Bitfinex is running erroneously, help analyze, thank you!

Author: wangwlb, Created: 2017-11-01 13:03:59, Updated:

Bitfinex is running an error, help analyze, thank you! The following alerts are displayed after the normal sale: Error: bad argument #1 to LogProfit string (float64 expected, got string) mainFILEWhat does it mean? Bitfinex has sold 6373.1 0.00916 {High:6481.5,Low:6082.5,Sell:6373.3,Buy:6373.2,Last:6373.2,Volume:44466.88351939,Time:1509510612772}

The text of line 129 reads as follows: LogProfit ((MACD cause, nowAccount.Balance.toFixed(1) - initAccount.Balance.toFixed(1), Money earned: nowAccount.Balance.toFixed(1), Coin earned: nowAccount.Stocks.toFixed(3), Details of the hedge fund: nowAccount.Stocks.toFixed(3);

Thank you.


wangwlbThis tactic has been in place for 2-3 months, no problems, why so many problems moving to the outside?

wangwlbThe order was sold with the following error message: 2017-11-01 12:30:08 Bitfinex error GetOrders: Post read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host Please help me to see it.

wangwlbGood, thank you.

Inventors quantify - small dreamsIf you are in the BotVS group, you can always contact me if you have any questions.

wangwlbThank you very much!

Inventors quantify - small dreamsError: bad argument #1 to 'LogProfit' (float64 expected, got string) main FILE:129 This error is caused by an input parameter error, the first parameter of the LogProfit function is a numeric type, but accepts a string type. 2, Bitfinex error GetOrders: Post read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This error was caused by network factors or a disconnection of the exchange server. The same policy applies to other exchanges, which may need to be adjusted because each exchange may have different places for API access restrictions, etc.