
FMZ PINE Script Doc

创建于: 2022-04-28 16:05:05, 更新于: 2025-01-23 11:14:06
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Adds an input to the Inputs tab of your script’s Settings, which allows you to provide configuration options to script users. This function adds a dropdown that allows the user to select a specific timeframe via the timeframe selector and returns it as a string. The selector includes the custom timeframes a user may have added using the chart’s Timeframe dropdown.

input.timeframe(defval, title, options, tooltip, inline, group, confirm)


i_res = input.timeframe('D', "Resolution", options=['D', 'W', 'M'])
s = request.security("syminfo.tickerid", i_res, close)

Returns Value of input variable.

Arguments - defval (const string) Determines the default value of the input variable proposed in the script’s “Settings/Inputs” tab, from where the user can change it. When a list of values is used with the options argument, the value must be one of them. - title (const string) Title of the input. If not specified, the variable name is used as the input’s title. If the title is specified, but it is empty, the name will be an empty string. - options (tuple of const string values: [val1, val2, …]) A list of options to choose from. - tooltip (const string) The string that will be shown to the user when hovering over the tooltip icon. - inline (const string) Combines all the input calls using the same argument in one line. The string used as an argument is not displayed. It is only used to identify inputs belonging to the same line. - group (const string) Creates a header above all inputs using the same group argument string. The string is also used as the header’s text. - confirm (const bool) If true, then user will be asked to confirm input value before indicator is added to chart. Default value is false.

Remarks Result of input.timeframe function always should be assigned to a variable, see examples above.

See also

### input.integer

Not available.

### input.resolution

Not available.

## ta

### ta.alma

Arnaud Legoux Moving Average. It uses Gaussian distribution as weights for moving average.

ta.alma(series, length, offset, sigma)

ta.alma(series, length, offset, sigma, floor)

plot(ta.alma(close, 9, 0.85, 6))

// same on pine, but much less efficient
pine_alma(series, windowsize, offset, sigma) =>
    m = offset * (windowsize - 1)
    //m = math.floor(offset * (windowsize - 1)) // Used as m when math.floor=true
    s = windowsize / sigma
    norm = 0.0
    sum = 0.0
    for i = 0 to windowsize - 1
        weight = math.exp(-1 * math.pow(i - m, 2) / (2 * math.pow(s, 2)))
        norm := norm + weight
        sum := sum + series[windowsize - i - 1] * weight
    sum / norm
plot(pine_alma(close, 9, 0.85, 6))

Returns Arnaud Legoux Moving Average.

Arguments - series (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length). - offset (simple int/float) Controls tradeoff between smoothness (closer to 1) and responsiveness (closer to 0). - sigma (simple int/float) Changes the smoothness of ALMA. The larger sigma the smoother ALMA. - floor (simple bool) An optional argument. Specifies whether the offset calculation is floored before ALMA is calculated. Default value is false.

See also

### ta.sma

The sma function returns the moving average, that is the sum of last y values of x, divided by y.

ta.sma(source, length)

plot(ta.sma(close, 15))

// same on pine, but much less efficient
pine_sma(x, y) =>
    sum = 0.0
    for i = 0 to y - 1
        sum := sum + x[i] / y
plot(pine_sma(close, 15))

Returns Simple moving average of source for length bars back.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also

### ta.cog

The cog (center of gravity) is an indicator based on statistics and the Fibonacci golden ratio.

ta.cog(source, length)

plot(ta.cog(close, 10))

// the same on pine
pine_cog(source, length) =>
    sum = math.sum(source, length)
    num = 0.0
    for i = 0 to length - 1
        price = source[i]
        num := num + price * (i + 1)
    -num / sum

plot(pine_cog(close, 10))

Returns Center of Gravity.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also

### ta.dev

Measure of difference between the series and it's ta.sma

ta.dev(source, length)

plot(ta.dev(close, 10))

// the same on pine
pine_dev(source, length) =>
    mean = ta.sma(source, length)
    sum = 0.0
    for i = 0 to length - 1
        val = source[i]
        sum := sum + math.abs(val - mean)
    dev = sum/length
plot(pine_dev(close, 10))

Returns Deviation of source for length bars back.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also

### ta.stdev

ta.stdev(source, length, biased)

plot(ta.stdev(close, 5))

//the same on pine
isZero(val, eps) => math.abs(val) <= eps

SUM(fst, snd) =>
    EPS = 1e-10
    res = fst + snd
    if isZero(res, EPS)
        res := 0
        if not isZero(res, 1e-4)
            res := res

pine_stdev(src, length) =>
    avg = ta.sma(src, length)
    sumOfSquareDeviations = 0.0
    for i = 0 to length - 1
        sum = SUM(src[i], -avg)
        sumOfSquareDeviations := sumOfSquareDeviations + sum * sum

    stdev = math.sqrt(sumOfSquareDeviations / length)
plot(pine_stdev(close, 5))

Returns Standard deviation.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length). - biased (series bool) Determines which estimate should be used. Optional. The default is true.

