利益とストップロスは パーソナライズ可能な割合です
この戦略は,ボリンジャーバンドの深層拡張を通じて非常に柔軟で包括的な取引ソリューションを提供します. テストを必要とする多くのパラメータ組み合わせがあるにもかかわらず,個々のニーズに合わせてカスタマイズすることができます. 全体的に,この戦略は,ボリンジャーバンド戦略の高品質な代表として大きなアプリケーション価値を持っています. 継続的な最適化,特に定量および機械学習方法の導入により,さらに優れた取引パフォーマンスを達成する可能性があります. それはトレーダーに強力で創造的なツールを提供します.
/*backtest start: 2022-09-26 00:00:00 end: 2023-09-26 00:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] args: [["v_input_37",1],["v_input_38",2]] */ //@version=4 // // Pine Script v4 // @author BigBitsIO // Script Library: https://www.tradingview.com/u/BigBitsIO/#published-scripts // strategy(title="Fancy Bollinger Bands Strategy [BigBitsIO]", shorttitle="Fancy Bollinger Bands Strategy [BigBitsIO]", overlay=true, pyramiding=1, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=.1, slippage=0, initial_capital=100) MAPeriod = input(20, title="Middle Band Period", minval=1, step=1) MAType = input(title="Middle Band Type", defval="SMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "HMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA"]) MASource = input(title="Middle Band Source", type=input.source, defval=close) MAResolution = input(title="Middle Band Resolution", defval="00 Current", options=["00 Current", "01 1m", "02 3m", "03 5m", "04 15m", "05 30m", "06 45m", "07 1h", "08 2h", "09 3h", "10 4h", "11 1D", "12 1W", "13 1M"]) MACandleType = input(title="Middle Band Candle Type", defval="00 Current", options=["00 Current", "01 Heikin Ashi", "02 Renko", "03 Line Break", "04 Kagi", "05 Point & Figure"]) MAVisible = input(title="Middle Band Visible", type=input.bool, defval=true) UpperBandMultiplier = input(title="Upper Band Deviation Multiplier", defval=2, minval=0.001, maxval=50, step=.25, type=input.float) LowerBandMultiplier = input(title="Lower Band Deviation Multiplier", defval=2, minval=0.001, maxval=50, step=.25, type=input.float) UseATRDeviation = input(false, title="Use ATR Deviation Instead of Standard Deviation?") ATRPeriod = input(14, title="ATR Deviation Period", minval=1, step=1) HighlightInclusion = input(title="Highlight Inclusions", type=input.bool, defval=true) ShowGhostTrail = input(title="Show Inclusion Ghost Trail", type=input.bool, defval=true) ForecastBias = input(title="Forecast Bias", defval="Neutral", options=["Neutral", "Bullish", "Bearish"]) ForecastBiasPeriod = input(14, title="Forecast Bias Period") ForecastBiasMagnitude = input(1, title="Forecast Bias Magnitude", minval=0.25, maxval=20, step=0.25) ShowForecast = input(title="Show Forecasts", type=input.bool, defval=true) HideFill = input(false, title="Hide Fill") UseBasicFill = input(true, title="Use Basic Fill - No Gradient") ShowBBDetails = input(false, title="Show Details") UpperBandSmoothingMAPeriod = input(1, title="Upper Band Smoothing Period", minval=1, step=1) UpperBandSmoothingMAType = input(title="Upper Band Smoothing MA Type", defval="SMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "HMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA"]) LowerBandSmoothingMAPeriod = input(1, title="Lower Band Smoothing Period", minval=1, step=1) LowerBandSmoothingMAType = input(title="Lower Band Smoothing MA Type", defval="SMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "HMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "VWMA"]) // Begin Citation - Allanster backtest period // === INPUT BACKTEST RANGE === fromMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "From Month", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 12) fromDay = input(defval = 1, title = "From Day", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 31) fromYear = input(defval = 2020, title = "From Year", type = input.integer, minval = 1970) thruMonth = input(defval = 1, title = "Thru Month", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 12) thruDay = input(defval = 1, title = "Thru Day", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 31) thruYear = input(defval = 2112, title = "Thru Year", type = input.integer, minval = 1970) // === INPUT SHOW PLOT === showDate = input(defval = true, title = "Show Date Range", type = input.bool) // === FUNCTION EXAMPLE === start = timestamp(fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay, 00, 00) // backtest start window finish = timestamp(thruYear, thruMonth, thruDay, 23, 59) // backtest finish window window() => true // create function "within window of time" // === PLOTTING === bgcolor(color = showDate and