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C++期货高频套币策略OKEX Websocket版

Author: 发明者量化-小小梦, Date: 2019-08-24 13:54:04
Tags: C++对冲套利Websocket

C++期货高频套币策略OKEX Websocket版


策略原理为非常简单的,OKEX合约跨期对冲,仓位控制设计方面,设计为差价网格对冲。 策略定义两个合约,A合约,B合约。可以合约设置不同的合约代码,进行对冲。 例如,设置 A 合约为季度合约,B合约为当周合约(也可以设置 A 为近期合约,B为远期合约,其它定义就是相反的)。 对冲操作即分为 做空A合约(季度),做多B合约(类似 商品期货中跨期套利的做空远期合约,做多近期合约,进行正套) 做多A合约,做空B合约(类似商品期货中的做空近期,做多远期,进行反套)

  • 设计特点

    • 代码语言 策略编写代码使用C++语言,具有速度快的性能优势。

    • 行情驱动: 行情驱动采用OKEX websocket 接口接受交易所推送行情,最新行情获取较为及时,行情数据使用数据量不大的实时tick数据, 对于行情响应速度有不小提升。对于tick 数据,策略专门构造了一个K线生成器,用来对获取到的tick数据计算后的合约差价,进行K线合成。 策略对冲操作的开仓、平仓 均由该K线生成器类对象生成的数据驱动。

    • 仓位控制 仓位控制采用类似 「波菲纳契」数列的对冲仓位比例,进行控制。 实现差价越大,套利对冲数量相对增加,对仓位进行分散,从而把握住小差价波动小仓位,大差价波动仓位适当增大。

    • 平仓:止损止盈 固定的止盈差价,止损差价。 持仓差价到达止盈位置、止损位置即进行止盈、止损。

    • 入市、离市 周期设计 参数 NPeriod 控制的周期对策略的开仓平仓进行一定的动态控制。

    • 仓位平衡系统、订单检测系统 策略有专门的定期检测 平衡系统。 订单检测系统。

    • 策略扩展 策略代码设计耦合度较低,可扩展为商品期货对冲,或者进行进一步优化,修改。

    • 策略图表 策略自动生成差价 K线图表,标记相关交易信息。

  • 回测

C++期货高频套币策略OKEX Websocket版

C++期货高频套币策略OKEX Websocket版

C++期货高频套币策略OKEX Websocket版

start: 2019-07-22 00:00:00
end: 2019-08-21 00:00:00
period: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_OKCoin","currency":"BTC_USD","stocks":0.1,"fee":[0.02,0.05]}]
args: [["InstrumentB","quarter"],["NPeriod",200],["LeavePeriod",100],["AddMax",3],["StopLoss",20],["StopWin",50],["OpenAmount",2]]

enum State {

string replace(string s, const string from, const string& to) {
        for(size_t pos = 0; (pos = s.find(from, pos)) != std::string::npos; pos += to.size())
            s.replace(pos, from.size(), to);
    return s;

class BarFeeder {
        BarFeeder(int period) : _period(period) {
            _rs.Valid = true;

        void feed(double price, Chart *c=nullptr, int chartIdx=0) {
            uint64_t epoch = uint64_t(Unix() / _period) * _period * 1000;
            bool newBar = false;
            if (_rs.size() == 0 || _rs[_rs.size()-1].Time < epoch) {
                Record r;
                r.Time = epoch;
                r.Open = r.High = r.Low = r.Close = price;
                if (_rs.size() > 2000) {
                newBar = true;
            } else {
                Record &r = _rs[_rs.size() - 1];
                r.High = max(r.High, price);
                r.Low = min(r.Low, price);
                r.Close = price;
            auto bar = _rs[_rs.size()-1];
            json point = {bar.Time, bar.Open, bar.High, bar.Low, bar.Close};
            if (c != nullptr) {
               if (newBar) {
                    c->add(chartIdx, point);
                } else {
                    c->add(chartIdx, point, -1);
        Records & get() {
            return _rs;
        int _period;
        Records _rs;

class Hedge {
    Hedge() {
        _isCover = true;
        _needCheckOrder = true;
        _st = STATE_NA;
        for (int i = 0; i < AddMax + 1; i++) {
            if (_addArr.size() < 2) {
            _addArr.push_back(_addArr[_addArr.size()-1] + _addArr[_addArr.size()-2]);