Remarks If biased is true, function will calculate using a biased estimate of the entire population, if false - unbiased estimate of a sample.

See also

### ta.ema

The ema function returns the exponentially weighted moving average. In ema weighting factors decrease exponentially. It calculates by using a formula: EMA = alpha * source + (1 - alpha) * EMA[1], where alpha = 2 / (length + 1).

ta.ema(source, length)

plot(ta.ema(close, 15))

//the same on pine
pine_ema(src, length) =>
    alpha = 2 / (length + 1)
    sum = 0.0
    sum := na(sum[1]) ? src : alpha * src + (1 - alpha) * nz(sum[1])

Returns Exponential moving average of source with alpha = 2 / (length + 1).

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (simple int) Number of bars (length).

Remarks Please note that using this variable/function can cause indicator repainting.

See also

### ta.wma

The wma function returns weighted moving average of ```source``` for ```length``` bars back. In wma weighting factors decrease in arithmetical progression.

ta.wma(source, length)

plot(ta.wma(close, 15))

// same on pine, but much less efficient
pine_wma(x, y) =>
    norm = 0.0
    sum = 0.0
    for i = 0 to y - 1
        weight = (y - i) * y
        norm := norm + weight
        sum := sum + x[i] * weight
    sum / norm
plot(pine_wma(close, 15))

Returns Weighted moving average of source for length bars back.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also

### ta.swma

Symmetrically weighted moving average with fixed length: 4. Weights: [1/6, 2/6, 2/6, 1/6].



// same on pine, but less efficient
pine_swma(x) =>
    x[3] * 1 / 6 + x[2] * 2 / 6 + x[1] * 2 / 6 + x[0] * 1 / 6

Returns Symmetrically weighted moving average.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Source series.

See also

### ta.hma

The hma function returns the Hull Moving Average.

ta.hma(source, length)

src = input(defval=close, title="Source")
length = input(defval=9, title="Length")
hmaBuildIn = ta.hma(src, length)
plot(hmaBuildIn, title="Hull MA", color=#674EA7)

Returns Hull moving average of ‘source’ for ‘length’ bars back.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (simple int) Number of bars.

See also

### ta.rma

Moving average used in RSI. It is the exponentially weighted moving average with alpha = 1 / length.

ta.rma(source, length)

plot(ta.rma(close, 15))

//the same on pine
pine_rma(src, length) =>
  alpha = 1/length
  sum = 0.0
  sum := na(sum[1]) ? ta.sma(src, length) : alpha * src + (1 - alpha) * nz(sum[1])
plot(pine_rma(close, 15))

Returns Exponential moving average of source with alpha = 1 / length.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (simple int) Number of bars (length).

See also

### ta.rsi

Relative strength index. It is calculated using the ```ta.rma()``` of upward and downward changes of ```source``` over the last ```length``` bars.

ta.rsi(source, length)

plot(ta.rsi(close, 7))

// same on pine, but less efficient
pine_rsi(x, y) => 
    u = math.max(x - x[1], 0) // upward ta.change
    d = math.max(x[1] - x, 0) // downward ta.change
    rs = ta.rma(u, y) / ta.rma(d, y)
    res = 100 - 100 / (1 + rs)

plot(pine_rsi(close, 7))

Returns Relative strength index.(RSI)

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (simple int) Number of bars (length).

See also

### ta.tsi

True strength index. It uses moving averages of the underlying momentum of a financial instrument.

ta.tsi(source, short_length, long_length)

