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Stochastische OTT-Handelsstrategie

Schriftsteller:ChaoZhang, Datum: 2023-11-22 10:11:33



Diese Strategie kombiniert stochastischen Oszillator und OTT-Indikatoren, um Handelssignale zu generieren. Es wird Aufträge auslösen, wenn sich schnelle und langsame OTT-Linien kreuzen. Um gefälschte Signale zu filtern, wird stochastischer Oszillator zur Validierung verwendet.

Strategie Logik

  1. Berechnen Sie schnelle und langsame OTT-Linien anhand gleitender Durchschnitte und Stop-Loss-Prozentsatz.
  2. Berechnen Sie den stochastischen Oszillator basierend auf hohen, niedrigen und schließenden Preisen.
  3. Beurteilen Sie die lange oder kurze Richtung, wenn sich schnelle und langsame OTT-Linien kreuzen.
  4. Geben Sie die Befehle gemäß der Kreuzung und den Anweisungen ein.

Analyse der Vorteile

  1. OTT selbst hat eine gute Umkehrwirkung und ist anfällig für Wendepunkte.
  2. Die Stochastik filtert gefälschte Signale und vermeidet, in der Konsolidierung gefangen zu werden.
  3. Anpassungsfähige Durchschnittstypen für Flexibilität auf verschiedenen Märkten.
  4. Gewinnabhängigkeit und Stop-Loss zur Risikokontrolle.


  1. Eine unsachgemäße Einstellung der Parameter kann zu Überschreitung oder Verzerrung führen.
  2. OTT kann in Trendmärkten falsche Signale erzeugen.
  3. Der Gesamtmarktzyklus sollte ebenfalls berücksichtigt werden.


  1. Optimieren Sie die Parameterkombination für eine optimale Leistung.
  2. Beurteilen Sie effektive Zeiträume anhand von Trendindikatoren.
  3. Einführung des Geldmanagement-Moduls.


Diese Strategie integriert die Umkehrungs- und Stochastikfilterfähigkeit von OTT, um das Risiko effektiv zu kontrollieren. Es funktioniert gut für Umkehrungs- oder Bereichsmärkte. Aber Marktzyklen und Tunings erfordern Aufmerksamkeit. Weitere Verbesserungen können in der Parameteroptimierung und dem Geldmanagement vorgenommen werden.

start: 2022-11-21 00:00:00
end: 2023-11-21 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © BigCoinHunter

strategy(title='OTT-Stoch-TP/SL', overlay=true, 
     pyramiding=0, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, 
     default_qty_value=100, initial_capital=1000, 
     currency=currency.USD, commission_value=0.05, 

//-------------- fetch user inputs ------------------
src = input(defval=close, title='OTT source')
src1 = input(defval=close, title="Stoch OTT source")

ottFastPercent = input.float(title='OTT Fast Percent(%):', defval=3.0, minval=0.1, maxval=30.0, step=0.1)
ottSlowPercent = input.float(title='OTT Slow Percent(%):', defval=10.0, minval=0.1, maxval=30.0, step=0.1)

ottFastLength = input.int(title="OTT Fast Length:", defval=1, minval=1)
ottSlowLength = input.int(title="OTT Slow Length:", defval=1, minval=1)

periodK = input.int(defval=500, title="%K Length", minval=1, step=10)
smoothK = input.int(defval=200, title="%K Smoothing", minval=1, step=10)
stochLength=input.int(defval=2, title="Stoch OTT Period", minval=1)
stochPercent=input.float(defval=0.5, title="Stoch OTT Percent", step=0.1, minval=0)

mav = input.string(title="Moving Average Type", defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "TMA", "VAR", "WWMA", "ZLEMA", "TSF"])

tp = input.float(title="Take Profit:", defval=0.0, minval=0.0, maxval=100.0, step=0.1) * 0.01
sl = input.float(title="Stop Loss:  ", defval=0.0, minval=0.0, maxval=100.0, step=0.1) * 0.01

//showsupport = input.bool(title="Show Support Line?", defval=true)
stoch = input.bool(title="evaluate Stoch OTT", defval=false)

longEntry = input.bool(defval=true, title= 'Long Entry', inline="11")
shortEntry = input.bool(defval=true, title='Short Entry', inline="11")

