K線を開ける時間GET /dapi/v1/klines
エンドポイントは 唯一的なIDとして考えられます
まず,K-line インターフェースの特定のパラメータを理解するために,Exchange による API ドキュメンテーションを参照する必要があります.この K-line エンドポイントを呼び出すとき,タイプ,K-line 期間,データ範囲 (開始時と終了時),ページの数などを指定する必要があります.
例えば,1時間のKラインをクエリし,1時間のKラインデータを5000バーで過去に向かってクエリするので 単一のAPIを交換に呼び出すことは 望ましいデータを取得しないことは明らかです
この目的を達成するために,ページ付けを実装し,クエリを現在の瞬間から特定の歴史的瞬間に向かってセグメントに分けることができます. 望ましいK線データ
設計テンプレートのインターフェース機能:$.GetRecordsByLength(e, period, length)
* desc: $.GetRecordsByLength is the interface function of this template library, this function is used to get the K-line data of the specified K-line length
* @param {Object} e - exchange object
* @param {Int} period - K-line period, in seconds
* @param {Int} length - Specify the length of the acquired K-line data, which is related to the exchange interface limits
* @returns {Array<Object>} - K-line data
したがって,次のデータ更新のためのインターフェースも設計する必要があります.$.UpdataRecords(e, records, period)
* desc: $.UpdataRecords is the interface function of this template library, this function is used to update the K-line data.
* @param {Object} e - exchange object
* @param {Array<Object>} records - K-line data sources that need to be updated
* @param {Int} period - K-line period, needs to be the same as the K-line data period passed in the records parameter
* @returns {Bool} - Whether the update was successful
* desc: $.GetRecordsByLength is the interface function of this template library, this function is used to get the K-line data of the specified K-line length
* @param {Object} e - exchange object
* @param {Int} period - K-line period, in seconds
* @param {Int} length - Specify the length of the acquired K-line data, which is related to the exchange interface limits
* @returns {Array<Object>} - K-line data
$.GetRecordsByLength = function(e, period, length) {
if (!Number.isInteger(period) || !Number.isInteger(length)) {
throw "params error!"
var exchangeName = e.GetName()
if (exchangeName == "Futures_Binance") {
return getRecordsForFuturesBinance(e, period, length)
} else {
throw "not support!"
* desc: getRecordsForFuturesBinance, the specific implementation of the function to get K-line data for Binance Futures Exchange
* @param {Object} e - exchange object
* @param {Int} period - K-line period, in seconds
* @param {Int} length - Specify the length of the acquired K-line data, which is related to the exchange interface limits
* @returns {Array<Object>} - K-line data
function getRecordsForFuturesBinance(e, period, length) {
var contractType = e.GetContractType()
var currency = e.GetCurrency()
var strPeriod = String(period)
var symbols = currency.split("_")
var baseCurrency = ""
var quoteCurrency = ""
if (symbols.length == 2) {
baseCurrency = symbols[0]
quoteCurrency = symbols[1]
} else {
throw "currency error!"
var realCt = e.SetContractType(contractType)["instrument"]
if (!realCt) {
throw "realCt error"
// m -> minute; h -> hour; d -> day; w -> week; M -> month
var periodMap = {}
periodMap[(60).toString()] = "1m"
periodMap[(60 * 3).toString()] = "3m"
periodMap[(60 * 5).toString()] = "5m"
periodMap[(60 * 15).toString()] = "15m"
periodMap[(60 * 30).toString()] = "30m"
periodMap[(60 * 60).toString()] = "1h"
periodMap[(60 * 60 * 2).toString()] = "2h"
periodMap[(60 * 60 * 4).toString()] = "4h"
periodMap[(60 * 60 * 6).toString()] = "6h"
periodMap[(60 * 60 * 8).toString()] = "8h"
periodMap[(60 * 60 * 12).toString()] = "12h"
periodMap[(60 * 60 * 24).toString()] = "1d"
periodMap[(60 * 60 * 24 * 3).toString()] = "3d"
periodMap[(60 * 60 * 24 * 7).toString()] = "1w"
periodMap[(60 * 60 * 24 * 30).toString()] = "1M"
var records = []
var url = ""
if (quoteCurrency == "USDT") {
// GET https://fapi.binance.com /fapi/v1/klines symbol , interval , startTime , endTime , limit
// limit maximum value:1500
url = "https://fapi.binance.com/fapi/v1/klines"
} else if (quoteCurrency == "USD") {
// GET https://dapi.binance.com /dapi/v1/klines symbol , interval , startTime , endTime , limit
// The difference between startTime and endTime can be up to 200 days.