True strength index. A value in range [-1, 1].

- ```source``` (series int/float) Source series.
- ```short_length``` (simple int) Short length.
- ```long_length``` (simple int) Long length.

### ta.roc

Function roc (rate of change) showing the difference between current value of ```source``` and the value of ```source``` that was ```length``` days ago.
It is calculated by the formula: 100 * change(src, length) / src[length].

ta.roc(source, length)

The rate of change of ```source``` for ```length``` bars back.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

### ta.range

Returns the difference between the min and max values in a series.

ta.range(source, length)

The difference between the min and max values in the series.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

### ta.macd

MACD (moving average convergence/divergence). It is supposed to reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a stock's price.

ta.macd(source, fastlen, slowlen, siglen)

[macdLine, signalLine, histLine] = ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
plot(macdLine, color=color.blue)
plot(signalLine, color=color.orange)
plot(histLine, color=color.red, style=plot.style_histogram)

If you need only one value, use placeholders ‘_’ like this:


[_, signalLine, _] = ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
plot(signalLine, color=color.orange)

Returns Tuple of three MACD series: MACD line, signal line and histogram line.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - fastlen (simple int) Fast Length argument. - slowlen (simple int) Slow Length argument. - siglen (simple int) Signal Length argument.

See also

### ta.mode

Returns the mode of the series. If there are several values with the same frequency, it returns the smallest value.

ta.mode(source, length)

The mode of the series.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

### ta.median

Returns the median of the series.

ta.median(source, length)

The median of the series.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

### ta.linreg

Linear regression curve. A line that best fits the prices specified over a user-defined time period. It is calculated using the least squares method. The result of this function is calculated using the formula: linreg = intercept + slope * (length - 1 - offset), where intercept and slope are the values calculated with the least squares method on ```source``` series.

ta.linreg(source, length, offset)

Linear regression curve.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Source series.
- ```length``` (series int)
- ```offset``` (simple int) Offset.

### ta.bb

Bollinger Bands. A Bollinger Band is a technical analysis tool defined by a set of lines plotted two standard deviations (positively and negatively) away from a simple moving average (SMA) of the security's price, but can be adjusted to user preferences.

ta.bb(series, length, mult)

[middle, upper, lower] = ta.bb(close, 5, 4)
plot(middle, color=color.yellow)
plot(upper, color=color.yellow)
plot(lower, color=color.yellow)

// the same on pine
f_bb(src, length, mult) =>
    float basis = ta.sma(src, length)
    float dev = mult * ta.stdev(src, length)
    [basis, basis + dev, basis - dev]

[pineMiddle, pineUpper, pineLower] = f_bb(close, 5, 4)


Returns Bollinger Bands.

Arguments - series (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length). - mult (simple int/float) Standard deviation factor.

See also

### ta.bbw

Bollinger Bands Width. The Bollinger Band Width is the difference between the upper and the lower Bollinger Bands divided by the middle band.

ta.bbw(series, length, mult)

plot(ta.bbw(close, 5, 4), color=color.yellow)

// the same on pine
f_bbw(src, length, mult) =>
    float basis = ta.sma(src, length)
    float dev = mult * ta.stdev(src, length)
    ((basis + dev) - (basis - dev)) / basis

plot(f_bbw(close, 5, 4))

Returns Bollinger Bands Width.

Arguments - series (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length). - mult (simple int/float) Standard deviation factor.

See also

### ta.cci

The CCI (commodity channel index) is calculated as the difference between the typical price of a commodity and its simple moving average, divided by the mean absolute deviation of the typical price. The index is scaled by an inverse factor of 0.015 to provide more readable numbers.

ta.cci(source, length)

Commodity channel index of source for length bars back.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

### ta.change

The difference between the current value and the previous value, source - source [length].

ta.change(source, length)


The result of subtraction.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Source series.
- ```length``` (series int) Offset from the current bar to the previous bar. Optional, if not given, length=1 is used.

**See also**
```ta.mom``` ```ta.cross```

### ta.mom

Momentum of ```source``` price and ```source``` price ```length``` bars ago. This is simply a difference: source - source[length].

ta.mom(source, length)

Momentum of ```source``` price and ```source``` price ```length``` bars ago.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Offset from the current bar to the previous bar.

**See also**

### ta.cmo

Chande Momentum Oscillator. Calculates the difference between the sum of recent gains and the sum of recent losses and then divides the result by the sum of all price movement over the same period.

ta.cmo(series, length)

plot(ta.cmo(close, 5), color=color.yellow)

// the same on pine
f_cmo(src, length) =>
    float mom = ta.change(src)
    float sm1 = math.sum((mom >= 0) ? mom : 0.0, length)
    float sm2 = math.sum((mom >= 0) ? 0.0 : -mom, length)
    100 * (sm1 - sm2) / (sm1 + sm2)

plot(f_cmo(close, 5))

Returns Chande Momentum Oscillator.

Arguments - series (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also

### ta.percentile_linear_interpolation

Calculates percentile using method of linear interpolation between the two nearest ranks.

ta.percentile_linear_interpolation(source, length, percentage)

P-th percentile of ```source``` series for ```length``` bars back.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process (source).
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars back (length).
- ```percentage``` (simple int/float) Percentage, a number from range 0..100.

Note that a percentile calculated using this method will NOT always be a member of the input data set.

