# https://testnet.bitmex.com/api/v1
# POST /order
Limit: The default order type. Specify an orderQty and price.
Market: A traditional Market order. A Market order will execute until filled or your bankruptcy price is reached, at which point it will cancel.
MarketWithLeftOverAsLimit: A market order that, after eating through the order book as far as permitted by available margin, will become a limit order. The difference between this type and Market only affects the behavior in thin books. Upon reaching the deepest possible price, if there is quantity left over, a Market order will cancel the remaining quantity. MarketWithLeftOverAsLimit will keep the remaining quantity in the books as a Limit.
Stop: A Stop Market order. Specify an orderQty and stopPx. When the stopPx is reached, the order will be entered into the book.
On sell orders, the order will trigger if the triggering price is lower than the stopPx. On buys, higher.
Note: Stop orders do not consume margin until triggered. Be sure that the required margin is available in your account so that it may trigger fully.
Close Stops don't require an orderQty. See Execution Instructions below.
StopLimit: Like a Stop Market, but enters a Limit order instead of a Market order. Specify an orderQty, stopPx, and price.
MarketIfTouched: Similar to a Stop, but triggers are done in the opposite direction. Useful for Take Profit orders.
LimitIfTouched: As above; use for Take Profit Limit orders.
这些是 订单类型参数,有止损单,止盈单 等等,你看那种是你需要的。
var ret = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/api/v1/order/bulk", param);
param 就是 访问接口时要 给接口的参数,可以写成 : symbol=XXX&orderQty=YYY&price=ZZZ
BITMEX API 文档: https://testnet.bitmex.com/api/explorer/#!/Order/Order_new