        _cfgStr = R"EOF(
        "extension": { "layout": "single", "col": 6, "height": "500px"},
        "rangeSelector": {"enabled": false},
        "tooltip": {"xDateFormat": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A"},
        "plotOptions": {"candlestick": {"color": "#d75442", "upColor": "#6ba583"}},
        "title":{"text":"Spread Long"},
            {"type":"candlestick", "name":"Long Spread","data":[], "id":"dataseriesA"},
            {"type":"flags","data":[], "onSeries": "dataseriesA"}
        "extension": { "layout": "single", "col": 6, "height": "500px"},
        "rangeSelector": {"enabled": false},
        "tooltip": {"xDateFormat": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A"},
        "plotOptions": {"candlestick": {"color": "#d75442", "upColor": "#6ba583"}},
        "title":{"text":"Spread Short"},
            {"type":"candlestick", "name":"Long Spread","data":[], "id":"dataseriesA"},
            {"type":"flags","data":[], "onSeries": "dataseriesA"}
    State getState(string &symbolA, Depth &depthA, string &symbolB, Depth &depthB) {
        if (!_needCheckOrder && _st != STATE_NA) {
            return _st;

        //Log("sync orders");
        auto orders = exchange.GetOrders();
        if (!orders.Valid) {
            return STATE_NA;

        if (orders.size() > 0) {
            for (auto &order : orders) {
            return STATE_NA;
        //Log("sync positions");
        auto positions = exchange.GetPosition();
        if (!positions.Valid) {
            return STATE_NA;
        // cache orders and positions;
        _needCheckOrder = false;
        if (positions.size() == 0) {
            //Log("Position is empty");
            return STATE_IDLE;

        State st[2] = {STATE_IDLE, STATE_IDLE};
        double holdAmount[2] = {0, 0};
        double holdPrice[2] = {};
        for (auto &pos : positions) {
            int idx = -1;
            if (pos.ContractType == symbolA) {
                idx = 0;
            } else if (pos.ContractType == symbolB) {
                idx = 1;
            if (idx >= 0) {
                holdPrice[idx] = pos.Price;
                holdAmount[idx] += pos.Amount;
                st[idx] = pos.Type == PD_LONG || pos.Type == PD_LONG_YD ? STATE_HOLD_LONG : STATE_HOLD_SHORT;

        if (holdAmount[0] > holdAmount[1]) {
            st[1] = STATE_IDLE;
        } else if (holdAmount[0] < holdAmount[1]) {
            st[0] = STATE_IDLE;

        if (st[0] != STATE_IDLE && st[1] != STATE_IDLE) {
            // update
            _holdPrice = _N(holdPrice[1] - holdPrice[0], 4);
            _holdAmount = holdAmount[0];
            return st[0];
        } else if (st[0] == STATE_IDLE && st[1] == STATE_IDLE) {
            return STATE_IDLE;
        } else {
            double amount = abs(holdAmount[0] - holdAmount[1]);
            auto idx_fat = st[0] == STATE_IDLE ? 1 : 0;
            if (_isCover) {
                exchange.SetContractType(st[0] == STATE_IDLE ? symbolB : symbolA);
                if (st[idx_fat] == STATE_HOLD_LONG) {
                    exchange.Sell((st[0] == STATE_IDLE ? depthB.Bids[0].Price: depthA.Bids[0].Price)-SlidePrice, amount);
                } else {
                    exchange.Buy((st[0] == STATE_IDLE ? depthB.Asks[0].Price : depthA.Asks[0].Price)+SlidePrice, amount);
            } else {
                exchange.SetContractType(st[0] == STATE_IDLE ? symbolA : symbolB);
                if (st[idx_fat] == STATE_HOLD_LONG) {
                    exchange.Sell((st[0] == STATE_IDLE ? depthA.Bids[0].Price : depthB.Bids[0].Price)-SlidePrice, amount);
                } else {
                    exchange.Buy((st[0] == STATE_IDLE ? depthA.Asks[0].Price : depthB.Asks[0].Price)+SlidePrice, amount);
            _needCheckOrder = true;
            return STATE_NA;
    bool Loop(string &symbolA, Depth &depthA, string &symbolB, Depth &depthB, string extra="") {
        auto diffLong = _N(depthB.Bids[0].Price - depthA.Asks[0].Price, 4);
        auto diffShort = _N(depthB.Asks[0].Price - depthA.Bids[0].Price, 4);
       _feederA.feed(diffLong, &_c, 0);
       _feederB.feed(diffShort, &_c, 2);
        auto barsA = _feederA.get();
        auto barsB = _feederB.get();