**See also**

### ta.percentile_nearest_rank

Calculates percentile using method of Nearest Rank.

ta.percentile_nearest_rank(source, length, percentage)

P-th percentile of ```source``` series for ```length``` bars back.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process (source).
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars back (length).
- ```percentage``` (simple int/float) Percentage, a number from range 0..100.

Using the Nearest Rank method on lengths less than 100 bars back can result in the same number being used for more than one percentile.
A percentile calculated using the Nearest Rank method will always be a member of the input data set.
The 100th percentile is defined to be the largest value in the input data set.

**See also**

### ta.percentrank

Percent rank is the percents of how many previous values was less than or equal to the current value of given series.

ta.percentrank(source, length)

Percent rank of ```source``` for ```length``` bars back.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

### ta.variance

Variance is the expectation of the squared deviation of a series from its mean (ta.sma), and it informally measures how far a set of numbers are spread out from their mean.

ta.variance(source, length, biased)

Variance of `source` for `length` bars back.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).
- ```biased``` (series bool) Determines which estimate should be used. Optional. The default is true.

If ```biased``` is true, function will calculate using a biased estimate of the entire population, if false - unbiased estimate of a sample.

**See also**
```ta.dev``` ```ta.stdev```

### ta.tr


True range. It is math.max(high - low, math.abs(high - close[1]), math.abs(low - close[1])).

- ```handle_na``` (simple bool) How NaN values are handled. if true, and previous day's close is NaN then tr would be calculated as current day high-low. Otherwise (if false) tr would return NaN in such cases. Also note, that ta.atr uses ta.tr(true).

```ta.tr(false)``` is exactly the same as ```ta.tr```.

**See also**

### ta.mfi

Money Flow Index. The Money Flow Index (MFI) is a technical oscillator that uses price and volume for identifying overbought or oversold conditions in an asset.

ta.mfi(series, length)

plot(ta.mfi(hlc3, 14), color=color.yellow)

// the same on pine
pine_mfi(src, length) =>
    float upper = math.sum(volume * (ta.change(src) <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : src), length)
    float lower = math.sum(volume * (ta.change(src) >= 0.0 ? 0.0 : src), length)
    mfi = 100.0 - (100.0 / (1.0 + upper / lower))

plot(pine_mfi(hlc3, 14))

Returns Money Flow Index.

Arguments - series (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also

### ta.kc

Keltner Channels. Keltner channel is a technical analysis indicator showing a central moving average line plus channel lines at a distance above and below.

ta.kc(series, length, mult)

ta.kc(series, length, mult, useTrueRange)

[middle, upper, lower] = ta.kc(close, 5, 4)
plot(middle, color=color.yellow)
plot(upper, color=color.yellow)
plot(lower, color=color.yellow)

// the same on pine
f_kc(src, length, mult, useTrueRange) =>
    float basis = ta.ema(src, length)
    float span = (useTrueRange) ? ta.tr : (high - low)
    float rangeEma = ta.ema(span, length)
    [basis, basis + rangeEma * mult, basis - rangeEma * mult]
[pineMiddle, pineUpper, pineLower] = f_kc(close, 5, 4, true)


Returns Keltner Channels.

Arguments - series (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (simple int) Number of bars (length). - mult (simple int/float) Standard deviation factor. - useTrueRange (simple bool) An optional argument. Specifies if True Range is used; default is true. If the value is false, the range will be calculated with the expression (high - low).

See also

### ta.kcw

Keltner Channels Width. The Keltner Channels Width is the difference between the upper and the lower Keltner Channels divided by the middle channel.

ta.kcw(series, length, mult)

ta.kcw(series, length, mult, useTrueRange)

plot(ta.kcw(close, 5, 4), color=color.yellow)

// the same on pine
f_kcw(src, length, mult, useTrueRange) =>
    float basis = ta.ema(src, length)
    float span = (useTrueRange) ? ta.tr : (high - low)
    float rangeEma = ta.ema(span, length)
    ((basis + rangeEma * mult) - (basis - rangeEma * mult)) / basis

plot(f_kcw(close, 5, 4, true))

Returns Keltner Channels Width.

Arguments - series (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (simple int) Number of bars (length). - mult (simple int/float) Standard deviation factor. - useTrueRange (simple bool) An optional argument. Specifies if True Range is used; default is true. If the value is false, the range will be calculated with the expression (high - low).

See also

### ta.correlation

Correlation coefficient. Describes the degree to which two series tend to deviate from their ta.sma values.

ta.correlation(source1, source2, length)

Correlation coefficient.

- ```source1``` (series int/float) Source series.
- ```source2``` (series int/float) Target series.
- ```length``` (series int) Length (number of bars back).

**See also**

### ta.cross

ta.cross(source1, source2)

true if two series have crossed each other, otherwise false.

- ```source1``` (series int/float) First data series.
- ```source2``` (series int/float) Second data series.

