Log ((...msgs)
Der Parametermsg
ist der Inhalt der Ausgabe und der Parametermsg
kann mehr als eine übergeben werden.
String, Zahl, bool, Objekt, Array, jeder vom System unterstützte Typ wie z.B. null.
function main() {
Log("msg1", "msg2", "msg3")
def main():
Log("msg1", "msg2", "msg3")
void main() {
Log("msg1", "msg2", "msg3");
Parameter können übergeben werden:
function main() {
Log("Hello, FMZ Quant!@")
Sleep(1000 * 5)
// Add #ff0000 to the string to print the log in red and push the message
Log("Hello, #ff0000@")
def main():
Log("Hello, FMZ Quant!@")
Sleep(1000 * 5)
Log("Hello, #ff0000@")
void main() {
Log("Hello, FMZ Quant!@");
Sleep(1000 * 5);
Log("Hello, #ff0000@");
Es unterstützt die Einstellung der Farbe der Ausgabe Nachricht, wenn wir verwenden Einstellung Farbe und schieben zur gleichen Zeit, müssen wir die Farbe zuerst und verwenden@
Charakter, der als Letzter drückt.
function main() {
def main():
void main() {
Funktion unterstützt das Druckenbase64
kodierte Bilder, beginnend mit`
und endet mit`
, zum Beispiel:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
Funktion unterstützt den direkten Druck vonPython
Objekt. Solange das Objekt diesavefig
Die Daten werden mit Hilfe derLog
Funktion, zum Beispiel:
function main() {
def main():
void main() {
Die Funktion unterstützt den Sprachaustausch.Log()
Funktion liefert Text, der automatisch auf der Grundlage der Spracheinstellung auf der Plattformseite auf die entsprechende Sprache umschaltet, z. B.:
Die Funktion erzeugt eine Protokollnachricht im Protokollbereich des Live-Handels oder des Backtesting-Systems, und das Protokoll wird in der Live-Handelsdatenbank gespeichert, wenn der Live-Handel ausgeführt wird.Log()
Funktion liefert eine Protokollmeldung, die mit der@
Schieben Sie auf die E-Mail-Adresse, WebHook-Adresse usw.Einstellungen drückenNachrichtenpushing wird nicht unterstütztDebug-ToolsDie spezifischen Einschränkungsregeln sind wie folgt: Innerhalb eines 20-Sekunden-Zyklus eines Live-Handels wird nur die letzte Push-Nachricht gespeichert und geschoben, und andere Nachrichten werden gefiltert und nicht geschoben (die Push-Log-Ausgabe durch die Log-Funktion wird normalerweise im Log-Bereich gedruckt und angezeigt).
Push, Sie können das Dienstprogramm verwenden, das vonGolang
package main
import (
func Handle (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer func() {
fmt.Println("req:", *r)
func main () {
fmt.Println("listen http://localhost:9090")
http.HandleFunc("/data", Handle)
http.ListenAndServe(":9090", nil)
inEinstellungen drücken: http://XXX.XX.XXX.XX:9090/data?data=Hello_FMZ
- Ich weiß.
Nach der Ausführung des geschriebenenGolang
Service-Programm, beginnen wir die Strategie laufen Live-Handel, folgt die Strategie in geschriebenJavaScript
Die Strategie basiert auf derLog()
Funktion und Druck der Nachricht:
function main() {
Log("msg", "@")
Ein Dienstleistungsprogramm, geschrieben in derGolang
Sprache empfängt den Push und das Serviceprogramm druckt die Nachricht:
listen http://localhost:9090
req: {GET /data?data=Hello_FMZ HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[User-Agent:[Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36] Accept-Encoding:[gzip]] {} <nil> 0 [] false 1XX.XX.X.XX:9090 map[] map[] <nil> map[] XXX.XX.XXX.XX:4xxx2 /data?data=Hello_FMZ <nil> <nil> <nil> 0xc420056300
Das ist ein sehr schwieriger Fall.
Der Gewinn- und Verlustwert wird aufgezeichnet, der Gewinn- und Verlustwert gedruckt und die Rendite-Kurve auf der Grundlage des Gewinn- und Verlustwerts gezeichnet.
LogProfit (Gewinn) LogProfit ((Gewinn,... args)
Der Parameterprofit
ist die Ertragsdaten, die durch den Konstruktionsalgorithmus und die Berechnung in der Strategie ermittelt werden.
- Das stimmt.
Erweiterter Parameter zur Ausgabe von Nebeninformationen im Einnahmenprotokoll,arg
Parameter können mehr als eine übergeben werden.
String, Zahl, bool, Objekt, Array, jeder vom System unterstützte Typ wie z.B. null.
function main() {
// Print 30 points on the earnings chart
for(var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
LogProfit(i, '&')
def main():
for i in range(30):
LogProfit(i, '&')
void main() {
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
LogProfit(i, '&');
Funktion, wenn sie mit dem Zeichen&
, erstellt nur die Einnahmentabelle und druckt das Einnahmenprotokoll nicht aus.
- Ich bin nicht derjenige.
Löschen Sie alle Einnahmenprotokolle, Einkommensdiagramme.
LogProfitReset (siehe unten) LogProfitReset (bleiben)
Der Parameter wird verwendet, um die Anzahl der zu behaltenen Log-Einträge (ganzzahliger Wert) anzugeben.
function main() {
// Print 30 points on the revenue chart, then reset and keep only the last 10 points
for(var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
def main():
for i in range(30):
void main() {
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
Das ist nicht meine Idee.
Ausgabeinformationen in der Statusleiste des Backtesting-Systems oder der Live-Handelsseite.
LogStatus ((...msgs)
Der Parametermsg
ist der Inhalt der Ausgabe und der Parametermsg
kann mehr als eine übergeben werden.
String, Zahl, bool, Objekt, Array, jeder vom System unterstützte Typ wie z.B. null.
function main() {
LogStatus('This is a general status alert')
LogStatus('This is a status alert in red font #ff0000')
LogStatus('This is a multi-line status message \n I am the second line')
def main():
LogStatus('This is a general status alert')
LogStatus('This is a status alert in red font #ff0000')
LogStatus('This is a multi-line status message \n I am the second line')
void main() {
LogStatus("This is a general status alert");
LogStatus("This is a status alert in red font #ff0000");
LogStatus("This is a multi-line status message \n I am the second line");
Es unterstützt die Einstellung der Farbe des Ausgabeinhalts:
function main() {
var table = {type: 'table', title: 'Position information', cols: ['Column 1', 'Column 2'], rows: [ ['abc', 'def'], ['ABC', 'support color #ff0000']]}
// JSON serialization with the ` character on both sides, as a complex message format (support tables currently)
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
// Table information can also appear in multiple rows
LogStatus('First line of message\n`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`\n third line of message')
// It supports multiple tables at the same time, will be displayed in a group with TAB
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify([table, table]) + '`')
// You can also construct a button in the form, and use the GetCommand strategy to receive the contents of the cmd attribute
var table = {
type: 'table',
title: 'Position operations',
cols: ['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Action'],
rows: [
['abc', 'def', {'type':'button', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'Close out positions'}]
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
// Or construct a separate button
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify({'type':'button', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'Close out positions'}) + '`')
// Customizable button style (bootstrap's button attribute)
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify({'type':'button', 'class': 'btn btn-xs btn-danger', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'Close out positions'}) + '`')
import json
def main():
table = {"type": "table", "title": "Position information", "cols": ["Column 1", "Column 2"], "rows": [["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]}
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps(table) + '`')
LogStatus('First line of message\n`' + json.dumps(table) + '`\n third line of message')
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps([table, table]) + '`')
table = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "Position operations",
"cols" : ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Action"],
"rows" : [
["abc", "def", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"}]
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps(table) + '`')
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps({"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"}) + '`')
LogStatus('`' + json.dumps({"type": "button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"}) + '`')
void main() {
json table = R"({"type": "table", "title": "Position information", "cols": ["Column 1", "Column 2"], "rows": [["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]})"_json;
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
LogStatus("First line of message\n`" + table.dump() + "`\n third line of message");
json arr = R"([])"_json;
LogStatus("`" + arr.dump() + "`");
table = R"({
"type" : "table",
"title" : "Position operations",
"cols" : ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Action"],
"rows" : [
["abc", "def", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"}]
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
LogStatus("`" + R"({"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"})"_json.dump() + "`");
LogStatus("`" + R"({"type": "button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "Close out positions"})"_json.dump() + "`");
Beispiel für die Ausgabe der Daten in der Statusleiste:
function main() {
var table = {
type: "table",
title: "status bar button style",
cols: ["default", "original", "success", "info", "warning", "danger"],
rows: [
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-default", "name": "default"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-primary", "name": "original"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-success", "name": "success"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-info", "name": "info"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-warning", "name": "warning"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "name": "danger"}
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(table) + "`")
import json
def main():
table = {
"type": "table",
"title": "status bar button style",
"cols": ["default", "original", "success", "info", "warning", "danger"],
"rows": [
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-default", "name": "default"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-primary", "name": "original"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-success", "name": "success"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-info", "name": "info"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-warning", "name": "warning"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "name": "danger"}
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "status bar button style",
"cols": ["default", "original", "success", "info", "warning", "danger"],
"rows": [
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-default", "name": "default"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-primary", "name": "original"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-success", "name": "success"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-info", "name": "info"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-warning", "name": "warning"},
{"type":"button", "class": "btn btn-xs btn-danger", "name": "danger"}
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Es unterstützt das Entwerfen von Buttons in der Statusleiste (alte Buttonsstruktur):
function main() {
var table = {
type: "table",
title: "Status bar button disable, description function test",
cols: ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"],
rows: []
var button1 = {"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button"}
var button2 = {"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button, set to disabled", "disabled": true}
var button3 = {"type": "button", "name": "button3", "cmd": "button3", "description": "This is the third button, set to enable", "disabled": false}
table.rows.push([button1, button2, button3])
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(table) + "`")
import json
def main():
table = {
"type": "table",
"title": "Status bar button disable, description function test",
"cols": ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"],
"rows": []
button1 = {"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button"}
