This is a screenshot of the video:
The only thing that can be done is to make the original set, the reverse set can be modified, the contract can be changed, that is, the reverse set.
Add two exchange objects, the first one for the quarter, the second one for the week.
There is a lot of room to optimize, the teaching strategy is careful, and there is a certain risk in the transition period.
Orders can be placed at the same price.
Welcome to feedback BUG.
function Hedge (isOpen, retSetA, retSetB) { exchanges[0].SetDirection(isOpen ? "sell" : "closesell") exchanges[1].SetDirection(isOpen ? "buy" : "closebuy"); (function (routineA, routineB) { Log(routineA.wait(), routineB.wait(), retSetA, retSetB) })(exchanges[0].Go(isOpen ? "Sell" : "Buy", -1, _ContractNum), exchanges[1].Go(isOpen ? "Buy" : "Sell", -1, _ContractNum)) } function main () { var param = {"op": "subscribe", "args": ["futures/ticker:" + _Instrument_id_A, "futures/ticker:" + _Instrument_id_B]} var client = Dial("wss://|compress=gzip_raw&mode=recv&reconnect=true&payload=" + JSON.stringify(param)) client.write(JSON.stringify(param)) var tickerA, tickerB var arr = [] for (var i = 0 ; i < _Count ; i++) { arr.push({open: _Begin + i * _Add, cover: _Begin + i * _Add - _Profit, isHold: false}) } while (1) { var tab = {type: "table", title: "状态", cols: ["节点信息"], rows: []} Sleep(10) var ret = if (!ret || ret == "") { continue } var obj = null try { obj = JSON.parse(ret) } catch (e) { Log(e) continue } if (obj.table == "futures/ticker" &&[0].instrument_id == _Instrument_id_A) { tickerA =[0] } else if (obj.table == "futures/ticker" &&[0].instrument_id == _Instrument_id_B) { tickerB =[0] } if (tickerA && tickerB) { $.PlotLine(tickerA.instrument_id + "-" + tickerB.instrument_id, tickerA.last - tickerB.last) for (var j = 0 ; j < arr.length; j++) { if (tickerA.best_bid - tickerB.best_ask > arr[j].open && !arr[j].isHold) { Hedge(true, exchanges[0].SetContractType("quarter"), exchanges[1].SetContractType("this_week")) arr[j].isHold = true } if (tickerA.best_ask - tickerB.best_bid < arr[j].cover && arr[j].isHold) { Hedge(false, exchanges[0].SetContractType("quarter"), exchanges[1].SetContractType("this_week")) arr[j].isHold = false } tab.rows.push([JSON.stringify(arr[j])]) } } LogStatus(_D(), "\n `" + JSON.stringify(tab) + "`") } }
chaoOK, V5 is now a private channel.
I love Jimmy.I'm going to try to find a way to do that, but I'm not sure how to do it. Time Platform type price quantity information 2021-02-13 00:00:00 Error main:12:12 - TypeError: Cannot read property 'write' of undefined 2021-02-13 00:00:00 Error sandbox not support Dial
fmzeroWhere's the teaching video?
Inventors quantify - small dreamsThis policy cannot be used if the dial function is not supported.