Die Strategie nutzt mehrere Technik-Indikatoren, um schwankende Märkte zu identifizieren und zu niedrigen Schwankungsniveaus zu gelangen, um kurzfristige Chancen in schwankenden Märkten zu erfassen.
Die Strategie kombiniert verschiedene technische Indikatoren, um Schwankbotschancen zu identifizieren. Zuerst wird der Markt in einer schwankenden Phase durch die ROC-Variabilität beurteilt, dann werden Schwankbotschancen durch Indikatoren wie RSI, StochRSI, MACD und schließlich durch Filtersignale wie Breinband und Schwankindikatoren ermittelt.
Es gibt verschiedene Situationen, in denen eine Strategie eingesetzt werden kann:
ROC sinkt, RSI ist niedrig, StochRSI ist überverkauft, MACD-Boden weicht ab, Vix sinkt. Dies zeigt, dass sich der Markt in einer Abwärtsbewegung befindet, in der sich mehrere Unternehmen einmischen.
ROC sinkt, der RSI ist tiefer, der StochRSI ist extrem überverkauft, der MACD geht weiter vom Boden ab, das Braun-Band wächst und die TEMA schrumpft. Dies bestätigt die oben genannten nach unten gerichteten Schwingungssignale weiter.
Der Chaikin-Schock-Indikator korrigiert und der TRIX unterstützt.
Der MACD bildet eine Goldvierk, der ROC und der CMO unterstützen die Korrektur. Die Resonanz mehrerer Indikatoren zeigt eine Chance für eine Umkehrung der Kurzstrecke.
Darüber hinaus setzt die Strategie auch einen Stop-Loss für die Unterseite des Brin-Gürtels fest, um das Risiko effektiv zu kontrollieren.
Der größte Vorteil der Strategie besteht darin, dass die Identifizierung von mehreren Indikatoren die Möglichkeit bietet, umkehrbare Chancen in schwankenden Märkten effektiv zu identifizieren und die Zuverlässigkeit der Signale zu verbessern.
Das ist ein sehr schwieriges Problem, denn es gibt viele verschiedene Methoden, um das falsche Signal zu vermeiden.
Die Eintrittszeit ist genau, man kann bei niedrigerem Aufschwung kaufen und die Risiken sind unter Kontrolle.
Die Verletzungen durch das Braunband werden eingesetzt, um das Risiko eines Absturzes effektiv zu kontrollieren.
Die Schwingungswellen können schnell erfasst werden.
Die Indikatorparameter sind optimiert, um den Marktwirbeln in verschiedenen Umgebungen zu entsprechen.
Das Programm wird von den Leuten, die sich mit dem Thema beschäftigen, unterstützt.
Die Strategie birgt auch einige Risiken, die beachtet werden müssen:
Wenn ein langfristiger Markttrend auftritt, besteht das Risiko, dass die Erschütterungsstrategie ausgeschaltet wird. Der Trend kann durch langfristige technische Indikatoren beurteilt werden.
Wenn ein Ereignis zu einem schnellen einseitigen Markt führt, kann der Stop-Loss direkt durchbrochen werden, was zu größeren Verlusten führt.
Eine unzureichende Nachprüfungszeit kann zu einer Überqualifizierung führen.
Eine Kombination von mehreren Indikatoren kann missbraucht werden, gegenseitig unterdrückt und fehlende Signale verursachen.
Veränderungen in der Marktstruktur können dazu führen, dass die ursprünglichen Parameter nicht mehr anwendbar sind und ständig optimiert werden müssen.
Die Strategie kann in folgenden Bereichen optimiert werden:
Test mehr technische Indikatoren, um die beste Kombination von Indikatoren zu finden. Andere Indikatoren wie KD, OBV, etc. können in Betracht gezogen werden.
Optimierung der Parameter der Indikatoren, um sie für verschiedene Marktumgebungen geeigneter zu machen. Mehrdimensionale Parameteroptimierung kann mit genetischen Algorithmen durchgeführt werden.
Die Logik der Einstiegsbedingungen wird anhand der Rückmessungen angepasst, um falsche Signale zu reduzieren.
Optimieren Sie Ihre Stop-Loss-Strategie und versuchen Sie, die Auslösung von nichtigem Stop-Loss zu minimieren, während Sie die Risiken kontrollieren.
Optimieren Sie die Positionsverwaltung und erhöhen Sie die strategischen Renditen durch dynamische Positionsanpassungen.
Die Strategie wird in den folgenden Bereichen überprüft: "Wir müssen die Strategie ausreichend nachprüfen und überprüfen, ob sie solide ist".
Die Strategie wird regelmäßig überprüft und optimiert, um die optimale Strategie zu erhalten.
Die Strategie des Rumpfmarktes, bei der man durch die Ermittlung verschiedener technischer Indikatoren Rumpf-Tiefpunkte identifiziert, ermöglicht eine effektive Nutzung von Short-Trading-Chancen in Rumpfmärkten. Durch Parameteroptimierung, Stop-Loss-Optimierung, Positionsmanagement und andere Methoden kann die Stabilität und Ertragsrate der Strategie kontinuierlich verbessert werden.
Diese Strategie verwendet mehrere technische Indikatoren, um schwankende Märkte zu identifizieren und bei Schwankungstief zu verlängern, um kurzfristige Chancen in schwankenden Märkten zu erfassen.
Die Strategie kombiniert mehrere technische Indikatoren, um Schwankungsniedrigkeiten zu erkennen. Erstens wird ROC verwendet, um festzustellen, ob der Markt schwankt. Dann bestätigen Indikatoren wie RSI, StochRSI, MACD die Schwankungsniedrigkeiten. Schließlich filtern Bollinger Bands, Oszillatoren usw. die Signale.
Die Strategie wird in mehrere Szenarien unterteilt:
ROC sinkt, RSI überverkauft, StochRSI überverkauft, MACD-Divergenz niedrig, VIX sinkt.
ROC fällt weiter, RSI überverkauft, StochRSI extrem überverkauft, MACD weiter divergiert, BB expandiert, TEMA schrumpft.
Der Chaikin-Oszillator zeigt sich, der TRIX zeigt sich in der Unterstützung.
MACD goldene Kreuzung, ROC und CMO in Unterstützung.
Darüber hinaus werden Stopps am unteren Bollinger Band gesetzt, um das Risiko zu kontrollieren.
Der größte Vorteil dieser Strategie besteht darin, dass mehrere Indikatoren zur Bestätigung von Signalen verwendet werden, was die Zuverlässigkeit bei der Identifizierung von Umkehrchancen in schwankenden Märkten verbessert.
Die Zusammenführung mehrerer Indikatoren verhindert falsche Signale.
Durch präzise Eintrittszeiten kann man mit kontrollierbarem Risiko bei Schwingungsschwellen kaufen.
BB-Stop-Loss begrenzt effektiv das Abwärtsrisiko.
Kurzfristige Operationen ermöglichen eine schnelle Erfassung von Schwingungsbewegungen.
Optimierte Indikatorparameter entsprechen verschiedenen Schwingungsumgebungen.
Automatisierte Ausführung und Backtest-Verifizierung verhindern emotionale Einflüsse.
Einige Risiken bei dieser Strategie:
Die langfristigen Trends der Märkte laufen Gefahr, bei Verlusten auszuhalten.
Plötzliche einseitige Märkte können durch Stopps dringen, was zu großen Verlusten führt.
Unzureichende Backtest-Zeiten riskieren eine Überanpassung.
Falsche Indikatorkombinationen riskieren fehlende Signale.
Änderungen des Marktregimes können die Parameter ungültig machen.
Einige Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung der Strategie:
Testen Sie mehr technische Indikatoren, um die besten Kombinationen zu finden.
Optimieren von Indikatorparametern für verschiedene Marktumgebungen. Verwenden von genetischen Algorithmen für multidimensionale Optimierung.
Anpassung der Eingabelogik basierend auf Backtest-Ergebnissen, um falsche Signale zu reduzieren.
Optimieren Sie Stopps, um unnötige Stopps zu reduzieren und das Risiko zu kontrollieren.
Optimieren Sie Positionsgrößenmodelle, um die Rendite zu maximieren.
Durchführen von robusten Backtesting und Forward Testing zur Überprüfung der Konsistenz.
Programmatische Kontrollen und Optimierungen für die kontinuierliche Verbesserung.
Diese Schwingungsmarkt-Lange-Strategie identifiziert effektiv Schwingungstiefpunkte mithilfe des Zusammenflusses technischer Indikatoren. Die Rendite kann durch Parameteroptimierung, Stop-Optimierung, Positionsgrößenbildung usw. verbessert werden, während Risiken in Trendmärkten verwaltet werden. Insgesamt hat sie ein starkes praktisches Anwendungspotenzial.