//---------- backtest range setup ------------
fromDay   = input.int(defval = 1, title = "From Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
fromMonth = input.int(defval = 1, title = "From Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
fromYear  = input.int(defval = 2021, title = "From Year", minval = 2010)
toDay     = input.int(defval = 30, title = "To Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
toMonth   = input.int(defval = 12, title = "To Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
toYear    = input.int(defval = 2022, title = "To Year", minval = 2010)

//------------ time interval setup -----------
start     = timestamp(fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay, 00, 00)  // backtest start window
finish    = timestamp(toYear, toMonth, toDay, 23, 59)        // backtest finish window
window()  => time >= start and time <= finish ? true : false // create function "within window of time"

//-------- calculate the OTT lines ----------
    vud1=src>src[1] ? src-src[1] : 0
    vdd1=src<src[1] ? src[1]-src : 0

    wwalpha = 1/ length
    WWMA = 0.0
    WWMA := wwalpha*src + (1-wwalpha)*nz(WWMA[1])

    zxLag = length/2==math.round(length/2) ? length/2 : (length - 1) / 2
    zxEMAData = (src + (src - src[zxLag]))
    ZLEMA = ta.ema(zxEMAData, length)

    lrc = ta.linreg(src, length, 0)
    lrc1 = ta.linreg(src,length,1)
    lrs = (lrc-lrc1)
    TSF = ta.linreg(src, length, 0)+lrs

getMA(src, length) =>
    ma = 0.0
    if mav == "SMA"
        ma := ta.sma(src, length)

    if mav == "EMA"
        ma := ta.ema(src, length)

    if mav == "WMA"
        ma := ta.wma(src, length)

    if mav == "TMA"
        ma := ta.sma(ta.sma(src, math.ceil(length / 2)), math.floor(length / 2) + 1)

    if mav == "VAR"
        ma := Var_Func(src,length)

    if mav == "WWMA"
        ma := Wwma_Func(src,length)

    if mav == "ZLEMA"
        ma := Zlema_Func(src,length)

    if mav == "TSF"
        ma := Tsf_Func(src,length)

//-------- OTT line calculation --------
MAvg1=getMA(src, ottFastLength)
longStop1 = MAvg1 - fark1
longStopPrev1 = nz(longStop1[1], longStop1)
longStop1 := MAvg1 > longStopPrev1 ? math.max(longStop1, longStopPrev1) : longStop1
shortStop1 =  MAvg1 + fark1
shortStopPrev1 = nz(shortStop1[1], shortStop1)
shortStop1 := MAvg1 < shortStopPrev1 ? math.min(shortStop1, shortStopPrev1) : shortStop1
dir1 = 1
dir1 := nz(dir1[1], dir1)
dir1 := dir1 == -1 and MAvg1 > shortStopPrev1 ? 1 : dir1 == 1 and MAvg1 < longStopPrev1 ? -1 : dir1
MT1 = dir1==1 ? longStop1: shortStop1

OTTFast=MAvg1>MT1 ? MT1*(200+ottFastPercent)/200 : MT1*(200-ottFastPercent)/200

MAvg2=getMA(src, ottSlowLength)
longStop2 = MAvg2 - fark2
longStopPrev2 = nz(longStop2[1], longStop2)
longStop2 := MAvg2 > longStopPrev2 ? math.max(longStop2, longStopPrev2) : longStop2
shortStop2 =  MAvg2 + fark2
shortStopPrev2 = nz(shortStop2[1], shortStop2)
shortStop2 := MAvg2 < shortStopPrev2 ? math.min(shortStop2, shortStopPrev2) : shortStop2
dir2 = 1
dir2 := nz(dir2[1], dir2)
dir2 := dir2 == -1 and MAvg2 > shortStopPrev2 ? 1 : dir2 == 1 and MAvg2 < longStopPrev2 ? -1 : dir2
MT2 = dir2==1 ? longStop2: shortStop2

OTTSlow=MAvg2>MT2 ? MT2*(200+ottSlowPercent)/200 : MT2*(200-ottSlowPercent)/200

//-------- Stoch OTT calculation ----------

    vud11=src1>src1[1] ? src1-src1[1] : 0
    vdd11=src1<src1[1] ? src1[1]-src1 : 0

k = Var_Func1(ta.stoch(close, high, low, periodK), smoothK)