button2 = {"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button, set to disabled", "disabled": True}
button3 = {"type": "button", "name": "button3", "cmd": "button3", "description": "This is the third button, set to enable", "disabled": False}
table["rows"].append([button1, button2, button3])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "Status bar button disable, description function test",
"cols": ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"],
"rows": []
json button1 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button"})"_json;
json button2 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button, set to disabled", "disabled": true})"_json;
json button3 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button3", "cmd": "button3", "description": "This is the third button, set to enable", "disabled": false})"_json;
json arr = R"([])"_json;
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Setzen Sie die Funktion Beschreibung der Statusleiste (alte Schaltflächenstruktur) deaktiviert:
function test1() {
Log("Calling custom functions")
function main() {
while (true) {
var table = {
type: 'table',
title: 'operation',
cols: ['column1', 'column2', 'Action'],
rows: [
['a', '1', {
'type': 'button',
'cmd': "CoverAll",
'name': 'Close out positions'
['b', '1', {
'type': 'button',
'cmd': 10,
'name': 'Send values'
['c', '1', {
'type': 'button',
'cmd': _D(),
'name': 'Calling functions'
['d', '1', {
'type': 'button',
'cmd': 'test1',
'name': 'Calling custom functions'
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", '`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
var str_cmd = GetCommand()
if (str_cmd) {
Log("Received interaction data str_cmd:", "type:", typeof(str_cmd), "value:", str_cmd)
if(str_cmd == "test1") {
import json
def test1():
Log("Calling custom functions")
def main():
while True:
table = {
"type": "table",
"title": "operation",
"cols": ["column1", "column2", "Action"],
"rows": [
["a", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "CoverAll",
"name": "Close out positions"
["b", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": 10,
"name": "Send values"
["c", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": _D(),
"name": "Calling functions"
["d", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "test1",
"name": "Calling custom functions"
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
str_cmd = GetCommand()
if str_cmd:
Log("Received interaction data str_cmd:", "type:", typeof(str_cmd), "value:", str_cmd)
if str_cmd == "test1":
void test1() {
Log("Calling custom functions");
void main() {
while(true) {
json table = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "operation",
"cols": ["column1", "column2", "Action"],
"rows": [
["a", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "CoverAll",
"name": "Close out positions"
["b", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": 10,
"name": "Send values"
["c", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "",
"name": "Calling functions"
["d", "1", {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "test1",
"name": "Calling custom functions"
table["rows"][2][2]["cmd"] = _D();
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + table.dump() + "`");
auto str_cmd = GetCommand();
if(str_cmd != "") {
Log("Received interaction data str_cmd:", "type:", typeof(str_cmd), "value:", str_cmd);
if(str_cmd == "test1") {
In Kombination mit derGetCommand()
Funktion, konstruieren Sie die Interaktionsfunktion der Statusleiste (alte Tastenstruktur):
function main() {
var tbl = {
type: "table",
title: "operation",
cols: ["column1", "column2"],
rows: [
["Open position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "open", "name": "open position", "input": {"name": "number of open positions", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}],
["Close position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close all positions"}]
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")
while (true) {
var cmd = GetCommand()
if (cmd) {
Log("cmd:", cmd)
import json
def main():
tbl = {
"type": "table",
"title": "operation",
"cols": ["column1", "column2"],
"rows": [
["Open position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "open", "name": "open position", "input": {"name": "number of open positions", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}],
["Close position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close all positions"}]
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`")
while True:
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd:
Log("cmd:", cmd)
void main() {
json tbl = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "operation",
"cols": ["column1", "column2"],
"rows": [
["Open position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "open", "name": "open position", "input": {"name": "number of open positions", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}],
["Close position operation", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close all positions"}]
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + tbl.dump() + "`");
while(true) {
auto cmd = GetCommand();
if(cmd != "") {
Log("cmd:", cmd);
Die Eingabedaten werden auch bei der Konstruktion von Statusleisten für die Interaktion unterstützt, und die Interaktionsbefehle werden vomGetCommand()
Wir haben eine Funktion.input
Elemente (alte Schaltflächenstruktur) zur Datenstruktur der Schaltflächensteuerung in der Statusleiste, z. B. Hinzufügen"input": {"name": "number of open positions", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}
zu{"type": "button", "cmd": "open", "name": "open position"}
wird ein Popup mit einem Eingabefeldsteuerungsknopf angezeigt, wenn auf die Taste geklickt wird (der Standardwert im Eingabefeld ist 1, das ist die vondefValue
Sie können Daten eingeben, die zusammen mit dem Buttonbefehl gesendet werden sollen. Zum Beispiel, wenn der folgende Testcode ausgeführt wird, erscheint nach dem Klicken auf die GetCommand()
Funktion wird dann die Nachricht erfassen:open:111
function main() {
var tbl = {
type: "table",
title: "Demonstrate grouping button control",
cols: ["operation"],
rows: []
// Creating a grouping button control structure
var groupBtn = {
type: "button",
cmd: "open",
name: "open positions",
group: [
{"name": "orderType", "description": "下单方式|order type", "type": "selected", "defValue": "market order|pending order"},
{"name": "tradePrice@orderType==1", "description": "交易价格|trade price", "type": "number", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "orderAmount", "description": "委托数量|order amount", "type": "string", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "boolean", "description": "yes/no|boolean", "type": "boolean", "defValue": true}
// test button 1
var testBtn1 = {"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button."}
var testBtn2 = {"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button.", "input": {"name": "number of positions opened", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}
// Add groupBtn to tbl
// It supports multiple buttons in a cell of a status bar table, i.e. the data in a cell is an array of button structures: [testBtn1, testBtn2].
tbl.rows.push([[testBtn1, testBtn2]])
while (true) {
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`", "\n", "The grouping button control can also be set directly on the status bar in addition to being set on the status bar form:", "`" + JSON.stringify(groupBtn) + "`")
var cmd = GetCommand()
if (cmd) {
Log("cmd:", cmd)
import json
def main():
tbl = {
"type": "table",
"title": "Demonstrate grouping button control",
"cols": ["operation"],
"rows": []
groupBtn = {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "open",
"name": "open positions",
"group": [
{"name": "orderType", "description": "下单方式|order type", "type": "selected", "defValue": "market order|pending order"},
{"name": "tradePrice@orderType==1", "description": "交易价格|trade price", "type": "number", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "orderAmount", "description": "委托数量|order amount", "type": "string", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "boolean", "description": "yes/no|boolean", "type": "boolean", "defValue": True}
testBtn1 = {"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button."}
testBtn2 = {"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button.", "input": {"name": "number of positions opened", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}}
tbl["rows"].append([[testBtn1, testBtn2]])
while True:
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`", "\n", "The grouping button control can also be set directly on the status bar in addition to being set on the status bar form:", "`" + json.dumps(groupBtn) + "`")
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd:
Log("cmd:", cmd)
void main() {
json tbl = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "Demonstrate grouping button control",
"cols": ["operation"],
"rows": []
json groupBtn = R"({
"type": "button",
"name": "open positions",
"cmd": "open",
"group": [
{"name": "orderType", "description": "下单方式|order type", "type": "selected", "defValue": "market order|pending order"},
{"name": "tradePrice@orderType==1", "description": "交易价格|trade price", "type": "number", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "orderAmount", "description": "委托数量|order amount", "type": "string", "defValue": 100},
{"name": "boolean", "description": "yes/no|boolean", "type": "boolean", "defValue": true}
json testBtn1 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button1", "cmd": "button1", "description": "This is the first button."})"_json;
json testBtn2 = R"({"type": "button", "name": "button2", "cmd": "button2", "description": "This is the second button.", "input": {"name": "number of positions opened", "type": "number", "defValue": 1}})"_json;
tbl["rows"].push_back({{testBtn1, testBtn2}});
while(true) {
LogStatus("`" + tbl.dump() + "`", "\n", "The grouping button control can also be set directly on the status bar in addition to being set on the status bar form:", "`" + groupBtn.dump() + "`");
auto cmd = GetCommand();
if(cmd != "") {
Log("cmd:", cmd);
Es unterstützt gruppierte Tastensteuerungen (alte Tastenstruktur).Statusleisten, die die Dateneingabe unterstützen(mit dem Feld GetCommand()
Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass die"group"
Feld Einstellung, wenn der Knopf geklickt wird, um die Interaktion auszulösen, enthält der Dialog, der auf der Seite erscheint, eine Reihe vonGruppeEinheitliche Eingabesteuerungen, die eine Datengruppe gleichzeitig einführen.
Einige Punkte zu beachten über die"group"
Feld in der Struktur der Tastensteuerung der Statusleiste und der Tastensteuerung der Gruppe:
- Dietype
Eigenschaft in der Gruppe unterstützt nur die folgenden vier Typen, und diedefValue
Eigenschaft ist der Standardwert.
Symbol, um jede Option in einem Dropdown-Feld zu trennen, wie sie eingestellt ist.
"name": "tradePrice@orderType==1"
DieHandelspreisEintrittssteuerung nur verfügbar, wenn dieAnordnungdie Drop-down-Steuerung alsAusstehende AnordnungIch bin nicht derjenige.
- Bilingual control name support for interactive inputs - Bilingual control name support für interaktive Eingaben
For example, in the following example: |
Symbole zur Trennung des Inhalts der Beschreibung in chinesischer und englischer Sprache.
- Was ist los?name
, description
in der Gruppe undname
, description
in der Knopfstruktur nicht die gleichen Definitionen haben, obwohl sie die gleichen Feldnamen haben.
Die Definition vonname
Die Definition von "In-Group" unterscheidet sich auch von der Definition vonname
in der Eingabe.
- Bei Auslösung der Gruppenknopfsteuerung werden die Interaktionsinhalte in Form des cmd-Feldwerts des Knopfes und der zugehörigen Daten des Gruppenfeldes, wie z. B. die Ausgabe desLog("cmd:", cmd)
Angabe in der folgenden Beispieltest:
- The ```type``` property of the button control supports only: ```"button"```.
Button controls that support input data, i.e. controls with the ```input``` property set, the ```type``` property in the configuration information of the ```input``` field supports multiple control types.
