KD Dual-direction Tracking Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-09-11 15:06:36

This strategy uses the KD indicator to determine market strength and weakness, and trades both directions based on the momentum. Specifically, the market is considered strong when K crosses above 80, and weak when K crosses below 20. In a strong market, long positions are added when K first crosses below 50. In a weak market, short positions are added when K first crosses above 50. Exits occur when strong turns weak or vice versa.

The advantage of this strategy is seizing various turning points in a timely manner. However, KD itself has strong lagging, and cannot preempt turns. Also, the pyramiding carries high risk. Strict stop loss is crucial, otherwise losses could expand rapidly.

In summary, the KD dual-direction tracking strategy can capitalize on strong momentum but with substantial risk. Exhaustive backtesting, parameter optimization, and good stop loss mechanisms are required for stable live application.

start: 2023-08-11 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-10 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// strategy("KD base strategy", overlay=true, pyramiding=1000, process_orders_on_close=true, precision=6, max_bars_back=720)

max=input(defval=20, title="庫存上限(share)", type=input.integer)
min=input(defval=-10, title="庫存下限(share)", type=input.integer)
period=input(defval=9, title="KD 週期(KD period)", type=input.integer, minval=2)


rsv:=stoch(close, high, low, period)


if bar_index <= period
    k:=k[1]*2/3 + rsv/3
    dir2 := dir2[1]
    sum2 := sum2[1]

// rsv = 100 * (close - lowest(low, period)) / (highest(high, period) - lowest(low, period))
// k=k[1]*2/3 + rsv/3
// 3k=k[1]*2 + rsv
// 3k-k[1]*2= 100 * (close - lowest(low, period)) / (highest(high, period) - lowest(low, period))
// (3k-k[1]*2)/100*(highest(high, period) - lowest(low, period)) + lowest(low, period) = close
// let k = 80, close = (3*80-k[1]*2)/100*(highest(high, period) - lowest(low, period)) + lowest(low, period)
k80:=(3*80-k[1]*2)/100*(highest(high, period) - lowest(low, period)) + lowest(low, period)
k50:=(3*50-k[1]*2)/100*(highest(high, period) - lowest(low, period)) + lowest(low, period)
k20:=(3*20-k[1]*2)/100*(highest(high, period) - lowest(low, period)) + lowest(low, period)

// rule 1, strong target, buy when k < 50.
if (dir2 == 1 and k[1] >= 50 and k < 50 and sum2 < 1 and sum2 >= 0 and sum2 < 0.66)
    sum2 := sum2 + 0.33
// rule 2, weak target, sell when k > 50.
if (dir2 == -1 and k[1] <= 50 and k > 50 and sum2 > -1 and sum2 <= 0 and sum2 > -0.66) 
    sum2 := sum2 -0.33

// become to strong    
if (k >= 80) 
    dir2 := 1

// become to weak
if (k <= 20) 
    dir2 := -1

// rule 3, strong become to weak, buy when k < 20
if (dir2 == -1 and dir2[1] == 1)
    sum2 := sum2 + 0.33
// rule 4, weak become to strong, buy when k > 80
if (dir2 == 1 and dir2[1] == -1)
    sum2 := sum2 - 0.33

// rule 5, strong but share is smaller than 0    
if (dir2 == 1 and k[1] >= 50 and k < 50 and sum2 <= 0)
    sum2 := 0.33

// rule 6, weak but share is bigger than 0
if (dir2 == -1 and k[1] >= 50 and k < 50 and sum2 >= 0)
    sum2 := -0.33
if sum2 > 0
    share2 := round(sum2 * max)
    if sum2 < 0
        share2 := round(abs(sum2) * min)

if share2 > share
    strategy.order(id='buy', long=true)
    if share2 < share
        strategy.order(id="sell", long=false)

plot(share, "持股(share)")
plot(dir2, "方向(direction)")
plot(k80, "Strong", color.red)
plot(k50, "Middle", color.white)
plot(k20, "Weak", color.green)
plot(k, "k")