MAvg3=Var_Func(k1, stochLength)
longStop3 = MAvg3 - fark3
longStopPrev3 = nz(longStop3[1], longStop3)
longStop3 := MAvg3 > longStopPrev3 ? math.max(longStop3, longStopPrev3) : longStop3
shortStop3 =  MAvg3 + fark3
shortStopPrev3 = nz(shortStop3[1], shortStop3)
shortStop3 := MAvg3 < shortStopPrev3 ? math.min(shortStop3, shortStopPrev3) : shortStop3
dir3 = 1
dir3 := nz(dir3[1], dir3)
dir3 := dir3 == -1 and MAvg3 > shortStopPrev3 ? 1 : dir3 == 1 and MAvg3 < longStopPrev3 ? -1 : dir3
MT3 = dir3==1 ? longStop3: shortStop3
OTTStoch=MAvg3>MT3 ? MT3*(200+stochPercent)/200 : MT3*(200-stochPercent)/200 

//------- define the global variables ------
var bool long = true
var bool stoppedOutLong = false
var bool stoppedOutShort = false

//-------- determine the market direction --------
if OTTFast > OTTSlow
    long := true
else if OTTFast < OTTSlow
    long := false

//--------- calculate the input/output points -----------
longProfitPrice  = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + tp)     // tp -> take profit percentage
longStopPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - sl)        // sl -> stop loss percentage

shortProfitPrice  = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - tp)
shortStopPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + sl)

//------------------- determine buy and sell points ---------------------
buySignall = false
sellSignall = false

if stoch == false
    buySignall := window() and long  and (not stoppedOutLong)
    sellSignall := window() and (not long)  and (not stoppedOutShort)
    buySignall := window() and long  and (not stoppedOutLong) and ( k1 > OTTStoch )
    sellSignall := window() and (not long)  and (not stoppedOutShort) and ( k1 < OTTStoch )

//---------- execute the strategy -----------------
if(longEntry and shortEntry)
    if long 
        strategy.entry("LONG", strategy.long, when = buySignall, comment = "ENTER LONG")
        stoppedOutLong := true
        stoppedOutShort := false
        strategy.entry("SHORT", strategy.short, when = sellSignall, comment = "ENTER SHORT")
        stoppedOutLong  := false
        stoppedOutShort := true

else if(longEntry)
    strategy.entry("LONG", strategy.long,  when = buySignall)
    strategy.close("LONG", when = sellSignall)
    if long 
        stoppedOutLong := true
        stoppedOutLong  := false

else if(shortEntry)
    strategy.entry("SHORT", strategy.short, when = sellSignall)
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = buySignall)
    if not long
        stoppedOutShort := true
        stoppedOutShort := false

//----------------- take profit and stop loss -----------------
if(tp>0.0 and sl>0.0)
    if ( strategy.position_size > 0 )
        strategy.exit(id="LONG", limit=longProfitPrice, stop=longStopPrice, comment="Long TP/SL Trigger")

    else if ( strategy.position_size < 0 )
        strategy.exit(id="SHORT", limit=shortProfitPrice, stop=shortStopPrice, comment="Short TP/SL Trigger")

else if(tp>0.0)
    if ( strategy.position_size > 0 )
        strategy.exit(id="LONG", limit=longProfitPrice, comment="Long TP Trigger")

    else if ( strategy.position_size < 0 )
        strategy.exit(id="SHORT", limit=shortProfitPrice, comment="Short TP Trigger")
else if(sl>0.0)
    if ( strategy.position_size > 0 )
        strategy.exit(id="LONG",  stop=longStopPrice, comment="Long SL Trigger")

    else if ( strategy.position_size < 0 )
        strategy.exit(id="SHORT",  stop=shortStopPrice, comment="Short SL Trigger")
//------------- plot charts ---------------------
lineColor1 = long ? color.green : color.red
lineColor2 = long ? color.aqua : color.fuchsia


plot(nz(OTTFast), color=light_green, linewidth=3, title="OTT Fast")
plot(nz(OTTSlow), color=light_red, linewidth=3, title="OTT Slow")
