具体的には,RSIがオーバーバイトゾーンに入ると,RSIが低い低位を形成する間に価格が上昇し続け (より高い低位を形成) ているか,または価格が低い低位を形成し,RSIが高い低位を形成しているかを監視します. 両方とも潜在的下向きの逆転を示します.
同様に,RSIが過剰販売ゾーンに突入すると,RSIがより高い高値を形成する間に価格が引き続き下落 (低水準の高値を形成) しているのか,または価格がより高い高値を形成し,RSIがより低い高値を形成する際に隠された低水準の低水準の低水準を形成するのかを監視します.両状況は,前向きの上昇逆転の可能性も示しています.
この戦略の最大の利点は,逆転の可能性が高く,逆転取引の利益率が大きい極端な市場状況を特定することが可能である. 単純なトレンドフォロー戦略と比較して,このような反トレンド戦略はより高い勝利率と収益性を持っています.
さらに,この戦略には,通常の差異と隠れた差異の両方に対する監視が含まれています. これにより,より多くの逆転の機会を特定し,一度の状況のために良い機会を逃さないことができます.
RSI にのみ頼るのを避けるために,過剰購入と過剰販売の条件を決定するための他の指標を組み込む.
結論として,これは典型的な統計的仲介戦略である. 市場が極端な状況から平衡に戻ったときに機会を掴むことを試みる. 傾向を追った戦略と比較して,より高い勝利率と収益性がありますが,より大きなリスクに直面しています. パラメータ最適化とリスク管理により,このタイプの戦略は安定して利益を得ることができます.
/*backtest start: 2023-01-01 00:00:00 end: 2024-01-07 00:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // made by Imal_Max // thanks to neo the crypto trader's idea // // thanks to JayTradingCharts RSI Divergence /w Alerts indicator for the base code. // we modified this to detect the divergence only if price was oversold or overbought recently and a few more settings // also now you can backtest the settings easy //@version=5 // 🔥 comment out the line below to disable the alerts and enable the backtester //indicator(title="RSI Divergence Indicator with Alerts Overbought Oversold", shorttitle="RSI OB/OS Divergence", format=format.price, timeframe="") // 🔥 uncomment the line below to enable the backtester + uncomment the lines slightly below and at the bottom of the script strategy(title="RSI Divergence Indicator with Alerts Overbought Oversold", shorttitle="RSI OB/OS Divergence", overlay=true) len = input.int(title='RSI Period', minval=1, defval=14, group='regular RSI settings') src = input.source(title='RSI Source', defval=close, group='regular RSI settings') lbR = input.int(title='Pivot Lookback Right', defval=5, group='regular RSI settings') lbL = input.int(title='Pivot Lookback Left', defval=5, group='regular RSI settings') rangeUpper = input.int(title='Max of Lookback Range', defval=60, group='regular RSI settings') rangeLower = input.int(title='Min of Lookback Range', defval=5, group='regular RSI settings') plotBull = input.bool(title='Plot Bullish', defval=true, group='regular RSI settings') plotHiddenBull = input.bool(title='Plot Hidden Bullish', defval=true, group='regular RSI settings') plotBear = input.bool(title='Plot Bearish', defval=true, group='regular RSI settings') plotHiddenBear = input.bool(title='Plot Hidden Bearish', defval=true, group='regular RSI settings') // ob/os divergence settings obvalue = input.int(title='OB RSI Value', defval=70, group='look for RSI divergence after OverBought/OverSold', inline='Input 0', tooltip="min RSI Level needed within lookback period to look for bullish divergences") oblookback = input.int(title='OB lookback period', defval=30, group='look for RSI divergence after OverBought/OverSold', inline='Input 0') osvalue = input.int(title='OS RSI Value', defval=35, group='look for RSI divergence after OverBought/OverSold', inline='Input 1', tooltip="max RSI Level needed within lookback period to look for bearish divergences") oslookback = input.int(title='OS lookback period', defval=30, group='look for RSI divergence after OverBought/OverSold', inline='Input 1') minBearRSI = input.int(title='min RSI for bear Alerts', defval=60, group='look for RSI divergence after OverBought/OverSold', tooltip="min RSI needed at the time where bearish divergence gets detected") maxBullRSI = input.int(title='max RSI for Bull Alerts', defval=50, group='look for RSI divergence after OverBought/OverSold', tooltip="max RSI needed at the time where bullish divergence gets detected") // Backtesteer Info enableBacktesterInfo = input(true, title="to enable the Backtester, uncomment/comment the 🔥 lines in the source code", group='enable Backtester') // Backtester input stuff // long settings - 🔥 uncomment the 3 lines below to disable the alerts and enable the backtester longTrading = input(true, title="enable Long Backtester (to disable uncheck 'plot Bullish' and 'plot hidden Bullish