
Sends an Http request, an asynchronous version of the HttpQuery function.

The HttpQuery_Go() function immediately returns a concurrent object that can be used to obtain the result of an Http request using the wait method of the The JSON.parse() function can be used to parse the JSON.parse() function in the JavaScript language’s strategy.

HttpQuery_Go(url) HttpQuery_Go(url, options)

Http request url. url true string Http request-related settings, for example, can be structured as follows:

    method: "POST",
    body: "a=10&b=20&c=30",
    charset: "UTF-8",
    cookie: "session_id=12345; lang=en",
    // profile: "",
    debug: false,
    headers: {"TEST-HTTP-QUERY": "123"},
    timeout: 1000
  • profile: Used to simulate browser tls fingerprints.
  • debug: When it’s set to true, this HttpQuery_Go function call returns the full reply message. When it’s set to false, only the data in the Body of the reply message is returned.
  • timeout: Timeout setting, set 1000 means 1 second timeout. All fields in this structure are optional, for example, the profile field can be left out.

options false object

function main() {
    // Create the first asynchronous thread
    var r1 = HttpQuery_Go("")
    // Create the second asynchronous thread
    var r2 = HttpQuery_Go("")
    // Get the return value of the first asynchronous thread call
    var tickers1 = r1.wait()
    // Get the return value of the second asynchronous thread call
    var tickers2 = r2.wait()
    // Print results
    Log("tickers1:", tickers1)
    Log("tickers2:", tickers2)
# Not supported
// Not supported

Asynchronous access to the exchange’s public interface for aggregated ticker data.

The HttpQuery_Go() function only supports JavaScript, the Python language can be used with the urllib library to send Http requests directly. The HttpQuery_Go() is mainly used to access interfaces that do not require a signature on the exchange, such as public interfaces like ticker information. The HttpQuery_Go function is not supported in the backtesting system.

{@fun/Global/HttpQuery HttpQuery}