Refer to the following examples:
function main() {
// Status bar button control (set input field to implement) testBtn1 button triggered by the page in the drop-down box control using the options field to set options, using the defValue field to set the default options. This is different from the other examples in this chapter, which use defValue to set the options directly.
var testBtn1 = {
type: "button",
name: "testBtn1",
cmd: "cmdTestBtn1",
input: {name: "testBtn1ComboBox", type: "selected", options: ["A", "B"], defValue: 1}
Status bar button control (set input field implementation) testBtn2 button triggered by the page in the drop-down box control using the options field to set the options, options field in the options field not only supports the string,
the use of the ```{text: "description", value: "value"}``` structure is also supported. Use the defValue field to set the default option, which can be multiple choice (multiple choice via array structure). Multiple choice requires setting the additional field multiple to a true value.
var testBtn2 = {
type: "button",
name: "testBtn2",
cmd: "cmdTestBtn2",
input: {
name: "testBtn2MultiComboBox",
type: "selected",
description: "Implementing dropdown box multi-selection",
options: [{text: "Option A", value: "A"}, {text: "Option B", value: "B"}, {text: "Option C", value: "C"}],
defValue: ["A", "C"],
multiple: true
// Status bar grouping button control (set group field implementation) testBtn3 button triggered by the page in the drop-down box control using the options field to set options, also supports the direct use of defValue set options.
var testBtn3 = {
type: "button",
name: "testBtn3",
cmd: "cmdTestBtn3",
group: [
{name: "comboBox1", label: "labelComboBox1", description: "Dropdown box 1", type: "selected", defValue: 1, options: ["A", "B"]},
{name: "comboBox2", label: "labelComboBox2", description: "Dropdown box 2", type: "selected", defValue: "A|B"},
{name: "comboBox3", label: "labelComboBox3", description: "Dropdown box 3", type: "selected", defValue: [0, 2], multiple: true, options: ["A", "B", "C"]},
name: "comboBox4",
label: "labelComboBox4",
description: "Dropdown box 4",
type: "selected",
defValue: ["A", "C"],
multiple: true,
options: [{text: "Option A", value: "A"}, {text: "Option B", value: "B"}, {text: "Option C", value: "C"}, {text: "Option D", value: "D"}]
while (true) {
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(testBtn1) + "`\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(testBtn2) + "`\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(testBtn3) + "`\n")
var cmd = GetCommand()
if (cmd) {
import json
def main():
testBtn1 = {
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn1",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn1",
"input": {"name": "testBtn1ComboBox", "type": "selected", "options": ["A", "B"], "defValue": 1}
testBtn2 = {
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn2",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn2",
"input": {
"name": "testBtn2MultiComboBox",
"type": "selected",
"description": "Implementing dropdown box multi-selection",
"options": [{"text": "Option A", "value": "A"}, {"text": "Option B", "value": "B"}, {"text": "Option C", "value": "C"}],
"defValue": ["A", "C"],
"multiple": True
testBtn3 = {
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn3",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn3",
"group": [
{"name": "comboBox1", "label": "labelComboBox1", "description": "Dropdown box 1", "type": "selected", "defValue": 1, "options": ["A", "B"]},
{"name": "comboBox2", "label": "labelComboBox2", "description": "Dropdown box 2", "type": "selected", "defValue": "A|B"},
{"name": "comboBox3", "label": "labelComboBox3", "description": "Dropdown box 3", "type": "selected", "defValue": [0, 2], "multiple": True, "options": ["A", "B", "C"]},
"name": "comboBox4",
"label": "labelComboBox4",
"description": "Dropdown box 4",
"type": "selected",
"defValue": ["A", "C"],
"multiple": True,
"options": [{"text": "Option A", "value": "A"}, {"text": "Option B", "value": "B"}, {"text": "Option C", "value": "C"}, {"text": "Option D", "value": "D"}]
while True:
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(testBtn1) + "`\n", "`" + json.dumps(testBtn2) + "`\n", "`" + json.dumps(testBtn3) + "`\n")
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd:
void main() {
json testBtn1 = R"({
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn1",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn1",
"input": {"name": "testBtn1ComboBox", "type": "selected", "options": ["A", "B"], "defValue": 1}
json testBtn2 = R"({
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn2",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn2",
"input": {
"name": "testBtn2MultiComboBox",
"type": "selected",
"description": "Implementing dropdown box multi-selection",
"options": [{"text": "Option A", "value": "A"}, {"text": "Option B", "value": "B"}, {"text": "Option C", "value": "C"}],
"defValue": ["A", "C"],
"multiple": true
json testBtn3 = R"({
"type": "button",
"name": "testBtn3",
"cmd": "cmdTestBtn3",
"group": [
{"name": "comboBox1", "label": "labelComboBox1", "description": "Dropdown box 1", "type": "selected", "defValue": 1, "options": ["A", "B"]},
{"name": "comboBox2", "label": "labelComboBox2", "description": "Dropdown box 2", "type": "selected", "defValue": "A|B"},
{"name": "comboBox3", "label": "labelComboBox3", "description": "Dropdown box 3", "type": "selected", "defValue": [0, 2], "multiple": true, "options": ["A", "B", "C"]},
"name": "comboBox4",
"label": "labelComboBox4",
"description": "Dropdown box 4",
"type": "selected",
"defValue": ["A", "C"],
"multiple": true,
"options": [{"text": "Option A", "value": "A"}, {"text": "Option B", "value": "B"}, {"text": "Option C", "value": "C"}, {"text": "Option D", "value": "D"}]
while (true) {
LogStatus("`" + testBtn1.dump() + "`\n", "`" + testBtn2.dump() + "`\n", "`" + testBtn3.dump() + "`\n");
auto cmd = GetCommand();
if (cmd != "") {
Wenn der Statusleiste-Knopf Gruppe Steuerung (implementiert durch Einstellung dergroup
Feld) und der Statusleiste-Knopfsteuerung (umgesetzt durch Einstellung derinput
Wenn Sie auf ein Feld klicken, um eine Interaktion auszulösen (alte Schaltflächenstruktur), unterstützt das Dropdown-Box-Steuerelement im Dialogfeld, das auf der Seite erscheint, auch mehrere Auswahlmöglichkeiten.
var symbols = ["BTC_USDT.swap", "ETH_USDT.swap", "LTC_USDT.swap", "BNB_USDT.swap", "SOL_USDT.swap"]
function createBtn(tmp, group) {
var btn = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tmp))
_.each(group, function(eleByGroup) {
return btn
function main() {
var arrManager = []
_.each(symbols, function(symbol) {
"symbol": symbol,
// Btn
var tmpBtnOpen = {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "open",
"name": "Open a position and place an order",
"group": [{
"type": "selected",
"name": "tradeType",
"label": "Order type",
"description": "Market order, limit order",
"default": 0,
"group": "Trading setup",
"settings": {
"options": ["Market order", "Limit order"],
"required": true,
}, {
"type": "selected",
"name": "direction",
"label": "Trading direction",
"description": "Buy, sell",
"default": "buy",
"group": "Trading setup",
"settings": {
"render": "segment",
"required": true,
"options": [{"name": "buy", "value": "buy"}, {"name": "sell", "value": "sell"}],
}, {
"type": "number",
"name": "price",
"label": "price",
"description": "The price of the order",
"group": "Trading setup",
"filter": "tradeType==1",
"settings": {
"required": true,
}, {
"type": "number",
"name": "amount",
"label": "Order quantity",
"description": "Order quantity",
"group": "Trading setup",
"settings": {
"required": true,
while (true) {
var tbl = {"type": "table", "title": "dashboard", "cols": ["symbol", "actionOpen"], "rows": []}
_.each(arrManager, function(m) {
var btnOpen = createBtn(tmpBtnOpen, [{"type": "string", "name": "symbol", "label": "Trading instruments", "default": m["symbol"], "settings": {"required": true}}])
tbl["rows"].push([m["symbol"], btnOpen])
var cmd = GetCommand()
if (cmd) {
Log("Receive interaction:", cmd)
// Parsing interaction messages: open:{"symbol":"LTC_USDT.swap","tradeType":0,"direction":"buy","amount":111}
// According to the first colon: the previous instruction determines which button template triggers the message
var arrCmd = cmd.split(":", 2)
if (arrCmd[0] == "open") {
var msg = JSON.parse(cmd.slice(5))
Log("Trading instruments:", msg["symbol"], ", Trading direction:", msg["direction"], ", Order type:", msg["tradeType"] == 0 ? "Market order" : "Limit order", msg["tradeType"] == 0 ? ", Order price: current market price" : ", Order price:" + msg["price"], ", Order quantity:", msg["amount"])
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")
import json
symbols = ["BTC_USDT.swap", "ETH_USDT.swap", "LTC_USDT.swap", "BNB_USDT.swap", "SOL_USDT.swap"]
def createBtn(tmp, group):
btn = json.loads(json.dumps(tmp))
for eleByGroup in group:
btn["group"].insert(0, eleByGroup)
return btn
def main():
arrManager = []
for symbol in symbols:
arrManager.append({"symbol": symbol})
# Btn
tmpBtnOpen = {
"type": "button",
"cmd": "open",
"name": "Open a position and place an order",
"group": [{
"type": "selected",
"name": "tradeType",
"label": "Order type",
"description": "Market order, limit order",
"default": 0,
"group": "Trading setup",
"settings": {
"options": ["Market order", "Limit order"],
"required": True,
}, {
"type": "selected",
"name": "direction",
"label": "Trading direction",
"description": "Buy, sell",
"default": "buy",
"group": "Trading Setup",
"settings": {
"render": "segment",
"required": True,
"options": [{"name": "买入", "value": "buy"}, {"name": "卖出", "value": "sell"}],
}, {
"type": "number",
"name": "price",
"label": "price",
"description": "The price of the order",
"group": "Trading Setup",
"filter": "tradeType==1",
"settings": {
"required": True,
}, {
"type": "number",
"name": "amount",
"label": "Order quantity",
"description": "Order quantity",
"group": "Trading Setup",
"settings": {
"required": True,
while True:
tbl = {"type": "table", "title": "dashboard", "cols": ["symbol", "actionOpen"], "rows": []}
for m in arrManager:
btnOpen = createBtn(tmpBtnOpen, [{"type": "string", "name": "symbol", "label": "交易品种", "default": m["symbol"], "settings": {"required": True}}])
tbl["rows"].append([m["symbol"], btnOpen])
cmd = GetCommand()
if cmd != "" and cmd != None:
Log("Receive interaction:", cmd)
# Parsing interaction messages: open:{"symbol":"LTC_USDT.swap","tradeType":0,"direction":"buy","amount":111}
# According to the first colon: the previous instruction determines which button template triggers the message
arrCmd = cmd.split(":")
if arrCmd[0] == "open":
msg = json.loads(cmd[5:])
Log("Trading instruments:", msg["symbol"], ", Trading direction:", msg["direction"], ", Order type:", "Market order" if msg["tradeType"] == 0 else "Limit order", ", Order price: current market price" if msg["tradeType"] == 0 else ", Order price:" + str(msg["price"]), ", Order quantity:", msg["amount"])
# Output status bar information
LogStatus(_D(), "\n", "`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`")
// Omit...