**See also**

### ta.crossover

The ```source1```-series is defined as having crossed over ```source2``` -series if, on the current bar, the value of ```source1``` is greater than the value of ```source2```, and on the previous bar, the value of ```source1``` was less than the value of ```source2```.

ta.crossover(source1, source2)

true if ```source1``` crossed over ```source2``` otherwise false.

- ```source1``` (series int/float) First data series.
- ```source2``` (series int/float) Second data series.

### ta.crossunder

The ```source1``` -series is defined as having crossed under ```source2``` -series if, on the current bar, the value of ```source1``` is less than the value of ```source2```, and on the previous bar, the value of ```source1``` was greater than the value of ```source2```.

ta.crossunder(source1, source2)

true if ```source1``` crossed under ```source2``` otherwise false.

- ```source1``` (series int/float) First data series.
- ```source2``` (series int/float) Second data series.

### ta.atr

Function atr (average true range) returns the RMA of true range. True range is max(high - low, abs(high - close[1]), abs(low - close[1])).



//the same on pine
pine_atr(length) =>
    trueRange = na(high[1])? high-low : math.max(math.max(high - low, math.abs(high - close[1])), math.abs(low - close[1]))
    //true range can be also calculated with ta.tr(true)
    ta.rma(trueRange, length)


Returns Average true range. (ATR)

Arguments length (simple int) Length (number of bars back).

See also

### ta.sar

Parabolic SAR (parabolic stop and reverse) is a method devised by J. Welles Wilder, Jr., to find potential reversals in the market price direction of traded goods.

ta.sar(start, inc, max)

plot(ta.sar(0.02, 0.02, 0.2), style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3)

// The same on Pine
pine_sar(start, inc, max) =>
  var float result = na
  var float maxMin = na
  var float acceleration = na
  var bool isBelow = na
  bool isFirstTrendBar = false
  if bar_index == 1
    if close > close[1]
      isBelow := true
      maxMin := high
      result := low[1]
      isBelow := false
      maxMin := low
      result := high[1]
    isFirstTrendBar := true
    acceleration := start
  result := result + acceleration * (maxMin - result)
  if isBelow
    if result > low
      isFirstTrendBar := true
      isBelow := false
      result := math.max(high, maxMin)
      maxMin := low
      acceleration := start
    if result < high
      isFirstTrendBar := true
      isBelow := true
      result := math.min(low, maxMin)
      maxMin := high
      acceleration := start
  if not isFirstTrendBar
    if isBelow
      if high > maxMin
        maxMin := high
        acceleration := math.min(acceleration + inc, max)
      if low < maxMin
        maxMin := low
        acceleration := math.min(acceleration + inc, max)
  if isBelow
    result := math.min(result, low[1])
    if bar_index > 1
      result := math.min(result, low[2])
    result := math.max(result, high[1])
    if bar_index > 1
      result := math.max(result, high[2])
plot(pine_sar(0.02, 0.02, 0.2), style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3)

Returns Parabolic SAR.

Arguments - start (simple int/float) Start. - inc (simple int/float) Increment. - max (simple int/float) Maximum.


Counts the number of bars since the last time the condition was true.



// get number of bars since last color.green bar
plot(ta.barssince(close >= open))

Returns Number of bars since condition was true.

Remarks If the condition has never been met prior to the current bar, the function returns na. Please note that using this variable/function can cause indicator repainting.

See also

### ta.cum

Cumulative (total) sum of ```source```. In other words it's a sum of all elements of ```source```.


