Ketika menulis dan menggunakan strategi, kita sering menggunakan beberapa data periode K-line yang jarang digunakan. Namun, pertukaran dan sumber data tidak memberikan data tentang periode ini. Hal ini hanya dapat disintesis dengan menggunakan data dengan periode yang ada. Algoritma yang disintesis sudah memiliki versi JavaScript (linkPada kenyataannya, mudah untuk mentransplantasikan sepotong kode JavaScript ke Python. Selanjutnya, mari kita tulis versi Python dari algoritma sintesis K-line.
function GetNewCycleRecords (sourceRecords, targetCycle) { // K-line synthesis function
var ret = []
// Obtain the period of the source K-line data first
if (!sourceRecords || sourceRecords.length < 2) {
return null
var sourceLen = sourceRecords.length
var sourceCycle = sourceRecords[sourceLen - 1].Time - sourceRecords[sourceLen - 2].Time
if (targetCycle % sourceCycle != 0) {
Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)
Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)
throw "targetCycle is not an integral multiple of sourceCycle."
if ((1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle != 0 && (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle != 0) {
Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)
Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)
Log((1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle, (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle)
throw "targetCycle cannot complete the cycle."
var multiple = targetCycle / sourceCycle
var isBegin = false
var count = 0
var high = 0
var low = 0
var open = 0
var close = 0
var time = 0
var vol = 0
for (var i = 0 ; i < sourceLen ; i++) {
// Get the time zone offset value
var d = new Date()
var n = d.getTimezoneOffset()
if (((1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) - sourceRecords[i].Time % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + (n * 1000 * 60)) % targetCycle == 0) {
isBegin = true
if (isBegin) {
if (count == 0) {
high = sourceRecords[i].High
low = sourceRecords[i].Low
open = sourceRecords[i].Open
close = sourceRecords[i].Close
time = sourceRecords[i].Time
vol = sourceRecords[i].Volume
} else if (count < multiple) {
high = Math.max(high, sourceRecords[i].High)
low = Math.min(low, sourceRecords[i].Low)
close = sourceRecords[i].Close
vol += sourceRecords[i].Volume
if (count == multiple || i == sourceLen - 1) {
High : high,
Low : low,
Open : open,
Close : close,
Time : time,
Volume : vol,
count = 0
return ret
Ada algoritma JavaScript. Python dapat diterjemahkan dan ditransplantasikan baris demi baris. Jika Anda menemukan fungsi built-in JavaScript atau metode inheren, Anda dapat pergi ke Python untuk menemukan metode yang sesuai. Oleh karena itu, migrasi mudah.
Logika algoritma adalah persis sama, kecuali bahwa panggilan fungsi JavaScriptvar n=d.getTimezoneOffset()
Saat bermigrasi ke Python,n=time.altzone
Perbedaan lain hanya dalam hal tata bahasa bahasa (seperti penggunaan for loop, nilai Boolean, logical AND, logical NOT, logical OR, dll.).
Migrasi kode Python:
import time
def GetNewCycleRecords(sourceRecords, targetCycle):
ret = []
# Obtain the period of the source K-line data first
if not sourceRecords or len(sourceRecords) < 2 :
return None
sourceLen = len(sourceRecords)
sourceCycle = sourceRecords[-1]["Time"] - sourceRecords[-2]["Time"]
if targetCycle % sourceCycle != 0 :
Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)
Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)
raise "targetCycle is not an integral multiple of sourceCycle."
if (1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle != 0 and (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle != 0 :
Log("targetCycle:", targetCycle)
Log("sourceCycle:", sourceCycle)
Log((1000 * 60 * 60) % targetCycle, (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) % targetCycle)
raise "targetCycle cannot complete the cycle."
multiple = targetCycle / sourceCycle
isBegin = False
count = 0
barHigh = 0
barLow = 0
barOpen = 0
barClose = 0
barTime = 0
barVol = 0
for i in range(sourceLen) :
# Get the time zone offset value
n = time.altzone
if ((1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) - (sourceRecords[i]["Time"] * 1000) % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + (n * 1000)) % targetCycle == 0 :
isBegin = True
if isBegin :
if count == 0 :
barHigh = sourceRecords[i]["High"]
barLow = sourceRecords[i]["Low"]
barOpen = sourceRecords[i]["Open"]
barClose = sourceRecords[i]["Close"]
barTime = sourceRecords[i]["Time"]
barVol = sourceRecords[i]["Volume"]
count += 1
elif count < multiple :
barHigh = max(barHigh, sourceRecords[i]["High"])
barLow = min(barLow, sourceRecords[i]["Low"])
barClose = sourceRecords[i]["Close"]
barVol += sourceRecords[i]["Volume"]
count += 1
if count == multiple or i == sourceLen - 1 :
"High" : barHigh,
"Low" : barLow,
"Open" : barOpen,
"Close" : barClose,
"Time" : barTime,
"Volume" : barVol,
count = 0
return ret
# Test
def main():
while True:
r = exchange.GetRecords()
r2 = GetNewCycleRecords(r, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 4)
ext.PlotRecords(r2, "r2")
Grafik pasar Huobi
Bagan 4 jam sintesis backtest
Kode di atas hanya untuk referensi. Jika digunakan dalam strategi khusus, silahkan modifikasi dan uji sesuai dengan persyaratan khusus. Jika ada bug atau saran perbaikan, silakan tinggalkan pesan. Terima kasih banyak. o^_^ o