Baru-baru ini, beberapa pengguna platform kami berharap untuk mentransplantasikan strategi MyLanguage ke dalam strategi JavaScript, yang dapat secara fleksibel menambahkan banyak ide pengoptimalan. Bahkan memperluas strategi ke versi multi-spesies. Karena strategi MyLanguage biasanya merupakan strategi tren, dan banyak dari mereka dijalankan berdasarkan model harga penutupan. Antarmuka API dari pertukaran permintaan strategi tidak terlalu sering, yang cocok untuk mentransplantasikan ke versi strategi multi-spesies. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan mengambil strategi MyLanguage sederhana sebagai contoh untuk mentransplantasinya ke dalam versi bahasa JavaScript yang sederhana. Tujuan utamanya adalah mengajar dan mendukung penelitian. Jika Anda ingin membuat bot nyata, Anda mungkin perlu menambahkan beberapa detail (test harga pesanan, akurasi persentase kuantitas, kontrol kuantitas pesanan, tampilan informasi status pesanan berdasarkan aset, dll.), Dan juga perlu tes bot nyata.
// stop loss
// stop loss
Logika perdagangan strategi ini sederhana. Pertama, hitung ATR sesuai dengan parameter, kemudian hitung rata-rata harga tertinggi, terendah dan penutupan dari semua K-line BAR, dan kemudian hitung indikator EMA sesuai dengan data rata-rata. Akhirnya, gabungkan ATR dan koefisien N dalam parameter untuk menghitung upBand dan downBand.
Posisi pembukaan dan penjualan didasarkan pada harga penutupan. Buka posisi panjang ketika melampaui upBand dan jual posisi pembukaan (saat memegang posisi pendek). Buka posisi pendek ketika melampaui downBand dan jual posisi pembukaan. Ketika harga penutupan mencapai garis tengah, posisi akan ditutup, dan ketika harga penutupan mencapai harga stop loss, posisi juga akan ditutup (stop loss menurut SLOSS, SLOSS adalah 1, yaitu 0,01, yaitu 1%). Strategi ini dilaksanakan dalam model harga penutupan.
OK, jika kita memahami persyaratan strategis dan ide-ide dari MyLanguage, kita bisa mulai menanamkan mereka.
Tidak banyak kode prototipe strategi, mulai dari 1 hingga 200 baris.
// parse params parameters, and parse strings as objects
var arrParam = JSON.parse(params)
// this function creates a chart configuration
function createChartConfig(symbol, atrPeriod, emaPeriod, index) { // symbol : trading pair, atrPeriod : ATR parameter period , emaPeriod : EMA parameter period, exchange object index corresponding to index
var chart = {
__isStock: true,
extension: {
layout: 'single',
height: 600,
title : { text : symbol},
xAxis: { type: 'datetime'},
series : [
type: 'candlestick', // K-line data series
name: symbol,
id: symbol + "-" + index,
data: []
}, {
type: 'line', // EMA
name: symbol + ',EMA:' + emaPeriod,
data: [],
}, {
type: 'line', // upBand
name: symbol + ',upBand' + atrPeriod,
data: []
}, {
type: 'line', // downBand
name: symbol + ',downBand' + atrPeriod,
data: []
}, {
type: 'flags',
onSeries: symbol + "-" + index,
data: [],
return chart
// main Logic
function process(e, kIndex, c) { // e is the exchange object, exchanges [0]..., kIndex is the K-line data series in the chart, and c is the chart object
// obtain K-line data
var r = e.GetRecords(e.param.period)
if (!r || r.length < e.param.atrPeriod + 2 || r.length < e.param.emaPeriod + 2) {
// if the K-line data length is insufficient, return
// calculate ATR indicators
var atr = TA.ATR(r, e.param.atrPeriod)
var arrAvgPrice = []
_.each(r, function(bar) {
arrAvgPrice.push((bar.High + bar.Low + bar.Close) / 3)
// calculate EMA indicators
var midLine = TA.EMA(arrAvgPrice, e.param.emaPeriod)
// calculate upBand and downBand
var upBand = []
var downBand = []
_.each(midLine, function(mid, index) {
if (index < e.param.emaPeriod - 1 || index < e.param.atrPeriod - 1) {
upBand.push(mid + e.param.trackRatio * atr[index])
downBand.push(mid - e.param.trackRatio * atr[index])
// draw the chart
for (var i = 0 ; i < r.length ; i++) {
if (r[i].Time == e.state.lastBarTime) {
// update
c.add(kIndex, [r[i].Time, r[i].Open, r[i].High, r[i].Low, r[i].Close], -1)
c.add(kIndex + 1, [r[i].Time, midLine[i]], -1)
c.add(kIndex + 2, [r[i].Time, upBand[i]], -1)
c.add(kIndex + 3, [r[i].Time, downBand[i]], -1)
} else if (r[i].Time > e.state.lastBarTime) {
// add
e.state.lastBarTime = r[i].Time
c.add(kIndex, [r[i].Time, r[i].Open, r[i].High, r[i].Low, r[i].Close])
c.add(kIndex + 1, [r[i].Time, midLine[i]])
c.add(kIndex + 2, [r[i].Time, upBand[i]])
c.add(kIndex + 3, [r[i].Time, downBand[i]])
// check the position
var pos = e.GetPosition()
if (!pos) {
var holdAmount = 0
var holdPrice = 0
if (pos.length > 1) {
throw "long and short positions are checked at the same time!"