/*backtest start: 2022-09-15 00:00:00 end: 2023-09-21 00:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=3 //*****************************************************************************************************************************************// // @sahilmpatel1 // Idea was to create a script that would capture common oscillations in the market. // This script contains 10 active cases. Cases start at around line 1020. // OC1, OC2, STB1, STB2 are shorter trend buy cases // MTB3 and MTB4 are medium trend buy cases // LTB1 is a long trend buy case // SC1, SC2, SC3 are shorting cases // You can toggle the cases (and plots) on and off from the format menu to see which cases work best for you. (Which I suggest) // Pyramiding is set at 4. // Credit to many of the public indicators that helped me create this case study. // Reach out with any recommendations or questions. //*****************************************************************************************************************************************// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Case Study////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// strategy("Oscillating Market Case Study",pyramiding=4, overlay=true) source = close //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////TOGGLE ON/OFF CASES////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// longcases= input(title="Long Cases - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) shortcases= input(title="Short Cases - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) STcases= input(title="ST Cases - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) MTcases= input(title="MT Cases - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) LTcases= input(title="LT Cases - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) longcasesplot= input(title="Long Cases Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) shortcasesplot= input(title="Short Cases Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) STcasesplot= input(title="ST Cases Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) MTcasesplot= input(title="MT Cases Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) LTcasesplot= input(title="LT Cases Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) BREAKt= input(title="**********BREAK**********", type=bool, defval=false) aOC1 = input(title="OC1 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aOC1p = input(title="OC1 Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aOC2 = input(title="OC2 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aOC2p = input(title="OC2 Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aST1 = input(title="STB1 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aST1p = input(title="STB1 Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aST2 = input(title="STB2 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aST2p = input(title="STB2 Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) // aMT1 = input(title="On/Off MTB1", type=bool, defval=true) // aMT1p = input(title="On/Off MTB1 Plot", type=bool, defval=true) // aMT2 = input(title="On/Off MTB2", type=bool, defval=true) // aMT2p = input(title="On/Off MTB2 Plot", type=bool, defval=true) aMT3 = input(title="MTB3 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aMT3p = input(title="MTB3 Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aMT4 = input(title="MTB4 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aMT4p = input(title="MTB4 Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aLT1 = input(title="LTB1 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aLT1p = input(title="LTB1 Plot - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) // aLT2 = input(title="On/Off LTB2", type=bool, defval=true) // aLT2p = input(title="On/Off LTB2 Plot", type=bool, defval=true) aSC1 = input(title="SC1 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aSC2 = input(title="SC2 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) aSC3 = input(title="SC3 - On/Off", type=bool, defval=true) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////Butterworth Filter Application//////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //POLE CALCULATION lenBW1 = 1 lenBW2 = 2 lenBW5 = 5 lenBW7 = 7 lenBW10=10 lenBW20=20 lenBW25=25 lenBW30=30 lenBW40=40 lenBW50=50 pi=3.14159265 DTR=pi/180 // To convert degrees to radians multiply by this DTR // 2 Poles BW 1 a21BW1=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW1) //Use input length b21BW1=2*a21BW1*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW1)) cf21BW1=(1-b21BW1+a21BW1*a21BW1)/4 cf22BW1=b21BW1 cf23BW1=-a21BW1*a21BW1 // 2 Poles BW 2 a21BW2=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW2) //Use input length b21BW2=2*a21BW2*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW2)) cf21BW2=(1-b21BW2+a21BW2*a21BW2)/4 cf22BW2=b21BW2 cf23BW2=-a21BW2*a21BW2 // 2 Poles BW 5 a21BW5=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW5) //Use input length b21BW5=2*a21BW5*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW5)) cf21BW5=(1-b21BW5+a21BW5*a21BW5)/4 cf22BW5=b21BW5 cf23BW5=-a21BW5*a21BW5 // 2 Poles BW 7 a21BW7=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW7) //Use input length b21BW7=2*a21BW7*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW7)) cf21BW7=(1-b21BW7+a21BW7*a21BW7)/4 cf22BW7=b21BW7 cf23BW7=-a21BW7*a21BW7 // 2 Poles BW 10 a21BW10=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW10) //Use input length b21BW10=2*a21BW10*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW10)) cf21BW10=(1-b21BW10+a21BW10*a21BW10)/4 cf22BW10=b21BW10 cf23BW10=-a21BW10*a21BW10 // 2 Poles BW 20 a21BW20=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW20) //Use input length b21BW20=2*a21BW20*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW20)) cf21BW20=(1-b21BW20+a21BW20*a21BW20)/4 cf22BW20=b21BW20 cf23BW20=-a21BW20*a21BW20 // 2 Poles BW 25 a21BW25=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW25) //Use input length b21BW25=2*a21BW25*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW25)) cf21BW25=(1-b21BW25+a21BW25*a21BW25)/4 cf22BW25=b21BW25 cf23BW25=-a21BW25*a21BW25 // 2 Poles BW 30 a21BW30=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW30) //Use input length b21BW30=2*a21BW30*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW30)) cf21BW30=(1-b21BW30+a21BW30*a21BW30)/4 cf22BW30=b21BW30 cf23BW30=-a21BW30*a21BW30 // 2 Poles BW 40 a21BW40=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW40) //Use input length b21BW40=2*a21BW40*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW40)) cf21BW40=(1-b21BW40+a21BW40*a21BW40)/4 cf22BW40=b21BW40 cf23BW40=-a21BW40*a21BW40 // 2 Poles BW 50 a21BW50=exp(-sqrt(2)*pi/lenBW50) //Use input length b21BW50=2*a21BW50*cos(DTR*(sqrt(2)*180/lenBW50)) cf21BW50=(1-b21BW50+a21BW50*a21BW50)/4 cf22BW50=b21BW50 cf23BW50=-a21BW50*a21BW50 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////***************************INDICATORS***************************///////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////BOLLINGER BANDS///////////////////////////////////// length = input(20,minval=1) mult = input(2.5,minval=0.001,maxval=50) basis = sma(source,length) dev = mult * stdev(source,length) upperbb = basis + dev lowerbb = basis - dev diffTo20MA=abs(source-basis) diffTolowerbb=abs(source-lowerbb) percentGapBB=abs(upperbb-lowerbb)/lowerbb*100 //Bollinger Bands Error error = 0.0 error := (abs(source - lowerbb)/lowerbb)*100 ///////////////////////////////////////////RATE OF CHANGE////////////////////////////////// //Template //ROC Length ### // lenROC = input(9,minval=1) // ROC = 0.0 // ROC := 100*(source-source[lenROC])/source[lenROC] // //BW ROC Short Period - BW Length = ## // butROC = 0.0 // butROC := cf21BW*(ROC+2*nz(ROC[1])+nz(ROC[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butROC[1])+cf23BW*nz(butROC[2]) // //BW Slope Derivations // slopeROC = nz(butROC[1]) - nz(butROC[2]) - (nz(butROC[2]) - nz(butROC[3]) ) // slopeROC2 = (butROC - butROC[2])/2 //Short Period - ROC(9) lenROCshort = input(9,minval=1) ROCshort = 0.0 ROCshort := 100*(source-source[lenROCshort])/source[lenROCshort] //BW ROC Short Period: BW Length = 5 butROCshort = 0.0 butROCshort := cf21BW1*(ROCshort+2*nz(ROCshort[1])+nz(ROCshort[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butROCshort[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butROCshort[2]) //BW Short Slope Derivations slopeROCshort = nz(butROCshort[1]) - nz(butROCshort[2]) - (nz(butROCshort[2]) - nz(butROCshort[3]) ) slopeROCshort2 = (butROCshort - butROCshort[2])/2 //Medium Period - ROC(30) lenROCmed=input(30,minval=1) ROCmed = 0.0 ROCmed := 100*(source-source[lenROCmed])/source[lenROCmed] //BW ROC Medium Period - BW Length = 30 butROCmed = 0.0 butROCmed := cf21BW30*(ROCmed+2*nz(ROCmed[1])+nz(ROCmed[2]))+cf22BW30*nz(butROCmed[1])+cf23BW30*nz(butROCmed[2]) //BW Medium Slope Derivations slopeROCmed = nz(butROCmed[1]) - nz(butROCmed[2]) - (nz(butROCmed[2]) - nz(butROCmed[3]) ) slopeROCmed2 = (butROCmed - butROCmed[2])/2 //Long Period - ROC(100) lenROClong=input(100,minval=1) ROClong = 0.0 ROClong := 100*(source-source[lenROClong])/source[lenROClong] //BW ROC Long Period - BW Length = 50 butROClong = 0.0 butROClong := cf21BW50*(ROClong+2*nz(ROClong[1])+nz(ROClong[2]))+cf22BW50*nz(butROClong[1])+cf23BW50*nz(butROClong[2]) //BW Long Slope Derivations slopeROClong = nz(butROClong[1]) - nz(butROClong[2]) - (nz(butROClong[2]) - nz(butROClong[3]) ) slopeROClong2 = (butROClong - butROClong[2])/2 /////////////////////////////////CHANDE MOMENTUM OSCILLATOR//////////////////////////////// //CONSTANTS momm = change(source) f1(m) => m >= 0.0 ? m : 0.0 f2(m) => m >= 0.0 ? 