        if (barsA.size() < max(LeavePeriod, NPeriod) + 2) {
            LogStatus(_D(), "Calc His", barsA.size());
            return true;
        bool expired = false;
        auto seconds = Unix();
        if (seconds - _lastCache > 600) {
            _needCheckOrder = true;
            expired = true;
        State st = getState(symbolA, depthA, symbolB, depthB);
        if (st == STATE_NA) {
            return true;
        if (st == STATE_IDLE) {
            _holdPrice = 0;
        // cache st
        _st = st;
        if (expired) {
            _lastCache = seconds;
        if (Unix() - seconds > 5) {
            Log("skip this tick");
            return true;

        LogStatus(_D(), "State: ", _state_desc[st], "Hold:", _holdPrice, "Long:", diffLong, "Short:", diffShort, "Loop:", _loopCount, extra);

        if (st == STATE_IDLE && _isCover) {
            auto account = exchange.GetAccount();
            if (account.Valid) {
                double profit = _N(exchange.GetName() == "Futures_OKCoin" ? account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks : account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance, 8);
                LogProfit(profit, _hedgeCount > 0 ? format("Net: %f @", profit) : "");
            _isCover = false;
            return true;
        auto ratio = abs(diffLong - diffShort);
        bool condOpenLong = (st == STATE_IDLE || st == STATE_HOLD_LONG) && (diffLong - _countOpen * max(1.0, _holdPrice * 0.1)) > TA.Highest(barsA.High(), NPeriod) && _countOpen < AddMax;
        bool condOpenShort = (st == STATE_IDLE || st == STATE_HOLD_SHORT) && (diffShort + _countOpen * max(1.0, _holdPrice * 0.1)) < TA.Lowest(barsB.Low(), NPeriod) && _countOpen < AddMax;
        bool condCoverLong = false;
        bool condCoverShort = false;
        bool isLeave = false;
        bool isStopLoss = false;
        bool isStopWin = false;
        if (st == STATE_HOLD_LONG) {
            auto leavePrice = (diffShort + _countCover + ratio);
            isLeave = leavePrice < TA.Lowest(barsB.Low(), LeavePeriod);
            if (!isLeave) {
                isStopLoss = diffShort - _holdPrice >= StopLoss;
                if (!isStopLoss) {
                    isStopWin = _holdPrice - diffShort >= StopWin;
                    if (isStopWin) {
                        Log("Stop Win", "HOLD:", _holdPrice, "SHORT:", diffShort);
                } else {
                    Log("StopLoss", "HOLD:", _holdPrice, "SHORT:", diffShort);
            } else {
                Log("Leave normally", "LeavePrice:", leavePrice);
            condCoverLong = isLeave || isStopLoss || isStopWin;
        } else if (st == STATE_HOLD_SHORT) {
            auto leavePrice = (diffLong - _countCover - ratio);
            isLeave = leavePrice > TA.Highest(barsA.High(), NPeriod);
            if (!isLeave) {
                isStopLoss = _holdPrice - diffLong >= StopLoss;
                if (!isStopLoss) {
                    isStopWin = diffLong - _holdPrice >= StopWin;
                    if (isStopWin) {
                        Log("Stop Win", "HOLD:", _holdPrice, "LONG:", diffLong);
                } else {
                    Log("StopLoss", "HOLD:", _holdPrice, "LONG:", diffLong);
            } else {
                Log("Leave normally", "LeavePrice:", leavePrice);
            condCoverShort = isLeave || isStopLoss || isStopWin;
        string action, color;
        double opPrice;
        int chartIdx = 0;
        if (condOpenLong) {
            // Must Increase
            if (_countOpen > 0 && diffLong <= _holdPrice) {
                return STATE_IDLE;
            _isCover = false;
            _countCover = 0;
            _holdPrice = diffLong;
            auto amount = _addArr[_countOpen];