Wenn Sie auf die Taste klicken, um die Interaktion auszulösen, wird ein Popup-Fenster mit mehreren Steuerungen angezeigt. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie unter:Benutzerhandbuch - Interaktive Steuerelemente in der Statusleiste.
function main() {
var table = {
type: 'table',
title: 'position operation',
cols: ['column1', 'column2', 'Action'],
rows: [
['abc', 'def', {'type':'button', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'close positions'}]
var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
// Add a row of data, merge the first and second cells, and output the ticker variable in the merged cell
table.rows.push([{body : JSON.stringify(ticker), colspan : 2}, "abc"])
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
import json
def main():
table = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "position operation",
"cols" : ["column1", "column2", "Action"],
"rows" : [
["abc", "def", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close positions"}]
ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
table["rows"].append([{"body": json.dumps(ticker), "colspan": 2}, "abc"])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type" : "table",
"title" : "position operation",
"cols" : ["column1", "column2", "Action"],
"rows" : [
["abc", "def", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "close positions"}]
auto ticker = exchange.GetTicker();
json jsonTicker = R"({"Buy": 0, "Sell": 0, "High": 0, "Low": 0, "Volume": 0, "Last": 0, "Time": 0})"_json;
jsonTicker["Buy"] = ticker.Buy;
jsonTicker["Sell"] = ticker.Sell;
jsonTicker["Last"] = ticker.Last;
jsonTicker["Volume"] = ticker.Volume;
jsonTicker["Time"] = ticker.Time;
jsonTicker["High"] = ticker.High;
jsonTicker["Low"] = ticker.Low;
json arr = R"([{"body": {}, "colspan": 2}, "abc"])"_json;
arr[0]["body"] = jsonTicker;
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Horizontale Verschmelzung von Zellen innerhalb der von derLogStatus()
function main() {
var table = {
type: 'table',
title: 'table demo',
cols: ['columnA', 'columnB', 'columnC'],
rows: [
['A1', 'B1', {'type':'button', 'cmd': 'coverAll', 'name': 'C1'}]
var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
var name = exchange.GetName()
table.rows.push([{body : "A2 + B2:" + JSON.stringify(ticker), colspan : 2}, "C2"])
table.rows.push([{body : "A3 + A4 + A5:" + name, rowspan : 3}, "B3", "C3"])
// A3 is merged by the first cell in the previous row
table.rows.push(["B4", "C4"])
// A2 is merged by the first cell of the previous row
table.rows.push(["B5", "C5"])
table.rows.push(["A6", "B6", "C6"])
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(table) + '`')
import json
def main():
table = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "table demo",
"cols" : ["columnA", "columnB", "columnC"],
"rows" : [
["A1", "B1", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "C1"}]
ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
name = exchange.GetName()
table["rows"].append([{"body": "A2 + B2:" + json.dumps(ticker), "colspan": 2}, "C2"])
table["rows"].append([{"body": "A3 + A4 + A5:" + name, "rowspan": 3}, "B3", "C3"])
table["rows"].append(["B4", "C4"])
table["rows"].append(["B5", "C5"])
table["rows"].append(["A6", "B6", "C6"])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type" : "table",
"title" : "table demo",
"cols" : ["columnA", "columnB", "columnC"],
"rows" : [
["A1", "B1", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "C1"}]
// For testing purposes, the code is short and easy to read, and the constructed data is used here
json jsonTicker = R"({"High": 0, "Low": 0, "Buy": 0, "Sell": 0, "Last": 0, "Time": 0, "Volume": 0})"_json;
auto name = exchange.GetName();
json arr1 = R"([{"body": "", "colspan": 2}, "C2"])"_json;
arr1[0]["body"] = "A2 + B2:" + jsonTicker.dump();
json arr2 = R"([{"body": "", "rowspan": 3}, "B3", "C3"])"_json;
arr2[0]["body"] = "A3 + A4 + A5:" + name;
table["rows"].push_back(R"(["B4", "C4"])"_json);
table["rows"].push_back(R"(["B5", "C5"])"_json);
table["rows"].push_back(R"(["A6", "B6", "C6"])"_json);
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Vertikal verschmelzen die Zellen in der von derLogStatus()
function main() {
var table1 = {type: 'table', title: 'table1', cols: ['column1', 'column2'], rows: [ ['abc', 'def'], ['ABC', 'support color #ff0000']]}
var table2 = {type: 'table', title: 'table2', cols: ['column1', 'column2'], rows: [ ['abc', 'def'], ['ABC', 'support color #ff0000']]}
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify([table1, table2]) + '`')
import json
def main():
table1 = {"type": "table", "title": "table1", "cols": ["column1", "column2"], "rows": [ ["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]}
table2 = {"type": "table", "title": "table2", "cols": ["column1", "column2"], "rows": [ ["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]}
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps([table1, table2]) + "`")
void main() {
json table1 = R"({"type": "table", "title": "table1", "cols": ["column1", "column2"], "rows": [ ["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]})"_json;
json table2 = R"({"type": "table", "title": "table2", "cols": ["column1", "column2"], "rows": [ ["abc", "def"], ["ABC", "support color #ff0000"]]})"_json;
json arr = R"([])"_json;
LogStatus("`" + arr.dump() + "`");
Anzeige der Statusleiste:
function main(){
var tab1 = {
type : "table",
title : "table1",
cols : ["1", "2"],
rows : []
var tab2 = {
type : "table",
title : "table2",
cols : ["1", "2", "3"],
rows : []
var tab3 = {
type : "table",
title : "table3",
cols : ["A", "B", "C"],
rows : []
tab1.rows.push(["jack", "lucy"])
tab2.rows.push(["A", "B", "C"])
tab3.rows.push(["A", "B", "C"])
LogStatus('`' + JSON.stringify(tab1) + '`\n' +
'`' + JSON.stringify(tab2) + '`\n' +
'`' + JSON.stringify(tab3) + '`')
import json
def main():
tab1 = {
"type": "table",
"title": "table1",
"cols": ["1", "2"],
"rows": []
tab2 = {
"type": "table",
"title": "table2",
"cols": ["1", "2", "3"],
"rows": []
tab3 = {
"type": "table",
"title": "table3",
"cols": ["A", "B", "C"],
"rows": []
tab1["rows"].append(["jack", "lucy"])
tab2["rows"].append(["A", "B", "C"])
tab3["rows"].append(["A", "B", "C"])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(tab1) + "`\n" +
"`" + json.dumps(tab2) + "`\n" +
"`" + json.dumps(tab3) + "`")
void main() {
json tab1 = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "table1",
"cols": ["1", "2"],
"rows": []
json tab2 = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "table2",
"cols": ["1", "2", "3"],
"rows": []
json tab3 = R"({
"type": "table",
"title": "table3",
"cols": ["A", "B", "C"],
"rows": []
tab1["rows"].push_back(R"(["jack", "lucy"])"_json);
tab2["rows"].push_back(R"(["A", "B", "C"])"_json);
tab3["rows"].push_back(R"(["A", "B", "C"])"_json);
LogStatus("`" + tab1.dump() + "`\n" +
"`" + tab2.dump() + "`\n" +
"`" + tab3.dump() + "`");
Neben der Anzeige von Tabellen in Seiten können mehrere Tabellen auch in einer von oben nach unten verlaufenden Reihenfolge angezeigt werden:
function main() {
var tbl = {
type : "table",
title : "test scroll",
scroll : "auto",
cols : ["col 0", "col 1", "col 2", "col 3", "col 4", "col 5", "col 6", "col 7", "col 8", "col 9", "col 10",
"col 11", "col 12", "col 13", "col 14", "col 15", "col 16", "col 17", "col 18", "col 19", "col 20"],
rows : []
for (var i = 1 ; i < 100 ; i++) {
tbl.rows.push([i, "1," + i, "2," + i, "3," + i, "4," + i, "5," + i, "6," + i, "7," + i, "8," + i, "9," + i, "10," + i,
"11," + i, "12," + i, "13," + i, "14," + i, "15," + i, "16," + i, "17," + i, "18," + i, "19," + i, "20," + i])
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(tbl) + "`")
import json
def main():
tbl = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "test scroll",
"scroll" : "auto",
"cols" : ["col 0", "col 1", "col 2", "col 3", "col 4", "col 5", "col 6", "col 7", "col 8", "col 9", "col 10",
"col 11", "col 12", "col 13", "col 14", "col 15", "col 16", "col 17", "col 18", "col 19", "col 20"],
"rows" : []
for index in range(1, 100):
i = str(index)
tbl["rows"].append([i, "1," + i, "2," + i, "3," + i, "4," + i, "5," + i, "6," + i, "7," + i, "8," + i, "9," + i, "10," + i,
"11," + i, "12," + i, "13," + i, "14," + i, "15," + i, "16," + i, "17," + i, "18," + i, "19," + i, "20," + i])
LogStatus("`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`")
void main() {
json table = R"({
"type" : "table",
"title" : "test scroll",
"scroll" : "auto",
"cols" : ["col 0", "col 1", "col 2", "col 3", "col 4", "col 5", "col 6", "col 7", "col 8", "col 9", "col 10",
"col 11", "col 12", "col 13", "col 14", "col 15", "col 16", "col 17", "col 18", "col 19", "col 20"],
"rows" : []
for (int index = 1; index < 100; ++index) {
std::string i = std::to_string(index);
table["rows"].push_back({i, "1," + i, "2," + i, "3," + i, "4," + i, "5," + i, "6," + i, "7," + i, "8," + i, "9," + i, "10," + i,
"11," + i, "12," + i, "13," + i, "14," + i, "15," + i, "16," + i, "17," + i, "18," + i, "19," + i, "20," + i});
LogStatus("`" + table.dump() + "`");
Unterstützung für die Einstellung des horizontalen und vertikalen Scroll-Modus der Statusleiste.scroll
Attribut für"auto"
, wenn die Anzahl der vertikalen Zeilen der Statusleiste 20 Zeilen überschreitet, wird der Inhalt gescrollt.scroll
Das Attribut kann verwendet werden, um das Problem der Verzögerung beim Schreiben einer großen Menge an Daten in der Statusleiste während des Live-Handels zu lindern.