Total sum series.

- ```source``` (series int/float)

**See also**

### ta.dmi

The dmi function returns the directional movement index(DMI).

ta.dmi(diLength, adxSmoothing)

len = input.int(17, minval=1, title="DI Length")
lensig = input.int(14, title="ADX Smoothing", minval=1, maxval=50)
[diplus, diminus, adx] = ta.dmi(len, lensig)
plot(adx, color=color.red, title="ADX")
plot(diplus, color=color.blue, title="+DI")
plot(diminus, color=color.orange, title="-DI")

Returns Tuple of three DMI series: Positive Directional Movement (+DI), Negative Directional Movement (-DI) and Average Directional Movement Index (ADX).

Arguments - diLength (simple int) DI Period. - adxSmoothing (simple int) ADX Smoothing Period.

See also

### ta.falling

Test if the ```source``` series is now falling for ```length``` bars long.

ta.falling(source, length)

true if current ```source``` value is less than any previous ```source``` value for ```length``` bars back, false otherwise.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

**See also**

### ta.rising

Test if the ```source``` series is now rising for ```length``` bars long.

ta.rising(source, length)

true if current ```source``` is greater than any previous ```source``` for ```length``` bars back, false otherwise.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

**See also**

### ta.pivothigh

This function returns price of the pivot high point. It returns 'NaN', if there was no pivot high point.

ta.pivothigh(source, leftbars, rightbars)

ta.pivothigh(leftbars, rightbars)

leftBars = input(2)
ph = ta.pivothigh(leftBars, rightBars)
plot(ph, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color= color.red, offset=-rightBars)

Returns Price of the point or ‘NaN’.

Arguments - source (series int/float) An optional argument. Data series to calculate the value. ‘High’ by default. - leftbars (series int/float) Left strength. - rightbars (series int/float) Right length.

Remarks If arguments ‘leftbars’ or ‘rightbars’ are series you should use max_bars_back function for the ‘source’ variable.


This function returns price of the pivot low point. It returns ‘NaN’, if there was no pivot low point.

ta.pivotlow(source, leftbars, rightbars) 
ta.pivotlow(leftbars, rightbars) 


leftBars = input(2)
pl = ta.pivotlow(close, leftBars, rightBars)
plot(pl, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color= color.blue, offset=-rightBars)

Returns Price of the point or ‘NaN’.

Arguments - source (series int/float) An optional argument. Data series to calculate the value. “Low” by default. - leftbars (series int/float) Left strength. - rightbars (series int/float) Right length.

Remarks If arguments ‘leftbars’ or ‘rightbars’ are series you should use max_bars_back function for the ‘source’ variable.


Highest value for a given number of bars back.

ta.highest(source, length) 

Returns Highest value in the series.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length).

Remarks Two args version: source is a series and length is the number of bars back. One arg version: length is the number of bars back. Algorithm uses high as a source series.

See also

### ta.highestbars

Highest value offset for a given number of bars back.

ta.highestbars(source, length)


Offset to the highest bar.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

Two args version: ```source``` is a series and ```length``` is the number of bars back.
One arg version: ```length``` is the number of bars back. Algorithm uses high as a ```source``` series.

**See also**
```ta.lowest``` ```ta.highest``` ```ta.lowestbars``` ```ta.barssince``` ```ta.valuewhen```

### ta.stoch

Stochastic. It is calculated by a formula: 100 * (close - lowest(low, length)) / (highest(high, length) - lowest(low, length)).

ta.stoch(source, high, low, length)


- ```source``` (series int/float) Source series.
- ```high``` (series int/float) Series of high.
- ```low``` (series int/float) Series of low.
- ```length``` (series int) Length (number of bars back).

**See also**

### ta.supertrend

The Supertrend Indicator. The Supertrend is a trend following indicator.

ta.supertrend(factor, atrPeriod)

indicator("Pine Script™ Supertrend")

[supertrend, direction] = ta.supertrend(3, 10)
plot(direction < 0 ? supertrend : na, "Up direction", color = color.green, style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(direction > 0 ? supertrend : na, "Down direction", color = color.red, style=plot.style_linebr)

// The same on Pine Script™
pine_supertrend(factor, atrPeriod) =>
  src = hl2
  atr = ta.atr(atrPeriod)
  upperBand = src + factor * atr
  lowerBand = src - factor * atr
  prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand[1])
  prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand[1])

  lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or close[1] < prevLowerBand ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand
  upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or close[1] > prevUpperBand ? upperBand : prevUpperBand
  int direction = na
  float superTrend = na
  prevSuperTrend = superTrend[1]
  if na(atr[1])
    direction := 1
  else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
    direction := close > upperBand ? -1 : 1
    direction := close < lowerBand ? 1 : -1
  superTrend := direction == -1 ? lowerBand : upperBand
  [superTrend, direction]

[pineSupertrend, pineDirection] = pine_supertrend(3, 10)
plot(pineDirection < 0 ? pineSupertrend : na, "Up direction", color = color.green, style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(pineDirection > 0 ? pineSupertrend : na, "Down direction", color = color.red, style=plot.style_linebr)

Returns Tuple of two supertrend series: supertrend line and direction of trend. Possible values are 1 (down direction) and -1 (up direction).

Arguments - factor (series int/float) The multiplier by which the ATR will get multiplied. - atrPeriod (simple int) Length of ATR

See also

### ta.lowest

Lowest value for a given number of bars back.

ta.lowest(source, length)


Lowest value in the series.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars (length).

Two args version: ```source``` is a series and ```length``` is the number of bars back.
One arg version: ```length``` is the number of bars back. Algorithm uses low as a ```source``` series.

**See also**
```ta.highest``` ```ta.lowestbars``` ```ta.highestbars``` ```ta.valuewhen``` ```ta.barssince```

### ta.lowestbars

Lowest value offset for a given number of bars back.

ta.lowestbars(source, length)


Offset to the lowest bar.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Series of values to process.
- ```length``` (series int) Number of bars back.