            if (_countOpen > 0) {
                Log("Add Position Long", _countOpen);
            exchange.Sell(depthB.Bids[0].Price-SlidePrice, amount);

            exchange.Buy(depthA.Asks[0].Price+SlidePrice, amount);
            action = "L";
            color = "blue";
            opPrice = diffLong;
            chartIdx = 1;
        } else if (condOpenShort) {
            // Must Decrease
            if (_countOpen > 0 && diffShort >= _holdPrice) {
                return STATE_IDLE;
            _isCover = false;
            _countCover = 0;
            _holdPrice = diffShort;
            auto amount = _addArr[_countOpen];

            if (_countOpen > 0) {
                Log("Add Position Short", _countOpen);
            exchange.Sell(depthA.Bids[0].Price-SlidePrice, amount);

            exchange.Buy(depthB.Asks[0].Price+SlidePrice, amount);
            action = "S";
            color = "red";
            opPrice = diffShort;
            chartIdx = 3;
        } else if (condCoverLong) {
            _isCover = true;
            _countOpen = 0;
            if (_countCover > 0) {
                Log("Cover Position Long", _countCover);
            exchange.Buy(depthB.Asks[0].Price+SlidePrice, _holdAmount);

            exchange.Sell(depthA.Bids[0].Price-SlidePrice, _holdAmount);
           action = "CL";
           color = "blue";
           opPrice = diffShort;
           chartIdx = 3;
        } else if (condCoverShort) {
            _isCover = true;
            _countOpen = 0;
            if (_countCover > 0) {
                Log("Cover Position Short", _countCover);
            exchange.Buy(depthA.Asks[0].Price+SlidePrice, _holdAmount);

            exchange.Sell(depthB.Bids[0].Price-SlidePrice, _holdAmount);
            action = "CS";
            color = "blue";
            opPrice = diffLong;
            chartIdx = 1;
        } else {
            return true;
        _needCheckOrder = true;
        _c.add(chartIdx, {{"x", UnixNano()/1000000}, {"title", action},  {"text", format("diff: %f", opPrice)}, {"color", color}});
        Log(st, "Long:", diffLong, "Short:", diffShort, "Hold:", _holdPrice);
        return true;

    vector<double> _addArr;
    string _state_desc[4] = {"NA", "IDLE", "LONG", "SHORT"};
    int _countOpen = 0;
    int _countCover = 0;
    int _lastCache = 0;
    int _hedgeCount = 0;
    int _loopCount = 0;
    double _holdPrice = 0;
    BarFeeder _feederA = BarFeeder(DPeriod);
    BarFeeder _feederB = BarFeeder(DPeriod);
    State _st = STATE_NA;
    string _cfgStr;
    double _holdAmount = 0;
    bool _isCover = false;
    bool _needCheckOrder = true;
    Chart _c = Chart("{}");

inline unsigned char toHex(unsigned char x) { 
    return  x > 9 ? x + 55 : x + 48; 

std::string urlencode(const std::string& str) {
    std::string strTemp = "";
    size_t length = str.length();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
        if (isalnum((unsigned char)str[i]) || 
            (str[i] == '-') ||
            (str[i] == '_') || 
            (str[i] == '.') || 
            (str[i] == '~'))
            strTemp += str[i];
        else if (str[i] == ' ')
            strTemp += "+";
            strTemp += '%';
            strTemp += toHex((unsigned char)str[i] >> 4);
            strTemp += toHex((unsigned char)str[i] % 16);
    return strTemp;

