Submitted Bug: An interaction button without a default parameter value when creating a policy failed to save

Author: guigui17f, Created: 2017-10-25 13:00:57, Updated:

提交Bug:创建策略时无默认参数值的交互按钮导致保存失败For example, if an interaction button is added to the policy when it is created, and the default parameter value of the button is not specified, the input box will be red alerted in the interaction preview bar of the tab, at which point the direct save policy will prompt the incomplete tab of the tab form, resulting in a save failure. Content must be filled in all the input boxes to save successfully. Please have time to fix this bug.


Inventors quantify - small dreamsGood, thanks for asking, but in principle, it's okay to let the user set a default value. If you don't need to pass a parameter, just a button, you can choose the button controller.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThe default setting is set to a character, for example, null , which represents the default.

guigui17fThere is no such thing as a "default value" because many times you need to set parameters according to the specific situation.