window() ? color.gray : na, transp = 90) // End Citation - uses the window() funciton later on takeProfitPercent = input(100, title="Take Profit %", type=input.float, step=.25) stopLossPercent = input(100, title="Stop Loss %", type=input.float, step=.25) OpenConditionsRequirement = input(title="Open Conditions Requirement", defval="All", options=["Any", "All", "Minimum count"]) OpenConditionsMinimumCount = input(1, title="Open Conditions Minimum Count", minval=1, type=input.integer) CloseConditionsRequirement = input(title="Close Conditions Requirement", defval="All", options=["Any", "All", "Minimum count"]) CloseConditionsMinimumCount = input(1, title="Close Conditions Minimum Count", minval=1, type=input.integer) CrossoverUpperBand = input(title="Crossover Upper Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) CrossoverMiddleBand = input(title="Crossover Middle Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) CrossoverLowerBand = input(title="Crossover Lower Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) CrossunderUpperBand = input(title="Crossunder Upper Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) CrossunderMiddleBand = input(title="Crossunder Middle Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) CrossunderLowerBand = input(title="Crossunder Lower Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PriceAboveUpperBand = input(title="Price Above Upper Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PriceAboveMiddleBand = input(title="Price Above Middle Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PriceAboveLowerBand = input(title="Price Above Lower Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PriceBelowUpperBand = input(title="Price Below Upper Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PriceBelowMiddleBand = input(title="Price Below Middle Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PriceBelowLowerBand = input(title="Price Below Lower Band", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) BandWidth1 = input(.020, title="Band Width Condition Value 1", minval=0.005, maxval=20, step=0.005) BandWidth2 = input(.040, title="Band Width Condition Value 2", minval=0.005, maxval=20, step=0.005) BandWidthCrossoverBandValue1 = input(title="Band Width Crossover Above Band Value 1", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) BandWidthCrossoverBandValue2 = input(title="Band Width Crossover Above Band Value 2", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) BandWidthCrossunderBandValue1 = input(title="Band Width Crossunder Below Band Value 1", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) BandWidthCrossunderBandValue2 = input(title="Band Width Crossunder Below Band Value 2", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) BandWidthAboveBandValue1 = input(title="Band Width Above Band Value 1", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) BandWidthAboveBandValue2 = input(title="Band Width Above Band Value 2", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) BandWidthBelowBandValue1 = input(title="Band Width Below Band Value 1", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) BandWidthBelowBandValue2 = input(title="Band Width Below Band Value 2", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PercentB1 = input(.35, title="Percent B Condition Value 1", step=0.05) PercentB2 = input(.70, title="Percent B Condition Value 2", step=0.05) PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue1 = input(title="Percent B Crossover Above Percent B 1", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue2 = input(title="Percent B Crossover Above Percent B 2", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue1 = input(title="Percent B Crossunder Below Percent B 1", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue2 = input(title="Percent B Crossunder Below Percent B 2", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PercentBAbovePercentBValue1 = input(title="Percent B Above Percent B 1", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PercentBAbovePercentBValue2 = input(title="Percent B Above Percent B 2", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PercentBBelowPercentBValue1 = input(title="Percent B Below Percent B 1", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) PercentBBelowPercentBValue2 = input(title="Percent B Below Percent B 2", defval="Not Used", options=["Not Used", "Long Open", "Long Close", "Long