uint64_t _Time(string &s) {
    tm t_init;
    t_init.tm_year  = 70;
    t_init.tm_mon   = 0;
    t_init.tm_mday  = 1;
    t_init.tm_hour  = 0;
    t_init.tm_min   = 0;
    t_init.tm_sec   = 0;
    tm t;
    int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ms;
    sscanf(s.c_str(), "%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d.%dZ", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second, &ms);
    t.tm_year  = year - 1900;
    t.tm_mon   = month - 1;
    t.tm_mday  = day;
    t.tm_hour  = hour;
    t.tm_min   = minute;
    t.tm_sec   = second;
    t.tm_isdst = 0;

    return uint64_t(mktime(&t))*1000+ms-uint64_t(mktime(&t_init))*1000;

void main() {
    // exchange.IO("base", "https://www.okex.me");   // 测试
    if (IsSetProxy) {
    Log("Init OK");
    string symbolA = InstrumentA;
    string symbolB = InstrumentB;
    Hedge h;
    if (IsVirtual()) {
        while (true) {
            auto depthA = exchange.GetDepth();
            if (depthA.Valid) {
                auto depthB = exchange.GetDepth();
                if (depthB.Valid) {
                    h.Loop(symbolA, depthA, symbolB, depthB);
    if (exchange.GetName() != "Futures_OKCoin") {
        Panic("only support Futures_OKCoin");
    string realSymbolA = exchange.SetContractType(symbolA)["instrument"];
    string realSymbolB = exchange.SetContractType(symbolB)["instrument"];

    string qs = urlencode(json({{"op", "subscribe"}, {"args", {"futures/depth5:" + realSymbolA, "futures/depth5:" + realSymbolB}}}).dump());
    Log("try connect to websocket");
    // wss://real.OKEx.com:8443/ws/v3
    auto ws = Dial("wss://real.okex.com:8443/ws/v3|compress=gzip_raw&mode=recv&reconnect=true&payload="+qs);
    // auto ws = Dial("wss://real.okex.me:8443/ws/v3|compress=gzip_raw&mode=recv&reconnect=true&payload="+qs);
    Log("connect to websocket success");
    Depth depthA, depthB;
    auto fillDepth = [](json &data, Depth &d) {
        d.Valid = true;
        d.Asks.push_back({atof(string(data["asks"][0][0]).c_str()), atof(string(data["asks"][0][1]).c_str())});
        d.Bids.push_back({atof(string(data["bids"][0][0]).c_str()), atof(string(data["bids"][0][1]).c_str())});
    string timeA;
    string timeB;
    while (true) {
        auto buf = ws.read();

        // Log("buf:", buf);   // 测试
        json obj;
        try {
            obj = json::parse(buf);
        } catch (json::parse_error& e) {
        if (obj["data"].size() == 0) {
        auto data = obj["data"][0];
        string ins = data["instrument_id"];
        if (ins == realSymbolA) {
            fillDepth(data, depthA);
            timeA = data["timestamp"];
        } else if (ins == realSymbolB) {
            fillDepth(data, depthB);
            timeB = data["timestamp"];
        if (depthA.Valid && depthB.Valid) {
            auto diffA = uint64_t(UnixNano()/1000000)-_Time(timeA);
            auto diffB = uint64_t(UnixNano()/1000000)-_Time(timeB);

            if (diffA > MaxDelay || diffB > MaxDelay) {
            h.Loop(symbolA, depthA, symbolB, depthB, format("market delay (ms): %d, %d", diffA, diffB));



小正 想問一下 跑實盤是 圖能顯示 但跑了一會一直跳出 Exchange_GetOrders: 429: {"error_message":"Too Many Requests","code":30014,"error_code":"30014","message":"Too Many Requests"} Exchange_GetOrders: 400: {"error_message":"Coin type wrong","code":30031,"error_code":"30031","message":"Coin type wrong"} 是什麼原因呢