0.0 : -m m1 = f1(momm) m2 = f2(momm) //TEMPLATE - CMO(#) // lenMO = input(9, minval=1) // sm1 = sum(m1, lenMO) // sm2= sum(m2, lenMO) // percent(nom, div) => 100 * nom / div // chandeMO = percent(sm1-sm2, sm1short+sm2) // //BW CMO Period: BW Length = 5 // butCMO = 0.0 // butCMO := cf21BW*(chandeMO+2*nz(chandeMO[1])+nz(chandeMO[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butCMO[1])+cf23BW*nz(butCMO[2]) // //BW CMO Slope Analysis // slopeCMO = nz(butCMO[1]) - nz(butCMO[2]) - (nz(butCMO[2]) - nz(butCMO[3]) ) // slopeCMO2 = (butCMO - butCMO[2])/2 //Short - CMO(9) lenMOshort = input(9, minval=1) sm1short = sum(m1, lenMOshort) sm2short = sum(m2, lenMOshort) percent(nom, div) => 100 * nom / div chandeMOshort = percent(sm1short-sm2short, sm1short+sm2short) //BW CMO short Period: BW Length = 5 butCMOshort = 0.0 butCMOshort := cf21BW1*(chandeMOshort+2*nz(chandeMOshort[1])+nz(chandeMOshort[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butCMOshort[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butCMOshort[2]) //BW CMO Long Slope Analysis slopeCMOshort = nz(butCMOshort[1]) - nz(butCMOshort[2]) - (nz(butCMOshort[2]) - nz(butCMOshort[3]) ) slopeCMOshort2 = (butCMOshort - butCMOshort[2])/2 //Medium - CMO(30) lenMOmed = input(30, minval=1) sm1med = sum(m1, lenMOmed) sm2med = sum(m2, lenMOmed) chandeMOmed = percent(sm1med-sm2med, sm1med+sm2med) //BW CMO Long Period - BW Length = 20 butCMOmed = 0.0 butCMOmed := cf21BW20*(chandeMOmed+2*nz(chandeMOmed[1])+nz(chandeMOmed[2]))+cf22BW50*nz(butCMOmed[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butCMOmed[2]) //BW CMO Long Slope Analysis slopeCMOmed = nz(butCMOmed[1]) - nz(butCMOmed[2]) - (nz(butCMOmed[2]) - nz(butCMOmed[3]) ) slopeCMOmed2 = (butCMOmed - butCMOmed[2])/2 //Long - CMO(50) lenMOlong = input(50, minval=1) sm1long = sum(m1, lenMOlong) sm2long = sum(m2, lenMOlong) chandeMOlong = percent(sm1long-sm2long, sm1long+sm2long) //BW CMO Long Period - BW Length = 20 butCMOlong = 0.0 butCMOlong := cf21BW20*(chandeMOlong+2*nz(chandeMOlong[1])+nz(chandeMOlong[2]))+cf22BW50*nz(butCMOlong[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butCMOlong[2]) //BW CMO Long Slope Analysis slopeCMOlong = nz(butCMOlong[1]) - nz(butCMOlong[2]) - (nz(butCMOlong[2]) - nz(butCMOlong[3]) ) slopeCMOlong2 = (butCMOlong - butCMOlong[2])/2 /////////////////////////////////////////RSI/////////////////////////////////////////////// //TEMPLATE // lengthRSI=input(14,minval=1) // upRSI = rma(max(change(source), 0), lengthRSI) // downRSI = rma(-min(change(source), 0), lengthRSI) // RSI = downRSI == 0 ? 100 : upRSI == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + upRSI / downRSI)) // butRSI = 0.0 // butRSI := cf21BW1*(RSI+2*nz(RSI[1])+nz(RSI[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butRSI[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butRSI[2]) // slopeRSIpt1 = (butRSI - butRSI[2])/2 //Default - RSI(14) lengthRSI=input(14,minval=1) upRSI = rma(max(change(source), 0), lengthRSI) downRSI = rma(-min(change(source), 0), lengthRSI) RSI = downRSI == 0 ? 100 : upRSI == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + upRSI / downRSI)) butRSI = 0.0 butRSI := cf21BW1*(RSI+2*nz(RSI[1])+nz(RSI[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butRSI[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butRSI[2]) slopeRSIpt = (butRSI - butRSI[2])/2 //////////////////////////////////STOCHASTIC RSI/////////////////////////////////////////// smoothK = input(3, minval=1) smoothD = input(3, minval=1) //Short Period - StochRSI(3, 3, 14, 14) lenRSIshort = input(14, minval=1) lenStochshort = input(14, minval=1) RSIshort = rsi(source,lenRSIshort) kshort = sma(stoch(RSIshort, RSIshort, RSIshort, lenStochshort), smoothK) dshort = sma(kshort, smoothD) //Medium Period - StochRSI(3, 3, 50, 50) BW20 lenRSImed = input(50, minval=1) lenStochmed = input(50, minval=1) RSImed = rsi(source,lenRSImed) kmed = sma(stoch(RSImed, RSImed, RSImed, lenStochmed), smoothK) dmed = sma(kmed, smoothD) //K and D BW Values - BW Length = 30 butKmed=0.0 butDmed=0.0 butKmed:=cf21BW20*(kmed+2*nz(kmed[1])+nz(kmed[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butKmed[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butKmed[2]) butDmed:=cf21BW20*(dmed+2*nz(dmed[1])+nz(dmed[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butDmed[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butDmed[2]) //BW Slopes slopeKmed = nz(butKmed[1]) - nz(butKmed[2]) - (nz(butKmed[2]) - nz(butKmed[3]) ) > 0 slopeK2med = butKmed - butKmed[5] slopeDmed = nz(butDmed[1]) - nz(butDmed[2]) - (nz(butDmed[2]) - nz(butDmed[3]) ) > 0 slopeD2med = (butDmed - butDmed[2])/2 //Long Period - StochRSI(3, 3, 100, 100) lenRSIlong = input(100, minval=1) lenStochlong = input(100, minval=1) RSIlong = rsi(source,lenRSIlong) klong = sma(stoch(RSIlong, RSIlong, RSIlong, lenStochlong), smoothK) dlong = sma(klong, smoothD) ///////////////////////////////////////MACD//////////////////////////////////////////////// //Moving Average Convergence Divergence //TEMPLATE - MACD(##, ##, ##) // fastlen = input(50, minval=1) // slowlen = input(100,minval=1) // signallen = input(5,minval=1) // fastMA = ema(source, fastlen) // slowMA = ema(source, slowlen) // MACD = fastMA - slowMA //blue // MACDslope = (MACD-MACD[1]) // signal = ema(MACD, signallen) //orange // hist = MACD - signal // //BW MACD and Signal: BW Length = // butMACD=0.0 // butMACD:=cf21BW*(MACD+2*nz(MACD[1])+nz(MACD[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butMACD[1])+cf23BW*nz(butMACD[2]) // butSignal = 0.0 // butSignal:=cf21BW*(signal+2*nz(signal[1])+nz(signal[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butSignal[1])+cf23BW*nz(butSignal[2]) // //BW Slope Analysis // slopeMACD = nz(butMACD[1]) - nz(butMACD[2]) - (nz(butMACD[2]) - nz(butMACD[3]) ) > 0 // slopeMACD2 = (butMACD - butMACD[2])/2 // slopeSignal = nz(butSignal[1]) - nz(butSignal[2]) - (nz(butSignal[2]) - nz(butSignal[3]) ) > 0 // slopeSignal2 = (butSignal - butSignal[2])/2 //BW MACD Percent Gap // BWpercentGapMACD = 0.0 // BWpercentGapMACD := (abs(butMACD-butSignal)/butSignal)*100 //Short - MACD(5,10, 5) fastlenshort = input(5, minval=1) slowlenshort =input(10,minval=1) signallenshort = input(5,minval=1) fastMAshort = ema(source, fastlenshort) slowMAshort = ema(source, slowlenshort) MACDshort = fastMAshort - slowMAshort //blue signalshort = ema(MACDshort, signallenshort) //orange hist = MACDshort - signalshort MACDslopeshort = (MACDshort-MACDshort[2])/2 //Medium - MACD(20, 40, 5) fastlenmed = input(20, minval=1) slowlenmed = input(40,minval=1) signallenmed = input(5,minval=1) fastMAmed = ema(source, fastlenmed) slowMAmed = ema(source, slowlenmed) MACDmed = fastMAmed - slowMAmed //blue MACDslopemed = (MACDmed-MACDmed[2])/2 signalmed = ema(MACDmed, signallenmed) //orange histmed = MACDmed - signalmed //Long - MACD(50,100, 20) fastlenlong = input(50, minval=1) slowlenlong = input(100,minval=1) signallenlong = input(20,minval=1) fastMAlong = ema(source, fastlenlong) slowMAlong = ema(source, slowlenlong) MACDlong = fastMAlong - slowMAlong //blue MACDslopelong = (MACDlong-MACDlong[2])/2 signallong = ema(MACDlong, signallenlong) //orange histlong = MACDlong - signallong //BW MACD and Signal: BW Length = 40 butMACDlong=0.0 butMACDlong:=cf21BW40*(MACDlong+2*nz(MACDlong[1])+nz(MACDlong[2]))+cf22BW40*nz(butMACDlong[1])+cf23BW40*nz(butMACDlong[2]) butSignallong=0.0 butSignallong:=cf21BW40*(signallong+2*nz(signallong[1])+nz(signallong[2]))+cf22BW40*nz(butSignallong[1])+cf23BW40*nz(butSignallong[2]) //BW Slope long slopeMACDlong = nz(butMACDlong[1]) - nz(butMACDlong[2]) - (nz(butMACDlong[2]) - nz(butMACDlong[3]) ) > 0 slopeMACD2long = (butMACDlong - butMACDlong[2])/2 slopeSignallong = nz(butSignallong[1]) - nz(butSignallong[2]) - (nz(butSignallong[2]) - nz(butSignallong[3]) ) > 0 slopeSignal2long = (butSignallong - butSignallong[2])/2 //MACD Default 12, 26, close, 9 fastlendef = input(12, minval=1) slowlendef = input(26,minval=1) signallendef = input(9,minval=1) fastMAdef = ema(source, fastlendef) slowMAdef = ema(source, slowlendef) MACDdef = fastMAdef - slowMAdef //blue MACDslopedef = (MACDdef-MACDdef[2])/2 signaldef = ema(MACDdef, signallendef) //orange