The exchange.Go))) method is not working, please check the following version of C++

Author: lanchaiye, Created: 2017-12-22 12:39:16, Updated: 2017-12-23 14:52:52

   auto d = exchange.GetDepth();
    if (d.Valid) {
        Log(d.Asks[0], d.Bids[0]);
   TId ffff;
    auto  ff=exchange.Go("Sell",d.Bids[0].Price,0.05);
         Log(" 111",ffff);

This code attempts to simulate a real-time buy-sell attempt without success. No response. Do not use the exchange.Go () method directly with the exchange.Sell () method; this method can be successful.


lanchaiyeGood. Okay, you got it.

ZeroI've repaired it, I can restart the robot.