AIlin /upload/asset/bb5df259b6a8148b1f65.png 梦大,从昨天中午跑到晚上没下单,从晚上又跑到现在还是没下单 是不能直接实盘吗?0.0

李笑松 回测实盘都报json解析错误

elvis1213 /upload/asset/14bc485151de321c0a6a1.jpg 跑了一段时间,突然又出问题了

elvis1213 麻烦大神帮我看下,现在以启动就报这个错,而且瞬间几十页的日志 /upload/asset/14bfcf6f9da5f49807e68.jpg

elvis1213 一直报这个错误 /upload/asset/14b9d3530ce1a60bde3ca.jpg ,可是交易所选的是OKEX期货

轻轻的云 /upload/asset/5a8be467dae6c9a52b7d.jpg 梦大,前面跑的好好的,然后就出来这个了,该怎么处理啊?谢谢

wyzcb 这个策略支持EOS期货吗?

空军永不为奴 [json.exception.type_error.305] cannot use operator[] with a string argument with boolean、 报这个,需要怎么解决

hardmy exchange.SetContractType(symbolA) 这个函数报错,返回的是bool类型。请问如何解决?

发明者量化-小小梦 第一个报错是 Coin type wrong , 检查是不是交易对,币种什么地方设置错了。第二个错误是由于第一个错误,导致频繁重试,超过交易所接口访问频率限制了。一个服务器上跑的机器人如果都是访问一个交易所,很容易超过频率限制,这个也要注意下。

发明者量化-小小梦 代码,你调试下,看ws接口read 后数据是什么。找下问题,我这测试正常。

AIlin 是服务器的问题吗?可是这个服务器在交易终端可以正常在okex交易啊

发明者量化-小小梦 那说明网络问题。没有连接到交易所。没有数据推送过来。

AIlin 没有K线 只有个策略图表 /upload/asset/ba842a27a3766766bf54.png

发明者量化-小小梦 机器人运行时,页面上图表出来了么? 图表K线出来了就是正常的,是没有触发交易,如果图表没出来,说明行情问题,要检查下。

发明者量化-小小梦 是策略调整了,您重新复制一下这个策略,可以跑通了,测试了。

李笑松 看了下okex接口没改啊

发明者量化-小小梦 这个策略不支持回测,因为是基于交易所WS接口的,实盘的时候看下OKEX 是不是WS 接口端口改了,在策略代码里面设置一下就可以了。

发明者量化-小小梦 这个完整的信息发下, 应该是解析JSON 的时候 交易所ws接口返回的数据异常导致的。

elvis1213 已经解决了,ip的问题

发明者量化-小小梦 OKEX WS 接口地址 好像改了, 要去OKEX 文档上 看下,现在是什么地址 填写上去 就可以了, 策略里面Dial函数 填写的地址。

elvis1213 感谢

发明者量化-小小梦 这个策略 主要用来学习 ,实盘慎用,建议看明白代码,理解原理,根据自己交易习惯 加以优化改造。

elvis1213 感谢大神,已经部署成功了!

发明者量化-小小梦 建议使用私有托管者服务器。公共服务器 只是用来 练习、测试的。

elvis1213 交易所选的是OKEX期货 难道跟服务器有关系吗,我选的是公用服务器 /upload/asset/14b2c038dcb23dfa93b8b.jpg

发明者量化-小小梦 应该是配置交易所对象的时候,选择成现货了。重新配置一下试试,选择的时候选择: /upload/asset/178df7ad9e03924f4dda.png

轻轻的云 好的,谢谢梦大,我绑定IP试试。。。。

发明者量化-小小梦 这个不是报错,这个是WS 接口数据异常了,策略打印的异常信息。

发明者量化 更新托管就能解决

发明者量化-小小梦 这个不是报错, 是捕获异常后,打印的信息吧,是蓝色的日志吧。 如果不需要可以在代码中删除这行输出。 或者是 托管者比较老,JSON 处理这块的问题。 更新下托管者就可以了。

发明者量化-小小梦 报错信息 截图看下,或者 信息复制粘贴发下。估计是传错参数了。