histdef = MACDdef - signaldef //BW MACD and Signal: BW Length = 1 butMACDdef=0.0 butMACDdef:=cf21BW1*(MACDdef+2*nz(MACDdef[1])+nz(MACDdef[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butMACDdef[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butMACDdef[2]) butSignaldef = 0.0 butSignaldef:=cf21BW1*(signaldef+2*nz(signaldef[1])+nz(signaldef[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butSignaldef[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butSignaldef[2]) //BW Slope Analysis slopeMACDdef = nz(butMACDdef[1]) - nz(butMACDdef[2]) - (nz(butMACDdef[2]) - nz(butMACDdef[3]) ) > 0 slopeMACD2def = (butMACDdef - butMACDdef[2])/2 slopeSignaldef = nz(butSignaldef[1]) - nz(butSignaldef[2]) - (nz(butSignaldef[2]) - nz(butSignaldef[3]) ) > 0 slopeSignal2def = (butSignaldef - butSignaldef[2])/2 //BW MACD Def Percent Gap BWpercentGapMACDdef = 0.0 BWpercentGapMACDdef := (abs(butMACDdef)-abs(butSignaldef))/abs(butSignaldef)*100 ///////////////////////////////////////VORTEX INDICATOR//////////////////////////////////// //TEMPLATE // period_ = input(100, minval=2) // VMP = sum( abs( high - low[1]), period_ ) // VMM = sum( abs( low - high[1]), period_ ) // STR = sum( atr(1), period_ ) // VIP = VMP / STR //blue // VIM = VMM / STR //pink // percentGapVI = 0.0 // percentGapVI := (abs(VIP-VIM)/VIM)*100 // //BW VI Long Period - BW Length = 20 // butVIP = 0.0 // butVIM = 0.0 // butVIP := cf21BW*(VIP+2*nz(VIP[1])+nz(VIP[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butVIP[1])+cf23BW*nz(butVIP[2]) // butVIM := cf21BW*(VIM+2*nz(VIM[1])+nz(VIM[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butVIM[1])+cf23BW*nz(butVIM[2]) // //BW VI Long Slope Analysis // slopeVIM = nz(butVIM[1]) - nz(butVIM[2]) - (nz(butVIM[2]) - nz(butVIM[3]) ) // slopeVIM2 = (butVIM - butVIM[2])/2 // slopeVIP = nz(butVIP[1]) - nz(butVIP[2]) - (nz(butVIP[2]) - nz(butVIP[3]) ) // slopeVIP2 = (butVIP - butVIP[2])/2 // //BW VI Long percent gap // BWpercentGapVI = 0.0 // BWpercentGapVI := (abs(butVIP-butVIM)/butVIM)*100 //////////////SHORT////////////// (14) period_short = input(14, minval=2) VMPshort = sum( abs( high - low[1]), period_short ) VMMshort = sum( abs( low - high[1]), period_short ) STRshort = sum( atr(1), period_short ) VIPshort = VMPshort / STRshort //blue VIMshort = VMMshort / STRshort //pink percentGapVIshort = 0.0 percentGapVIshort := (abs(VIPshort-VIMshort)/VIMshort)*100 //////////////MEDIUM////////////// (30, BW20) period_med = input(30, minval=2) VMPmed = sum( abs( high - low[1]), period_med ) VMMmed = sum( abs( low - high[1]), period_med ) STRmed = sum( atr(1), period_med ) VIPmed = VMPmed / STRmed //blue VIMmed = VMMmed / STRmed //pink percentGapVImed = 0.0 percentGapVImed := (abs(VIPmed-VIMmed)/VIMmed)*100 //BW VI Med Period - BW Length = 20 butVIPmed = 0.0 butVIMmed = 0.0 butVIPmed := cf21BW20*(VIPmed+2*nz(VIPmed[1])+nz(VIPmed[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butVIPmed[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butVIPmed[2]) butVIMmed := cf21BW20*(VIMmed+2*nz(VIMmed[1])+nz(VIMmed[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butVIMmed[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butVIMmed[2]) //BW DI Med Slope Analysis slopeVIMmed = nz(butVIMmed[1]) - nz(butVIMmed[2]) - (nz(butVIMmed[2]) - nz(butVIMmed[3]) ) slopeVIMmed2 = (butVIMmed - butVIMmed[2])/2 slopeVIPmed = nz(butVIPmed[1]) - nz(butVIPmed[2]) - (nz(butVIPmed[2]) - nz(butVIPmed[3]) ) slopeVIPmed2 = (butVIPmed - butVIPmed[2])/2 //BW DI Med percent gap BWpercentGapVImed = 0.0 BWpercentGapVImed := (abs(butVIPmed-butVIMmed)/butVIMmed)*100 //////////////LONG////////////// (100, BW30) period_long = input(100, minval=2) VMPlong = sum( abs( high - low[1]), period_long ) VMMlong = sum( abs( low - high[1]), period_long ) STRlong = sum( atr(1), period_long ) VIPlong = VMPlong / STRlong //blue VIMlong = VMMlong / STRlong //pink percentGapVIlong = 0.0 percentGapVIlong := (abs(VIPlong-VIMlong)/VIMlong)*100 //BW VI Long Period - BW Length = 20 butVIPlong = 0.0 butVIMlong = 0.0 butVIPlong := cf21BW30*(VIPlong+2*nz(VIPlong[1])+nz(VIPlong[2]))+cf22BW30*nz(butVIPlong[1])+cf23BW30*nz(butVIPlong[2]) butVIMlong := cf21BW30*(VIMlong+2*nz(VIMlong[1])+nz(VIMlong[2]))+cf22BW30*nz(butVIMlong[1])+cf23BW30*nz(butVIMlong[2]) //BW VI Long Slope Analysis slopeVIMlong = nz(butVIMlong[1]) - nz(butVIMlong[2]) - (nz(butVIMlong[2]) - nz(butVIMlong[3]) ) slopeVIMlong2 = (butVIMlong - butVIMlong[2])/2 slopeVIPlong = nz(butVIPlong[1]) - nz(butVIPlong[2]) - (nz(butVIPlong[2]) - nz(butVIPlong[3]) ) slopeVIPlong2 = (butVIPlong - butVIPlong[2])/2 //BW VI Long percent gap BWpercentGapVIlong = 0.0 BWpercentGapVIlong := (abs(butVIPlong-butVIMlong)/butVIMlong)*100 //Length 14, BW 1 period_14 = input(14, minval=2) VMP14 = sum( abs( high - low[1]), period_14 ) VMM14 = sum( abs( low - high[1]), period_14 ) STR14 = sum( atr(1), period_14 ) VIP14 = VMP14 / STR14 //blue VIM14 = VMM14 / STR14 //pink percentGapVI14 = 0.0 percentGapVI14 := (abs(VIP14-VIM14)/VIM14)*100 //BW VI Long Period - BW Length = 20 butVIP14 = 0.0 butVIM14 = 0.0 butVIP14 := cf21BW1*(VIP14+2*nz(VIP14[1])+nz(VIP14[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butVIP14[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butVIP14[2]) butVIM14 := cf21BW1*(VIM14+2*nz(VIM14[1])+nz(VIM14[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butVIM14[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butVIM14[2]) //BW VI Long Slope Analysis slopeVIM14 = nz(butVIM14[1]) - nz(butVIM14[2]) - (nz(butVIM14[2]) - nz(butVIM14[3]) ) slopeVIM142 = (butVIM14 - butVIM14[2])/2 slopeVIP14 = nz(butVIP14[1]) - nz(butVIP14[2]) - (nz(butVIP14[2]) - nz(butVIP14[3]) ) slopeVIP142 = (butVIP14 - butVIP14[2])/2 //BW VI Long percent gap BWpercentGapVI14 = 0.0 BWpercentGapVI14 := (abs(butVIP14-butVIM14)/butVIM14)*100 //Length 50, BW 30 period_50 = input(50, minval=2) VMP50 = sum( abs( high - low[1]), period_50 ) VMM50 = sum( abs( low - high[1]), period_50 ) STR50 = sum( atr(1), period_50 ) VIP50 = VMP50 / STR50 //blue VIM50 = VMM50 / STR50 //pink percentGapVI50 = 0.0 percentGapVI50 := (abs(VIP50-VIM50)/VIM50)*100 //BW VI Long Period - BW Length = 25 butVIP50 = 0.0 butVIM50 = 0.0 butVIP50 := cf21BW30*(VIP50+2*nz(VIP50[1])+nz(VIP50[2]))+cf22BW30*nz(butVIP50[1])+cf23BW30*nz(butVIP50[2]) butVIM50 := cf21BW30*(VIM50+2*nz(VIM50[1])+nz(VIM50[2]))+cf22BW30*nz(butVIM50[1])+cf23BW30*nz(butVIM50[2]) //BW VI Long Slope Analysis slopeVIM50 = nz(butVIM50[1]) - nz(butVIM50[2]) - (nz(butVIM50[2]) - nz(butVIM50[3]) ) slopeVIM502 = (butVIM50 - butVIM50[2])/2 slopeVIP50 = nz(butVIP50[1]) - nz(butVIP50[2]) - (nz(butVIP50[2]) - nz(butVIP50[3]) ) slopeVIP502 = (butVIP50 - butVIP50[2])/2 //BW VI Long percent gap BWpercentGapVI50 = 0.0 BWpercentGapVI50 := (abs(butVIP50-butVIM50))/butVIM50*100 //Length 20, BW 10 period_20 = input(20, minval=2) VMP20 = sum( abs( high - low[1]), period_20 ) VMM20 = sum( abs( low - high[1]), period_20 ) STR20 = sum( atr(1), period_20 ) VIP20 = VMP20 / STR20 //blue VIM20 = VMM20 / STR20 //pink percentGapVI20 = 0.0 percentGapVI20 := (abs(VIP20-VIM20)/VIM20)*100 //BW VI Long Period - BW Length = 25 butVIP20 = 0.0 butVIM20 = 0.0 butVIP20 := cf21BW10*(VIP20+2*nz(VIP20[1])+nz(VIP20[2]))+cf22BW10*nz(butVIP20[1])+cf23BW10*nz(butVIP20[2]) butVIM20 := cf21BW10*(VIM20+2*nz(VIM20[1])+nz(VIM20[2]))+cf22BW10*nz(butVIM20[1])+cf23BW10*nz(butVIM20[2]) //BW VI Long Slope Analysis slopeVIM20 = nz(butVIM20[1]) - nz(butVIM20[2]) - (nz(butVIM20[2]) - nz(butVIM20[3]) ) slopeVIM202 = (butVIM20 - butVIM20[2])/2 slopeVIP20 = nz(butVIP20[1]) - nz(butVIP20[2]) - (nz(butVIP20[2]) - nz(butVIP20[3]) ) slopeVIP202 = (butVIP20 - butVIP20[2])/2 //BW VI Long percent gap BWpercentGapVI20 = 0.0 BWpercentGapVI20 := (abs(butVIP20-butVIM20))/butVIM20*100 ///////////////////////////////////ADX & DI//////////////////////////////////////////////// TrueRange = max(max(high-low, abs(high-nz(close[1]))), abs(low-nz(close[1]))) DirectionalMovementPlus = high-nz(high[1]) > nz(low[1])-low ? max(high-nz(high[1]), 0): 0 DirectionalMovementMinus = nz(low[1])-low > high-nz(high[1]) ? max(nz(low[1])-low, 0): 0 //TEMPLATE // len = input(title="Length", defval=9) // SmoothedTrueRange = 0.0 // SmoothedTrueRange := nz(SmoothedTrueRange[1]) - (nz(SmoothedTrueRange[1])/len) + TrueRange // SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus = 0.0 // SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus[1])/len) + DirectionalMovementPlus // SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus = 0.0 // SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus[1])/len) + DirectionalMovementMinus // DIPlus = 0.0 // DIPlus := SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus / SmoothedTrueRange * 100 //green // DIMinus = 0.0 // DIMinus := SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus / SmoothedTrueRange * 100 //red // DX = 0.0 // DX := abs(DIPlus-DIMinus) / (DIPlus+DIMinus)*100 // ADX = sma(DX, len) //black // ADXslope = (ADX-ADX[1]) // DIpercentgap = abs(DIPlus-DIMinus)/DIMinus* 100 // //BW DI Long Period - BW Length = ### // butDIP = 0.0 // butDIM = 0.0 // butDIP := cf21BW*(DIPlus+2*nz(DIPlus[1])+nz(DIPlus[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butDIP[1])+cf23BW*nz(butDIP[2]) // butDIM := cf21BW*(DIMinus+2*nz(DIMinus[1])+nz(DIMinus[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butDIM[1])+cf23BW*nz(butDIM[2]) // //BW DI Long Slope Analysis // slopeDIM = nz(butDIM[1]) - nz(butDIM[2]) - (nz(butDIM[2]) - nz(butDIM[3]) ) // slopeDIM2 = (butDIM- butDIM[2])/2 // slopeDIP = nz(butDIP[1]) - nz(butDIP[2]) - (nz(butDIP[2]) - nz(butDIP[3]) ) // slopeDIP2 = (butDIP - butDIP[2])/2 // //BW DI percent gap // BWpercentGapDI = 0.0 // BWpercentGapDI := (abs(butDIP-butDIM)/butDIM)*100 //////////////SHORT////////////// lenshort = input(title="Length", defval=9) SmoothedTrueRangeshort = 0.0 SmoothedTrueRangeshort := nz(SmoothedTrueRangeshort[1]) - (nz(SmoothedTrueRangeshort[1])/lenshort) + TrueRange SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusshort = 0.0 SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusshort := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusshort[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusshort[1])/lenshort) + DirectionalMovementPlus SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusshort = 0.0 SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusshort := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusshort[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusshort[1])/lenshort) + DirectionalMovementMinus DIPlusshort = 0.0 DIPlusshort := SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusshort / SmoothedTrueRangeshort * 100 //green DIMinusshort = 0.0 DIMinusshort := SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusshort / SmoothedTrueRangeshort * 100 //red DXshort = 0.0 DXshort := abs(DIPlusshort-DIMinusshort) / (DIPlusshort+DIMinusshort)*100 ADXshort = sma(DXshort, lenshort) //black ADXslopeshort = (ADXshort-ADXshort[2])/2 DIpercentgapshort = abs(DIPlusshort-DIMinusshort)/DIMinusshort * 100 //////////////MEDIUM////////////// lenmed = input(title="Length", defval=30) SmoothedTrueRangemed = 0.0 SmoothedTrueRangemed := nz(SmoothedTrueRangemed[1]) - (nz(SmoothedTrueRangemed[1])/lenmed) + TrueRange SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusmed = 0.0 SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusmed := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusmed[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusmed[1])/lenmed) + DirectionalMovementPlus SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusmed = 0.0 SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusmed := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusmed[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusmed[1])/lenmed) + DirectionalMovementMinus DIPlusmed = 0.0 DIPlusmed := SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlusmed / SmoothedTrueRangemed * 100 //green DIMinusmed = 0.0 DIMinusmed := SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinusmed / SmoothedTrueRangemed * 100 //red DXmed = 0.0 DXmed := abs(DIPlusmed-DIMinusmed) / (DIPlusmed+DIMinusmed)*100 ADXmed = sma(DXmed, lenmed) //black slopeADXmed = nz(ADXmed[1]) - nz(ADXmed[2]) - (nz(ADXmed[2]) - nz(ADXmed[3]) ) > 0 slopeADXmed2 = (ADXmed - ADXmed[2])/2 DIpercentgapmed = abs(DIPlusmed-DIMinusmed)/DIMinusmed * 100 //BW DI Med Period - BW Length = 20 butDIPmed = 0.0 butDIMmed = 0.0 butDIPmed := cf21BW20*(DIPlusmed+2*nz(DIPlusmed[1])+nz(DIPlusmed[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butDIPmed[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butDIPmed[2]) butDIMmed := cf21BW20*(DIMinusmed+2*nz(DIMinusmed[1])+nz(DIMinusmed[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butDIMmed[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butDIMmed[2]) //BW DI Med Slope Analysis slopeDIMmed = nz(butDIMmed[1]) - nz(butDIMmed[2]) - (nz(butDIMmed[2]) - nz(butDIMmed[3]) ) slopeDIMmed2 = (butDIMmed - butDIMmed[2])/2 slopeDIPmed = nz(butDIPmed[1]) - nz(butDIPmed[2]) - (nz(butDIPmed[2]) - nz(butDIPmed[3]) ) slopeDIPmed2 = (butDIPmed - butDIPmed[2])/2 //BW DI Med percent gap BWpercentGapDImed = 0.0 BWpercentGapDImed := (abs(butDIPmed-butDIMmed)/butDIMmed)*100 ///////////////LONG///////////////// lenlong = input(title="Length", defval=100) SmoothedTrueRangelong = 0.0 SmoothedTrueRangelong := nz(SmoothedTrueRangelong[1]) - (nz(SmoothedTrueRangelong[1])/lenlong) + TrueRange SmoothedDirectionalMovementPluslong = 0.0 SmoothedDirectionalMovementPluslong := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPluslong[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPluslong[1])/lenlong) + DirectionalMovementPlus SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinuslong = 0.0 SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinuslong := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinuslong[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinuslong[1])/lenlong) + DirectionalMovementMinus DIPluslong = 0.0 DIPluslong := SmoothedDirectionalMovementPluslong / SmoothedTrueRangelong * 100 //green DIMinuslong = 0.0 DIMinuslong := SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinuslong / SmoothedTrueRangelong * 100 //red DXlong = 0.0 DXlong := abs(DIPluslong-DIMinuslong) / (DIPluslong+DIMinuslong)*100 ADXlong = sma(DXlong, lenlong) //black //Derived Values ADXslopelongpt = (ADXlong-ADXlong[5])/5 //Point Slope ADXslopelongLT = (ADXlong-ADXlong[20])/20 //Long term slope DIpercentgaplong = abs(DIPluslong-DIMinuslong)/DIMinuslong * 100 //BW DI Long Period - BW Length = 30 butDIPlong = 0.0 butDIMlong = 0.0 butDIPlong := cf21BW30*(DIPluslong+2*nz(DIPluslong[1])+nz(DIPluslong[2]))+cf22BW30*nz(butDIPlong[1])+cf23BW30*nz(butDIPlong[2]) butDIMlong := cf21BW30*(DIMinuslong+2*nz(DIMinuslong[1])+nz(DIMinuslong[2]))+cf22BW30*nz(butDIMlong[1])+cf23BW30*nz(butDIMlong[2]) //BW DI Long Slope Analysis slopeDIMlong = nz(butDIMlong[1]) - nz(butDIMlong[2]) - (nz(butDIMlong[2]) - nz(butDIMlong[3]) ) slopeDIMlong2 = (butDIMlong - butDIMlong[2])/2 slopeDIPlong = nz(butDIPlong[1]) - nz(butDIPlong[2]) - (nz(butDIPlong[2]) - nz(butDIPlong[3]) ) slopeDIPlong2 = (butDIPlong - butDIPlong[2])/2 //BW DI percent gap BWpercentGapDIlong = 0.0 BWpercentGapDIlong := (abs(butDIPlong-butDIMlong)/butDIMlong)*100 //ADX&DI Length 14 len14 = input(title="Length", defval=14) SmoothedTrueRange14 = 0.0 SmoothedTrueRange14 := nz(SmoothedTrueRange14[1]) - (nz(SmoothedTrueRange14[1])/len14) + TrueRange SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus14 = 0.0 SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus14 := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus14[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus14[1])/len14) + DirectionalMovementPlus SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus14 = 0.0 SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus14 := nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus14[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus14[1])/len14) + DirectionalMovementMinus DIPlus14 = 0.0 DIPlus14 := SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus14 / SmoothedTrueRange14 * 100 //green DIMinus14 = 0.0 DIMinus14 := SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus14 / SmoothedTrueRange14 * 100 //red DX14 = 0.0 DX14 := abs(DIPlus14-DIMinus14) / (DIPlus14+DIMinus14)*100 ADX14 = sma(DX14, len14) //black ADXslope14 = (ADX14-ADX14[1]) DIpercentgap14 = abs(DIPlus14-DIMinus14)/DIMinus14* 100 //BW DI Long Period - BW Length = ### butDIP14 = 0.0 butDIM14 = 0.0 butDIP14 := cf21BW20*(DIPlus14+2*nz(DIPlus14[1])+nz(DIPlus14[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butDIP14[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butDIP14[2]) butDIM14 := cf21BW20*(DIMinus14+2*nz(DIMinus14[1])+nz(DIMinus14[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butDIM14[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butDIM14[2]) //BW DI Long Slope Analysis slopeDIM14 = nz(butDIM14[1]) - nz(butDIM14[2]) - (nz(butDIM14[2]) - nz(butDIM14[3]) ) slopeDIM142 = (butDIM14- butDIM14[2])/2 slopeDIP14 = nz(butDIP14[1]) - nz(butDIP14[2]) - (nz(butDIP14[2]) - nz(butDIP14[3]) ) slopeDIP142 = (butDIP14 - butDIP14[2])/2 //BW DI percent gap BWpercentGapDI14 = 0.0 BWpercentGapDI14 := (abs(butDIP14-butDIM14)/butDIM14)*100 //////////////////////////////////////CHOPPINESS/////////////////////////////////////////// //TEMPLATE //Length, BW - (##, ##) // lengthCI = input(50, minval=1) // logb10=log10(lengthCI) // sumATR=sum(atr(1),lengthCI) // maxhi=highest(lengthCI) // minlo=lowest(lengthCI) // chop=100*log10(sumATR/(maxhi-minlo))/logb10 // butChoppiness=0.0 // butChoppiness:=cf21BW*(chop+2*nz(chop[1])+nz(chop[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butChoppiness[1])+cf23BW*nz(butChoppiness[2]) //Short - CI(20) lengthCIshort = input(20, minval=1), logb10short=log10(lengthCIshort) sumATRshort=sum(atr(1),lengthCIshort) maxhishort=highest(lengthCIshort) minloshort=lowest(lengthCIshort) chopshort=100*log10(sumATRshort/(maxhishort-minloshort))/logb10short //Medium - CI(30) lengthCImed = input(30, minval=1), logb10med=log10(lengthCImed) sumATRmed=sum(atr(1),lengthCImed) maxhimed=highest(lengthCImed) minlomed=lowest(lengthCImed) chopmed=100*log10(sumATRmed/(maxhimed-minlomed))/logb10med //Long - CI(200) lengthCIlong = input(200, minval=1) logb10long=log10(lengthCIlong) sumATRlong=sum(atr(1),lengthCIlong) maxhilong=highest(lengthCIlong) minlolong=lowest(lengthCIlong) choplong=100*log10(sumATRlong/(maxhilong-minlolong))/logb10long //(50, 20) lengthCI50 = input(50, minval=1) logb1050=log10(lengthCI50) sumATR50=sum(atr(1),lengthCI50) maxhi50=highest(lengthCI50) minlo50=lowest(lengthCI50) chop50=100*log10(sumATR50/(maxhi50-minlo50))/logb1050 butChoppiness50=0.0 butChoppiness50:=cf21BW20*(chop50+2*nz(chop50[1])+nz(chop50[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butChoppiness50[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butChoppiness50[2]) ///////////////////////////////////KLINGER OSCILLATOR////////////////////////////////////// signalLine = input(13, minval=1) fastLength = input(34, minval=1) slowLength= input(55, minval=1) sv = change(hlc3) >= 0 ? volume : -volume kvo = ema(sv, fastLength) - ema(sv, slowLength) sig = ema(kvo, signalLine) //Add BW? //////////////////////////////////COPPOCK CURVE//////////////////////////////////////////// //TEMPLATE //(WMA, Long ROC, Short ROC) - (###, ###, ###) // wmaLength = input(title="WMA Length", defval=200) // longRoCLength = input(title="Long RoC Length", defval=100) // shortRoCLength = input(title="Short RoC Length", defval=10) // curve = wma(roc(source, shortRoCLength) + roc(source, longRoCLength), wmaLength) // curveslopept = (curve-curve[1]) //Point Slope // curveslope10pt = (curve-curve[5])/5 //5 Point Slope // curveslopeLT = (curve-curve[20])/20 //Long Term Slope //Short - CC(10,10,10) wmaLengthshort = input(title="WMA Length", defval=10) longRoCLengthshort = input(title="Long RoC Length", defval=10) shortRoCLengthshort = input(title="Short RoC Length", defval=10) curveshort = wma(roc(source, longRoCLengthshort) + roc(source, shortRoCLengthshort), wmaLengthshort) curveshortslope = (curveshort-curveshort[2])/2 //Medium - CC(20,20,20) wmaLengthmed = input(title="WMA Length", defval=20) longRoCLengthmed = input(title="Long RoC Length", defval=20) shortRoCLengthmed = input(title="Short RoC Length", defval=20) curvemed = wma(roc(source, longRoCLengthmed) + roc(source, shortRoCLengthmed), wmaLengthmed) curvemedslope = (curvemed-curvemed[2])/2 //Long - CC(200,200,20) wmaLengthlong = input(title="WMA Length", defval=200) longRoCLengthlong = input(title="Long RoC Length", defval=200) shortRoCLengthlong = input(title="Short RoC Length", defval=50) curvelong = wma(roc(source, longRoCLengthlong) + roc(source, shortRoCLengthlong), wmaLengthlong) curvelongslopept = (curvelong-curvelong[1]) //Point Slope curvelongslope2pt = (curvelong-curvelong[2])/2 // 2 Point Slope curvelongslope5pt = (curvelong-curvelong[5])/5 //5 Point Slope curvelongslope10pt = (curvelong-curvelong[10])/10 //10 Point Slope curvelongslopeLT = (curvelong-curvelong[20])/20 //Long Term Slope //CC(200, 100, 10) wmaLength20010010 = input(title="WMA Length", defval=200) longRoCLength20010010 = input(title="Long RoC Length", defval=100) shortRoCLength20010010 = input(title="Short RoC Length", defval=10) curve20010010 = wma(roc(source, shortRoCLength20010010) + roc(source, longRoCLength20010010), wmaLength20010010) curveslopept20010010 = (curve20010010-curve20010010[1]) //Point Slope curveslope5pt20010010 = (curve20010010-curve20010010[5])/5 //5 Point Slope curveslopeLT20010010 = (curve20010010-curve20010010[20])/20 //Long Term Slope //(WMA, Long ROC, Short ROC) - (100, 100, 20) // wmaLength = input(title="WMA Length", defval=200) // longRoCLength = input(title="Long RoC Length", defval=100) // shortRoCLength = input(title="Short RoC Length", defval=10) // curve = wma(roc(source, shortRoCLength) + roc(source, longRoCLength), wmaLength) // curveslopept = (curve-curve[1]) //Point Slope // curveslope10pt = (curve-curve[5])/5 //5 Point Slope // curveslopeLT = (curve-curve[20])/20 //Long Term Slope //(WMA, Long ROC, Short ROC) - (50, 50, 20) // wmaLength = input(title="WMA Length", defval=200) // longRoCLength = input(title="Long RoC Length", defval=100) // shortRoCLength = input(title="Short RoC Length", defval=10) // curve = wma(roc(source, shortRoCLength) + roc(source, longRoCLength), wmaLength) // curveslopept = (curve-curve[1]) //Point Slope // curveslope10pt = (curve-curve[5])/5 //5 Point Slope // curveslopeLT = (curve-curve[20])/20 //Long Term Slope /////////////////////////////////////TRIX////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Short lengthTRIXshort = input(5, minval=1) TRIXshort = 10000* change(ema(ema(ema(log(close), lengthTRIXshort), lengthTRIXshort), lengthTRIXshort)) TRIXshortslope = (TRIXshort-TRIXshort[2])/2 //Medium lengthTRIXmed = input(20, minval=1) TRIXmed = 10000* change(ema(ema(ema(log(close), lengthTRIXmed), lengthTRIXmed), lengthTRIXmed)) TRIXmedslope = (TRIXmed-TRIXmed[2])/2 //Long lengthTRIXlong = input(100, minval=1) TRIXlong = 10000* change(ema(ema(ema(log(close), lengthTRIXlong), lengthTRIXlong), lengthTRIXlong)) TRIXlongslopept = (TRIXlong-TRIXlong[2])/2 //Point Slope TRIXlongslopeLT = (TRIXlong-TRIXlong[10])/10 //Long Term Slope //TRIX 10 lengthTRIX10 = input(10, minval=1) TRIX10 = 10000* change(ema(ema(ema(log(close), lengthTRIX10), lengthTRIX10), lengthTRIX10)) TRIX10slope = (TRIX10-TRIX10[2])/2 //TRIX 30 lengthTRIX30 = input(30, minval=1) TRIX30 = 10000* change(ema(ema(ema(log(close), lengthTRIX30), lengthTRIX30), lengthTRIX30)) TRIX30slope = (TRIX30-TRIX30[2])/2 //TRIX 40 lengthTRIX40 = input(40, minval=1) TRIX40 = 10000* change(ema(ema(ema(log(close), lengthTRIX40), lengthTRIX40), lengthTRIX40)) TRIX40slope = (TRIX40-TRIX40[2])/2 //TRIX 50 lengthTRIX50 = input(50, minval=1) TRIX50 = 10000* change(ema(ema(ema(log(close), lengthTRIX50), lengthTRIX50), lengthTRIX50)) TRIX50slope = (TRIX50-TRIX50[2])/2 //TRIX 80 lengthTRIX80 = input(80, minval=1) TRIX80 = 10000* change(ema(ema(ema(log(close), lengthTRIX80), lengthTRIX80), lengthTRIX80)) TRIX80slope = (TRIX80-TRIX80[2])/2 ////////////////////////////////////AWESOME OSCILLATOR///////////////////////////////////// //Short lengthAO1short=input(34,minval=1) lengthAO2short=input(7,minval=1) AOshortp1 = sma(hl2, lengthAO2short) AOshortp2 = sma(hl2, lengthAO1short) AOshort = 0.0 AOshort := AOshortp1 - AOshortp2 AOshortper = AOshort/close*100 //Medium lengthAO1med=input(40,minval=1) lengthAO2med=input(20,minval=1) AOmed=0.0 AOmed := sma((high+low)/2, lengthAO1med) - sma((high+low/2), lengthAO2med) //Long lengthAO1long=input(200,minval=1) lengthAO2long=input(50,minval=1) AOlong=0.0 AOlong := sma((high+low)/2, lengthAO1long) - sma((high+low/2), lengthAO2long) //reversalptAO is AOlong > AOlong[1] and AOlong[1]<AOlong[2] /////////////////////////////////////////OBV & PVT////////////////////////////////////////// //TEMPLATE - BW Length ### // butOBVPVT = cf21BW*(xOBVPVT+2*nz(xOBVPVT[1])+nz(xOBVPVT[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butxOBVPVT[1])+cf23BW*nz(butxOBVPVT[2]) // slopeOBVPVT = butOBVPVT - butOBVPVT[5] //CONSTANTS OBVPVT = volume * (close - (close[1])) xOBVPVT = cum(OBVPVT) /////////////////////////////////ACCUMULATION/DISTRIBUTION////////////////////////////////// //CONSTANTS // ACDST = cum(close==high and close==low or high==low ? 0 : ((2*close-low-high)/(high-low))*volume) //TEMPLATE // ACDST BWLength ## // butACDST=cf21BW*(ACDST+2*nz(ACDST[1])+nz(ACDST[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butACDST[1])+cf23BW*nz(butACDST[2]) // slopeACDST2 = butACDST - butACDST[5] /////////////////////////////////////CHAIKIN OSCILLATOR///////////////////////////////////// //TEMPLATE //(Short, Long, BW) - (###, ###, ###) // fastlenChOsc = input(3,minval=1) // slowlenChOsc = input(10,minval=1) // chOscshort10 = ema(accdist, fastlenChOsc) - ema(accdist, slowlenChOsc) // //BW Chaikin Oscillator - Length BW = 1 // butchOsc = 0.0 // butchOsc := cf21BW1*(chOscshort+2*nz(chOsc[1])+nz(chOsc[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butchOsc[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butchOsc[2]) // //BW Chaikin Osc Slope Analysis // slopechOsc = nz(butchOsc[1]) - nz(butchOsc[2]) - (nz(butchOsc[2]) - nz(butchOsc[3]) ) > 0 // slopechOsc2 = (butchOsc - butchOsc[2])/2 //Short fastlenshortChOsc = input(5,minval=1) slowlenshortChOsc = input(10,minval=1) chOscshort = ema(accdist, fastlenshortChOsc) - ema(accdist, slowlenshortChOsc) //BW Chaikin Oscillator - Length BW = 1 butchOscshort = 0.0 butchOscshort := cf21BW1*(chOscshort+2*nz(chOscshort[1])+nz(chOscshort[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butchOscshort[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butchOscshort[2]) //BW