as well')", group='Long Backtester') longStopLoss = input.float(0.5, title='Stop Loss %', group='Long Backtester') / 100 longTakeProfit = input.float(2.0, title='Take Profit %', group='Long Backtester') / 100 // short settings - 🔥 uncomment the 3 lines below to disable the alerts and enable the backtester shortTrading = input(true, title="enable Short Backtester (to disable uncheck 'plot Bearish' and 'plot hidden Bearish as well'", group='Short Backtester') shortStopLoss = input.float(0.5, title='Stop Loss %', group='Short Backtester') / 100 shortTakeProfit = input.float(2.0, title='Take Profit %', group='Short Backtester') / 100 // Backtesting Range settings - 🔥 uncomment the 6 lines below to disable the alerts and enable the backtester startDate = input.int(title='Start Date', defval=1, minval=1, maxval=31, group='Backtesting range') startMonth = input.int(title='Start Month', defval=1, minval=1, maxval=12, group='Backtesting range') startYear = input.int(title='Start Year', defval=2016, minval=1800, maxval=2100, group='Backtesting range') endDate = input.int(title='End Date', defval=1, minval=1, maxval=31, group='Backtesting range') endMonth = input.int(title='End Month', defval=1, minval=1, maxval=12, group='Backtesting range') endYear = input.int(title='End Year', defval=2040, minval=1800, maxval=2100, group='Backtesting range') bearColor = color.red bullColor = color.green hiddenBullColor = color.new(color.green, 80) hiddenBearColor = color.new(color.red, 80) textColor = color.white noneColor = color.new(color.white, 100) osc = ta.rsi(src, len) plot(osc, title='RSI', linewidth=2, color=color.new(#00bcd4, 0)) obLevel = hline(obvalue, title='Overbought', linestyle=hline.style_dotted) osLevel = hline(osvalue, title='Oversold', linestyle=hline.style_dotted) minRSIline = hline(minBearRSI, title='max RSI for Bull divergence', linestyle=hline.style_dotted) maxRSIline = hline(maxBullRSI, title='max RSI for Bull divergence', linestyle=hline.style_dotted) fill(obLevel, minRSIline, title='Bear Zone Background', color=color.new(#f44336, 90)) fill(osLevel, maxRSIline, title='Bull Zone Background', color=color.new(#4caf50, 90)) RSI0line = hline(0, title='RSI 0 Line', linestyle=hline.style_dotted) RSI100line = hline(100, title='RSI 100 Line', linestyle=hline.style_dotted) fill(obLevel, RSI100line, title='Overbought Zone Background', color=color.new(#e91e63, 75)) fill(osLevel, RSI0line, title='Oversold Zone Background', color=color.new(#4caf50, 75)) plFound = na(ta.pivotlow(osc, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true phFound = na(ta.pivothigh(osc, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true _inRange(cond) => bars = ta.barssince(cond == true) rangeLower <= bars and bars <= rangeUpper // check if RSI was OS or OB recently obHighestRsi = ta.highest(osc, oblookback) osLowestRsi = ta.lowest(osc, oslookback) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Regular Bullish // Osc: Higher Low oscHL = osc[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(plFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(plFound[1]) // Price: Lower Low priceLL = low[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(plFound, low[lbR], 1) bullCond = plotBull and priceLL and oscHL and plFound and osLowestRsi < osvalue and osc < maxBullRSI plot(plFound ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Regular Bullish', linewidth=2, color=bullCond ? bullColor : noneColor, transp=0) plotshape(bullCond ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Regular Bullish Label', text=' Bull ', style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, color=bullColor, textcolor=textColor, transp=0) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Hidden Bullish // Osc: Lower Low oscLL = osc[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(plFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(plFound[1]) // Price: Higher Low priceHL = low[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(plFound, low[lbR], 1) hiddenBullCond = plotHiddenBull and priceHL