Open and Long Close"]) // A bit of borrowed code, modified here using @PineCoders gradient Framework f_cRedLime(_g, _hide, _basic) => _hide ? #00000000 : _basic ? #0080FF35 : _g <= 0 ? #FF000035 : _g <= .25 ? #FF000020 : _g <= .5 ? #FF000010 : _g <= .75 ? #00FF0010 : _g <= 1 ? #00FF0020 : #00FF0035 f_cRedLimeShadow(_g, _hide, _basic) => _hide ? #00000000 : _basic ? #0080FF09 : _g <= 0 ? #FF000009 : _g <= .25 ? #FF000006 : _g <= .5 ? #FF000003 : _g <= .75 ? #00FF0009 : _g <= 1 ? #00FF0006 : #00FF0003 ma(MAType, MASource, MAPeriod) => if MAPeriod > 0 if MAType == "SMA" sma(MASource, MAPeriod) else if MAType == "EMA" ema(MASource, MAPeriod) else if MAType == "WMA" wma(MASource, MAPeriod) else if MAType == "RMA" rma(MASource, MAPeriod) else if MAType == "HMA" hma(MASource, MAPeriod) else if MAType == "DEMA" e = ema(MASource, MAPeriod) 2 * e - ema(e, MAPeriod) else if MAType == "TEMA" e = ema(MASource, MAPeriod) 3 * (e - ema(e, MAPeriod)) + ema(ema(e, MAPeriod), MAPeriod) else if MAType == "VWMA" vwma(MASource, MAPeriod) res(MAResolution) => if MAResolution == "00 Current" timeframe.period else if MAResolution == "01 1m" "1" else if MAResolution == "02 3m" "3" else if MAResolution == "03 5m" "5" else if MAResolution == "04 15m" "15" else if MAResolution == "05 30m" "30" else if MAResolution == "06 45m" "45" else if MAResolution == "07 1h" "60" else if MAResolution == "08 2h" "120" else if MAResolution == "09 3h" "180" else if MAResolution == "10 4h" "240" else if MAResolution == "11 1D" "1D" else if MAResolution == "12 1W" "1W" else if MAResolution == "13 1M" "1M" gettickerid(MACandleType) => if MACandleType == "00 Current" syminfo.tickerid else if MACandleType == "01 Heikin Ashi" heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid) else if MACandleType == "02 Renko" renko(syminfo.tickerid, "ATR", 10) else if MACandleType == "03 Line Break" linebreak(syminfo.tickerid, 3) else if MACandleType == "04 Kagi" kagi(syminfo.tickerid, 3) else if MACandleType == "05 Point & Figure" pointfigure(syminfo.tickerid, "hl", "Traditional", 1, 3) MA = security(gettickerid(MACandleType), res(MAResolution), ma(MAType, MASource, MAPeriod)) plot(MAVisible ? MA : na, color=color.white, linewidth=2, title="Middle Band", show_last= HighlightInclusion ? MAPeriod : 0) plot(MAVisible and HighlightInclusion and ShowGhostTrail ? MA[MAPeriod-1] : na, color=color.black, linewidth=2, title="MA Trail", offset=((MAPeriod-1)*-1), transp=10) Deviation = UseATRDeviation ? security(gettickerid(MACandleType), res(MAResolution), atr(ATRPeriod)) : security(gettickerid(MACandleType), res(MAResolution), stdev(MASource, MAPeriod)) UpperBand = MA + (Deviation * UpperBandMultiplier) LowerBand = MA - (Deviation * LowerBandMultiplier) SmoothedUpperBand = ma(UpperBandSmoothingMAType, UpperBand, UpperBandSmoothingMAPeriod) SmoothedLowerBand = ma(LowerBandSmoothingMAType, LowerBand, LowerBandSmoothingMAPeriod) UpperPlot = plot(SmoothedUpperBand, color=color.white, linewidth=1, title="Upper Band", show_last= HighlightInclusion ? MAPeriod : 0) UpperShadowPlot = plot(HighlightInclusion and ShowGhostTrail ? SmoothedUpperBand[MAPeriod-1] : na, color=color.black, linewidth=1, title="Upper Band Trail", offset=((MAPeriod-1)*-1), transp=10) LowerPlot = plot(SmoothedLowerBand, color=color.white, linewidth=1, title="Lower Band", show_last= HighlightInclusion ? MAPeriod : 0) LowerShadowPlot = plot(HighlightInclusion and ShowGhostTrail ? SmoothedLowerBand[MAPeriod-1] : na, color=color.black, linewidth=1, title="Lower Band Trail", offset=((MAPeriod-1)*-1), transp=10) PercentB = (security(gettickerid(MACandleType), res(MAResolution), close) - LowerBand) / (UpperBand - LowerBand) fill(UpperPlot, LowerPlot, color = f_cRedLime(PercentB, HideFill, UseBasicFill), show_last= HighlightInclusion ? MAPeriod : 100000000) fill(UpperShadowPlot, LowerShadowPlot, color = f_cRedLimeShadow(PercentB[MAPeriod-1], HideFill, UseBasicFill)) BBWidth = (UpperBand - LowerBand) / MA if(ShowBBDetails) label Label = label.new(bar_index, na, "\nFancy Bollinger Band Details:\n\nUpper Band: " + tostring(UpperBand) + "\nMid Band: " + tostring(MA) + "\nLower Band: " + tostring(LowerBand) + "\n%B: " + tostring(PercentB) + "\nBollinger Band Width: " + tostring(BBWidth) + "\n\nHide this message in settings.