K-line date problem in python

Author: shenglinqian, Created: 2017-05-25 13:50:10, Updated:

Please ask if the current date can be determined in the retrieval in python? the time field in record is translated with timelocal and strftime time is very strange, also please tell me, thank you!


Inventors quantify - small dreamsYes, the time in Python's time module is a floating point number of seconds.

edwardgywSo the time in records is milliseconds, and you're going to have to divide by 1000 to convert it.

shenglinqianThank you!

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThat's right

Inventors quantify - small dreamsThis is a list of all the different ways Dn-filebox.qbox.me/9b557ee68537c783b97fdc53ad37070833bbe753.png is credited in the database. I've ported the template to Python, and I can try it, and it has IsTrading functions.

edwardgywIn the js while (!exchange.IO (("status")) { Sleep ((500) is a I'm not sure. In a nutshell, exchange.IO (("status") is used to determine if you are connected to an exchange. In addition, $.IsTrading (ContractType) is used to determine whether the futures varieties are trading at the time. $.IsTrading is a function in the zero futures commodity library that you can search for and port to yourself.

shenglinqianIf you ask me again, Python has retested that during non-trading time, the system writes a lot of "login error: not login", how can this be solved better?

shenglinqianThank you!

shenglinqianThank you!