Two args version: ```source``` is a series and ```length``` is the number of bars back.
One arg version: ```length``` is the number of bars back. Algorithm uses low as a ```source``` series.

**See also**
```ta.lowest``` ```ta.highest``` ```ta.highestbars``` ```ta.barssince``` ```ta.valuewhen```

### ta.valuewhen

Returns the value of the "source" series on the bar where the "condition" was true on the nth most recent occurrence.

ta.valuewhen(condition, source, occurrence)

slow = ta.sma(close, 7)
fast = ta.sma(close, 14)
// Get value of `close` on second most recent cross
plot(ta.valuewhen(ta.cross(slow, fast), close, 1))

Arguments - condition (series bool) The condition to search for. - source (series int/float/bool/color) The value to be returned from the bar where the condition is met. - occurrence (simple int) The occurrence of the condition. The numbering starts from 0 and goes back in time, so “0” is the most recent occurrence of “condition”, “1” is the second most recent and so forth. Must be an integer >= 0.

Remarks This function requires execution on every bar. It is not recommended to use it inside a for or while loop structure, where its behavior can be unexpected. Please note that using this function can cause indicator repainting.

See also

### ta.vwap

Volume weighted average price.


Volume weighted average.

- ```source``` (series int/float) Source series.

**See also**

### ta.vwma

The vwma function returns volume-weighted moving average of ```source``` for ```length``` bars back. It is the same as: sma(source * volume, length) / sma(volume, length).

ta.vwma(source, length)

plot(ta.vwma(close, 15))

// same on pine, but less efficient
pine_vwma(x, y) =>
    ta.sma(x * volume, y) / ta.sma(volume, y)
plot(pine_vwma(close, 15))

Returns Volume-weighted moving average of source for length bars back.

Arguments - source (series int/float) Series of values to process. - length (series int) Number of bars (length).

See also

### ta.wpr

Williams %R. The oscillator shows the current closing price in relation to the high and low of the past "period of time" bars.


plot(ta.wpr(14), title="%R", color=color.new(#ff6d00, 0))

Returns Williams %R.

Arguments - length (series int) Number of bars.

See also

## plot

### plot

Plots a series of data on the chart.

plot(series, title, color, linewidth, style, trackprice, histbase, offset, join, editable, show_last, display)

plot(high+low, title='Title', color=color.new(#00ffaa, 70), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_area, offset=15, trackprice=true)

// You may fill the background between any two plots with a fill() function:
p1 = plot(open)
p2 = plot(close)
fill(p1, p2, color=color.new(color.green, 90))

Returns A plot object, that can be used in fill.

Arguments - series (series int/float) Series of data to be plotted. Required argument. - title (const string) Title of the plot. - color (series color) Color of the plot. You can use constants like ‘color=color.red’ or ‘color=#ff001a’ as well as complex expressions like ‘color = close >= open ? color.green : color.red’. Optional argument. - linewidth (input int) Width of the plotted line. Default value is 1. Not applicable to every style. - style (plot_style) Type of plot. Possible values are: plot.style_line, plot.style_stepline, plot.style_stepline_diamond, plot.style_histogram, plot.style_cross, plot.style_area, plot.style_columns, plot.style_circles, plot.style_linebr, plot.style_areabr. Default value is plot.style_line. - trackprice (input bool) If true then a horizontal price line will be shown at the level of the last indicator value. Default is false. - histbase (input int/float) The price value used as the reference level when rendering plot with plot.style_histogram, plot.style_columns or plot.style_area style. Default is 0.0. - offset (series int) Shifts the plot to the left or to the right on the given number of bars. Default is 0. - join (input bool) If true then plot points will be joined with line, applicable only to plot.style_cross and plot.style_circles styles. Default is false. - editable (const bool) If true then plot style will be editable in Format dialog. Default is true. - show_last (input int) If set, defines the number of bars (from the last bar back to the past) to plot on chart. - display (plot_display) Controls where the plot is displayed. Possible values are: display.none, display.all. Default is display.all. - overlay (const bool) is the extension argument of FMZ platform, it is used to set the current function to be displayed on the main image (set to true) or sub-image (set to false), the default value is false. If this argument is not specified, it will be set according to the overlay argument in strategy or indicator, if strategy or indicator does not set the overlay argument, it will be processed according to the default arguments.