Die Ausgabe von Informationen aus derLogStatus()
Diese Funktion wird nicht in die Live-Trading-Datenbank gespeichert, sondern aktualisiert nur den Inhalt der aktuellen Live-Trading-Statusleiste.
Funktion unterstützt das Druckenbase64
kodierte Bilder, beginnend mit`
und endet mit`
Zum Beispiel:LogStatus("``")
- Ich weiß.
Funktion unterstützt das Durchlaufenmatplotlib.pyplot
Gegenstände direkt inPython
, solange das Objekt diesavefig
Die Daten werden als Parameter an dieLogStatus()
Funktion, zum Beispiel:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
Wenn die Strategie läuft Live-Handel, wenn Sie durch die Geschichte auf der Live-Handelseite gehen, wird die Statusleiste schlafen und nicht mehr aktualisiert werden. Nur die Statusleiste Daten aktualisiert werden, wenn das Protokoll auf der ersten Seite ist.base64
Es unterstützt auch die Ausgabe vonbase64
Da die Stringdaten des codierten Bildes in der Regel sehr lang sind, wird der Beispielcode nicht angezeigt.
Ich bin nicht hier.
Aktivieren oder deaktivieren Sie die Protokollierung von Auftragsinformationen.
AktivierenLog (Aktivieren)
Wenn dieenable
Der Parameter ist auf einen falschen Wert gesetzt, z. B.false
, das Auftragsprotokoll (d. h. das Protokoll, das durch Funktionen wieexchange.Buy()
) wird nicht gedruckt und nicht in die Datenbank des Live-Handels eingetragen.
- Das stimmt.
function main() {
def main():
void main() {
{@fun/Trade/exchange.Buy exchange.Buy}, {@fun/Trade/exchange.Sell exchange.Sell}, {@fun/Trade/exchange.CancelOrder exchange.CancelOrder}
Anpassen der Diagrammzeichnungsfunktion.
Chartobjekt. Gegenstand
Tabelle (Optionen)
Die Parameter sind die Diagrammkonfiguration.Chart()
ist einJSON
Parameter fürHighcharts.StockChart
Ein zusätzliches__isStock
Attribut über den nativen Parameter hinzugefügt wird, und wenn__isStock:false
Wenn die Angabe des Wertes der Werte angegeben wird, wird sie als normales Diagramm angezeigt.__isStock
Attribut ist auf einen falschen Wert gesetzt, z. B.false
, d. h. das verwendete Diagramm ist einHighcharts
Attribut wird auf einen wahren Wert gesetzt, z. B.true
, d. h. das verwendete Diagramm ist einHighstocks
Diagramm (standardmäßig)__isStock
ist wahr, z.B.true
) Sie können dieHighStocks-Charts-Bibliothek- Ich weiß.
Objekt, Objekt-Array
function main() {
var cfgA = {
extension: {
layout: 'single', // No grouping, display separately, default to group 'group'
height: 300, // Specify the height
title: {
text: 'handicap chart'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
series: [{
name: 'buy one',
data: [],
}, {
name: 'sell one',
data: [],
var cfgB = {
title: {
text: 'spread chart'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
series: [{
name: 'spread',
type: 'column',
data: [],
var cfgC = {
__isStock: false,
title: {
text: 'pie chart'
series: [{
type: 'pie',
name: 'one',
data: [
["A", 25],
["B", 25],
["C", 25],
["D", 25],
] // Instead of updating the initial data with the add function, the sequence can be updated by changing the chart configuration directly.
var cfgD = {
extension: {
layout: 'single',
col: 8, // Specify the cell value for the width, the total value is 12
height: '300px',
title: {
text: 'handicap chart'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
series: [{
name: 'buy one',
data: [],
}, {
name: 'sell one',
data: [],
var cfgE = {
__isStock: false,
extension: {
layout: 'single',
col: 4,
height: '300px',
title: {
text: 'pie chart2'
series: [{
type: 'pie',
name: 'one',
data: [
["A", 25],
["B", 25],
["C", 25],
["D", 25],
var chart = Chart([cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE]);
// Add a number of points to the pie chart, add can only update the data points added by add, built-in data points cannot be updated later.
chart.add(3, {
name: "ZZ",
y: Math.random() * 100
while (true) {
var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
if (!ticker) {
var diff = ticker.Sell - ticker.Buy
cfgA.subtitle = {
text: 'buy one ' + ticker.Buy + ', sell one ' + ticker.Sell,
cfgB.subtitle = {
text: 'spread ' + diff,
chart.add([0, [new Date().getTime(), ticker.Buy]]);
chart.add([1, [new Date().getTime(), ticker.Sell]]);
// Equivalent to updating the first data series of the second chart
chart.add([2, [new Date().getTime(), diff]]);
chart.add(4, [new Date().getTime(), ticker.Buy]);
chart.add(5, [new Date().getTime(), ticker.Buy]);
cfgC.series[0].data[0][1] = Math.random() * 100;
cfgE.series[0].data[0][1] = Math.random() * 100;
// update is actually the same as resetting the chart's configuration
chart.update([cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE]);
import random
import time
def main():
cfgA = {
"extension" : {
"layout" : "single",
"height" : 300,
"col" : 8
"title" : {
"text" : "handicap chart"
"xAxis" : {
"type" : "datetime"
"series" : [{
"name" : "buy one",
"data" : []
}, {
"name" : "sell one",
"data" : []
cfgB = {
"title" : {
"text" : "spread chart"
"xAxis" : {
"type" : "datetime",
"series" : [{
"name" : "spread",
"type" : "column",
"data" : []
cfgC = {
"__isStock" : False,
"title" : {
"text" : "pie chart"
"series" : [{
"type" : "pie",
"name" : "one",
"data" : [
["A", 25],
["B", 25],
["C", 25],
["D", 25],
cfgD = {
"extension" : {
"layout" : "single",
"col" : 8,
"height" : "300px"
"title" : {
"text" : "handicap chart"
"series" : [{
"name" : "buy one",
"data" : []
}, {
"name" : "sell one",
"data" : []
cfgE = {
"__isStock" : False,
"extension" : {
"layout" : "single",
"col" : 4,
"height" : "300px"
"title" : {
"text" : "pie chart2"
"series" : [{
"type" : "pie",
"name" : "one",
"data" : [
["A", 25],
["B", 25],
["C", 25],
["D", 25]
chart = Chart([cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE])
chart.add(3, {
"name" : "ZZ",
"y" : random.random() * 100
while True:
ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
if not ticker :
diff = ticker["Sell"] - ticker["Buy"]
cfgA["subtitle"] = {
"text" : "buy one" + str(ticker["Buy"]) + "sell one" + str(ticker["Sell"])
cfgB["subtitle"] = {
"text" : "spread " + str(diff)
chart.add(0, [time.time() * 1000, ticker["Buy"]])
chart.add(1, [time.time() * 1000, ticker["Sell"]])
chart.add(2, [time.time() * 1000, diff])
chart.add(4, [time.time() * 1000, ticker["Buy"]])
chart.add(5, [time.time() * 1000, ticker["Buy"]])
cfgC["series"][0]["data"][0][1] = random.random() * 100
cfgE["series"][0]["data"][0][1] = random.random() * 100
void main() {
json cfgA = R"({
"extension" : {
"layout" : "single",
"height" : 300,
"col" : 8
"title" : {
"text" : "handicap chart"
"xAxis" : {
"type" : "datetime"
"series" : [{
"name" : "buy one",
"data" : []
}, {
"name" : "sell one",
"data" : []
json cfgB = R"({
"title" : {
"text" : "spread chart"
"xAxis" : {
"type" : "datetime"
"series" : [{
"name" : "spread",
"type" : "column",
"data" : []
json cfgC = R"({
"__isStock" : false,
"title" : {
"text" : "pie chart"
"series" : [{
"type" : "pie",
"name" : "one",
"data" : [
["A", 25],
["B", 25],
["C", 25],
["D", 25]
json cfgD = R"({
"extension" : {
"layout" : "single",
"col" : 8,
"height" : "300px"
"title" : {
"text" : "handicap chart"
"series" : [{
"name" : "buy one",
"data" : []
}, {
"name" : "sell one",
"data" : []
json cfgE = R"({
"__isStock" : false,
"extension" : {
"layout" : "single",
"col" : 4,
"height" : "300px"
"title" : {
"text" : "pie chart2"
"series" : [{
"type" : "pie",
"name" : "one",
"data" : [
["A", 25],
["B", 25],
["C", 25],
["D", 25]
auto chart = Chart({cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE});
json zz = R"({
"name" : "ZZ",
"y" : 0
zz["y"] = rand() % 100;
chart.add(3, zz);
while(true) {
auto ticker = exchange.GetTicker();
if(!ticker.Valid) {
auto diff = ticker.Sell - ticker.Buy;
json cfgASubTitle = R"({"text" : ""})"_json;
cfgASubTitle["text"] = format("buy one %f , sell one %f", ticker.Buy, ticker.Sell);
cfgA["subtitle"] = cfgASubTitle;
json cfgBSubTitle = R"({"text" : ""})"_json;
cfgBSubTitle["text"] = format("spread %f", diff);
cfgB["subtitle"] = cfgBSubTitle;
chart.add(0, {Unix() * 1000, ticker.Buy});
chart.add(1, {Unix() * 1000, ticker.Sell});
chart.add(2, {Unix() * 1000, diff});
chart.add(4, {Unix() * 1000, ticker.Buy});
chart.add(5, {Unix() * 1000, ticker.Buy});
cfgC["series"][0]["data"][0][1] = rand() % 100;
cfgE["series"][0]["data"][0][1] = rand() % 100;
chart.update({cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE});
Konfiguration für mehrere Diagramme:
- Was ist los?extension.layout
Wenn das Attribut mit dem Wert extension.height
Das Attribut wird verwendet, um die Höhe des Diagramms, entweder als numerischen Wert oder als extension.col
Das Attribut wird verwendet, um die Breite des Diagramms festzulegen, die Seitenbreite wird in 12 Zellen unterteilt, Satz 8, das heißt, das Diagramm nimmt 8 Zellen Breite.
