교육 전략: 시폐가 설정값보다 높거나 낮을 때 자동으로 WeChat에 메시지를 푸시한다. 최소 푸시 간격을 설정할 수 있다.
화폐의 가격이 설정된 값보다 높거나 낮을 때, 메시지는 자동으로 WeChat 또는 텔레그램으로 푸시됩니다. 최소 푸시 간격을 설정할 수 있습니다.
/* This stragegy will sent a message to your telegram when the price is higher or lower than the set price. All stragegy must has a main function as the entrance. */ function main() { //change symbol,will cover the default exchange which was set when start a bot.Currency is a strategy arguments exchange.IO("currency", Currency) var lastPushTime = 0 //the variable of last push timestamp. while(true){ //run a infinite loop, which is the basic structure var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker) // for information about GetTicker, check on https://fmz-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/code_Instruction/Market%20API.html#getticker if(ticker.Last > UpPrice || ticker.Last < LowPrice){ //ticker.Last represents the last deal price if(Date.now() - lastPushTime > 300*1000){ //only push once in 5 mins, Date.now() return ms. lastPushTime = Date.now() //update lastPushTime Log(Currency, 'Price is: ', ticker.Last, '@') //Log the price on the bot's page and sent the message. '@' in the end means push message } } Log(Currency, 'Price is: ', ticker.Last) //just log the price Sleep(Interval*1000) //check the last price again after Interval seconds } }
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