
The GetRobotDetail method is used to get the details of the live trading under the FMZ Quant Trading Platform account corresponding to the API KEY in the request. The Id of the live trading to be retrieved is the live trading Id specified by the robotId parameter.

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "result": {
            "robot": {
                "charge_time": 1732246539,
                "charged": 5850000,
                "consumed": 5375000000,
                "date": "2018-12-28 14:34:51",
                "favorite": {
                    "added": false,
                    "type": "R"
                "fixed_id": 123,
                "hits": 1,
                "id": 123,
                "is_deleted": 0,
                "is_manager": true,
                "is_sandbox": 0,
                "name": "test",
                "node_id": 123,
                "pexchanges": {
                    "123": "Futures_OKCoin"
                "phash": {
                    "123": "ca1aca74b9cf7d8624f2af2dac01e36d"
                "plabels": {
                    "123": "OKEX futures V5"
                "priority": 0,
                "profit": 0,
                "public": 0,
                "refresh": 1732244453000,
                "robot_args": "[]",
                "start_time": "2024-11-22 11:00:48",
                "status": 1,
                "strategy_args": "[]",
                "strategy_exchange_pairs": "[60,[123],[\"ETH_USDT\"]]",
                "strategy_id": 123,
                "strategy_last_modified": "2024-11-21 16:49:25",
                "strategy_name": "test",
                "strategy_public": "0",
                "uid": "105ed6e51bcc17792a610fdbb7e2a1d6",
                "username": "abc",
                "wd": 0
        "error": null
  • charge_time: The next deduction time is the effective expiration time after the current deduction.
  • charged: Time already consumed.
  • consumed: Amount consumed (0.125 USD = 12500000 / 1e8).
  • date: Creation date.
  • fixed_id: The docker ID assigned when the live trading is running. If it is automatic, the value is -1.
  • is_manager: Whether you have the authority to manage this live trading.
  • is_sandbox: Whether it is a simulated trading.
  • name: Name of the live trading.
  • node_id: Docker ID。
  • pexchanges: The exchange object of the live trading, 123 is the pid, and “Futures_OKCoin” is the exchange name.
  • plabels: Tag information of the exchange object configured in the live trading.
  • profit: Live trading profit data.
  • public: Whether the live trading is public.
  • refresh: Last active time.
  • strategy_exchange_pairs: Configured exchange object, set trading pair information.
  • wd: Whether to enable offline alarm.

The robotId parameter is used to specify the Id of the live trading for which the details are to be obtained. You can use the GetRobotList method to obtain information about the live trading under the account, which contains the live trading Id.

robotId true number

The attribute description of strategy_exchange_pairs, take the following data as an example:


The first data 60 represents the default K-line period set by live trading is 1 minute, namely 60 seconds.

[44314,42960,15445,14703] is the exchange object pid configured for live trading (according to the addition order).

[\"BTC_USDT\",\"BTC_USDT\",\"ETH_USDT\",\"ETH_USDT\"] is the trading pair set for the exchange object configured by live trading (in the order of addition and in one-to-one correspondence with pid).