// This chart is an object in the JavaScript language, and before using the Chart function, we need to declare an object variable chart to configure the chart. var chart = {
// This field marks whether the chart is a general chart or not, if you are interested, you can change it to false and run it.
__isStock: true,
// Scaling tool
tooltip: {xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A'},
// title
title : { text : 'spread analysis chart'},
// selection range
rangeSelector: {
buttons: [{type: 'hour',count: 1, text: '1h'}, {type: 'hour',count: 3, text: '3h'}, {type: 'hour', count: 8, text: '8h'}, {type: 'all',text: 'All'}],
selected: 0,
inputEnabled: false
// Coordinate axis horizontal axis that is: x-axis, the current setting type is: time
xAxis: { type: 'datetime'},
// Coordinate axis vertical axis that is: y-axis, default value adjusted with the size of the data
yAxis : {
// title
title: {text: 'spread'},
// Whether to enable the right vertical axis
opposite: false
// Data series, this sttribute holds the individual data series (lines, K-charts, labels, etc...)
series : [
// The index is 0, and the data array holds the data of the index series
{name : "line1", id : "line1,buy1Price", data : []},
// Index is 1, set dashStyle:'shortdash' i.e.: set the dashed line
{name : "line2", id : "line2,lastPrice", dashStyle : 'shortdash', data : []}
} function main(){
// Call the Chart function to initialize the chart
var ObjChart = Chart(chart)
// Clear out
// Gets the timestamp of this poll, i.e. a millisecond timestamp. It's used to determine the position of the X-axis written to the chart.
var nowTime = new Date().getTime()
// Get the ticker data
var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker)
// Get buy one price from the return value of the ticker data
var buy1Price = ticker.Buy
// To obtain the final transaction price, we add 1 in order not to overlap the 2 lines
var lastPrice = ticker.Last + 1
// Data sequence with timestamp as X-value and buy one price as Y-value passed into index 0
ObjChart.add(0, [nowTime, buy1Price])
// ditto
ObjChart.add(1, [nowTime, lastPrice])
import time
chart = {
"__isStock" : True,
"tooltip" : {"xDateFormat" : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A"},
"title" : {"text" : "spread analysis chart"},
"rangeSelector" : {
"buttons" : [{"type": "count", "count": 1, "text": "1h"}, {"type": "hour", "count": 3, "text": "3h"}, {"type": "hour", "count": 8, "text": "8h"}, {"type": "all", "text": "All"}],
"selected": 0,
"inputEnabled": False
"xAxis": {"type": "datetime"},
"yAxis": {
"title": {"text": "spread"},
"opposite": False
"series": [{
"name": "line1", "id": "line1,buy1Price", "data": []
}, {
"name": "line2", "id": "line2,lastPrice", "dashStyle": "shortdash", "data": []
def main():
ObjChart = Chart(chart)
while True:
nowTime = time.time() * 1000
ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
buy1Price = ticker["Buy"]
lastPrice = ticker["Last"] + 1
ObjChart.add(0, [nowTime, buy1Price])
ObjChart.add(1, [nowTime, lastPrice])
void main() {
// When writing strategies in C++, try not to declare global variables that are not of the base type, so the chart configuration object is declared inside the main function.
json chart = R"({
"__isStock" : true,
"tooltip" : {"xDateFormat" : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A"},
"title" : {"text" : "spread analysis chart"},
"rangeSelector" : {
"buttons" : [{"type": "count", "count": 1, "text": "1h"}, {"type": "hour", "count": 3, "text": "3h"}, {"type": "hour", "count": 8, "text": "8h"}, {"type": "all", "text": "All"}],
"selected": 0,
"inputEnabled": false
"xAxis": {"type": "datetime"},
"yAxis": {
"title": {"text": "spread"},
"opposite": false
"series": [{
"name": "line1", "id": "line1,buy1Price", "data": []
}, {
"name": "line2", "id": "line2,lastPrice", "dashStyle": "shortdash", "data": []
auto ObjChart = Chart(chart);
while(true) {
auto nowTime = Unix() * 1000;
auto ticker = exchange.GetTicker();
auto buy1Price = ticker.Buy;
auto lastPrice = ticker.Last + 1.0;
ObjChart.add(0, {nowTime, buy1Price});
ObjChart.add(1, {nowTime, lastPrice});
Beispiel für eine einfache Zeichnung:
// Objects used to initialize the chart
var chart = {
// Chart title
title: {text: "line value triggers the plotLines value"},
// Y-axis related settings
yAxis: {
// A horizontal line perpendicular to the Y-axis, used as a trigger line, is a structural array that can set multiple trigger lines
plotLines: [{
// The value of the trigger line, how much it set, this line will be displayed in the corresponding value position
value: 0,
// Set the color of the trigger line
color: 'red',
// Width
width: 2,
// Displaying labels
label: {
// Label text
text: 'Trigger value',
// Centered label position
align: 'center'
// X-axis related settings, here the setting type is time axis
xAxis: {type: "datetime"},
series: [
{name: "sin", type: "spline", data: []},
// This is an important data series, you can set multiple data series, according to the array index control
{name: "cos", type: "spline", data: []}
function main(){
// Circumference
var pi = 3.1415926535897
// Variables for recording timestamps
var time = 0
// Angle
var angle = 0
// Coordinate y values for receiving sine and cosine values
var y = 0
// Call the API interface to initialize the chart with the chart object
var objChart = Chart(chart)
// Initially, clear the chart
// Set the value of the trigger line to 1
chart.yAxis.plotLines[0].value = 1
// Loop
// Get the timestamp of the current moment
time = new Date().getTime()
// Angle increases by 5 degrees every 500ms and calculates the sine value
y = Math.sin(angle * 2 * pi / 360)
// Write the calculated y value to the data series of the corresponding index of the chart, the first parameter of the add function is the specified data series index
objChart.add(0, [time, y])
// Calculate the cosine value
y = Math.cos(angle * 2 * pi / 360)
objChart.add(1, [time, y])
// Increase by 5 degrees
angle += 5
// Pause for 5 seconds to avoid drawing too often and growing data too fast
import math
import time
chart = {
"title": {"text": "line value triggers the plotLines value"},
"yAxis": {
"plotLines": [{
"value": 0,
"color": "red",
"width": 2,
"label": {
"text": "trigger value",
"align": "center"
"xAxis": {"type": "datetime"},
"series": [{"name": "sin", "type": "spline", "data": []},
{"name": "cos", "type": "spline", "data": []}]
def main():
pi = 3.1415926535897
ts = 0
angle = 0
y = 0
objChart = Chart(chart)
chart["yAxis"]["plotLines"][0]["value"] = 1
while True:
ts = time.time() * 1000
y = math.sin(angle * 2 * pi / 360)
objChart.add(0, [ts, y])
y = math.cos(angle * 2 * pi / 360)
objChart.add(1, [ts, y])
angle += 5
void main() {
json chart = R"({
"title": {"text": "line value triggers the plotLines value"},
"yAxis": {
"plotLines": [{
"value": 0,
"color": "red",
"width": 2,
"label": {
"text": "trigger value",
"align": "center"
"xAxis": {"type": "datetime"},
"series": [{"name": "sin", "type": "spline", "data": []},
{"name": "cos", "type": "spline", "data": []}]
auto pi = 3.1415926535897;
auto ts = 0;
auto angle = 0.0;
auto y = 0.0;
auto objChart = Chart(chart);
chart["yAxis"]["plotLines"][0]["value"] = 1;
while(true) {
ts = Unix() * 1000;
y = sin(angle * 2 * pi / 360);
objChart.add(0, {ts, y});
y = cos(angle * 2 * pi / 360);
objChart.add(1, {ts, y});
angle += 5;
Beispiel für die Zeichnung einer trigonometrischen Kurve
start: 2020-03-11 00:00:00
end: 2020-04-09 23:59:00
period: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC_USD"}]
var chartCfg = {
subtitle: {
text: "subtitle",
yAxis: [{
height: "40%",
lineWidth: 2,
title: {
text: 'PnL',
tickPixelInterval: 20,
minorGridLineWidth: 1,
minorTickWidth: 0,
opposite: true,
labels: {
align: "right",
x: -3,
}, {
title: {
text: 'Profit',
top: "42%",
height: "18%",
offset: 0,
lineWidth: 2
}, {
title: {
text: 'Vol',
top: '62%',
height: '18%',
offset: 0,
lineWidth: 2
}, {
title: {