} else if (pos.length != 0) {
holdAmount = pos[0].Type == PD_LONG ? pos[0].Amount : -pos[0].Amount
holdPrice = pos[0].Price
if (e.state.preBar == -1) {
e.state.preBar = r[r.length - 1].Time
// check the signal
if (e.state.preBar != r[r.length - 1].Time) { // closing price model
if (holdAmount <= 0 && r[r.length - 3].Close < upBand[upBand.length - 3] && r[r.length - 2].Close > upBand[upBand.length - 2]) { // the closing price cross over the upBand
if (holdAmount < 0) { // hold a short positions, close them
Log(e.GetCurrency(), "close short positions", "#FF0000")
$.CoverShort(e, e.param.symbol, Math.abs(holdAmount))
c.add(kIndex + 4, {x: r[r.length - 2].Time, color: 'red', shape: 'flag', title: 'close', text: "close short positions"})
// open long positions
Log(e.GetCurrency(), "open long positions", "#FF0000")
$.OpenLong(e, e.param.symbol, 10)
c.add(kIndex + 4, {x: r[r.length - 2].Time, color: 'red', shape: 'flag', title: 'long', text: "open long positions"})
} else if (holdAmount >= 0 && r[r.length - 3].Close > downBand[downBand.length - 3] && r[r.length - 2].Close < downBand[downBand.length - 2]) { // the closing price cross down the downBand
if (holdAmount > 0) { // hold long positions, close them
Log(e.GetCurrency(), "close long positions", "#FF0000")
$.CoverLong(e, e.param.symbol, Math.abs(holdAmount))
c.add(kIndex + 4, {x: r[r.length - 2].Time, color: 'green', shape: 'flag', title: 'close', text: "close long positions"})
// open short positions
Log(e.GetCurrency(), "open short positions", "#FF0000")
$.OpenShort(e, e.param.symbol, 10)
c.add(kIndex + 4, {x: r[r.length - 2].Time, color: 'green', shape: 'flag', title: 'short', text: "open short positions"})
} else {
// close positions
if (holdAmount > 0 && (r[r.length - 2].Close <= holdPrice * (1 - e.param.stopLoss) || r[r.length - 2].Close <= midLine[midLine.length - 2])) { // Hold a long position, the closing price is less than or equal to the midline, stop loss at the opening price
Log(e.GetCurrency(), "trigger midline or stop loss, close long positions", "#FF0000")
$.CoverLong(e, e.param.symbol, Math.abs(holdAmount))
c.add(kIndex + 4, {x: r[r.length - 2].Time, color: 'green', shape: 'flag', title: 'close', text: "close long positions"})
} else if (holdAmount < 0 && (r[r.length - 2].Close >= holdPrice * (1 + e.param.stopLoss) || r[r.length - 2].Close >= midLine[midLine.length - 2])) { // Hold a short position, the closing price is greater than or equal to the midline, stop loss at the opening price
Log(e.GetCurrency(), "trigger midline or stop loss, close short positions", "#FF0000")
$.CoverShort(e, e.param.symbol, Math.abs(holdAmount))
c.add(kIndex + 4, {x: r[r.length - 2].Time, color: 'red', shape: 'flag', title: 'close', text: "close short positions"})
e.state.preBar = r[r.length - 1].Time
function main() {
var arrChartConfig = []
if (arrParam.length != exchanges.length) {
throw "Parameters and exchange objects do not match!"
var arrState = _G("arrState")
_.each(exchanges, function(e, index) {
if (e.GetName() != "Futures_Binance") {
throw "The exchange is not supported!"
e.param = arrParam[index]
e.state = {lastBarTime: 0, symbol: e.param.symbol, currency: e.GetCurrency()}
if (arrState) {
if (arrState[index].symbol == e.param.symbol && arrState[index].currency == e.GetCurrency()) {
Log("restore:", e.state)
e.state = arrState[index]
} else {
throw "The restored data does not match the current settings!"
e.state.preBar = -1 // initial setting -1
Log(e.GetName(), e.GetLabel(), "set contracts:", e.param.symbol)
arrChartConfig.push(createChartConfig(e.GetCurrency(), e.param.atrPeriod, e.param.emaPeriod, index))
var chart = Chart(arrChartConfig)
while (true) {
_.each(exchanges, function(e, index) {
process(e, index + index * 4, chart)
function onexit() {
// record e.state
var arrState = []
_.each(exchanges, function(e) {
Log("record:", arrState)
_G("arrState", arrState)
Parameter strategi:
var params = '[{
"symbol" : "swap", // contract code
"period" : 86400, // K-line period, 86,400 seconds is a day
"stopLoss" : 0.07, // stop loss factor, 0.07 or 7%
"atrPeriod" : 10, // ATR indicator parameters
"emaPeriod" : 10, // EMA indicator parameters
"trackRatio" : 1, // upBand and downBand coefficients
"openRatio" : 0.1 // The reserved opening percentage, which is not supported for now
}, {
"symbol" : "swap",
"period" : 86400,
"stopLoss" : 0.07,
"atrPeriod" : 10,
"emaPeriod" : 10,
"trackRatio" : 1,
"openRatio" : 0.1
Screenshot dari backtest:
Kode sumber strategi:
Strategi hanya untuk backtesting dan belajar penelitian. Mohon modifikasi, optimalisasi, dan merujuk ke bot nyata sendiri.