// limit maximum value:1500
url = "https://dapi.binance.com/dapi/v1/klines"
} else {
throw "not support!"
var maxLimit = 1500
var interval = periodMap[strPeriod]
if (typeof(interval) !== "string") {
throw "period error!"
var symbol = realCt
var currentTS = new Date().getTime()
while (true) {
// Calculate limit
var limit = Math.min(maxLimit, length - records.length)
var barPeriodMillis = period * 1000
var rangeMillis = barPeriodMillis * limit
var twoHundredDaysMillis = 200 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000
if (rangeMillis > twoHundredDaysMillis) {
limit = Math.floor(twoHundredDaysMillis / barPeriodMillis)
rangeMillis = barPeriodMillis * limit
var query = `symbol=${symbol}&interval=${interval}&endTime=${currentTS}&limit=${limit}`
var retHttpQuery = HttpQuery(url + "?" + query)
var ret = null
try {
ret = JSON.parse(retHttpQuery)
} catch(e) {
if (!ret || !Array.isArray(ret)) {
return null
// When the data cannot be searched because it is beyond the searchable range of the exchange
if (ret.length == 0 || currentTS <= 0) {
for (var i = ret.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var ele = ret[i]
var bar = {
Time : parseInt(ele[0]),
Open : parseFloat(ele[1]),
High : parseFloat(ele[2]),
Low : parseFloat(ele[3]),
Close : parseFloat(ele[4]),
Volume : parseFloat(ele[5])
if (records.length >= length) {
currentTS -= rangeMillis
return records
* desc: $.UpdataRecords is the interface function of this template library, this function is used to update the K-line data.
* @param {Object} e - exchange object
* @param {Array<Object>} records - K-line data sources that need to be updated
* @param {Int} period - K-line period, needs to be the same as the K-line data period passed in the records parameter
* @returns {Bool} - Whether the update was successful
$.UpdataRecords = function(e, records, period) {
var r = e.GetRecords(period)
if (!r) {
return false
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
if (r[i].Time > records[records.length - 1].Time) {
// Add a new Bar
// Update the previous Bar
if (records.length - 2 >= 0 && i - 1 >= 0 && records[records.length - 2].Time == r[i - 1].Time) {
records[records.length - 2] = r[i - 1]
} else if (r[i].Time == records[records.length - 1].Time) {
// Update Bar
records[records.length - 1] = r[i]
return true
テストするには,ページナレーションクエリ K-Line 歴史データテンプレート の
function main() {
var testPeriod = PERIOD_M5
Log("Current exchanges tested:", exchange.GetName())
// If futures, you need to set up a contract
// Get K-line data of specified length using $.GetRecordsByLength
var r = $.GetRecordsByLength(exchange, testPeriod, 8000)
// Use the Plot test for easy observation
$.PlotRecords(r, "k")
// Test data
var diffTime = r[1].Time - r[0].Time
Log("diffTime:", diffTime, " ms")
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < r.length; j++) {
// Check the repeat bar
if (i != j && r[i].Time == r[j].Time) {
Log(r[i].Time, i, r[j].Time, j)
throw "With duplicate Bar"
// Check Bar continuity
if (i < r.length - 1) {
if (r[i + 1].Time - r[i].Time != diffTime) {
Log("i:", i, ", diff:", r[i + 1].Time - r[i].Time, ", r[i].Time:", r[i].Time, ", r[i + 1].Time:", r[i + 1].Time)
throw "Bar discontinuity"
Log("Test passed")
Log("The length of the data returned by the $.GetRecordsByLength function:", r.length)
// Update data
while (true) {
$.UpdataRecords(exchange, r, testPeriod)
LogStatus(_D(), "r.length:", r.length)
$.PlotRecords(r, "k")
この線はvar testPeriod = PERIOD_M5
8000バーを取得する指定します. その後,我々は,長いK線データでプロットテストを実行することができますvar r = $.GetRecordsByLength(exchange, testPeriod, 8000)
// Use the plot test for easy observation
$.PlotRecords(r, "k")
// Test data
var diffTime = r[1].Time - r[0].Time
Log("diffTime:", diffTime, " ms")
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < r.length; j++) {
// Check the repeat Bar
if (i != j && r[i].Time == r[j].Time) {
Log(r[i].Time, i, r[j].Time, j)
throw "With duplicate Bar"
// Check Bar continuity
if (i < r.length - 1) {
if (r[i + 1].Time - r[i].Time != diffTime) {
Log("i:", i, ", diff:", r[i + 1].Time - r[i].Time, ", r[i].Time:", r[i].Time, ", r[i + 1].Time:", r[i + 1].Time)
throw "Bar discontinuity"
Log("Test passed")
このチェックを完了した後,K線データを更新するために使用されたインターフェースが,$.UpdateRecords(exchange, r, testPeriod)
// Update data
while (true) {
$.UpdataRecords(exchange, r, testPeriod)
LogStatus(_D(), "r.length:", r.length)
$.PlotRecords(r, "k")
このコードは,ライブ取引中に戦略チャートに K線データを継続的に出力し,K線データの更新と追加が正しく機能しているかどうかを確認することができます.
日々のK線データを利用して,それを8000バーを取得するように設定します (8000日前の市場データが利用できないことを知っています). これはブルートフォーステストとして機能します:
日々のK線が1309本しかないので 交換チャート上のデータを比較してみてください