and oscLL and plFound and osLowestRsi < osvalue and osc < maxBullRSI plot(plFound ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Hidden Bullish', linewidth=2, color=hiddenBullCond ? hiddenBullColor : noneColor, transp=0) plotshape(hiddenBullCond ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Hidden Bullish Label', text=' H Bull ', style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, color=bullColor, textcolor=textColor, transp=0) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Regular Bearish // Osc: Lower High oscLH = osc[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(phFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(phFound[1]) // Price: Higher High priceHH = high[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(phFound, high[lbR], 1) bearCond = plotBear and priceHH and oscLH and phFound and obHighestRsi > obvalue and osc > minBearRSI plot(phFound ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Regular Bearish', linewidth=2, color=bearCond ? bearColor : noneColor, transp=0) plotshape(bearCond ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Regular Bearish Label', text=' Bear ', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, color=bearColor, textcolor=textColor, transp=0) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Hidden Bearish // Osc: Higher High oscHH = osc[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(phFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(phFound[1]) // Price: Lower High priceLH = high[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(phFound, high[lbR], 1) hiddenBearCond = plotHiddenBear and priceLH and oscHH and phFound and obHighestRsi > obvalue and osc > minBearRSI plot(phFound ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Hidden Bearish', linewidth=2, color=hiddenBearCond ? hiddenBearColor : noneColor, transp=0) plotshape(hiddenBearCond ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Hidden Bearish Label', text=' H Bear ', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, color=bearColor, textcolor=textColor, transp=0) alertcondition(bullCond, title='Bullish divergence', message='Regular Bull Div {{ticker}} XXmin') alertcondition(bearCond, title='Bearish divergence', message='Regular Bear Div {{ticker}} XXmin') alertcondition(hiddenBullCond, title='Hidden Bullish divergence', message='Hidden Bull Div {{ticker}} XXmin') alertcondition(hiddenBearCond, title='Hidden Bearish divergence', message='Hidden Bear Div {{ticker}} XXmin') // 🔥 uncomment the all lines below for the backtester and revert for alerts longTP = strategy.position_size > 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + longTakeProfit) : strategy.position_size < 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - longTakeProfit) : na longSL = strategy.position_size > 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - longStopLoss) : strategy.position_size < 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + longStopLoss) : na shortTP = strategy.position_size > 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + shortTakeProfit) : strategy.position_size < 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - shortTakeProfit) : na shortSL = strategy.position_size > 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - shortStopLoss) : strategy.position_size < 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + shortStopLoss) : na strategy.risk.allow_entry_in(longTrading == true and shortTrading == true ? strategy.direction.all : longTrading == true ? strategy.direction.long : shortTrading == true ? strategy.direction.short : na) strategy.entry('Bull', strategy.long, comment='Long', when=bullCond) strategy.entry('Bull', strategy.long, comment='Long', when=hiddenBullCond) strategy.entry('Bear', strategy.short, comment='Short', when=bearCond) strategy.entry('Bear', strategy.short, comment='Short', when=hiddenBearCond) strategy.exit(id='longTP-SL', from_entry='Bull', limit=longTP, stop=longSL) strategy.exit(id='shortTP-SL', from_entry='Bear', limit=shortTP, stop=shortSL)