text: 'Asset',
top: '82%',
height: '18%',
offset: 0,
lineWidth: 2
series: [{
name: 'PnL',
data: [],
id: 'primary',
tooltip: {
xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
yAxis: 0
}, {
type: 'column',
lineWidth: 2,
name: 'Profit',
data: [],
yAxis: 1,
}, {
type: 'column',
name: 'Trade',
data: [],
yAxis: 2
}, {
type: 'area',
step: true,
lineWidth: 0,
name: 'Long',
data: [],
yAxis: 2
}, {
type: 'area',
step: true,
lineWidth: 0,
name: 'Short',
data: [],
yAxis: 2
}, {
type: 'line',
step: true,
color: '#5b4b00',
name: 'Asset',
data: [],
yAxis: 3
}, {
type: 'pie',
innerSize: '70%',
name: 'Random',
data: [],
center: ['3%', '6%'],
size: '15%',
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
startAngle: -90,
endAngle: 90,
function main() {
let c = Chart(chartCfg);
let preTicker = null;
while (true) {
let t = exchange.GetTicker();
c.add(0, [t.Time, t.Last]); // PnL
c.add(1, [t.Time, preTicker ? t.Last - preTicker.Last : 0]); // profit
let r = Math.random();
var pos = parseInt(t.Time/86400);
c.add(2, [t.Time, pos/2]); // Vol
c.add(3, [t.Time, r > 0.8 ? pos : null]); // Long
c.add(4, [t.Time, r < 0.8 ? -pos : null]); // Short
c.add(5, [t.Time, Math.random() * 100]); // Asset
// update pie
chartCfg.series[chartCfg.series.length-1].data = [
["A", Math.random()*100],
["B", Math.random()*100],
preTicker = t;
start: 2020-03-11 00:00:00
end: 2020-04-09 23:59:00
period: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC_USD"}]
import random
chartCfg = {
"subtitle": {
"text": "subtitle"
"yAxis": [{
"height": "40%",
"lineWidth": 2,
"title": {
"text": 'PnL'
"tickPixelInterval": 20,
"minorGridLineWidth": 1,
"minorTickWidth": 0,
"opposite": True,
"labels": {
"align": "right",
"x": -3
}, {
"title": {
"text": 'Profit'
"top": "42%",
"height": "18%",
"offset": 0,
"lineWidth": 2
}, {
"title": {
"text": 'Vol'
"top": '62%',
"height": '18%',
"offset": 0,
"lineWidth": 2
}, {
"title": {
"text": 'Asset'
"top": '82%',
"height": '18%',
"offset": 0,
"lineWidth": 2
"series": [{
"name": 'PnL',
"data": [],
"id": 'primary',
"tooltip": {
"xDateFormat": '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
"yAxis": 0
}, {
"type": 'column',
"lineWidth": 2,
"name": 'Profit',
"data": [],
"yAxis": 1
}, {
"type": 'column',
"name": 'Trade',
"data": [],
"yAxis": 2
}, {
"type": 'area',
"step": True,
"lineWidth": 0,
"name": 'Long',
"data": [],
"yAxis": 2
}, {
"type": 'area',
"step": True,
"lineWidth": 0,
"name": 'Short',
"data": [],
"yAxis": 2
}, {
"type": 'line',
"step": True,
"color": '#5b4b00',
"name": 'Asset',
"data": [],
"yAxis": 3
}, {
"type": 'pie',
"innerSize": '70%',
"name": 'Random',
"data": [],
"center": ['3%', '6%'],
"size": '15%',
"dataLabels": {
"enabled": False
"startAngle": -90,
"endAngle": 90
def main():
c = Chart(chartCfg)
preTicker = None
while True:
t = exchange.GetTicker()
c.add(0, [t["Time"], t["Last"]])
profit = t["Last"] - preTicker["Last"] if preTicker else 0
c.add(1, [t["Time"], profit])
r = random.random()
pos = t["Time"] / 86400
c.add(2, [t["Time"], pos / 2])
long = pos if r > 0.8 else None
c.add(3, [t["Time"], long])
short = -pos if r < 0.8 else None
c.add(4, [t["Time"], short])
c.add(5, [t["Time"], random.random() * 100])
# update pie
chartCfg["series"][len(chartCfg["series"]) - 1]["data"] = [
["A", random.random() * 100],
["B", random.random() * 100]
preTicker = t
start: 2020-03-11 00:00:00
end: 2020-04-09 23:59:00
period: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC_USD"}]
void main() {
json chartCfg = R"({
"subtitle": {
"text": "subtitle"
"yAxis": [{
"height": "40%",
"lineWidth": 2,
"title": {
"text": "PnL"
"tickPixelInterval": 20,
"minorGridLineWidth": 1,
"minorTickWidth": 0,
"opposite": true,
"labels": {
"align": "right",
"x": -3
}, {
"title": {
"text": "Profit"
"top": "42%",
"height": "18%",
"offset": 0,
"lineWidth": 2
}, {
"title": {
"text": "Vol"
"top": "62%",
"height": "18%",
"offset": 0,
"lineWidth": 2
}, {
"title": {
"text": "Asset"
"top": "82%",
"height": "18%",
"offset": 0,
"lineWidth": 2
"series": [{
"name": "PnL",
"data": [],
"id": "primary",
"tooltip": {
"xDateFormat": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
"yAxis": 0
}, {
"type": "column",
"lineWidth": 2,
"name": "Profit",
"data": [],
"yAxis": 1
}, {
"type": "column",
"name": "Trade",
"data": [],
"yAxis": 2
}, {
"type": "area",
"step": true,
"lineWidth": 0,
"name": "Long",
"data": [],
"yAxis": 2
}, {
"type": "area",
"step": true,
"lineWidth": 0,
"name": "Short",
"data": [],
"yAxis": 2
}, {
"type": "line",
"step": true,
"color": "#5b4b00",
"name": "Asset",
"data": [],
"yAxis": 3
}, {
"type": "pie",
"innerSize": "70%",
"name": "Random",
"data": [],
"center": ["3%", "6%"],
"size": "15%",
"dataLabels": {
"enabled": false
"startAngle": -90,
"endAngle": 90
Chart c = Chart(chartCfg);
Ticker preTicker;
while(true) {
auto t = exchange.GetTicker();
c.add(0, {t.Time, t.Last});
auto profit = preTicker.Valid ? t.Last - preTicker.Last : 0;
c.add(1, {t.Time, profit});
auto r = rand() % 100;
auto pos = t.Time / 86400.0;
c.add(2, {t.Time, pos / 2.0});
auto longPos = r > 0.8 ? pos : NULL;
c.add(3, {t.Time, longPos});
auto shortPos = r < 0.8 ? -pos : NULL;
c.add(4, {t.Time, shortPos});
c.add(5, {t.Time, rand() % 100});
// update pie
json pie = R"([["A", 0], ["B", 0]])"_json;
pie[0][1] = rand() % 100;
pie[1][1] = rand() % 100;
chartCfg["series"][chartCfg["series"].size() - 1]["data"] = pie;
preTicker = t;
Komplexe Beispiele für die Verwendung hybrider Diagramme:
// update pie
chartCfg.series[chartCfg.series.length-1].data = [
["A", Math.random()*100],
["B", Math.random()*100],
# update pie
chartCfg["series"][len(chartCfg["series"]) - 1]["data"] = [
["A", random.random() * 100],
["B", random.random() * 100]
// update pie
json pie = R"([["A", 0], ["B", 0]])"_json;
pie[0][1] = rand() % 100;
pie[1][1] = rand() % 100;
chartCfg["series"][chartCfg["series"].size() - 1]["data"] = pie;
Sie müssen die Diagrammkonfiguration direkt beim Aktualisieren der Daten aktualisieren.c.update(chartCfg)
nach Aktualisierung der Daten wie folgt:
Funktion gibt ein Diagrammobjekt zurück, das 4 Methoden hat:add()
, reset()
, update()
, del()
- Ich weiß.
- 1. Dieupdate()
Der Parameter dieser Methode ist das Chart Configuration Object (JSON).
- 2. Diedel()
Methode kann die Datenreihe des angegebenen Indizes auf der Grundlage des übermittelten Serienparameters löschen.
- 3. Dieadd()
Diese Methode kann Daten mit folgenden Parametern in der Reihenfolge auf das Diagramm schreiben:
- Was ist los?series
: verwendet, um den Datenreihenindex zu setzen, der eine ganze Zahl ist.
- Was ist los?data
: verwendet, um die spezifischen zu schreibenden Daten festzulegen, es ist ein Array.
- Was ist los?index
(optional): verwendet, um den Datenindex einzustellen, es ist eine ganze Zahl.-1
bezieht sich auf die letzten Daten des Datensatzes.
Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie eine Linie zeichnen, ändern Sie die Daten am letzten Punkt der Linie:chart.add(0, [1574993606000, 13.5], -1)
, d. h. die Daten am vorletzten ersten Punkt des Diagramms ändernseries[0].data
- Ich weiß.
Parameter nicht eingestellt ist, was bedeutet, dass die Daten zum letzten Punkt der aktuellen Datenreihe hinzugefügt werden.
- 4. Diereset()
Die Methode wird verwendet, um die Diagrammdaten zu entleeren.reset()
Methode kann einen Parameter annehmenremain
Um die Anzahl der Einträge anzugeben. Keine Parameterremain
wird übergeben, um alle Daten zu löschen.
Ich bin nicht derjenige, der das Problem hat.
Die Funktion wird für die benutzerdefinierte Zeichnung in der Strategielaufzeit mit einer Zeichnungsmethode verwendet, die derPine
Das Chartobjekt.KLineChart()
Funktion gibt ein Chartobjekt mit mehreren Methoden zurück, unter denen Sie aufpassen müssenbegin()
. Die Zeichnung muss mit einembegin()
Funktionsaufruf und Ende mit aclose()
Funktionsaufruf beim Durchqueren der KLine-Daten zur Durchführung des Zeichnungsvorgangs.
KLineChart (Optionen)
Parameter ist die Diagrammkonfiguration.