Chaikin Osc Slope Analysis slopechOscshort = nz(butchOscshort[1]) - nz(butchOscshort[2]) - (nz(butchOscshort[2]) - nz(butchOscshort[3]) ) > 0 slopechOscshort2 = (butchOscshort - butchOscshort[2])/2 //Medium //Large //(10, 100, 1) fastlenChOsc101001 = input(10,minval=1) slowlenChOsc101001 = input(100,minval=1) chOsc101001 = ema(accdist, fastlenChOsc101001) - ema(accdist, slowlenChOsc101001) // BW Chaikin Oscillator - Length BW = 1 butchOsc101001 = 0.0 butchOsc101001 := cf21BW1*(chOsc101001+2*nz(chOsc101001[1])+nz(chOsc101001[2]))+cf22BW1*nz(butchOsc101001[1])+cf23BW1*nz(butchOsc101001[2]) // BW Chaikin Osc Slope Analysis slopechOsc101001 = nz(butchOsc101001[1]) - nz(butchOsc101001[2]) - (nz(butchOsc101001[2]) - nz(butchOsc101001[3]) ) > 0 slopechOsc1010012 = (butchOsc101001 - butchOsc101001[2])/2 //(20, 40, 20) fastlenChOsc204020 = input(20,minval=1) slowlenChOsc204020 = input(40,minval=1) chOsc204020 = ema(accdist, fastlenChOsc204020) - ema(accdist, slowlenChOsc204020) // BW Chaikin Oscillator - Length BW = 20 butchOsc204020 = 0.0 butchOsc204020 := cf21BW20*(chOsc204020+2*nz(chOsc204020[1])+nz(chOsc204020[2]))+cf22BW20*nz(butchOsc204020[1])+cf23BW20*nz(butchOsc204020[2]) // BW Chaikin Osc Slope Analysis slopechOsc204020 = nz(butchOsc204020[1]) - nz(butchOsc204020[2]) - (nz(butchOsc204020[2]) - nz(butchOsc204020[3]) ) > 0 slopechOsc2040202 = (butchOsc204020 - butchOsc204020[2])/2 /////////////////////////////////ADVANCE CHAIKIN MONEY FLOW///////////////////////////////// // //CONSTANTS // srcACMF=input(hlc3) // mvsACMF = input(false, "Factor in Price (Money Volume)") // trlACMF = min(low,close[1]) // trhACMF = max(high,close[1]) // //TEMPLATE // lenACMF = input(20, minval=1) // eACMF = input(10.0, minval=1) //Volume Exponent - (0-10 reduces & 10+ increases volume effect) // wvACMF = pow(volume,eACMF/10.0)*(mvsACMF ? srcACMF : 1) // adACMF = (trhACMF==trlACMF ? 0 : (2*close-(trhACMF+trlACMF))/tr(true))*wvACMF // cmACMF = sum(adACMF, lenACMF)/sum(wvACMF, lenACMF) // butACMF = 0.0 // butACMF := cf21BW*(ACMF+2*nz(ACMF[1])+nz(ACMF[2]))+cf22BW*nz(butACMF[1])+cf23BW*nz(butACMF[2]) // slopeACMF2 = butACMF - butACMF[5] //Short //Medium //Large /////////////////////////////////////////VOLATILITY////////////////////////////////////////// //TEMPLATE // lenVolt = input(10, minval=1) // volATR = atr(lenVolt) // volRes = ((lenVolt - 1) * nz(volRes[1], 0) + volATR) / lenVolt // slopevolRes = volRes - volRes[5] //Short //Medium //Large ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////***************************MOVING AVERAGES***************************//////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //McGinley Dynamic lengthMGD = input(14, minval=1) mgd = 0.0 mgd := na(mgd[1]) ? ema(source, lengthMGD) : mgd[1] + (source - mgd[1]) / (lengthMGD * pow(source/mgd[1], 4)) //TEMA lengthTEMA = input(9, minval=1) ema1 = ema(close, lengthTEMA) ema2 = ema(ema1, lengthTEMA) ema3 = ema(ema2, lengthTEMA) outTEMA = 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3 //LSMA lengthLSMA = input(title="Length", defval=15) offsetLSMA = input(title="Offset", defval=0) LSMA = linreg(source, lengthLSMA, offsetLSMA) //SMAs len10 = input(10,minval=1) len20 = input(20,minval=1) len50 = input(50,minval=1) len100 = input(100,minval=1) len200 = input(200,minval=1) MA10 = sma(source,len10) MA20 = sma(source,len20) MA50 = sma(source,len50) MA100 = sma(source,len100) MA200 = sma(source,len200) //MA Calculations LSTEMAdiff= abs(LSMA-outTEMA) LSTEMApercentdiff=(abs(outTEMA-LSMA)/outTEMA)*100 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////**************************************************************CASES****************************************************************///// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////*************************OLD BUY CASES*************************////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //GIVE ALL THESE CASES DESCRIPTIONS w/ L/M/S TREND CLASSIFICATION// ///////////////////////////////BUY CASES//////////////////////////////// //*******************************************************************************************************************// //************************************Use OC2 in conjunction with OC1************************************************// //*******************************************************************************************************************// //*************Carry Over 1 - OC1 (Previously Buy 1B): Downtrend Oscillations captured by ROC, RSI, MACD*************// //**********************************// // ROCshort(9, BW1) // RSI(14) // StochRSI(3, 3, 14, 14) // ChandeMOshort(9, BW1) // MACDdef(12, 26, 9) // VI(14) //**********************************// if (ROCshort <= 0.0 and butRSI <= 49.00 and kshort <= 20.00 and dshort <= 20.00 and histdef<0.0 and MACDdef<0.0 and signaldef<0.0 and chandeMOshort<0.0 and VIP14<VIM14 and VIM14<VIM14[1]) strategy.entry("OC1", longcases ? (STcases ? (aOC1 ? strategy.long : na) : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="OC1") else strategy.cancel(id="OC1") OC1= ROCshort <= 0.0 and RSI <= 40.00 and RSI >= 25.00 and kshort <= 20.00 and dshort <= 20.00 and histdef<0.0 and MACDdef<0.0 and signaldef<0.0 and chandeMOshort<0.0 and VIP14<VIM14 and VIM14<VIM14[1] plotshape(longcasesplot ? (STcasesplot ? (aOC1p ? OC1 : na) : na) : na, color=#FF00FF, text='OC1') //*************Carry Over 2 - OC2 (Previously Buy 10): Less Frequent OC1; to be used as support for each other*************// //**********************************// // ROCshort(9, BW1) // RSI(14) // StochRSI(3, 3, 14, 14) // ChandeMOshort(9, BW1) // MACDdef(12, 26, 9) // VI(14) // Bollinger Bands(20, 2.5) // TEMA(9) //**********************************// if (ROCshort<0.0 and RSI <= 35.00 and (kshort <= 10.00 or dshort <= 10.00) and histdef<0.0 and MACDdef<0.0 and signaldef<0.0 and chandeMOshort < 0.0 and chandeMOshort[1]<chandeMOshort and LSTEMAdiff[1]>LSTEMAdiff and VIP14 < VIM14 and percentGapBB > 5.50) strategy.entry("OC2", longcases ? (STcases ? (aOC2 ? strategy.long : na) : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="OC2") else strategy.cancel(id="OC2") OC2 = ROCshort<0.0 and RSI <= 35.00 and (kshort <= 10.00 or dshort <= 10.00) and histdef<0.0 and MACDdef<0.0 and signaldef<0.0 and chandeMOshort < 0.0 and chandeMOshort[1]<chandeMOshort and LSTEMAdiff[1]>LSTEMAdiff and VIP14 < VIM14 and percentGapBB > 5.50 plotshape(longcasesplot ? (STcasesplot ? (aOC2p ? OC2 : na) : na) : na, color=#FF00FF, text='OC2') //*******************************************************************************************************************// //*******************************************************************************************************************// //*******************************************************************************************************************// /////////////////////////CLOSE BUY CASES//////////////////////////////// strategy.close("OC1", when = (kshort>75 or dshort>75)) strategy.close("OC2", when = (kshort>75 or dshort>75)) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////*************************SHORT TRENDS*************************////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////TEMPLATE///////////////////////////////// //# - Short Trend Buy #: //if () // strategy.entry("STB#", strategy.long, stop=lowerbb,comment="STB#") //else // strategy.cancel(id="STB#") //STB# = //plotshape(STB#, color=green, text='STB#') ///////////////////////////////BUY CASES//////////////////////////////// //*************1 - Short Trend Buy 1: Chaikin Oscillator Reversal with TRIX5 Support*************// //-----Completed; refer to Algorithm Development excel sheet, tab Case Documentation for further details-----// //**********************************// // Chaikin Oscillator(5, 10, BW1) // TRIX(5) //**********************************// if ((slopechOscshort2>0.0 and slopechOscshort2[1]<0.0 and TRIXshortslope > 0.0 and TRIXshort < 0.0) or (slopechOscshort2>0.0 and TRIXshortslope > 0.0 and TRIXshortslope[1] < 0.0 and TRIXshort < 0.0)) strategy.entry("STB1", longcases ? (STcases ? (aST1 ? strategy.long : na) : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="STB1") else strategy.cancel(id="STB1") STB1 = ((slopechOscshort2>0.0 and slopechOscshort2[1]<0.0 and TRIXshortslope > 0.0 and TRIXshort < 0.0) or (slopechOscshort2>0.0 and TRIXshortslope > 0.0 and TRIXshortslope[1] < 0.0 and TRIXshort < 0.0)) plotshape(longcasesplot ? (STcasesplot ? (aST1p ? STB1 : na) : na) : na, location.belowbar, color=green, text='STB1') //*************2 - Short Trend Buy 2: MACD Reversal with ROC/CMO Support*************// //-----Completed; refer to Algorithm Development excel sheet, tab Case Documentation for further details-----// //**********************************// // ROC(9, BW1) // ChandeMO(9, BW1) // MACD(12, 26, 9) //**********************************// if ((butROCshort[1]<0.0 