\nUncheck Show Details", color=color.black, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_down, size=size.normal, textalign=text.align_left) label.set_y(Label, high > UpperBand ? high : UpperBand) label.delete(Label[1]) // Forecasting - forcasted prices are calculated using our MAType and MASource for the MAPeriod - the last X candles. // it essentially replaces the oldest X candles, with the selected source * X candles // Bias - We'll add an "adjustment" for each additional candle being forecasted based on ATR of the previous X candles bias(Bias, BiasPeriod) => if Bias == "Neutral" 0 else if Bias == "Bullish" (atr(BiasPeriod) * ForecastBiasMagnitude) else if Bias == "Bearish" ((atr(BiasPeriod) * ForecastBiasMagnitude) * -1) // multiplying by -1 to make it a negative, bearish bias // Note - Can not show forecasts on different resolutions at the moment, x-axis is an issue Bias = bias(ForecastBias, ForecastBiasPeriod) // 14 is default atr period MAForecast1 = MAPeriod > 1 ? (security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MAResolution), ma(MAType, MASource, MAPeriod - 1)) * (MAPeriod - 1) + ((MASource * 1) + (Bias * 1))) / MAPeriod : na MAForecast2 = MAPeriod > 2 ? (security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MAResolution), ma(MAType, MASource, MAPeriod - 2)) * (MAPeriod - 2) + ((MASource * 2) + (Bias * 2))) / MAPeriod : na MAForecast3 = MAPeriod > 3 ? (security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MAResolution), ma(MAType, MASource, MAPeriod - 3)) * (MAPeriod - 3) + ((MASource * 3) + (Bias * 3))) / MAPeriod : na MAForecast4 = MAPeriod > 4 ? (security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MAResolution), ma(MAType, MASource, MAPeriod - 4)) * (MAPeriod - 4) + ((MASource * 4) + (Bias * 4))) / MAPeriod : na MAForecast5 = MAPeriod > 5 ? (security(syminfo.tickerid, res(MAResolution), ma(MAType, MASource, MAPeriod - 5)) * (MAPeriod - 5) + ((MASource * 5) + (Bias * 5))) / MAPeriod : na plot(MAResolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecast and MAVisible ? MAForecast1 : na, color=color.white, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="Middle Band Forecast 1", offset=1, show_last=1) plot(MAResolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecast and MAVisible ? MAForecast2 : na, color=color.white, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="Middle Band Forecast 2", offset=2, show_last=1) plot(MAResolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecast and MAVisible ? MAForecast3 : na, color=color.white, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="Middle Band Forecast 3", offset=3, show_last=1) plot(MAResolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecast and MAVisible ? MAForecast4 : na, color=color.white, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="Middle Band Forecast 4", offset=4, show_last=1) plot(MAResolution == "00 Current" and ShowForecast and MAVisible ? MAForecast5 : na, color=color.white, linewidth=1, style=plot.style_circles, title="Middle Band Forecast 5", offset=5, show_last=1) // Take Profit and Stop Loss profitTarget = (close * (takeProfitPercent / 100)) / syminfo.mintick lossTarget = (close * (stopLossPercent / 100)) / syminfo.mintick float longOpen = 0 float longOpenCount = 0 float longClose = 0 float longCloseCount =0 bool validLongOpen = true bool validLongClose = true testLongOpen(Conditionlo)=> if Conditionlo if OpenConditionsRequirement == "All" and validLongOpen [1, longOpenCount, true] else if OpenConditionsRequirement == "Any" [1, longOpenCount, validLongOpen] else if OpenConditionsRequirement == "Minimum count" [0, longOpenCount + 1, validLongOpen] else [longOpen, longOpenCount, validLongOpen] else [0, longOpenCount, false] testLongClose(Conditionlc)=> if Conditionlc if CloseConditionsRequirement == "All" and validLongClose [1, longCloseCount, true] else if CloseConditionsRequirement == "Any" [1, longCloseCount, validLongClose] else if CloseConditionsRequirement == "Minimum count" [0, int(longCloseCount + 1), validLongClose] else [longClose, longCloseCount, validLongClose] else [0, longCloseCount, false] //------------------------------CONDITIONS----------------------------- bool isCrossoverUpperBand = crossover(close, UpperBand) if CrossoverUpperBand == "Long Open" or CrossoverUpperBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isCrossoverUpperBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if CrossoverUpperBand == "Long Close" or CrossoverUpperBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isCrossoverUpperBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isCrossunderUpperBand = crossunder(close, UpperBand) if CrossunderUpperBand == "Long Open" or CrossunderUpperBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isCrossunderUpperBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if CrossunderUpperBand == "Long Close" or CrossunderUpperBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isCrossunderUpperBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isCrossoverMiddleBand = crossover(close, MA) if CrossoverMiddleBand == "Long Open" or CrossoverMiddleBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isCrossoverMiddleBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if CrossoverMiddleBand == "Long Close" or CrossoverMiddleBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isCrossoverMiddleBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isCrossunderMiddleBand = crossunder(close, MA) if CrossunderMiddleBand == "Long Open" or CrossunderMiddleBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isCrossunderMiddleBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if CrossunderMiddleBand == "Long Close" or CrossunderMiddleBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isCrossunderMiddleBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isCrossoverLowerBand = crossover(close, LowerBand) if CrossoverLowerBand == "Long Open" or CrossoverLowerBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isCrossoverLowerBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if CrossoverLowerBand == "Long Close" or CrossoverLowerBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isCrossoverLowerBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isCrossunderLowerBand = crossunder(close, LowerBand) if CrossunderLowerBand == "Long Open" or CrossunderLowerBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isCrossunderLowerBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if CrossunderLowerBand == "Long Close" or CrossunderLowerBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isCrossunderLowerBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPriceAboveUpperBand = close > UpperBand if PriceAboveUpperBand == "Long Open" or PriceAboveUpperBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPriceAboveUpperBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PriceAboveUpperBand == "Long Close" or PriceAboveUpperBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPriceAboveUpperBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPriceBelowUpperBand = close < UpperBand if PriceBelowUpperBand == "Long Open" or PriceBelowUpperBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPriceBelowUpperBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PriceBelowUpperBand == "Long Close" or PriceBelowUpperBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPriceBelowUpperBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPriceAboveMiddleBand = close > MA if PriceAboveMiddleBand == "Long Open" or PriceAboveMiddleBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPriceAboveMiddleBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PriceAboveMiddleBand == "Long Close" or PriceAboveMiddleBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPriceAboveMiddleBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPriceBelowMiddleBand = close < MA if PriceBelowMiddleBand == "Long Open" or PriceBelowMiddleBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPriceBelowMiddleBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PriceBelowMiddleBand == "Long Close" or PriceBelowMiddleBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPriceBelowMiddleBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPriceAboveLowerBand = close > LowerBand if PriceAboveLowerBand == "Long Open" or PriceAboveLowerBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPriceAboveLowerBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PriceAboveLowerBand == "Long Close" or PriceAboveLowerBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPriceAboveLowerBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPriceBelowLowerBand = close < LowerBand if PriceBelowLowerBand == "Long Open" or PriceBelowLowerBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPriceBelowLowerBand) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PriceBelowLowerBand == "Long Close" or PriceBelowLowerBand == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPriceBelowLowerBand) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isBandWidthCrossoverBandValue1 = crossover(BBWidth, BandWidth1) if BandWidthCrossoverBandValue1 == "Long Open" or BandWidthCrossoverBandValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isBandWidthCrossoverBandValue1) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if BandWidthCrossoverBandValue1 == "Long Close" or BandWidthCrossoverBandValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isBandWidthCrossoverBandValue1) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isBandWidthCrossoverBandValue2 = crossover(BBWidth, BandWidth2) if BandWidthCrossoverBandValue2 == "Long Open" or BandWidthCrossoverBandValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isBandWidthCrossoverBandValue2) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if BandWidthCrossoverBandValue2 == "Long Close" or BandWidthCrossoverBandValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isBandWidthCrossoverBandValue2) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isBandWidthCrossunderBandValue1 = crossunder(BBWidth, BandWidth1) if BandWidthCrossunderBandValue1 == "Long Open" or BandWidthCrossunderBandValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isBandWidthCrossunderBandValue1) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if BandWidthCrossunderBandValue1 == "Long Close" or BandWidthCrossunderBandValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isBandWidthCrossunderBandValue1) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isBandWidthCrossunderBandValue2 = crossunder(BBWidth, BandWidth2) if BandWidthCrossunderBandValue2 == "Long Open" or BandWidthCrossunderBandValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isBandWidthCrossunderBandValue2) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if BandWidthCrossunderBandValue2 == "Long Close" or BandWidthCrossunderBandValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isBandWidthCrossunderBandValue2) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isBandWidthAboveBandValue1 = BBWidth > BandWidth1 if BandWidthAboveBandValue1 == "Long Open" or BandWidthAboveBandValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isBandWidthAboveBandValue1) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if BandWidthAboveBandValue1 == "Long Close" or BandWidthAboveBandValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isBandWidthAboveBandValue1) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isBandWidthAboveBandValue2 = BBWidth > BandWidth2 if BandWidthAboveBandValue2 == "Long Open" or BandWidthAboveBandValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isBandWidthAboveBandValue2) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if BandWidthAboveBandValue2 == "Long Close" or BandWidthAboveBandValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isBandWidthAboveBandValue2) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isBandWidthBelowBandValue1 = BBWidth < BandWidth1 if BandWidthBelowBandValue1 == "Long Open" or BandWidthBelowBandValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isBandWidthBelowBandValue1) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if BandWidthBelowBandValue1 == "Long Close" or BandWidthBelowBandValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isBandWidthBelowBandValue1) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isBandWidthBelowBandValue2 = BBWidth < BandWidth2 if BandWidthBelowBandValue2 == "Long Open" or BandWidthBelowBandValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isBandWidthBelowBandValue2) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if BandWidthBelowBandValue2 == "Long Close" or BandWidthBelowBandValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isBandWidthBelowBandValue2) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPercentBCrossoverPercentBValue1 = crossover(PercentB, PercentB1) if PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue1 == "Long Open" or PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPercentBCrossoverPercentBValue1) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue1 == "Long Close" or PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPercentBCrossoverPercentBValue1) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPercentBCrossoverPercentBValue2 = crossover(PercentB, PercentB2) if PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue2 == "Long Open" or PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPercentBCrossoverPercentBValue2) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue2 == "Long Close" or PercentBCrossoverPercentBValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPercentBCrossoverPercentBValue2) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPercentBCrossunderPercentBValue1 = crossunder(PercentB, PercentB1) if PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue1 == "Long Open" or PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPercentBCrossunderPercentBValue1) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue1 == "Long Close" or PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPercentBCrossunderPercentBValue1) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c bool isPercentBCrossunderPercentBValue2 = crossunder(PercentB, PercentB2) if PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue2 == "Long Open" or PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPercentBCrossunderPercentBValue2) longOpen := a longOpenCount := b validLongOpen := c if PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue2 == "Long Close" or PercentBCrossunderPercentBValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPercentBCrossunderPercentBValue2) longClose := a longCloseCount := b validLongClose := c // bool isPercentBAbovePercentBValue1 = PercentB > PercentB1 // if PercentBAbovePercentBValue1 == "Long Open" or PercentBAbovePercentBValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" // [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPercentBAbovePercentBValue1) // longOpen := a // longOpenCount := b // validLongOpen := c // if PercentBAbovePercentBValue1 == "Long Close" or PercentBAbovePercentBValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" // [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPercentBAbovePercentBValue1) // longClose := a // longCloseCount := b // validLongClose := c // bool isPercentBAbovePercentBValue2 = PercentB > PercentB2 // if PercentBAbovePercentBValue2 == "Long Open" or PercentBAbovePercentBValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" // [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPercentBAbovePercentBValue2) // longOpen := a // longOpenCount := b // validLongOpen := c // if PercentBAbovePercentBValue2 == "Long Close" or PercentBAbovePercentBValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" // [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPercentBAbovePercentBValue2) // longClose := a // longCloseCount := b // validLongClose := c // bool isPercentBBelowPercentBValue1 = PercentB < PercentB1 // if PercentBBelowPercentBValue1 == "Long Open" or PercentBBelowPercentBValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" // [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPercentBBelowPercentBValue1) // longOpen := a // longOpenCount := b // validLongOpen := c // if PercentBBelowPercentBValue1 == "Long Close" or PercentBBelowPercentBValue1 == "Long Open and Long Close" // [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPercentBBelowPercentBValue1) // longClose := a // longCloseCount := b // validLongClose := c // bool isPercentBBelowPercentBValue2 = PercentB < PercentB2 // if PercentBBelowPercentBValue2 == "Long Open" or PercentBBelowPercentBValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" // [a,b,c] = testLongOpen(isPercentBBelowPercentBValue2) // longOpen := a // longOpenCount := b // validLongOpen := c // if PercentBBelowPercentBValue2 == "Long Close" or PercentBBelowPercentBValue2 == "Long Open and Long Close" // [a,b,c] = testLongClose(isPercentBBelowPercentBValue2) // longClose := a // longCloseCount := b // validLongClose := c //-------------------------------------END CONDITIONS------------------------------------------- if OpenConditionsRequirement == "Minimum count" if longOpenCount >= OpenConditionsMinimumCount longOpen := 1 if CloseConditionsRequirement == "Minimum count" if longCloseCount >= CloseConditionsMinimumCount longClose := 1 // Tie breaker if longClose == 1 and longOpen == 1 longOpen := 0 if longOpen == 1 and window() strategy.entry("Long", true) // buy by market strategy.exit("Take Profit or Stop Loss", "Long", profit = profitTarget, loss = lossTarget) else if longClose == 1 and window() strategy.close("Long") else if not window() strategy.close("Long")