.
Kemudian dalam lingkaran utama strategi, setelahq.poll()
, t.poll()
Hubungi, tambahkan kode kontrol interaktif.
while True:
# The following interactive control code
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd:
arr = cmd.split(":")
if arr[0] == "AllCover":
elif arr[0] == "SetHedgeSpread":
elif arr[0] == "SetCoverSpread":
Anda dapat menyalin seluruh strategi trading di sini:https://www.fmz.com/strategy/211504