Which god can help me write a simple strategy?

Author: gamebugs, Created: 2016-12-15 16:08:30, Updated:

I've been praying for a simple strategy, and God help me. okcoin spot btc, one hour brine line, price on brine line underground buy, price on brine line underground sell Stop loss: The current price is 2% less than the purchase price. What great god can help us?


gamebugsThis is a list of all the different ways Dn-filebox.qbox.me/f9d664f5a48ac2925e790ef9305b99f931d9595d.png is credited in the database. Do the two lines on the graph have a calculated downward trend? See the graph already has a price breakdown downward trend, but the strategy has not been traded, and the downward trend appears to be different from the downward trend on the ok.

muiaAberration to reference

Inventors quantify - small dreamsOh, the results of the retest match up!

The short-line king won selling the high-price strategyThinking about how you feel is losing money.