Objekt, Objekt-Array
function main() {
// Call the KLineChart function to create a chart control object c
let c = KLineChart({
overlay: true
// Use the Spot Exchange object test to get K-line data. If you use the futures exchange object test, you need to set up the contract first.
let bars = exchange.GetRecords()
if (!bars) {
// Execute the drawing operation by traversing over the K-line data. The drawing operation must start with the ```c.begin(bar)``` function call and end with the ```c.close()``` function call.
bars.forEach(function(bar, index) {
c.barcolor(bar.Close > bar.Open ? 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)' : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)')
if (bar.Close > bar.Open) {
c.bgcolor('rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)')
let h = c.plot(bar.High, 'high')
let l = c.plot(bar.Low, 'low')
c.fill(h, l, {
color: bar.Close > bar.Open ? 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)' : 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)'
c.plotarrow(bar.Close - bar.Open)
c.plotshape(bar.Low, {
style: 'diamond'
c.plotchar(bar.Close, {
char: 'X'
c.plotcandle(bar.Open*0.9, bar.High*0.9, bar.Low*0.9, bar.Close*0.9)
if (bar.Close > bar.Open) {
// long/short/closelong/closeshort
c.signal("long", bar.High, 1.5)
} else if (bar.Close < bar.Open) {
c.signal("closelong", bar.Low, 1.5)
def main():
# Call the KLineChart function to create a chart control object c
c = KLineChart({
"overlay": True
# Use the Spot Exchange object test to get K-line data. If you use the futures exchange object test, you need to set up the contract first.
bars = exchange.GetRecords()
if not bars:
for bar in bars:
c.barcolor('rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)' if bar.Close > bar.Open else 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)')
if bar.Close > bar.Open:
c.bgcolor('rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)')
h = c.plot(bar.High, 'high')
l = c.plot(bar.Low, 'low')
c.fill(h, l, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)' if bar.Close > bar.Open else 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)')
c.plotarrow(bar.Close - bar.Open)
c.plotshape(bar.Low, style = 'diamond')
c.plotchar(bar.Close, char = 'X')
c.plotcandle(bar.Open*0.9, bar.High*0.9, bar.Low*0.9, bar.Close*0.9)
if bar.Close > bar.Open:
# long/short/closelong/closeshort
c.signal("long", bar.High, 1.5)
elif bar.Close < bar.Open:
c.signal("closelong", bar.Low, 1.5)
// Not supported for now
Wenn ein Diagrammsteuerobjekt benötigt wird, um in der Strategie benutzerdefinierten Zeichnungsbereich zu zeichnen, verwenden Sie dieKLineChart()
Die Parameter für dieKLineChart()
Funktion ist eine Diagrammkonfigurationsstruktur, die im Referenzcode verwendet wird, ist einfach:{overlay: true}
. Diese Diagrammkonfigurationsstruktur legt nur den auf dem Hauptdiagramm auszuführenden Zeichnungsinhalt fest.overlay
ist auf einen falschen Wert gesetzt, z. B.false
Wenn Sie eine Zeichnungsfunktion angeben müssen, um auf dem Hauptdiagramm zu zeichnen, können Sie auch den Parameter angebenoverlay
als wahren Wert im spezifischen Funktionsanruf, z. B.:true
c.barcolor(bar.Close > bar.Open ? 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)' : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)') // Use the example illustrated in the reference code in this example, without further ado
c.barcolor('rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)' if bar.Close > bar.Open else 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)')
// Not supported for now
Die Funktionen der Zeichnungsoberfläche derPine
bei der Zeichnung unterstützte Sprachen sind:
> barcolor(color, offset, editable, show_last, title, display)
> display parameters are optional: "none", "all"
c.bgcolor('rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)')
c.bgcolor('rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)')
// Not supported for now
> bgcolor(color, offset, editable, show_last, title, display, overlay)
> display parameters are optional: "none", "all"
c.plot(bar.High, 'high')
c.plot(bar.Open < bar.Close ? NaN : bar.Close, "Close", {style: "linebr"}) // Support for drawing discontinuous data lines
h = c.plot(bar.High, 'high')
h = c.plot(None if bar.Open < bar.Close else bar.Close, "Close", style = "linebr") # Support for drawing discontinuous data lines
// Not supported for now
> plot(series, title, color, linewidth, style, trackprice, histbase, offset, join, editable, show_last, display)
> style parameters are optional: "stepline_diamond", "stepline", "cross", "areabr", "area", "circles", "columns", "histogram", "linebr", "line"
> display parameters are optional: "none", "all"
let h = c.plot(bar.High, 'high')
let l = c.plot(bar.Low, 'low')
c.fill(h, l, {color: bar.Close > bar.Open ? 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)' : 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)'})
h = c.plot(bar.High, 'high')
l = c.plot(bar.Low, 'low')
c.fill(h, l, color = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)' if bar.Close > bar.Open else 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)'})
// Not supported for now
> fill(hline1, hline2, color, title, editable, fillgaps, display)
> display parameters are optional: "none", "all"
Since the ```JavaScript``` language cannot specify incoming parameters based on the names of function formal parameters, to solve this problem, you can use a ```{key: value}``` structure to specify the parameters to be passed to a certain formal parameter name.
For example, the reference code uses ```{color: bar.Close > bar.Open ? 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0, 0.2)' : 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0, 0.2)'}``` specifies the ```color``` parameter of the ```fill``` function.
If you need to specify multiple parameters with consecutive form parameter names, you can use ```{key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3}```.
For example, in this example, an additional ```title``` parameter is specified: ```{color: bar.Close > bar.Open ? 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0, 0.2)' : 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0, 0.2)', title: 'fill'}```.
For the color value, you can set it with ```'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0, 0.2)'``` or with ```'#FF0000'```.
// Not supported for now
> hline(price, title, color, linestyle, linewidth, editable, display)
> linestyle parameters are optional: "dashed", "dotted", "solid"
> display parameters are optional: "none", "all"
c.plotarrow(bar.Close - bar.Open)
c.plotarrow(bar.Close - bar.Open)
// Not supported for now
> plotarrow(series, title, colorup, colordown, offset, minheight, maxheight, editable, show_last, display)
> display parameters are optional: "none", "all"
c.plotshape(bar.Low, {style: 'diamond'})
c.plotshape(bar.Low, style = 'diamond')
// Not supported for now
> plotshape(series, title, style, location, color, offset, text, textcolor, editable, size, show_last, display)
> style parameters are optional: "diamond", "square", "label_down", "label_up", "arrow_down", "arrow_up", "circle", "flag", "triangle_down", "triangle_up", "cross", "xcross"
> location parameters are optional: "abovebar", "belowbar", "top", "bottom", "absolute"
> size parameters are optional: "10px", "14px", "20px", "40px", "80px", comparing size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge in Pine language.
> is size.small.
> display parameters are optional: "none", "all"
c.plotchar(bar.Close, {char: 'X'})
c.plotchar(bar.Close, char = 'X')
// Not supported for now
> plotchar(series, title, char, location, color, offset, text, textcolor, editable, size, show_last, display)
> location parameters are optional: "abovebar", "belowbar", "top", "bottom", "absolute"
> size parameters are optional: "10px", "14px", "20px", "40px", "80px", comparing size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge in Pine language.
> is size.small.
> display parameters are optional: "none", "all"
c.plotcandle(bar.Open*0.9, bar.High*0.9, bar.Low*0.9, bar.Close*0.9)
c.plotcandle(bar.Open*0.9, bar.High*0.9, bar.Low*0.9, bar.Close*0.9)
// Not supported for now
> plotcandle(open, high, low, close, title, color, wickcolor, editable, show_last, bordercolor, display)
> display parameters are optional: "none", "all"
c.signal("long", bar.High, 1.5)
c.signal("long", bar.High, 1.5)
// Not supported for now
> signal(direction, price, qty, id)
The parameter ''long'' is passed in to indicate the direction of the transaction, you can choose ''long'', ''closelong'', ''short'', ''closeshort''. The parameter ```bar.High``` is the Y-axis position of the marker signal.
The passed parameter 1.5 indicates the number of transactions of the signal. The fourth parameter can be passed to replace the default text content drawn, and the default text of the drawn signal marker is the direction of the transaction, e.g. ''closelong''.
// Not supported for now
> reset(remain)
The ```reset()``` method can take one parameter, ```remain```, to specify the number of data to keep. Not passing ```remain``` means clearing all data.
Strategy custom drawing can only use one of the ways of ```KLineChart()``` function or ```Chart()``` function. For some color and style settings used in the ```KLineChart()``` function call, please refer to the [Use the KLineChart function to make strategy drawing design easier](
{@fun/Log/Chart Chart}
### LogReset
Clear the log.
The ```remain``` parameter is used to set the number of recent log entries to keep.
function main() {
// Keep the last 10 logs and clear the rest
def main():
void main() {
Das Startprotokoll für jeden Start der Strategie Live Trading zählt als eins, so dass, wenn keine Parameter in übergeben werden und es keine Log-Ausgabe zu Beginn der Strategie gibt, werden keine Logs überhaupt angezeigt, warten auf das Docker-Log zurückgegeben werden (keine Ausnahme).
Das ist ein sehr schwieriger Fall.
Verwendet zur Rückgewinnung des Lagerraums, der vonSQLitebei Löschung von Daten nach Aufruf derLogReset()
Funktion, um das Protokoll zu löschen.
LogVacuum (siehe unten)
function main() {
def main():
void main() {
Der Grund dafür ist, dassSQLite
wird nicht zurückgefordert, wenn Daten gelöscht werden, und es muss ausgeführt werdenVACUUM
Die Dateibewegung erfolgt, wenn diese Funktion aufgerufen wird, und die Verzögerung ist groß, so dass es empfohlen wird, in einem geeigneten Zeitintervall zu rufen.
- Ich bin nicht hier. - Ich bin hier.
Es wird verwendet, um Debug-Informationen in der Spalte 123456
, dieconsole.log
Funktion Ausgänge Debugging-Informationen auf der Live-Handelsseite, und gleichzeitig erstellen Sie eine Protokolldatei mit der Erweiterung.log
und schreiben Sie Debug-Informationen in die/logs/storage/123456/
in dem Verzeichnis des Dockers, zu dem der Live-Handel gehört, mit dem Vorwort "Dateiname"stdout_
- Das ist nicht wahr.
Der Parametermsg
ist der Inhalt der Ausgabe und der Parametermsg
kann mehr als eine übergeben werden.
String, number, bool, object, array, null und andere vom System unterstützte Typen.
function main() {
console.log("test console.log")
# Not supported
// Not supported
Sprache unterstützt diese Funktion.[object Object]
, also versuchen Sie, so viele lesbare Informationen wie möglich auszugeben.Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht.
Verwendet für die Fehlerdaten im Feld 123456
, dieconsole.error
Funktion erstellt eine Protokolldatei mit der Erweiterung.log
in der/logs/storage/123456/
Verzeichnis des Docker, wo der Live-Handel gehört, und schreibt die Fehlerleistung mit dem Präfixstderr_
Ich habe einen Fehler bei der Konsole.
Der Parametermsg
ist der Inhalt der Ausgabe und der Parametermsg
kann mehr als eine übergeben werden.
String, number, bool, object, array, null und andere vom System unterstützte Typen.
function main() {
console.error("test console.error")
# Not supported
// Not supported
Sprache unterstützt diese Funktion.[object Object]
, also versuchen Sie, so viele lesbare Informationen wie möglich auszugeben.- Ich bin nicht hier. - Ich bin hier.
Weltweite Markt