or butCMOshort[1]<0.0) and ((slopeROCshort2>0.0 and slopeROCshort2[1]<0.0) or (slopeCMOshort2>0.0 and slopeCMOshort2[1]<0.0)) and MACDdef < signaldef and BWpercentGapMACDdef[1]>BWpercentGapMACDdef) strategy.entry("STB2", longcases ? (STcases ? (aST2 ? strategy.long : na) : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="STB2") else strategy.cancel(id="STB2") STB2 = ((butROCshort[1]<0.0 or butCMOshort[1]<0.0) and ((slopeROCshort2>0.0 and slopeROCshort2[1]<0.0) or (slopeCMOshort2>0.0 and slopeCMOshort2[1]<0.0)) and MACDdef < signaldef and BWpercentGapMACDdef[1]>BWpercentGapMACDdef) plotshape(longcasesplot ? (STcasesplot ? (aST2p ? STB2 : na) : na) : na, color=green, text='STB2') /////////////////////////CLOSE BUY CASES//////////////////////////////// //**********************************STB1***********************************// if (TRIXshortslope > 0.0 and TRIX10slope < 0.0) strategy.close("STB1", when = (TRIXshortslope < 0.0)) else if (TRIXshortslope > 0.0 and TRIX10slope > 0.0) strategy.close("STB1", when = (TRIX10slope<0.0)) else strategy.close("STB1", when = (TRIXshortslope<0.0)) //**********************************STB2***********************************// strategy.close("STB2", when = (kshort>90 or (slopeRSIpt < 0.0 and kshort > 75.0))) //**********************************STB3***********************************// //strategy.close("STB3", when = ()) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////*************************MEDIUM TRENDS*************************////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////TEMPLATE///////////////////////////////// //# - Medium Trend Buy #: //if () // strategy.entry("MTB#", strategy.long, stop=lowerbb,comment="MTB#") //else // strategy.cancel(id="MTB#") //MTB# = //plotshape(MTB#, color=green, text='MTB#') ///////////////////////////////BUY CASES//////////////////////////////// //*************3 - Medium Trend Buy 3: Vortex Indicator Oscillations on Uptrends*************// //-----Completed; refer to Algorithm Development excel sheet, tab Case Documentation for further details-----// //**********************************// // VI(20, BW10) //**********************************// if (VIP20<VIM20 and slopeVIM202[1]>0.0 and slopeVIP202>0.0) //and BWpercentGapVI20 > ## strategy.entry("MTB3", longcases ? (MTcases ? (aMT3 ? strategy.long : na) : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="MTB3") else if (VIP20<VIM20 and slopeVIM202[2]>0.0 and slopeVIP202>0.0) strategy.entry("MTB3", longcases ? (MTcases ? (aMT3 ? strategy.long : na) : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="MTB3") else strategy.cancel(id="MTB3") MTB3 = (VIP20<VIM20 and (slopeVIM202[1]>0.0 or slopeVIM202[2]>0.0) and slopeVIP202>0.0)// and BWpercentGapVI20 > 5.0) plotshape(longcasesplot ? (MTcasesplot ? (aMT3p ? MTB3 : na) : na) : na, color=red, text='MTB3') //*************4 - Medium Trend Buy 4: MACD Crossover*************// //-----Completed; refer to Algorithm Development excel sheet, tab Case Documentation for further development-----// //**********************************// // MACD Long - (50, 100, 20) // Choppiness - (50, BW20) // BW MACD Long - BW40 //**********************************// if (MACDlong < 0.0 and MACDlong[1]<signallong[1] and MACDlong>signallong and butChoppiness50<53.0 and TRIX40slope>0.0)// and butChoppiness50<50.0) strategy.entry("MTB4", longcases ? (MTcases ? (aMT4 ? strategy.long : na) : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="MTB4") else strategy.cancel(id="MTB4") MTB4 = MACDlong < 0.0 and MACDlong[1]<signallong[1] and MACDlong>signallong and butChoppiness50<50.0 and TRIX40slope>0.0 plotshape(longcasesplot ? (MTcasesplot ? (aMT4p ? MTB4 : na) : na) : na, color=blue, text='MTB4') //////////IDEAS////////// // //5 - Medium Trend Buy 5: ADX & DI // if (ADXslopelongpt > 0.0 and slopeDIPlong2 > 0.0) // strategy.entry("MTB4", strategy.long, stop=lowerbb,comment="MTB5") // else // strategy.cancel(id="MTB4") // MTB5 = ADXslopelongpt > 0.0 and slopeDIPlong2 > 0.0 // plotshape(MTB5, color=red, text='MTB5') /////////////////////////CLOSE BUY CASES//////////////////////////////// strategy.close("MTB3", when = (butVIP20>butVIM20 and slopeVIP202 < 0.0)) strategy.close("MTB4", when = (slopechOsc2040202[1]>0.0 and slopechOsc2040202<0.0 and chOsc204020>0.0)) //strategy.close("MTB5", when = (slopeDIPlong2<0.0)) //OLD// //strategy.close("MTB4", when = (signallong >0.0 and signallong[1] < MACDlong [1] and signallong > MACDlong)) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////*************************LONG TRENDS*************************/////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////TEMPLATE///////////////////////////////// //# - Long Trend Buy #: //if () // strategy.entry("LTB#", strategy.long, stop=lowerbb,comment="LTB#") //else // strategy.cancel(id="LTB#") //LTB# = //plotshape(LTB1, color=green, text='LTB#') ///////////////////////////////BUY CASES//////////////////////////////// //*************1 - Long Trend Buy 1: Coppock Curve Bottom*************// //**********************************// // Coppock Curve - (200, 200, 100) // KEEP eye on Choppiness(200, BW100) - upward slope means no solid trend //**********************************// //-----Completed; refer to Algorithm Development excel sheet, tab Case Documentation for further development-----// if (curvelongslope2pt>0.0 and curvelongslope2pt[2]<0.0 and curvelong < 0.0) strategy.entry("LTB1", longcases ? (LTcases ? (aLT1 ? strategy.long : na) : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="LTB1") else strategy.cancel(id="LTB1") LTB1 = curvelongslope2pt>0.0 and curvelongslope2pt[1]<0.0 and curvelong < 0.0 plotshape(longcasesplot ? (MTcasesplot ? (aLT1p ? LTB1 : na) : na) : na , color=blue, text='LTB1') /////////IDEAS////////// //3 - Long Trend Buy 1: ROC Reversal //ROC Reversal with low ROC //ROC Slope //BW VI and DI Percent Gap //DIP. DIM, VIP, VIM comparisons //4 //ROC Reversal where DIP > DIM //BW VI and DI Percent Gap //DIP. DIM, VIP, VIM comparisons //5 - Long Trend Buy 1: ADX Led LT Buy //ADX slope reversal //DI percent gap decrease //DIP > DIM //CC bottom out curve barssince //TRIX barssince cross over baseline //6 TRIX100 slope pos and negtaive start with CC curve sell (50, 50, 20) /////////////////////////CLOSE BUY CASES//////////////////////////////// strategy.close("LTB1", when = (curvelongslope2pt < 0.0 and curvelongslope2pt[1] > 0.0)) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////********************************SHORTING CASES********************************//////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////BUY SHORTING CASES/////////////////////////////// //if (RSI>=70 and (k >= 80.0 or d>=80.0)) // strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, stop=upperbb,comment="Sell") //else // strategy.cancel(id="Sell") //2 - Medium Trend Buy 2 works better as a Shorting Case? if (butDIPmed[1]<butDIMmed[1] and butDIPmed>butDIMmed and slopeADXmed2>0.0 and butROCmed < 0.0) strategy.entry("SC1", shortcases ? (aSC1 ? strategy.short : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="SC1") else strategy.cancel(id="SC1") SC1 = butDIPmed[1]<butDIMmed[1] and butDIPmed>butDIMmed and slopeADXmed2>0.0 and butROCmed < 0.0 plotshape(shortcasesplot ? (aSC1 ? SC1 : na) : na, color=red, text='SC1') //*************2 - Shorting Short Trend Case 1: AO Crossover*************// //**********************************// // AO(34, 7) // StochRSI(3,3,14,14) // ROC(9) // CMO(9) //**********************************// //Shorting Case 2 - AO Crossover Margin if ((AOshortper>-0.80 and AOshortper<0.80) and AOshort[1]<AOshort and kshort>80.0 and dshort>80.0 and ROCshort>0.0 and chandeMOshort>0.0) strategy.entry("SC2", shortcases ? (aSC2 ? strategy.short : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="SC2") else strategy.cancel(id="SC2") SC2 = AOshortper>-0.80 and AOshortper<0.80 and AOshort[1]<AOshort and kshort>80.0 and dshort>80.0 and ROCshort>0.0 and chandeMOshort>0.0 plotshape(shortcasesplot ? (aSC2 ? SC2 : na) : na, color=#cfb53b, text='SC2') //#cfb53b //*************3 - Shorting Short Trend Case 2: AO Peak Reversal*************// //**********************************// // AO(34, 7) // StochRSI(3,3,14,14) // ROC(9) // CMO(9) //**********************************// if (AOshortper>2.0 and AOshort[1]>AOshort and (kshort>80.0 or dshort>80.0) and ROCshort>0.0 and chandeMOshort>0.0) strategy.entry("SC3", shortcases ? (aSC3 ? strategy.short : na) : na, stop=lowerbb,comment="SC3") else strategy.cancel(id="SC3") SC3 = AOshortper>2.0 and AOshort[1]>AOshort and (kshort>80.0 or dshort>80.0) and ROCshort>0.0 and chandeMOshort>0.0 plotshape(shortcasesplot ? (aSC3 ? SC3 : na) : na, color=#ff8c00, text='SC3') /////////////////////CLOSE SHORTING CASES/////////////////////////////// strategy.close("SC1", when = (kshort<=20 or dshort<=20)) strategy.close("SC2", when = (kshort<=13 or dshort<=13)) strategy.close("SC3", when = (kshort<=13 or dshort<=13))