See also

### plotshape

Plots visual shapes on the chart.

plotshape(series, title, style, location, color, offset, text, textcolor, editable, size, show_last, display)

data = close >= open
plotshape(data, style=shape.xcross)

Arguments - series (series bool) Series of data to be plotted as shapes. Series is treated as a series of boolean values for all location values except location.absolute. Required argument. - title (const string) Title of the plot. - style (input string) Type of plot. Possible values are: shape.xcross, shape.cross, shape.triangleup, shape.triangledown, shape.flag, shape.circle, shape.arrowup, shape.arrowdown, shape.labelup, shape.labeldown, shape.square, shape.diamond. Default value is shape.xcross. - location (input string) Location of shapes on the chart. Possible values are: location.abovebar, location.belowbar, location.top, location.bottom, location.absolute. Default value is location.abovebar. - color (series color) Color of the shapes. You can use constants like ‘color=color.red’ or ‘color=#ff001a’ as well as complex expressions like ‘color = close >= open ? color.green : color.red’. Optional argument. - offset (series int) Shifts shapes to the left or to the right on the given number of bars. Default is 0. - text (const string) Text to display with the shape. You can use multiline text, to separate lines use ‘\n’ escape sequence. Example: ‘line one\nline two’. - textcolor (series color) Color of the text. You can use constants like ‘textcolor=color.red’ or ‘textcolor=#ff001a’ as well as complex expressions like ‘textcolor = close >= open ? color.green : color.red’. Optional argument. - editable (const bool) If true then plotshape style will be editable in Format dialog. Default is true. - show_last (input int) If set, defines the number of shapes (from the last bar back to the past) to plot on chart. - size (const string) Size of shapes on the chart. Possible values are: size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Default is size.auto. - display (plot_display) Controls where the plot is displayed. Possible values are: display.none, display.all. Default is display.all. - overlay (const bool) is the extension argument of FMZ platform, it is used to set the current function to be displayed on the main image (set to true) or sub-image (set to false), the default value is false. If this argument is not specified, it will be set according to the overlay argument in strategy or indicator, if strategy or indicator does not set the overlay argument, it will be processed according to the default arguments.

See also

### plotchar

Plots visual shapes using any given one Unicode character on the chart.

plotchar(series, title, char, location, color, offset, text, textcolor, editable, size, show_last, display)

data = close >= open
plotchar(data, char='❄')

Arguments - series (series bool) Series of data to be plotted as shapes. Series is treated as a series of boolean values for all location values except location.absolute. Required argument. - title (const string) Title of the plot. - char (input string) Character to use as a visual shape. - location (input string) Location of shapes on the chart. Possible values are: location.abovebar, location.belowbar, location.top, location.bottom, location.absolute. Default value is location.abovebar. - color (series color) Color of the shapes. You can use constants like ‘color=color.red’ or ‘color=#ff001a’ as well as complex expressions like ‘color = close >= open ? color.green : color.red’. Optional argument. - offset (series int) Shifts shapes to the left or to the right on the given number of bars. Default is 0. - text (const string) Text to display with the shape. You can use multiline text, to separate lines use ‘\n’ escape sequence. Example: ‘line one\nline two’. - textcolor (series color) Color of the text. You can use constants like ‘textcolor=color.red’ or ‘textcolor=#ff001a’ as well as complex expressions like ‘textcolor = close >= open ? color.green : color.red’. Optional argument. - editable (const bool) If true then plotchar style will be editable in Format dialog. Default is true. - show_last (input int) If set, defines the number of chars (from the last bar back to the past) to plot on chart. - size (const string) Size of characters on the chart. Possible values are: size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Default is size.auto. - display (plot_display) Controls where the plot is displayed. Possible values are: display.none, display.all. Default is display.all. - overlay (const bool) is the extension argument of FMZ platform, it is used to set the current function to be displayed on the main image (set to true) or sub-image (set to false), the default value is false. If this argument is not specified, it will be set according to the overlay argument in strategy or indicator, if strategy or indicator does not set the overlay argument, it will be processed according to the default arguments.

See also

### plotcandle

Plots candles on the chart.

plotcandle(open, high, low, close, title, color, wickcolor, editable, show_last, bordercolor, display)

indicator("plotcandle example", overlay=true)
plotcandle(open, high, low, close, title='Title', color = open < close ? color.green : color.red, wickcolor=color.black)

Arguments - open (series int/float) Open series of data to be used as open values of candles. Required argument. - high (series int/float) High series of data to be used as high values of candles. Required argument. - low (series int/float) Low series of data to be used as low values of candles. Required argument. - close (series int/float) Close series of data to be used as close values of candles. Required argument. - title (const string) Title of the plotcandles. Optional argument. - color (series color) Color of the candles. You can use constants like ‘color=color.red’ or ‘color=#ff001a’ as well as complex expressions like ‘color = close >= open ? color.green : color.red’. Optional argument. - wickcolor (series color) The color of the wick of candles. An optional argument. - editable (const bool) If true then plotcandle style will be editable in Format dialog. Default is true. - show_last (input int) If set, defines the number of candles (from the last bar back to the

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张超大佬的Optimized Trend Tracker
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